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Kittens versus Domo-kuns - Game over, who won?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010

I think he's overreacting a little but I like that he called you out on the noob card before you pulled it.
A perfect win is a perfect win. You can't get a perfect win and then pull a noob card.
Though I do think his reaction is justified, I don't think your statement deserves a vote. Setting up for a noob card is not pulling it out, thus overreacting.

I like that he spotted it but I don't like how he reacted basically.
He's not scummy for it but I'll be watching him.

@Gord: I want to know what you think of the game so far and your current lynch candidate.
yuck i dont like this post

"I like that he called you out for X before you did X" ??? am i misunderstanding, or why would you like that?

I define a "perfect win" to mean none of the winning team's faction members died, not that every letter of every post went perfectly in the winning team's favor. Regardless of which interpretation you use, i cant think of anywhere at all where I pulled a noobcard after winning a perfect win


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
A wild Domo-kun appears!

Rascal was not pleased to have her meal interrupted. She managed to run away to warn the others.
In the meantime, the debates continued.

Vote Count:
J(1): Shadow Moth
Joey(1): Fynal
Fynal(1): Sworddancer,
Sworddancer (2):Ranmaru, J, Gordito

Not Voting: Zen, JO_OEY, Swiss


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Seems I missed it.

An advantage would probz be that we're friends outside of mafia, and therefore, we'd work well together. A disadvantage is that Joey has expressed before that he doesn't enjoy playing as scum, and chances are he'd replace out due to not having fun, and leaving me with a lolzy slot as a scummate.

I actually wanna hear YOU answer the question too, if you may.
There is no advantage. A disadvantage is the same as yours.

Sword: what are your thoughts on J so far?

Fynal: Let's be best friends forever :D

If you had to decide now, would you say that Joey is Scum or Town?

Ran: Let's be friends as well. I gurantee 100% I'm not scum. Do you trust me?

J: What do you think of Gord so far? Swiss?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@Fynal: His #51. I never said he was doing it just to pressure you, I said newb pressure was warranted.

@Zen: Yes, I trust you. *Holds hands*

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
yuck i dont like this post

"I like that he called you out for X before you did X" ??? am i misunderstanding, or why would you like that?

I define a "perfect win" to mean none of the winning team's faction members died, not that every letter of every post went perfectly in the winning team's favor. Regardless of which interpretation you use, i cant think of anywhere at all where I pulled a noobcard after winning a perfect win

You are definitely misunderstanding something. Nobody said you were pulling a noob card yet, but you made a post that could be easily referenced back to if you decided to pull one later. And for the record, my definition of a perfect scum win is the same as yours.

@Gord: which of the two people you don't like would you rather lynch and why.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
1. Game plan: Lynch scummy players. What else? I don't really ever go into a game with a prescribed plan if that's what you're asking.

2. Maybe. I kinda want to though. It's been awhile bro.

3. Idk, is that scumdar of yours rusty of not?
Do you have any idea how arrogant I am?

This. Fynal knows what he's doing. You can't read him like most other newbies. Don't let him get away with the noob card.

vote Fynal

For already trying to set up the noob card (serious vote).

Something I don't like already. Can you explain how he is already trying to set up the n00b card? And the way you are ominously saying, "You can't read him like others and don't let him get away with the n00b card. Look he's already trying to set himself up for it."

Vote: Sworddancer.

I mean already? Goodness me.
Strong dislike on the counter pressure. How legit stick are you on the Swords dislike to say this and nullify his Fynal pressure? What do you think of his reactions to my questions?

Oh ****, oh ****, oh ****. What do I do? He put his vote on me, oh ****. ****. I better say something to deflect the pressure off of me before I get lynched. But what do I say. **** **** ****.

uhh... town.
Why has no-one brought this up? Has someone brought this up? I haven't actually read through properly yet. Joke over reaction to joke pressure, with no content either side even though there is content to discuss. Vote: Moth

Shadow Moth if you play like that all game, I will have massive respect for you after this lmao.
Dislike J egging him on.

Ran and moth aren't scum together.

Inside joke, don't think to hard about it.
This is why. Still dislike. Vote remains.

Sword, I really don't like this paranoia you have around Fynal.
Why is it paranoia? Concisely, please.

#54 Joey is town. Openly saying his game hasn't improved after Fynal gets pressured for saying almost exactly the same thing. Head on to LyLo, kid.

What I dont like about swords vote is that he hasn't made an attempt to follow up asking me stuff (i.e. pressure vote), he just voted, and it'd be ok if it was an RVS vote, but he specifically said "serious vote". I'm not convinced i should vote him over it though.

