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Kittens versus Domo-kuns - Game over, who won?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

To be completely honest Zen, I'm curious as well. Though it's just because I wonder what cat would fit that role.

Though you know what they say about curiosity killed the cat.
soooo effing lame but meeeeeh

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

Spiders are NEVER cute. Nor are they anything of a good adjectives besides any adjective that revolves around death.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
trying to read swiss has taken me a lot longer than id have liked...

this post caught my eye:

But what is your read? Regardless of whether you're willing to trust it thanks to my reputation.

Because it takes just 4 votes to lynch.

Moth, exactly what of Ran's do you agree with? Why?

Pre post thought:
I might be tempted to class J as scum over Moth, actually. I'll go into details later. I think Moth could be town leaning and we have J/Ran as the scum. What was the actual context of his joke? This 180 looks bad, I know. I think J is scum. Stop confusing me, this game isn't making sense.

Zen, who did you investigate and why?
i have been told that scum are often much more interested in asking what people think of them than town.

then, just a few posts later, we have:

Everyone thought Gord was scum, I didn't have to do anything to get him lynched. I preferred Moth because I really, really wanted him dead. I do and will stand by why I thought him scum.
what happened swiss? why is/was/might be J scum? do you want moth lynched toDay?


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
holy **** a serious possibility just clicked for me. a bunch actually.

i'd like swiss toDay and if he's town, Moth tomorrow. or i may be really wrong, must figure out how to figure out if i'm wrong asap

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Fynal's finally clicked to my mind-wave.

I know the answer to what you are gonna be trying to figure out. But I wanna see what you come up with by yourself.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
lol watch this be absolutely nothing like what J is thinking, and/or the biggest heap of BS since Sarah Palin told us CO2 was ok because its natural

theres a set of possibilities that i see which fit some evidence in a sort of reach-ier way than what i have now. I just realized, though, that if i'm right posting now is best, and if i'm wrong, it doesn't matter anyway.

my plausibility:

swiss is the scum.
zen is VT.
moth is the cop.

swiss said himself he didn't like having a scumteam. gord put much less effort into this than he could have (compared to D.Gray), maybe because he realized he was gonna die and didn't wana risk screwing up and outing swiss. swiss didn't say much about gord lynch iirc.

zen is a town rolegambit, or theoretically a scum one, though thats much less likely imo. He saw the open setup and decided to make claiming a PR a possibility for him by making his play how it was. a spider, in a game full of cats? the hugs thing is normally a cat anyway isnt it? Zen's VT role maybe? seems very un-cop-ish.

moth is cop. his 2 early IGMEOY may actually have been him very-soft-claiming cop, possibly by accident, as was his saying "ima lynch gord to preserve myself" then backing off, then saying that PRs want to preserve themselves. very-soft-claim again. Also the thing about "sufficiently discussed" and stuff, which made me feel like he knew gord would claim cop but may have been him being cop. Then he copped ran N1, thats why he's backed off ran all of a sudden, but he did it slow to avoid some flack.

welp theres my theorie. If we lynch swiss and he's town, i'd go after smoth, based mostly on pre-this-theorie read.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Okaaaaaay that wasn't my train of thought.

I was thinking of just going down the line like ducks in a row Swiss>Moth>Ran and the game should be over by then.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Interesting theory, but unfortunately, or fortunately, it is wrong. If it was true though, those are the kind of theories you'd want to keep to yourself lol.

With regards to my flavor, it's basically saying that I never shut my many eyes and watch what goes on in the night, more or less.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
Interesting theory, but unfortunately, or fortunately, it is wrong. If it was true though, those are the kind of theories you'd want to keep to yourself lol.

With regards to my flavor, it's basically saying that I never shut my many eyes and watch what goes on in the night, more or less.
yeahhh i think i would have if it wasn't late.... now im slaphappy and i feel like an idiot

im going to bed

also that flavor is cool

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Well regardless Zen is dead tonight since Joey died.

Woooooow that must suck *** that you didn't even get to successfully investigate anyone all game.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
If Swiss some how doesn't flip scum, I'd propose we lynch Ran. I think lynching Swiss will end this war though.

@J: Yeah lol, the only other time I've been cop I got NKed n1. But lynching scum D1 is basically an equivalent to getting a guilty so it was a fair trade off.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Man is this mafia anymore? Seems too much fun and no work.

But yeah Zen I saw that. :mad088:

I will have pleasure dancing I mean visiting your grave tonight. I'll clean the weapons buy bouquets before I arrive.


Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2009
Kuz's bedroom.

Despite a brief respite of sleeping, washing, sleeping, playing, napping, sleeping, and jumping at nothing, the kittens were back to business.

