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Kittens versus Domo-kuns - Game over, who won?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Whenever a scumbag is successfully lynched it's always for the wrong reasons. ALWAYS.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

@Swiss: Oh yeah. Also doesn't help that you don't drop much more tells. :p But I like to use solid info.

Zen - Zen! I'm also glad we were friends, we should try that more! : D

Shadow Moth - You did well. I liked you and Fynal fighting in the corner though.

Fynal - You were pretty obv town. I may have feared you possibly just fooling me, but nah you did good.

Swiss - I might have been wrong with some of my reasons, but you were still scummy to me. It's guess work, how else could I have found scum tells from ya?

Sworddancer - You were a question mark, and this was why I asked J about his Sword's read. You did well though, I just might have been paranoid with you if Swiss didn't flip scum.

J - J! You were the cop xD Nice going. Sorry about the random wagoning thing, I just FELT like doing it. I don't know if it really was needed tho, I could have seen Gord's scumminess without it. : 3 You fooled me. Although if Swiss didn't flip scum, I'd have worries about you/Swords.

Ranmaru - super obv town player here. Sorry about my weird play.

Dead players:

Gordito - Hmm....

You think Ran's going to start a wagon on me bro? You think Ran's going to get me lynched with his faulty *** logic? You think Ran's has any form of credibility in this game? You think that niggz would condone a Gorf lynch over a Ran lynch?
Yes yes yes yes yes. : 3 Sorry that you had IRL issues that prevented you from not being scummy. Good luck next time bro.

Joey - Sorry if my play was very confusing Joey. I honestly did do that for reactions and because I wanted to join Fynal on his Moth wagon, essentially giving him some support and a WAGON SNAP. :3 But did scum abuse it? Anyways, I probably wouldn't do such things as scum tho, too risky. Anyways, I'd most likely gambit as town. :p


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
I had originally planned to give no MVP. Since this is my first game modding, I wasn't sure if I'd feel confident enough to pick one player above the rest. And the fact that town worked so well together was just amazing. I don't think I've ever seen so much cooperative town play.

However, I do think it would be extemely unfair to town to not nominate someone. I wish I could pick you all, because I think despite some snags each and every one of you quickly established you were town.

It was a toss up between Zen and J. Zen had a great read on D1 and quickly fake counterclaimed Gord which saved J from actually counterclaiming.

However, J managed to not only back Zen's play, he managed to hide cop so well NO ONE even guessed he was cop. He slow played it carefully with his investigation and had contingency plans for what to do when Zen died. He established himself firmly as town, took a leadership role even as a PR, and never wavered on his targets.


#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Awww thank you very much everyone! ^^"

Like wow this is different but yay. I really don't know what to say but thank you.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Haha yeah you did good. I honestly didn't think you were cop because of your agressive play. Like that vote on me, and that Gord hammer or something. I was think the pr's would have to lay low, but I was wrong.

Also, anyone that may have been a bit tunnely with me weren't at fault, I did that to myself. ;o

Also, thank you very much Tandy for hosting! This game was very fun : D


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
woooooooo J!

now you can join me in waiting for a few more months years for them lazy mods to get around to updating dice on people's profiles

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I'm confused because who's asking?

Doesn't really matter because it's yes to both of ya in that hydra haha.
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