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Kittens versus Domo-kuns - Game over, who won?


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
i dont know but im just putting my two cents in there.

personally, right on with there not being twilight! if scum want to self hammer and end the day early w/o discussion they should be gogdamn able to without giving town a 24 hour grace period.

uhg. the presence of twilight in games with roles that don't utilized twilight is one of my largest mafia pet peeves.
Kuz pretty much has it dead on. I've seen too many games where twilight is not used to much utility at all. Players tend to shut up and wait for the mod to announce the lynch. I wanted this game to be like my relationships - fast and furious. (I was lying about the relationships part. =p)

I wanted there to be bare bones. Open set up to eliminate guessing of roles. Minimal players. No hydras. Only 7 day Days, 2 day Nights, and 48 hours posting requirement.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
@Zen: Real cop might of counter claimed. Could of still led to a mislynch. Agree though that Gord was obvious scum.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
lol tanny i just looked, you did do the VCs much better late game i guess i was thinking of the early ones

i...have very little to judge J's play against, i'm gonna have to re-read this now maybe i can learn something


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Yeah I liked no twilight.
Loved the flavor Tanny.
Glad I get to be an honorary Kitten for a month too :D

J and Ran both have my MVP vote.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
@Fynal: lol that's your scum play? You were playing so obvtown.
the entire time i was being attacked by swords was me in my self-preservationist scum mindset and trying (and failing) to fight it, it was only a while afterwards when everyone said i was obvtown that i finally relaxed lol. and then i got lazy :urg: i think i just play this game better when i try to be scum

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
uhhh . . .



shut it

@Fynal: Never really believed you to be scum


i think i just play this game better when i try to be scum
Scum has to find scummy things to, so whatever floats your boat.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Huh I thought you did great. And you were almost spot on with the cop thing.

Stop downplaying yourself :mad088:

Vote: Fynal

For trying to play the noob card


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
nononoonononononooo i know now that you didn't, but at the time when you first attacked me i bought it 100%

i didn't really know what to do lol, truth be told i was purposefully setting up a noob card for later use because i thought i'd legitimately make a noob mistake and get ML'd D1 because of my previous scum play

your accusation scared the **** out of me lol, you were dead right about most of it

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
nononoonononononooo i know now that you didn't, but at the time when you first attacked me i bought it 100%

i didn't really know what to do lol, truth be told i was purposefully setting up a noob card for later use because i thought i'd legitimately make a noob mistake and get ML'd D1 because of my previous scum play

your accusation scared the **** out of me lol, you were dead right about most of it
I swear it was an accident!

I mean, I did have a slight suspicion that you might have been doing that, but I think I dismissed it as you more likely simply being genuinely nervous like most newbies are.

Anyways, you did good kid.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
rofl swords, thats amazing

expected a much, much scarier swiss, given his reputation... maybe i'da seen one if he had more time. i was wifomed out of any sort of read at all on him during D1 just because i was so sure there was no way i could possibly tell if he was scum because he was so good at it


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Player List:
1. Zen - Wow. Good job with this game. The fact that you claimed cop like that was simply amazing to me, especially since J took it so well and let you absorb night kills and role blocks for him.
2. Shadow Moth - Sorry for thinking you were scummy @_@! I was looking for the wrong type of scum tells I guess haha. Good job this game! I really did like your play after I got lynched, and your play early day was really good as well! :)
3. Fynal - Wow. I didn't expect you to play that well at all honestly. You really played well this game! Great job scum hunting this game! :)
5. Swiss - Man how did you know I was doc? :C! Uguu. Good play this game. Had me fooled completely day 1 haha.
6. Sworddancer - I really liked your play this game, and I knew you were town haha. Good job with this game! Good job being extremely townie :D!
7. J - Wow. You hiding your cop ability like that was outstanding haha. Great job with this game as a whole, since it looks like you played this game REALLY well haha.
9. Ranmaru - I was really confused with your play this game. I have to learn how to read you haha. Great play this game! Great job catching Swiss/Gord! :)

Dead players:
D1 - Gordito - Mafia Goon - Maaan... If only you had the chance to be more active! Hopefully the next game we play will have a more active Gordito! C:!
N1 - Joey - Town Doctor - You died D: -insert comment about how this is me here-



Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
reading scum QT, this is entertaining

EDIT: damn gord :( thats gotta be awful

now i feel bad :(

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010

ran did good but J seriously ran this ****.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Vote: No MVP

Everyone in this game played REALLY well. Scum was very limited due to Gord having IRL issues and Swiss having his job. Everyone doing really well + Scum not having the chance to do so well = No MVP in my opinion.



Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.
Wow, this ended fast. Didn't even get to replace in. :(
I really appreciate you being willing to be a replacement, Raziek!

Also, you should probably be glad you weren't called in. I dreaded putting you in Swiss's slot after he was all but dead.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I actually have to agree with Joey with the Vote: No MVP.

I feel like I did Swiss, Tandora, and this game in general a disservice. I really was going through a lot irl, and still kinda am :/... I could have played this game 1000000x better, but because of the fact that I absolutely detest replacing out of a game, I tried to keep up with the game as well as I possibly can. It didn't work though. I'm sorry to town for not making this game a bit more difficult (lol it sounds dumb but you understand), I'm sorry Tandora for making this game much less than what it really could have been, and I'm sorry Swiss for dooming us from the beginning.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
these arn't shoutouts, these are me talking to myself in thread

Zen - good stuff dude. can you post the pic you got in yer role PM? its not showing up where tanny listed the PMs
Shadow Moth - arraggararggarargg i really wanted you to be the scum so i could feel brilliant
Fynal - i wish my role was like radioactive cat, and i had 18 half lives with some wacky PR. but it was open setup so that wouldnt happen anyway
Joey - for some reason i was really paranoid about getting NK'd N1, when i saw you flip i was like YAY alive AWWW doc is dead...dangit
Swiss - i gotta see some real swiss sometime...
Sworddancer - RVSlolololol
J - now i understand why whoever it was picked that flavor that one upick maf
Ranmaru - im amazed d00d. well done
Gord - :( hope stuff works out

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Did you investigate me? Or did you just not want to out you were cop?
Never investigated you Zenny, never would have. I investigated Swords because the two obvious buddies for Gord were Swords/Swiss so I flipped a coin and investigated Swords which I kindof thought would be the better choice to not WIFOM my head around and investigated him.

I laughed my *** off when I saw that you said "I tried to investigate Swords." pfft. Man we are just on the same wavelength sometimes.

@Tanny: I knew that Swords was town but I had to slowly move him back into my town reads without it looking like "okay wtf is this?" because if so my cop guise could have faltered.

J - now i understand why whoever it was picked that flavor that one upick maf
I don't get it...o_o

Shout outs time, been a while since I actually did this.

1. Zen

<3 ya man. Always will duder. We ***** this town harder then anything and gosh darn it. I was even saying to myself though, "Man Zen knows I'm the cop because it feels like I told him." but huh I guess not since you thought it was Moth. Weeeeeeird. Anywhos, thank you so much for helping me out with your CC because it did help me do a lot more.

2. Shadow Moth

Your play was actually not bad at all. You got a little tunnely on Ranmaru but you snapped out of it when he showed what he was actually doing. I didn't care for you D1 too too much but then I started to see that you were just confuzzled town. Keep on playing more games please! You are a cool unique player to have around.

3. Fynal

Mr. super-duper obv town over here. Man Fynal you played a really good game at convincing others that you were town. That's kindof the main reason I did not like Swords was because he was pushing someone that was obviously town at the time (and other thingies) but regardless you did good. Keep that streak going and maybe you will be like a lucky charm to whosevers side your on. XD

4. JO_Oey

Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat play Joey. Like really good play. I saw your crumbs though during my re-read. =3c Nontheless you played a stellar game and your Gord case was great as well. You had the same thing as Fynal for me where you were just like "duh obvtown". Sad you died N1 though =<

5. Swiss

Poor Swissy. =/ Man I know you wouldn't have played like this if you had the time. Your D1 play was great and made me lean towards Swords more from my investigation but pretty much an innocent on him was as good as a guilty on you for me. I kindof hated having to lynch you without giving you a full chance to defend. Oh wellz, I really do hope you continue playing. =P

6. Sworddancer

Swordy swordy swordy, man I thought you were scum at the end of D1 like soooo bad. It was a lot based on connection between you and Gordy but also because of some of your pushes were weird. Especially when you admitted to your fake Fynal push after you caught heat from it. Though your innocent helped clear who was actually scum so yay. You played well nonetheless. ^^
7. J

This is why you are a town player, not a mafia player. lmfao.

