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Kittens versus Domo-kuns - Game over, who won?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
LOL best ninja ever

also, waitwaitwait,

D1: <swiss> ran u dumbtown
D2: <ran> *dumb stuff about swiss*
D2: <swiss> ran u scum


oh well time to see


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
damn theres no way i had a reply open for that long, i musta just assumed no new posts and not loaded last page


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
lets see some scummm

cmon cmon cmon 2/2 perfect wins gogogo

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
No you aren't. He's gonna flip scum.

Even if not, it's simple PoE between Ran/Moth

Zen's dead tonight because he's the PR, I'll probably die the next night because I'm super-duper obvtown but just a VT. *shrug* either way I think Swords/Fynal will figure things out in the end.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
zens a VT like the rest of us for all intents and purposes b/c RB, but whatevs

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Fynal, he is 100% clear of being scum. Scum not killing him would be the dumbest thing I have ever seen in mafia history.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Vote Count:
Swiss (4): J, Shadow Moth, Ranmaru, Zen
Ranmaru: (1): Swiss
Not voting: Fynal, Sworddancer


Deadline is Wednesday, July 6th 11:59 PM EST

The kittens were frantic to find which of them had eaten poor Dr Kat last night. Was it you? Was it him? But they all have their eyes on one particular kitten...and he wasn't talking.

Which was really weird, because usually he was the chattiest of the bunch. Sure, every now and then he would randomly exclaim "SWISSAI!" or "LOL, U DUM", but was that really something to hold against the new fellow?

Still, he had been strangely chummy with that other fellow they had exiled. And he really didn't make much sense. Finally, it was almost night fall and they realized they had waited long enough. It was time to tell the guy to leave.

"You fools, don't you know who I am? I'm SWISSAI!" he proclaimed!

Swiss - Swissai Domo Roleblocker - has been run off!

"You may have won today, but we'll be back and we'll be better than ever!" Swiss threatened as he retreated.

The kittens yowled their victory to the night sky. A neighbor yelled for them to shut up, but they didn't care. They had won.

Role pms to follow.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010

this game so ez y


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Good job town! ^_^!

Sorry about my play ;-;! I didn't know that I made it that obvious that I was doctor! Glad we won this perfectly!

Shout outs later!



Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

this game so ez y
Dude you're already way better than I was back then.

Glad you didn't get lynched D1, nice job duder.

Man I wonder how long Fynal's gonna go with his faction winning every game.

I'll guess 4 games.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
The kittens turned to Can it be Hugs tiem Spider. "Great job finding those domos," they cried.

"Guys, I have a confession, I'm not actually a seer," he told them.

"It's true," said a great voice from the sky. A ceiling panel was pulled back to reveal CEILING CAT. "I am your true oracle. But in reward for your great service this day, I will grant you honorary kittenhood. Please join me in the sky so we may watch upon our brethren togethers."

Hugs Spider smiled with his many facet eyes twinkling, he threw a web into the ceiling and joined Ceiling cat to watch the kittens forever (or until he died of old age a month later).

Now the roles:
Kittens vs Domo-kuns

1) Ceiling Cat - Cop -

Welcome, J! You are Ceiling Cat. Someone is killing the Lolcats. Obviously you see all from your perch in the ceiling. Maybe you'll spot who is up to such evil? During the Night Phast, you may target another player with I SEE WHAT YOU DID THAR:NAME (or you can be lazy and use INVESTIGATE, we won't judge). You'll received a guilty or not guilty result.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliman... elemon... removed.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

Edit: I changed the results to Kitten or Domokun after I sent the email but before J's result and gave him a note of this change.

I had also forgotten to change Cop to Seer from my original notes.

