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Kittens versus Domo-kuns - Game over, who won?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
9. Ranmaru - Same as Gorf, except change the name. Am I correct in assuming you're still mind numbingly bad at this game?
I'm actually good at giving advice, disregarding my skills in mafia. I don't know, I haven't played with you in a while. What do you expect from me? I have played alot of mafia games in between Soul Calibur. That was the only game I have seen you play seriously with me in it.

@Swords: Yeah son.

Vote: Shadow Moth

You ain't eating my clothes. :mad:

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
I was under the impression Domo were good, that way I' get either Domo or scum and be happy.

Incandescent rage.

Yeah I just soft claimed town, and what?

So, what with my activity - let's get this party started.

Player List:
1. Zen - Two pieces of advice; You should play properly. You should heed my advice.
2. Shadow Moth - Explain everything about yourself, I skipped what you said last game. What most recent (finished) game did you play in? What did you do wrong? How are you adapting your play style in light of this?
3. Fynal - Same as above. I'll try not to skip you.
4. JO_OEY - Got any better?
5. Swiss - aiiiiiiii
6. Sworddancer - K. Game plan? Why or why not do you want to hold my hand? Can I have the D1 lynch if you have the D2 lynch?
7. J - Skip because you'll bring up some mundane AtE regardless of what I say.
8. Gordito - Gorf. Called Gorf for a reason. Why should anyone listen to your advice when I'm in the game?
9. Ranmaru - Same as Gorf, except change the name. Am I correct in assuming you're still mind numbingly bad at this game?

Also, Fynal, if you could give any one piece of advice to the Seer, would it be to claim immediately and be protected by the Doc for an impossible scum kill, or to stay alive as long possible? Bearing in mind that the Seer sanity is not known, do you agree that we should treat seer results (both innocent and guilty) with extreme caution?
Fynal is a smart player, don't let his timid attitude fool you, swiss.
1. Game plan: Lynch scummy players. What else? I don't really ever go into a game with a prescribed plan if that's what you're asking.

2. Maybe. I kinda want to though. It's been awhile bro.

3. Idk, is that scumdar of yours rusty of not?

Soup said:
Fynal is a smart player, don't let his timid attitude fool you, swiss.
This. Fynal knows what he's doing. You can't read him like most other newbies. Don't let him get away with the noob card.

vote Fynal

For already trying to set up the noob card (serious vote).

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
This. Fynal knows what he's doing. You can't read him like most other newbies. Don't let him get away with the noob card.

vote Fynal

For already trying to set up the noob card (serious vote).

Something I don't like already. Can you explain how he is already trying to set up the n00b card? And the way you are ominously saying, "You can't read him like others and don't let him get away with the n00b card. Look he's already trying to set himself up for it."

Vote: Sworddancer.

I mean already? Goodness me.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
Vote: Shadow Moth

Oh ****, oh ****, oh ****. What do I do? He put his vote on me, oh ****. ****. I better say something to deflect the pressure off of me before I get lynched. But what do I say. **** **** ****.

uhh... town.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Shadow Moth if you play like that all game, I will have massive respect for you after this lmao.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@Swords: I know he did well in that game, but I did see him as scummy at one point (He tried to mis-hammer JTB but didn't know that random hammers could be scummy). I don't think I have seen him throw out the noob card yet. (Nvm saw what you meant)


Fynal, you're hardly a nub from my experiance. :eyeroll:

I think it's pretty obvious who our Day 1 lynch should be.
Right... But he wasn't saying that to say that he was using it as an excuse for his actions or what so ever. He technically is inexperienced, and I myself noticed he was the least experienced here.

Newb pressure is warranted, but this is a bad reason to vote Fynal.

@Shadow Moth: What?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Did my last post answer your question then? Yes, him calling himself out for being a noob in his second post of the game. He's been downplaying his skill ever since this thread was made. No, understandably he was asked "what he did wrong" by Swiss, but even that I feel like he's taking an opportunity to paint himself "the newbie."

Yes, already. Why not? Now's as good as anytime to get things moving if you ask me.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Ran said:
Newb pressure is warranted, but this is a bad reason to vote Fynal.
I don't get this. What makes you think that I'm dishing out "newb pressure?" Yes, I'm voting Fynal, I'm doing so because I think he's trying to play himself off as a newb, not because I'm "pressuring a newb."