J's paranoia post is eh

ran tending to get things harmlessly wrong. not sure what to make of that. for example, sword's #51 was correct.

Hi Shadowmoth! got an opinion on swords?
How is J paranoid?

Jesus guys this isn't the shining.

Oh Joey you're definitely town.

#74 Zen do more. Less facepalm. But still facepalm. Just do stuff as well as facepalm. Facepalm loads, actually, just do stuff whilst facepalming. Who's your scum list again? I forget your synopsis of Fynal and Moth - remind me.

#75 Gorf you must have missed my question to you again. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, though. Probably just skimming. Why don't you like Swords and Ran? Walk with me, baby.

#85 Ran why do you trust Zen?

#86 wtf is this

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Taking this one post at a time.


Ran said:
Didn't you take into consideration that he may have been overwhelmed by other's skill level? I would think this a null tell, not scum tell.
Yes I did. However, I'm getting things moving. If I see even the slightest hint of scumminess, then I'm pouncing on it.

Whether you want to lynch him or not, it is still considered pressure. I wasn't saying you were pressuring him to just pressure him, don't misconstrue what I say. I understand that you are using a null tell as a scum tell.
I wasn't misconstruing anything. You said "noob pressure was called for," which implies that I'm pressuring him because he is a noob, so to try to get a better read on him.

However, I never said I'm pressuring him because of that.

Instead of trying to poke at him to try to develop a stronger read on Fynal, you instead jump to conclusions. Wagon snap would be nice here.

Unvote Vote: Swords
I'm not just doing this for Fynal you know, although I partially am. Besides, why should I just "poke" at him? How do you even suggest I do that, and why would it be better?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Fynal said:
What I dont like about swords vote is that he hasn't made an attempt to follow up asking me stuff (i.e. pressure vote), he just voted, and it'd be ok if it was an RVS vote, but he specifically said "serious vote". I'm not convinced i should vote him over it though.

J's paranoia post is eh

ran tending to get things harmlessly wrong. not sure what to make of that. for example, sword's #51 was correct.

Hi Shadowmoth! got an opinion on swords?
I didn't have any questions for you. Votes don't always have to come with questions.

However, I now have thought of some questions for you.

What do you make of my accusation? You attacked what I didn't do. Okay, whatever. So what about what I have done? Unless I missed it, you yourself haven't actually disagreed with the accusation I made against you, just with how I made it. Why?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Strong dislike on the counter pressure. How legit stick are you on the Swords dislike to say this and nullify his Fynal pressure? What do you think of his reactions to my questions?
I'm fine with my vote on Swords and how does this null his Fynal pressure (though that's the main reason I am finding him scummy.). I don't really have anything to comment on w.r.t. his reactions to your questions.

Question: What do you think of Swords?

Swiss said:
Dislike J egging him on.

Are you serious?

Swiss said:
Ran and moth aren't scum together.

Swiss said:
Why is it paranoia? Concisely, please.
Already explained in a concise way. But once again, His paranoia around Fynal pulling out the noob card again because he apparantly is worried Fynal is gonna wreck this place just as bad as he did his first game. It's over-exaggerated almost conspiracy to be the way he is with this n00b business.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Fynal: It seems I made an error. Alright lemme explain myself a bit. People are saying they don't like it but no one has really explained as to how you are scummy with this n00b card business I honestly don't see. How is it scummy?

Swords interpretation of you seems a bit over-exaggerated FUD around your previous game especially with the, "Don't let him get away with the n00b card."

Basically, I don't see what's scummy about playing a n00b card if there even is one being pulled. It seems like a null tell at best.
Easy escape from pressure, especially if you're not really a newbie.

Over-exaggerated? Maybe. What's wrong though with not wanting someone to get away with the newb card? Shutting down anti-town options is a good things from my experience.

Btw, this is not really FUD. Most accusations Day 1 is simply uncertainty to some degree or another. I'm doing the same.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
yuck i dont like this post

"I like that he called you out for X before you did X" ??? am i misunderstanding, or why would you like that?
I think I can answer this, but I'll let Moth do so.

I define a "perfect win" to mean none of the winning team's faction members died, not that every letter of every post went perfectly in the winning team's favor. Regardless of which interpretation you use, i cant think of anywhere at all where I pulled a noobcard after winning a perfect win
Maybe you're right, but it's hard to know if that would of actually been the case. In anycase, you certainly won't do it now I presume.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Man I already like J.

He didn't seem to be try'na set up the noob card in any angle. In fact, iirc, he was saying that he shouldn't be excused for being a noob. But truth be told, I can say the same about YOU try'na go for a relatively easy lynch target.