8. Gordito

Sucks about your IRL issues duder and hope things get well. I mean there is not much to say besides that the evidence against you was very compelling and that at the end of the day you were the scummiest player out there. *shrug* Oh wells, looking forward to next game with ya.

9. Ranmaru

You actually were not bad at all. Your reads were good and the points you had were definetely solid. Overall I liked your play this game when I went back and saw the intentions behind what you had posted. Good job Ran haha.

Uhm for MVP I really don't know what to say, this game definetely deserves an MVP since Town clearly wiped Mafia but they do bring up good points to V/LA.

However I am casting my vote to the person that helped me succeed and helped town do a lot more because of it which is an obvious choice.

MVP: Zen

I'm biased as hell however. =3c


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Oh COME ON. I just got the time to come online and try and save myself.


Knew J was cop after Swords slipped it wasn't him. How half of town thought Zen was cop is un-be-****ing believable.

I doomed myself trying to save Gorf. He tugs at my heartstrings.

@ Ran's case on me - AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH how fkin dumb csn you get?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
ngl I skimmed so much this game. Didn't even read the first 1/2 of today. Good **** though town. Everyone played really well.

Ran, great play, you've gotten much better man. I like the game better when we are friends :D

Holy dam J, I thought Smoth was cop O_O
How did you read Smoth as cop? Haha. I thought it was Swords up until one of his posts in the final day where he gave the VT tell. Surely it had to be J after that?

I mis-read doc for cop - which killed me hard. Defended Gorf - which was dumb as **** on my part and had bad activity issues when I needed to be active.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
What's to explain? J and Ran had it right with my crumbs. Gord was obvscum and I knew he was going to claim cop as a last resort which is why I just wanted Smoth to hammer before he claimed. After he claimed I simply took the counter claim for cop so he could still investigate. No idea why Swiss knew it was fake before I claimed being RBed.

@Fynal: lol that's your scum play? You were playing so obvtown.
Man you need to learn to fake claim.

Mad @ town for being so bad they were good. Especially Ran (though he pinned Gord very well).

Post moar @ lunch.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Thought Moth was cop because he didn't believe neither me or Gord. Even into d2. Also I was expecting cop to realize what I was doing with the numbers and put their inno as 1.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Pretty proud of town. Everyone played so obvtown. Swiss you blended in well d1. I almost cleared you from like your first few post :p

J I really had no idea you were cop haha. You did awesome at keeping hidden.

Joey I must say I've seen the most improvement out of you than I've ever seen. Like from NBC to now has been a huge leap. Nice job man.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Pretty proud of town. Everyone played so obvtown. Swiss you blended in well d1. I almost cleared you from like your first few post :p

J I really had no idea you were cop haha. You did awesome at keeping hidden.

Joey I must say I've seen the most improvement out of you than I've ever seen. Like from NBC to now has been a huge leap. Nice job man.
Actually.. I kinda wanted to ask for advice how I can keep that improvement lol. I really liked my play this game as well, but when it comes to other games, I can't play the same at all for some reason. It's really bad. ._.! I guess I should go ask in the critique thread haha. Thank you by the way! ^_^!

@J: Thank you! :) Can't wait to play another game with you!


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Hope my boss doesn't see me doing this!

Zen: Fantastic play. Very smart CC on Gord.

Joey: Obv town, you had a LOT of respect from town. Meant you has voting power. GG. Shame I read you as cop not doc.

J: Sneaky play. Took me too long to pin you as cop, and by then (mid way through D2 :@) it was too late. Great synergy with Zen. Created an almost impassable barrier. Power play. I thought you were a ****** D2 for agreeing to Ran's case, but now I know your read was Swiss or Swords is scum and you investigated one of us,
it makes sense.

Gord: Meh you had activity & IRL issues so GG anyway. Heart ya mang. Shame you suck as scum. Haha.

Shadow Moth: You let yourself get drawn into a slanging match with me, which is one of the ways I get you killed. Your D2 play really became more logical, and shows you can really be an asset to town.