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Did my last post answer your question then? Yes, him calling himself out for being a noob in his second post of the game. He's been downplaying his skill ever since this thread was made. No, understandably he was asked "what he did wrong" by Swiss, but even that I feel like he's taking an opportunity to paint himself "the newbie."

Yes, already. Why not? Now's as good as anytime to get things moving if you ask me.
Didn't you take into consideration that he may have been overwhelmed by other's skill level? I would think this a null tell, not scum tell.

Whether you want to lynch him or not, it is still considered pressure. I wasn't saying you were pressuring him to just pressure him, don't misconstrue what I say. I understand that you are using a null tell as a scum tell.

Instead of trying to poke at him to try to develop a stronger read on Fynal, you instead jump to conclusions. Wagon snap would be nice here.

Unvote Vote: Swords

@Fynal: What are your thoughts of Swords, Me, J, and Shadow Moth so far?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I was under the impression Domo were good, that way I' get either Domo or scum and be happy.

Incandescent rage.

Yeah I just soft claimed town, and what?

So, what with my activity - let's get this party started.

Player List:
1. Zen - Two pieces of advice; You should play properly. You should heed my advice.
2. Shadow Moth - Explain everything about yourself, I skipped what you said last game. What most recent (finished) game did you play in? What did you do wrong? How are you adapting your play style in light of this?
3. Fynal - Same as above. I'll try not to skip you.
4. JO_OEY - Got any better?
5. Swiss - aiiiiiiii
6. Sworddancer - K. Game plan? Why or why not do you want to hold my hand? Can I have the D1 lynch if you have the D2 lynch?
7. J - Skip because you'll bring up some mundane AtE regardless of what I say.
8. Gordito - Gorf. Called Gorf for a reason. Why should anyone listen to your advice when I'm in the game?
9. Ranmaru - Same as Gorf, except change the name. Am I correct in assuming you're still mind numbingly bad at this game?

Also, Fynal, if you could give any one piece of advice to the Seer, would it be to claim immediately and be protected by the Doc for an impossible scum kill, or to stay alive as long possible? Bearing in mind that the Seer sanity is not known, do you agree that we should treat seer results (both innocent and guilty) with extreme caution?
Honestly not really. That's just my honest opinion though.

vote: Joey

changing dat name all over the place like a real criminal

@Ran & Joey: What do you think of Fynal immediately coming into this game by calling him a noob?
I don't like it. Like you said, he's downplaying his skill and later he could end up trying to use the noob card. Not worthy of a vote or anything.

good morning to you too swiss, been wondering what yer like in game

i've played one game, newbie 12. i was scum with siek/aa, we had a perfect scum win and i got mvp.

i got REALLY lucky lol, a lot of what i did right was semi-accidental (like lateral attacking of scumbuds, i did it because i couldnt find any other legit-appearing scumreads), there was a lot of experienced townies playing sub-par (so i heard) and im half-expecting i'll make some horrendous scum mistake that i dont know about sometime early in the game and get lynched regardless of my alignment. "higher level" scumtells and non-bs scumhunting are things i know little about so far.

as for seer, im honestly not entirely sure how seer works (cop for wolves? sanity revealed with flip y/n?) but assuming its essentially a cop i'd avoid claiming (barring mass claim or im-about-to-be-lynched) until i have some game-changing results to out

also there are cats in this game soz i'd say this is at least 2% relevant:
Don't like this post at all. Asking what seer was is fine 'n all but everything before that just makes me feel that you're going to try to use a newbie card this game.

Sword, I really don't like this paranoia you have around Fynal.
I don't see how Sword has shown any paranoia at all. Care to explain what this paranoia is?



Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
What I dont like about swords vote is that he hasn't made an attempt to follow up asking me stuff (i.e. pressure vote), he just voted, and it'd be ok if it was an RVS vote, but he specifically said "serious vote". I'm not convinced i should vote him over it though.

J's paranoia post is eh

ran tending to get things harmlessly wrong. not sure what to make of that. for example, sword's #51 was correct.

Hi Shadowmoth! got an opinion on swords?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
ahhhhh first time ninja'd this game

you keep switching dat name, before it was like a bunch of squares and then it was like Blue Berry or something and now its JO_OEY

irl criminals. they use cover names.

but wait you always said you were joey.


under close examination my reasoning isn't holding up...


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@Fynal: You say I get things wrong. What in my #53 was wrong?

