Statement of Terms and Contract
In undertaking this Nuzlocke Run, we the undersigned, agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
1) After entering an area of the game world specified by name, only the first wild pokemon that appears may be caught. Furthermore, only one pokemon may be obtained in a particular area by any means.
a. Trading a pokemon with any human person other than those signed below is prohibited.
b. Trading a pokemon with yourself from another game cartridge is prohibited.
c. Trading a pokemon with an in-game character is permitted. However, it is subject to the above rule regarding the obtaining of pokemon.
d. Trading a pokemon with a person also under the terms of this contract is permitted and is exempt from the above rule regarding the obtaining of pokemon.
2) If a pokemon’s hit points are reduced to zero and the pokemon faints, that pokemon may not be revived through use of any item, and must be released from your party and computer storage. That pokemon shall, from that time forward, be considered “dead."
3) Pokemon, once obtained, must be given a nickname.
4) Important events encountered in the pursuit of this Nuzlocke Run should be recorded. This includes the following:
a. Name and location of pokemon caught
b. Name and location of pokemon obtained without being caught
c. Name and location of first pokemon encountered, but not caught in an area.
d. Name, location, and description of events surrounding a pokemon’s “death”.
e. Arrival at a new town
f. Description of defeat of Gym leaders
g. Description of defeat of Elite four trainers.
h. Other noteworthy battles (e.g. Rival Battles)
i. The end of the Nuzlocke Run due to defeat
j. The successful completion of the Nuzlocke Run; as defined by becoming Champion
Failure to comply with the above terms and conditions for the duration of the Nuzlocke run shall indicate the offending party to be a godd*** F***ing noob b*****d.
This is the old contract for their previous run; there were additional rules added for things like Pokewalker (forbidden) and using the Daycare center (also forbidden). Pokemon are also put in a Graveyard box instead of released for record-keeping purposes, and a couple other rules. The penalty for cheating is quite severe, right?
This is my current party.
Here are most of my other Pokemon. I also have a Miltank, Girafarig, and Tentacool, but haven't gotten around to drawing them yet.