Vote: Sword
Who's to say that he's a relatively easy lynch target? From reading my post, you should know that I consider anything but a "easy target."

Also, what makes you think that I'm trying to lynch him? Day just started son.

In fact, Moth's talking about trying a new playstyle can be perceived as him try'na excuse future scummy behavior with "lol i'm experimenting". Seems really bad on your part bro.[/QUOTE]

Explain this more please.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl

You are definitely misunderstanding something. Nobody said you were pulling a noob card yet, but you made a post that could be easily referenced back to if you decided to pull one later. And for the record, my definition of a perfect scum win is the same as yours.

@Gord: which of the two people you don't like would you rather lynch and why.
Ohh, nevermmind. Disregard the first part of my 93 then.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Moth said:
@Gord: which of the two people you don't like would you rather lynch and why.
I'd rather Sword over Ran at this point. I have a more confident read on Sword scum, and what I have on Ran is more of a feel, if that makes sense :p.

Swiss said:
#75 Gorf you must have missed my question to you again. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for this, though. Probably just skimming. Why don't you like Swords and Ran? Walk with me, baby
Wait what?

Swiss said:
8. Gordito - Gorf. Called Gorf for a reason. Why should anyone listen to your advice when I'm in the game?
They should listen cuz I'm a smart player, and should ESPECIALLY be more intent to listening because I'm not necessarily the best at convincing, unlike players like you, or Zen.

Swords seems to be very intent on letting people know that Fynal should be looked after in case he's playing the noob card (which I don't really see it being played, or being set up to be referred back to later on). It seems like he was try'na push for a relatively easy Fynal lynch... when there really isn't much of a case to support it. And plus I feel it's contradictory that he's attacking Fynal for what he says he is, when Moth can more easily be looked at for setting himself up in the future for bad play by calling it a "change in playstyle". It just bugs me.

Ran, I can't tell whether or not I dislike Ran cuz he's Ran, or cuz he's legit scummy. I don't like the way he hopped on the Sword vote. Plus, his questions seem so odd and still, the way he plays is just totally going to mindf*** town, and is anti town. No matter how much I've seen it from town Ran, I still can't see em as town. But I guess I'm giving myself time to feel out a read for his slot (btw Ran I swear to god if I get fourteen questions out of this paragraph I'm going to lick your big toe).

Btw your Moth vote is ********.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Moth & Fynal: Unless I missed it, neither of you are voting someone right now. Why not? Also if either of you were forced to vote, would it be and why?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Sword said:
Who's to say that he's a relatively easy lynch target? From reading my post, you should know that I consider anything but a "easy target."

Also, what makes you think that I'm trying to lynch him? Day just started son.
You know, scum has a tendency of "lying". Lying is when you don't tell the truth. Your actions scream you looking for Fynal cuz it'd be easier to lynch em. Plus, and I know I can't use this as legit evidence, but methinks Swordscum would probz wanna go for somebody like Fynal, who's never played a town game, cuz Swordscum wouldn't have the nerve to go after a better player. But yea, it still stands.

Sword said:
Explain this more please.
You're attacking Fynal under suspicion of setting up the noob card. Noob card's used to justify scummy play. MOTH can be seen as setting up the "new playstyle" card. He says he's try'na be more aggro. And with the same logic you're using for Fynal, Moth can justify any bad play on his part by saying lolnewplaystyle. Yet... you go after Fynal. It's really off to me man.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
You know, scum has a tendency of "lying". Lying is when you don't tell the truth. Your actions scream you looking for Fynal cuz it'd be easier to lynch em.
So you think that I'm just acting like I consider Fynal a hard target in case comeone accuses me of going after an easy target? Doesn't that seem a bit elaborate to you?

Plus, and I know I can't use this as legit evidence, but methinks Swordscum would probz wanna go for somebody like Fynal, who's never played a town game, cuz Swordscum wouldn't have the nerve to go after a better player. But yea, it still stands.
You're right, this isn't legit evidence, it's WIFOM based off of half-baked meta. If you're going to bring meta into this, then realize that in most games I'm scum I'm more way more conservative than this usually.