2) Doctor Cat - Doctor

Welcome, Joey! You are Doctor Cat. Someone is eating the LoLcats and it is your sacred Doctor Kitty duty to save as many as you can! During the Night phase, you may target another player with PROTECTS:NAME. That player will not be affected by Nightkills. You may not target yourself.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliman... elemon... removed.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

3) Ascension Cat - Vanilla Townie

Welcome Fynal! You are Ascension Cat. Someone is eating the Lolcats and you don't want to be one of them! Maybe it's time to leave this mortal plane. Unfortunately, you haven't unlocked the secrets of the universe yet, so you'll have to use your voice (Mew?) and your vote to save the day.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliman... elemon... removed.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

4)Longcat - Vanilla Townie

Welcome, Sworddancer! You are Longcat and you are long! Someone is killing the Lolcats, so you've put your epic battle against Tacgnol on hold to save your fellow cats. Other than being long, you have no special powers other than your voice (Meow?) and your vote.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliman... elemon... removed.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

5) Can has Cheezburger Cat - Vanilla Townie

Welcome, Ranmaru! You are I can has cheezburger cat. Sure you're a little chubby and a little slower than the other cats. Nom nom noming on cheeseburgers does that to a guy. And you have no intention of being the meal. The threat must be stopped and you're just the guy to get it done.

You have no special powers other than your voice, your vote, and your ability to eat a 50 oz burger in 30 minutes. (Only two of these will actually help you during the game.)

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliman... elemon... removed.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

6) Is it can be hugs bugs tiem now plees? cat spider - Vanilla Townie


Welcome, Zen! Ok, this is awkward. You were supposed to be the adorable Is it can be hugs tiem now plees? kitten, but he already got ate last week. So you stepped up to take his place.

Maybe if you help out the others, they'll be able to accept your freakish eight legs, never blinking eyes, and the ablity to walk on walls upside down. Other than that, you have your voice and your vote.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliminated.

Thread can be found here: [url]http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011[/url][/collapse]

Can it be bugs teim now was intended as a flavor only miller. Actually worked surprisingly well in Zen's favor.

Also, J is modkilled for hating spider. =p

7) Is this battletoads? cat - Vanilla Townie[collapse]

Welcome, Shadow Moth! You are is this battletoads? cat. You're kinda funny looking with the battletoads hat, but you're otherwise an average dude. You have no special powers other than being able to get past stage three (OMG THERE'S A STAGE AFTER STAGE THREE?), your voice and your vote.

You are town aligned and win when all threats to town are eliman... elemon... removed.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

8) Domo-kun - Mafia Goon

Welcome, Gordito! You are Domo-kun and you love eating kittens. You and your partner (Swiss) Mafia Roleblocker have been devastating kittenkind and you won't stop until the last one is your victim.

You may communicate freely using this QT (http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/zsdWg8DqTam).

You win when all the kittens have been eliminated.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

9) Swissai- Mafia Roleblocker

Welcome, Swiss! You are Swissai, Mafia Roleblocker. Everyone knows Swiss is always scum and here's proof! You and your partner (Gordito) Mafia Goon have been devastating kittenkind and you won't stop until the last one is your victim.

You may communicate freely using this QT (http://www.quicktopic.com/46/H/zsdWg8DqTam).

You win when all the kittens have been eliminated.

Thread can be found here: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=12906011#post12906011

Swiss managed to randomly get himself this game. I was really paranoid he'd get investigated N1 and game would be auto over, but he did a great town impersonation D1. Unfortunately, killing the Doc instead of the Seer killed his game.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
ngl I skimmed so much this game. Didn't even read the first 1/2 of today. Good **** though town. Everyone played really well.

Ran, great play, you've gotten much better man. I like the game better when we are friends :D

Holy dam J, I thought Smoth was cop O_O

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Hahahahaha I will explain more later busy atm. But yeah Zenny/Swords I was the cop.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
I want to say amazing game, everyone. I really enjoyed watching this as the mod and all of you made it a great experience.

Town was smoking hot this game. I cannot believe the gambits people played and the amazing move / countermoves I got to see.

Scum's plan - Have Swiss fake town and go for a NL N1. Have doc "clear" him later. Try to kill cop asap.

Zen's counter move - Fake counter claim Gord's fake cop claim.
J's hidden agenda - Let Zen soak up RB's and get killed while he kept investigating.
Swiss's brilliant read - Zen aint no cop
Swiss's miss - Man, J playing bad.

Swiss killing the doctor really threw him off his game. I think he could have still won if he hadn't stumbled and if IRL hadn't interfered. If he had managed to live to D3, he had a 50% of killing the cop and I think he could have won.

I really like the simplicity of this set up. I think scum suffered a little from no safe claims, but I included a sample pm in the opening post so they could have *some* idea of the flavor the town players were given.