J's post is eh? Expand on that.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Didn't you take into consideration that he may have been overwhelmed by other's skill level? I would think this a null tell, not scum tell.

Whether you want to lynch him or not, it is still considered pressure. I wasn't saying you were pressuring him to just pressure him, don't misconstrue what I say. I understand that you are using a null tell as a scum tell.

Instead of trying to poke at him to try to develop a stronger read on Fynal, you instead jump to conclusions. Wagon snap would be nice here.

Unvote Vote: Swords

@Fynal: What are your thoughts of Swords, Me, J, and Shadow Moth so far?
I want to comment on this right after Fynal does.

Lets just say that I don't agree with anything in here lol.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It's fine that you want to comment on it, but please don't state that if you agree with it or not, I don't want Fynal's answer to be tainted in any way.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I don't see how Sword has shown any paranoia at all. Care to explain what this paranoia is?

I have....?

His constant worrying over Fynal is weird to me because i don't get what the downplay of Fynal is about and let alone no one has specifically said yet if it is scummy or not.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
what i saw wrong was basically just in #48, so i guess my wording could have been better

(He tried to mis-hammer JTB but didn't know that random hammers could be scummy). I don't think I have seen him throw out the noob card yet. (Nvm saw what you meant)
in addition to previous:

with JTB, i didn't understand that L-1 was a very serious vote to place, not a randomly acceptable pressure vote. no idea where you got "random hammers"

i did pull the noob card in the JTB incident (it was legit lol), but you may have been referring to this game, which i guess sorta makes sense. also the (nvm blah blah) kinda confused me.

"eh" is the best expression i can come up for regarding how i feel about J asking swords questions, then posting again just to say "i really dont like it"


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
I have....?

His constant worrying over Fynal is weird to me because i don't get what the downplay of Fynal is about and let alone no one has specifically said yet if it is scummy or not.

swords, by voting me for it, seems to really heavily imply that he thinks its scummy.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
what i saw wrong was basically just in #48, so i guess my wording could have been better

in addition to previous:

with JTB, i didn't understand that L-1 was a very serious vote to place, not a randomly acceptable pressure vote. no idea where you got "random hammers"

i did pull the noob card in the JTB incident (it was legit lol), but you may have been referring to this game, which i guess sorta makes sense. also the (nvm blah blah) kinda confused me.

"eh" is the best expression i can come up for regarding how i feel about J asking swords questions, then posting again just to say "i really dont like it"
Yeah I forgot what your actual reasoning was. I said I thought you wanted to hammer. The nvm means I then saw what he meant, which I quoted in the second half of that post.

Now I meant you did that to defend yourself in the newb game, but not here.

Ah, ok. Does the "eh" mean you feel it was coming from a scum mindset, or town mindset?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Fynal: It seems I made an error. Alright lemme explain myself a bit. People are saying they don't like it but no one has really explained as to how you are scummy with this n00b card business I honestly don't see. How is it scummy?

Swords interpretation of you seems a bit over-exaggerated FUD around your previous game especially with the, "Don't let him get away with the n00b card."

Basically, I don't see what's scummy about playing a n00b card if there even is one being pulled. It seems like a null tell at best.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
Ah, ok. Does the "eh" mean you feel it was coming from a scum mindset, or town mindset?
it means im not sure but i dont really like it either way (lazy town is a possibility, [this is just an example])

to be more specific, weak reads are something i was told were generally scummy, but at the same time i tried to have a follow up for my votes when i was scum, but wifomwifomwifom but eh its not really a "weak read"


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
@Fynal: It seems I made an error. Alright lemme explain myself a bit. People are saying they don't like it but no one has really explained as to how you are scummy with this n00b card business I honestly don't see. How is it scummy?

Swords interpretation of you seems a bit over-exaggerated FUD around your previous game especially with the, "Don't let him get away with the n00b card."

Basically, I don't see what's scummy about playing a n00b card if there even is one being pulled. It seems like a null tell at best.
a much better phrasing, one which i'd like swords to answer

or maybe joey, but iirc he said it was "bad", not "scummy"

also, whats FUD?


