Honors classes aint even hard, teachers are very flexible lol, you just gotta be persuasive and make up the pro johns lol. I have 3 AP classes and 2 honors and 1 regular, im fine as ****. well that 3rd ap class is spanish lololol, free. AP, honors and regulars are very similar material, u just get ****loads of work and higher expectations on the quality of the work. The only reason any of this classes are ever hard for me is because of intense procrastination lmao, im a pretty hard procrastinator, I be writing essays at 3:00 am, due 8:00 am, get NAH SLEEP LMAO. I don't even keep a straight A average lol, as long as I get A, Bs and 2 Cs, I'm poppin. I dont get why my parents get mad over C's, im like, isin't that average? Eat a ****. I'm the most average *****h ever.
Lol Keitaro, i be doing that **** too lololol, I go home, go on youtube and even after all that I don't even understand, yo I love science, too bad that **** is tied to math, shm.
I can't even practice smash if I want down here lol, ive grown out of practice, ima set up wifi lol. Bleachigo steppin it up more and more each time.
Also I got yall with something i found out about gurren lagann.
In the beginning there, they show simon in space with evolved bottah, except they dont show his face, it is in alternative universe where simon abused spiral energy and that is doomed to the "spiral nemesis", All the spiral races are fighting each other, he says " All the lights in the sky are our enemy now"
He says the same thing in the end of series except he says " All the lights in the sky are stars, of our spiral brothers, waiting for us".