So if cancelling a jab with a crouch doesn't make the next move (eg. ftilt) come out faster, why do you need to do it if you can just time the ftilt properly so that you don't jab2?
I don't crouch to jab cancel, either. Some people do--whatever makes it easier for you. When I first started playing Bowser, I crouched, but then I got the timing down.
Dre. said:
And are you saying we can punish their respone on reaction, or do we have to predict? I always thought we had to predict.
It's more conditioning. For example, if you keep misbuffering ftilt out of GR and they shield twice in a row, you'll probably be able to get off Klaw or a regrab next time. It still requires some prediction on your part, of course, but you'd be surprised how much conditioning works on even top players.
Dre. said:
Also, what are his best stages? BF and SV come to mind, but I'm not sure about anything else.
Like Flayl said, they're fairly MU dependent. My favorite stages are Brinstar, BF, PS1, Castle Siege, and Yoshi's. I CP people to those stages depending on their character and their playstyle.
I personally don't like Smashville because I don't practice on that stage often, and typically people who like going there practice on it often. Taking them there would give them a slight edge with platform canceling shenanigans. I almost always strike this if I'm in a region where they suggest going to Smashville instead of striking.
Dre. said:
Also, I watched some of your vids from a couple of months ago, and I know I'm pulling rank here but I really think you should implement b reverse firebreaths to cover landings or as a safer option than retreating klaw because of the increased range. Could be wrong though.
Yeah, I've had people tell me that before. I personally don't use Firebreath very often because it forces Bowser to stay still. If I wanna stay still--and I often do--I prefer to just sit there so I can use one of Bowser's faster options with less ending lag.
I typically use Firebreath in MUs where I like to keep my distance a bit or they dash often. I also use it to bait moves I can punish, ie MK's Nado.
I do appreciate the suggestion, though.