You're attacking Fynal under suspicion of setting up the noob card. Noob card's used to justify scummy play. MOTH can be seen as setting up the "new playstyle" card. He says he's try'na be more aggro. And with the same logic you're using for Fynal, Moth can justify any bad play on his part by saying lolnewplaystyle. Yet... you go after Fynal. It's really off to me man.
Where? I don't see him trying to set himself up for that. Quote it for me.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So you think that I'm just acting like I consider Fynal a hard target in case comeone accuses me of going after an easy target? Doesn't that seem a bit elaborate to you?
The thing is that I can't conceive you looking at Fynal as a hard target, because I don't see how you can have a feel for his alignment. If he's town, he's never played a town game, making him a legit noob. You don't trust that town will get a feel for his alignment and won't just let em slip by? You DON'T even have a feel for his alignment, I'm sure of that.

Sword said:
You're right, this isn't legit evidence, it's WIFOM based off of half-baked meta. If you're going to bring meta into this, then realize that in most games I'm scum I'm more way more conservative than this usually.
Which is why I'm not going to use it as any argument, rather, a lead.

Sword said:
Where? I don't see him trying to set himself up for that. Quote it for me.
Moth said:
I believe this will be my 7th game I've entered so far. I feel like I understand the game but there's a lot I need to play more to really get the hang of.
I believe the last game I played in was Mindgamed Mafia in the DR. I won that one with town.

I think what I did wrong is that I set myself up as an easy NK target. I've been doing that every game. To fix this I've been playing more aggressively and a bit more recklessly. I'm doing this in an attempt to not look super townie so scum defaults to me for a NK and so that if I do get NK'd I can get as much info as possible while I'm alive.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Swiss my read on Smoth is null atm. I disagree that his joke post is scummy seeing that it's an inside joke. My read on Fynal is town.

J, please use your bestest reasoning skills to tell me why you think Swiss doesn't think Ran and Smoth are buddies.

Sword, you should really get off the Fynal thing. It just makes you look fake. How is it that you're completely oblivious to Smoth's "change in playstyle" card. It's far more relevant than anything Fynal has said. Can you do an iso on Smoth for us?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
J, please use your bestest reasoning skills to tell me why you think Swiss doesn't think Ran and Smoth are buddies.

I believe I found my answer with it and I actually agree now to Swiss' sentiments a bit. Not as fully as he seems but I get what he means.

Vote: Shadow Moth

You ain't eating my clothes. :mad:

Oh ****, oh ****, oh ****. What do I do? He put his vote on me, oh ****. ****. I better say something to deflect the pressure off of me before I get lynched. But what do I say. **** **** ****.

uhh... town.
@Shadow Moth: What?
Inside joke, don't think to hard about it.

This little section is a bit more telling when looked at, at an analytical standpoint. Ranmaru is transparent as scum. Don't know about Smoth though. Anyways they don't seem to be connected as buddies because of the inside joke. Their talk between each other is what indicate they might not be scum-buddies together.

It's weird to explain, I hope I did it somewhat well.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Zen, your opinion of Gord if you please. And also would you agree to some Ran-lynching?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
Fynal: Let's be best friends forever :D

If you had to decide now, would you say that Joey is Scum or Town?
ok :D

joeyy.... ... ...... town i guess, he's a good null (null, but i like his content in general) atm.

I think he's overreacting a little but I like that he called you out on the noob card before you pulled it.
A perfect win is a perfect win. You can't get a perfect win and then pull a noob card.
Though I do think his reaction is justified, I don't think your statement deserves a vote. Setting up for a noob card is not pulling it out, thus overreacting.

I like that he spotted it but I don't like how he reacted basically.
He's not scummy for it but I'll be watching him.

You are definitely misunderstanding something. Nobody said you were pulling a noob card yet, but you made a post that could be easily referenced back to if you decided to pull one later. And for the record, my definition of a perfect scum win is the same as yours.
so what you are saying is, because i got a perfect win last game I can't be allowed to pull a noobcard during this game?

I believe I found my answer with it and I actually agree now to Swiss' sentiments a bit. Not as fully as he seems but I get what he means.
i prettymuch agree.

more in a bit


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Man I already like J.

He didn't seem to be try'na set up the noob card in any angle. In fact, iirc, he was saying that he shouldn't be excused for being a noob. But truth be told, I can say the same about YOU try'na go for a relatively easy lynch target.

Vote: Sword

In fact, Moth's talking about trying a new playstyle can be perceived as him try'na excuse future scummy behavior with "lol i'm experimenting". Seems really bad on your part bro.

I beg of you not to play like this Ranmaru.

I promise you'll be staying alive regardless of alignment if you keep being funny.