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
good morning to you too swiss, been wondering what yer like in game

i've played one game, newbie 12. i was scum with siek/aa, we had a perfect scum win and i got mvp.

i got REALLY lucky lol, a lot of what i did right was semi-accidental (like lateral attacking of scumbuds, i did it because i couldnt find any other legit-appearing scumreads), there was a lot of experienced townies playing sub-par (so i heard) and im half-expecting i'll make some horrendous scum mistake that i dont know about sometime early in the game and get lynched regardless of my alignment. "higher level" scumtells and non-bs scumhunting are things i know little about so far.

as for seer, im honestly not entirely sure how seer works (cop for wolves? sanity revealed with flip y/n?) but assuming its essentially a cop i'd avoid claiming (barring mass claim or im-about-to-be-lynched) until i have some game-changing results to out

also there are cats in this game soz i'd say this is at least 2% relevant:
Look at bolded. It really looks like he's setting up for a noob card later in the game if he makes a mistake.

Noob card can get anyone out of anything. If we put pressure on him for something and he plays the noob card, that can lead to us simply looking at different things not because he defended himself, but because he's newer. Imagine if scum is doing that. You don't want to let scum get away because of a noob card, do you? It's a really easy way to avoid pressure, which makes it scummy.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
FUD = Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt

Morely the fear of you destroying town in your last game.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
Didn't you take into consideration that he may have been overwhelmed by other's skill level? I would think this a null tell, not scum tell.

Whether you want to lynch him or not, it is still considered pressure. I wasn't saying you were pressuring him to just pressure him, don't misconstrue what I say. I understand that you are using a null tell as a scum tell.

Instead of trying to poke at him to try to develop a stronger read on Fynal, you instead jump to conclusions. Wagon snap would be nice here.

Unvote Vote: Swords

@Fynal: What are your thoughts of Swords, Me, J, and Shadow Moth so far?
could you point out for me where this misconstruing is going on?
short and concise makes everything nice


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
EBWOP i felt obliged to include the rhyme because its the most poetically genious thing i've come up with in months, but what i'd ideally see would be a series of a few quotes with a small amount of bolding to point it out

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
J said:
Something I don't like already. Can you explain how he is already trying to set up the n00b card? And the way you are ominously saying, "You can't read him like others and don't let him get away with the n00b card. Look he's already trying to set himself up for it."

Vote: Sworddancer.

I mean already? Goodness me.
Man I already like J.

He didn't seem to be try'na set up the noob card in any angle. In fact, iirc, he was saying that he shouldn't be excused for being a noob. But truth be told, I can say the same about YOU try'na go for a relatively easy lynch target.

Vote: Sword

In fact, Moth's talking about trying a new playstyle can be perceived as him try'na excuse future scummy behavior with "lol i'm experimenting". Seems really bad on your part bro.

Ran said:
@Shadow Moth: What?
I beg of you not to play like this Ranmaru.

Moth said:
Inside joke, don't think to hard about it.
I promise you'll be staying alive regardless of alignment if you keep being funny.

I don't like Sword. I don't like Ran (can't tell if it's just cuz of him or cuz it's legit scummy yet so :p). And everybody else is fine for now.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Gord, if you don't like Sword, what do you think about Joey who is pretty much on his side it seems in this argument. I, personally, don't know what to think of it just yet because Joey is known for his.....unique....train of thought. =P

I also agree to the Ran dislike a bit.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Hmm... I'm really not sure tbh. I mean, I'm not gonna hop on em because he's siding with Sword. He can very well be wrong town. And the only reason I'm slightly leaning toward simply wrong town, is because I get a town vibe from everywhere else he's been.

Shadow Moth

Up in the clouds
Oct 28, 2008
Hi Shadowmoth! got an opinion on swords?

I think he's overreacting a little but I like that he called you out on the noob card before you pulled it.
A perfect win is a perfect win. You can't get a perfect win and then pull a noob card.
Though I do think his reaction is justified, I don't think your statement deserves a vote. Setting up for a noob card is not pulling it out, thus overreacting.

I like that he spotted it but I don't like how he reacted basically.
He's not scummy for it but I'll be watching him.

@Gord: I want to know what you think of the game so far and your current lynch candidate.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Zen said:
Gord my #40 if you will.
Seems I missed it.

An advantage would probz be that we're friends outside of mafia, and therefore, we'd work well together. A disadvantage is that Joey has expressed before that he doesn't enjoy playing as scum, and chances are he'd replace out due to not having fun, and leaving me with a lolzy slot as a scummate.

I actually wanna hear YOU answer the question too, if you may.

@Moth, read the last line in my 75. If that doesn't answer your question, can you dive into more detail?
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