I remember 9/11/01. It was 4th grade, and I was on the bus just outside school when I overheard a classmate say that 2 missles collided with the Twin Towers. I dismissed it, until I got home, and turned on the TV to watch Pokemon. The TV was on one of the news channels, and honestly, at the time, I thought it was horrible, and changed the channel. I thought nothing more. As I grew older, and more mature, I realised just how horrible and sad it truly was. And being the softy I am, I would occasionally shed a tear. Then I think, what is it going to be like when I tell my kids about this? They wont understand at all, even when they grow up, because they werent alive during that time. It will be for them like Pearl Harbor for us, and that makes me a little more sad. I think my sig is appropriate in this situaton as well. Well, not the Brawl related stuff. >.>