I don't like Sword. I don't like Ran (can't tell if it's just cuz of him or cuz it's legit scummy yet so :p). And everybody else is fine for now.
good morning to you too swiss, been wondering what yer like in game

i've played one game, newbie 12. i was scum with siek/aa, we had a perfect scum win and i got mvp.

i got REALLY lucky lol, a lot of what i did right was semi-accidental (like lateral attacking of scumbuds, i did it because i couldnt find any other legit-appearing scumreads), there was a lot of experienced townies playing sub-par (so i heard) and im half-expecting i'll make some horrendous scum mistake that i dont know about sometime early in the game and get lynched regardless of my alignment. "higher level" scumtells and non-bs scumhunting are things i know little about so far.

as for seer, im honestly not entirely sure how seer works (cop for wolves? sanity revealed with flip y/n?) but assuming its essentially a cop i'd avoid claiming (barring mass claim or im-about-to-be-lynched) until i have some game-changing results to out

also there are cats in this game soz i'd say this is at least 2% relevant:
No where in this post does Fynal say "I shouldn't be excused for being a noob." What do you think about the bolded post?

Note that moth says "I have been trying," meaning that its not a new playstyle. The post that you're talking about (I'm assuming) is:

I believe this will be my 7th game I've entered so far. I feel like I understand the game but there's a lot I need to play more to really get the hang of.
I believe the last game I played in was Mindgamed Mafia in the DR. I won that one with town.

I think what I did wrong is that I set myself up as an easy NK target. I've been doing that every game. To fix this I've been playing more aggressively and a bit more recklessly. I'm doing this in an attempt to not look super townie so scum defaults to me for a NK and so that if I do get NK'd I can get as much info as possible while I'm alive.
"I've been playing..." implies that its not a new playstyle and that he's been using it recently. Is there something else that implies that he's using a brand new play style?


Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
So you think that I'm just acting like I consider Fynal a hard target in case comeone accuses me of going after an easy target? Doesn't that seem a bit elaborate to you?
You're right, this isn't legit evidence, it's WIFOM based off of half-baked meta. If you're going to bring meta into this, then realize that in most games I'm scum I'm more way more conservative than this usually.

You're basically saying "I wouldn't do this, therefore I'm town"
Really don't like this post.

@Moth & Fynal: Unless I missed it, neither of you are voting someone right now. Why not? Also if either of you were forced to vote, would it be and why?
I have an RVS vote on J but I can go ahead and unvote that.
Right now, my least favorite player is Ranmaru but honestly from what I've heard about him I'm willing to give him a bit more time so I can get a more accurate read on him.
After Ran is Swiss.
Besides obviously not liking his vote on me for my joke, his stances on some things seem off. Like J's stance against sword.

Haven't seen anything I'd consider vote-worthy yet though.

@Joey: Where are you, bro?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010

Right now, my least favorite player is Ranmaru but honestly from what I've heard about him I'm willing to give him a bit more time so I can get a more accurate read on him.
After Ran is Swiss.
Besides obviously not liking his vote on me for my joke, his stances on some things seem off. Like J's stance against sword.

Haven't seen anything I'd consider vote-worthy yet though.
could you explain what you don't like about ranmaru?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
also, could you elaborate on why you like swiss even less than swords, despite your #111 pointing out a post by swords you didn't like, and your not liking sword's way of attacking me (despite liking the reason). Is there something that redeems swords? condemns swiss?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
@#106 - correct.

Moth exactly why do you dislike me, apart from the fact that I'll have a deep rooted, seething hate for you as long as you (or me, but you) are alive. Have you ever been tunnelled before? Do you think you'll enjoy it?

Don't get the Fynal hate. Someone walk me through it.

Zen what was your Gord stance before his #97?

Joey - stances?

@ Whoever asked - Swords leans town. We'll find out after he decided whether to wagon Moth with me or not.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
@Moth: my 113 and 114, ASAP please. i believe i saw you in the thread earlier.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
could you explain what you don't like about ranmaru?
I didn't like that he tried to force a wagon on Swords, I thought the vote was fine but I didn't like the way he tried to blatently force more votes on the wagon.

also, could you elaborate on why you like swiss even less than swords, despite your #111 pointing out a post by swords you didn't like, and your not liking sword's way of attacking me (despite liking the reason). Is there something that redeems swords? condemns swiss?
Well Swiss' #116 certainly didn't help my view of him now that he's made that post, but I think Swords is at least going in the right direction with his stance, I think he's just taking it a little too far.

To answer your last two question's specifically:
Swords is pointing things out that I like and think need to be pointed out.
Swiss is tunneling and I haven't seen a reason why yet. That attack on my joke post is completely unwarranted.

@Swiss: No I've never been tunneled before and I'm not even mad bro.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
Sorry about not posting when I read the thread earlier, I just woke up and was reading so I wouldn't have too much to read later.
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