I think no hydras made a huge difference on people being able to get reads. I liked the activity of D1, it never went too fast or dragged. The lack of activity on D2 was frustrating for everyone, but it was very understandable. I love how all the town players made sure to never be prodded. XD

I'm extremely pleased that no one dropped and everyone was as active as possible. Thanks to Swiss for joining us despite his lack of access most days.

I learned a lot of how to be a mod and already have a sequel planned. I was terribly paranoid I'd accidentally tell someone's role or make some implication with my vote counts. Thanks for teaching me!

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
OH SO WOW! I mean, wow, this is just now hitting me, J must of actually gotten the investigation off. By not counter claiming . . . and acting like you saw others crumbs . . . wow J, good ****.

I need explanation though from Zen's side of the equation though.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Wow. Derp moment.

Re-read during the night as well and was re-adjusting my reads.

J = 1
Zen = 1
Fynal = 2
Shadow Moth = 3
Sworddancer. = 3
Swiss = 4
Ranmaru = 4
Did you investigate me? Or did you just not want to out you were cop?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
i spent D1 playing as if i was scum, despite being conscious of playing like i was scum. Mighta helped me not get ML'd actually. I COULDNT STOP MYSELF! lol. Why did i attack moth? cuz i was getting accused and needed to look like i was scumhunting. it was only when i sat down and thought that i realized woah dude he might ACTUALLY be scum. and then i decided i actually thought he was scum. also LOL zen wasnt cop, i thought of that while i was punchdrunk a while back. But yeah i thought smoth was cop if not zen.

Also im so freeking lazy as town, when i was scum i was constantly looking/thinking for how to get an edge and here i only contributed when i felt like i really needed to. Scumhunting sucks bawls, maybe because im new to it. I thought it'd be awesome lol.

MVP vote: ranmaru
... .. ..... ... ..i never thought i'd say that but both those scumkills were started by him


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

Are you blind? haha.

Despite how much I'm going to HATE sharing gold dice with the duder, he deserves em for this game.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Night actions (because I forgot)

Joey: Protect Swiss
J: Investigate Sworddancer
Swiss: Kill Joey, RB Sworddancer

I about crapped myself when J said Sworddancer was a 3 on his town vs scum list. "Didn't I tell him Sword was town? He must be really slow playing this"

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Was totally going to go Joey but J's good role play won me over (sorry Joey).

vote: J

Kuz do you get a say in this?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
I learned a lot of how to be a mod and already have a sequel planned.
i've been wondering about this since like a day into the game, is it gonna be like the kittens enslave the Domos who have to rise up? you should make a whole story about this

good job modding too. uhh... twilight woulda been nice, and maybe more polish on the votecounts or something but other than that... Also the votecount flavors were awesome


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
i dont know but im just putting my two cents in there.

personally, right on with there not being twilight! if scum want to self hammer and end the day early w/o discussion they should be gogdamn able to without giving town a 24 hour grace period.

uhg. the presence of twilight in games with roles that don't utilize twilight is one of my largest mafia pet peeves.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
i've been wondering about this since like a day into the game, is it gonna be like the kittens enslave the Domos who have to rise up? you should make a whole story about this

good job modding too. uhh... twilight woulda been nice, and maybe more polish on the votecounts or something but other than that... Also the votecount flavors were awesome
Would you explain what you mean by polish?

I admit there were lots of little bits I had to add later on like deadline and sometimes I missed a vote or two. Tried my best to get vote counts at the top of the page, but I swear every time it was one or two posts away, you guys wouldn't post for hours and the second I looked away, we were halfway on the next page. XD

Also, the sequel is Kittens vs Domokuns 2: The rise of the Cats


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
OH SO WOW! I mean, wow, this is just now hitting me, J must of actually gotten the investigation off. By not counter claiming . . . and acting like you saw others crumbs . . . wow J, good ****.

I need explanation though from Zen's side of the equation though.
What's to explain? J and Ran had it right with my crumbs. Gord was obvscum and I knew he was going to claim cop as a last resort which is why I just wanted Smoth to hammer before he claimed. After he claimed I simply took the counter claim for cop so he could still investigate. No idea why Swiss knew it was fake before I claimed being RBed.

@Fynal: lol that's your scum play? You were playing so obvtown.
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