Fynal: Obv town. I wanted to start casting suspicion on you but just couldn't. You played well, safely, but well. As an FYI me forcing you to take a stance/read on me isn't a scum tell, your "idk I dont wanna take a stance on Swiss" gave me an opportunity to hit at you. Shame I had no town points to press that when you did.

Swords: GG man. You're always a credit to your alignment. You're a reliable, smart player and Dgames needs more people like you.

Ranmaru: You pinned Gord correctly, and off legit tells. But when it came to everything else you played terribly. You tried to call Joey, who was THE most obv town, scum. Your reasoning was so bad as to be farcical, and part of the reason people thought me town D1 was me intervening in your BS case on Joey. Which you then called me scum for, as I called you dumb town and not scum! wtf! You need to step up your game and take a step back before getting so involved in these things.

Swiss: I took time D1, and felt I did well. Mad dissapointed I misread doc for cop, as that cost me terribly. Had I had reliable activity I doubt I would have tried to help Gord, but **** happens, I knew I might not be able maintain activity and I can't deny I left a legit tell on myself for doing it. Props to Swords for picking up on it first. D2 sucked ballz but the odds were too far against me. I needed my clear from my doc gambit. Or a scum buddy who was able to play :p

GG town, definitely deserved the win. I think I would have won had I had more time to dedicate to this, and had I not been so rusty on my PR reading.

Having said all this lol @ everyone who thought Zen was cop. Lol @ anyone who didn't think Joey was a PR. Lol @ Joey protecting me. Lol @ Ran. Lol @ Swiss leaving a legit scumtell.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I want to say amazing game, everyone. I really enjoyed watching this as the mod and all of you made it a great experience.

Town was smoking hot this game. I cannot believe the gambits people played and the amazing move / countermoves I got to see.

Scum's plan - Have Swiss fake town and go for a NL N1. Have doc "clear" him later. Try to kill cop asap.

Zen's counter move - Fake counter claim Gord's fake cop claim.
J's hidden agenda - Let Zen soak up RB's and get killed while he kept investigating.
Swiss's brilliant read - Zen aint no cop
Swiss's miss - Man, J playing bad.

Swiss killing the doctor really threw him off his game. I think he could have still won if he hadn't stumbled and if IRL hadn't interfered. If he had managed to live to D3, he had a 50% of killing the cop and I think he could have won.

I really like the simplicity of this set up. I think scum suffered a little from no safe claims, but I included a sample pm in the opening post so they could have *some* idea of the flavor the town players were given.

I think no hydras made a huge difference on people being able to get reads. I liked the activity of D1, it never went too fast or dragged. The lack of activity on D2 was frustrating for everyone, but it was very understandable. I love how all the town players made sure to never be prodded. XD

I'm extremely pleased that no one dropped and everyone was as active as possible. Thanks to Swiss for joining us despite his lack of access most days.

I learned a lot of how to be a mod and already have a sequel planned. I was terribly paranoid I'd accidentally tell someone's role or make some implication with my vote counts. Thanks for teaching me!
To re-iterate:

Scum's plan.

Lynch D1. Get me protected N1 (which I did). No shoot N1. Clear Swissaiii to the doc. Destroy town.

Issue: Joey weren't no cop. Who dat doc. Joey u so doc y?
Issue: Gord b dead
Issue: Tried to save Gord cuz I b inactive
Issue: That's a scumtell
Issue: Ran's a ****tard
Issue: Town were smart for once

Raging at myself for swapping from J to Swords as the other PR. I had you both and changed cuz Swiss b skimming.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

UH, swiss how else could I have caught you if not for my 'wrong reasons'? Anyways, I noticed I might have been wrong and dropped Joey to a null tell. Maybe there was a slight dash of Omgus.

Anyways, shout outs will come shortly. : D


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

UH, swiss how else could I have caught you if not for my 'wrong reasons'? Anyways, I noticed I might have been wrong and dropped Joey to a null tell. Maybe there was a slight dash of Omgus.

Anyways, shout outs will come shortly. : D
Try catching me for the right reasons :glare:

Me going Moth>Gord was legit. All that self meta BS and "omg rolefishing" is you having read a bad guide on how to play mafia and interpreting everything literally.
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