its realatively easy to determine when you look at his vids on youtube like i had to, but at low percents especially his close range game revolves around Up and Forward Throws, mindgaming them to airdodge, then regrabing them for extra throws and damage. its a great set up it really is. if you havent added something like that to your game, then u need to. its that good.
Up throw > side B cancel (opponent will usually air dodge to avoid possible attack OR try to attack him in his charge state as they fall, BUT we know we can shield cancel and that's what he does) > regrab
then he does a few things to mix it up and keep pressure off of that. if you'll wait a moment I'll link some vids and show you some examples. and this is generally what I tend to go for, thoguh I think I tend to use SDVJ> aerial or uair spam a bit more in addition to what you see here. (sonic? spam? the? lol)
for laziness purposes, Forced Air Dodge (FAD) is basically you mindgaming the opponent to airdodge so you can punish them after it. that's all.
Edit: Look at these points in that match closely:
Snake (Ryko) vs Sonic (Malcolm) Match 1
@:35 - Fthrow on snake at 62%, > (FAD via sideB cancel) > regrab> Dthrow.
Result: +18% damage and opponent is offstage.
@1:14 - though the followup failed, he Up throws on snake at a low percent, then FAD via side B cancel near his landing spot so he can try to regrab him. unfortunately, he was just out side of grab range and got f tilted, but this is the foundation of malcolms grab setups.
@1:30 - again, this time the snake is at 45%. this time, he changes the look and does a FAD via empty jump. but fails due to improper spacing. note that despite the relatively high percents, this is still a viable strategy.
@2:26 - this is awesome, and shows the reward A sonic will get for good mindgames. From 0%, dtilt > grab > runs behind opponent ( which is hilarious because the Snake jabs where sonic was lol) > grab> pummel (1hit) > Up throw > FAD via foxtrotted SideB cancel (important that he moved before the sideb to fix his spacing issues during regrab attempts in this match) > Up Throw > Fair
Result: 41% total damage and Snake is in the air, where sonic has the advantage and has the opportunity to put in more damage is he chases correctly. Please note that Snake could have airdodged at teh second upthrow, but probably didn't because of the previous instances in the match where he got regrabbed because of that airdodging. in the end he got mindgamed into doing nothing lol.