Vote Count:
Swiss: J, Shadow Moth
Not voting: Zen, Fynal, Swiss, Sworddancer, Ranmaru

Deadline is Wednesday, July 6th 11:59 PM EST


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Vote: Swiss

@Tanny: Honestly I have always assumbed quickediting was ok. I'll refrain from doing so here now that I know.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

  • No that was not an accident, you just did that to prove ME wrong, to make it look like I was trying to attack Joey with bad reasons. That was NOT a good correction. Joey's main point was "Early wagons don't help town ever" Yet you have said "Wagons always help". I have stated in the first sentence how it would benefit you as scum.
  • Don't try to self meta. Your reason for Zen possibly gambitting was bad. You had major dislike to me already believing in his claim, so you were trying to pin doubt on Zen, while you somehow didn't believe in Gord's claim.
  • Fair enough.
  • Then why would Moth do that as scum? He l-1'd me. You were trying to justify his L-1'ing to = MothSCUM.
  • Again, how was the question useful in you finding a read and helping US get a read?

    I rolefish as town anyway
  • Don't try to self meta. Here you don't state how exactly the question helped you, so you seem to be hiding the real purpose of the question you asked. and yes, I would like examples.
  • But you caught scum from RVS jokes?
  • In response to your question if I should have been targetted ToDay. You asked what a Gord scum flip implicates, and I included myself.
  • Why J? At that time it would be lylo if me and Moth were already dead.
  • I was concise.

Pre post thought:
I might be tempted to class J as scum over Moth, actually. I'll go into details later. I think Moth could be town leaning and we have J/Ran as the scum. What was the actual context of his joke? This 180 looks bad, I know. I think J is scum. Stop confusing me, this game isn't making sense.

Zen, who did you investigate and why?
When exactly did you see JScum? Why haven't you said this before? Why did you ask Zen about his cop, why would it have mattered? *He asked but your answer isn't satisfying to me.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
not much time atm, gonna figure out my swiss read when i get home tonight.

wtf is this? i don't remember ever thinking this, i've been leaning heavily towards ran just being ran for a long time now. can you quote?

iirc, i said i thought moth had too much insight into gord and should be looked into, and moth was the one who said ran should be looked into upon gordscumflip.
Oh it might of been. I was just going off of memory, and that's just what I happened to remember, apologizes.

I will hammer once Swiss get's his content in, and his J stance. But don't forget the cake.
What's the point of waiting for someone to post content if you're just going to hammer them regardless?

Moth said:
You're so wiiiiiieeeeerrrd. How can you possibly at this point have any doubt about Zen's claim? You do realize that if there was another cop then they would of just counter claimed and got this baloney out of the way, right?
Swiss said:
Everyone thought Gord was scum, I didn't have to do anything to get him lynched. I preferred Moth because I really, really wanted him dead. I do and will stand by why I thought him scum.
But you went through yesterDay not really mentioning Gord much at all. I can understand if you wanted to focus on someone else if you thought Gord was already getting enough attention, but nevertheless Gord was quite a hot topic yesturDay, which made him all the more important to comment on.

I explained this;

His statements over a Gord scum flip meaning we should look at him.

His case on me which doesn't just require incorrect logic, but deliberately taking quotes out of context.

OMGUS? Maybe a little.
What about the part in your 540 though (which I did quote and commented on) where you stated suspicion over Ran for "flipping his reads over Night." Again, you're making it sound like it's a bad thing that Ran is changing his reads, even though yesturDay you were fine with this.

Gotta actually reread to see how legit these "Ran is quoting me out of context" thing is. Was honestly kinda hoping if I could skip it at this point.

@J: If you're not having fun then what's the point of playing mafia?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well more likely when I feel satisfied that me and Swiss have discussed enough. I would like a little more input from J though.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Ran how come you haven't commented on #557?

Fynal, you said the # thing didn't leave room for all the inbetweens but it did:

1- Most likely town
2- Town Read (Town-Null)
3- Null
4- Scum read (Scum-null)
5- Most likely scum

Honestly no one should really be a 5. So what would be your reeds based on this.


Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2010
I'd like everyone to post their reads on every player using a scale from 1-5. 1 being for sure town, and 5 being for sure scum.

scale still doesn't really do it for me but i'll try. last time i was going for making the numbers correct relative to eachother, this time i'll do it as close to above post's scale as i can. Also some reads have changed a bit.

zen - 1
swords - 2
J - 2
Moth - 4
Swiss - 4
Ran - 2

basically, i've decided i want moth and swiss dead in either order. if theyre both town somehow, i'll need a serious reconsidering lol

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@J: If you're not having fun then what's the point of playing mafia?
Hahaha no no. You misunderstood what I meant. I always have fun while playing mafia. But with the last couple of posts it seems like too much fun.

Well more likely when I feel satisfied that me and Swiss have discussed enough. I would like a little more input from J though.

You have got to be kidding me?
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