News from Kingdom Hearts Ultimania
- Wisdom Form (Sora Fusion with Donald, blue outfit): While in Wisdom Form a command apears called "Shot" (or Shoot). You also do not run while in Wisdom form! Instead you glide through the air(we don't know how high). *Side Note* If you hit the O(In the American/European version it will be X) button 3 times, Sora attacks 4 times.(Magic maybe?)
- Aladin's Co-Op Techniques are "Speeder" "Quick" and "Trickster" Reactions are brilliant normally and exellent during Wisdom Form.
- Demix, part of the 13th Order weilds a Sitar (A north indian instrument with gigantic proportions), during the Square-Enix Premere trailer he flips back and talks for extended periods, he controls water via his musical performance, which he enjoys.
- During the trailer, in a Valley, Cloud and Squall with their back to us face on a Nobody. "This number, Oh! Class?"
- Xaldin is the 3rd member of the Order. His weapon is his lances, which he manipulates freely.
- Beast's co-op techniques are "Beaster" "Howling Hard Fang" and "Last Shout" reactions vary depending on attacks, in Wisdom form it is very quick, strikes arn't as powerful though. In the trailer the boss defeats Beast and he's removed for that battle. No real bonus comes from Beast, his status rises a bit though. Co-Op techniques use up your MP Bar. You get a Purplish red bar when you're in magic mode. Co-op dissappears when the bar depleats
- During the trailer the background colour changed to black and white with the world confirmation (Steam Boat Willie) the film Mickey was born in.
- Passion (the new theme song for Kingdom Hearts II, written and preformed once again by Hikaru Utada) was not there in audible form it was only announced.
Square-Enix Premere Party Kingdom Hearts Trailer Summary (approx. 8min 30sec):
Seifer (FF8) is with Fujin (FF8) and Raijin (FF8)
DiZ appears where BHK and Axel are confronting each other and says something like "What he says is nonsense" or something to that effect.
Dialogue between DiZ and Enigmatic Man:
DiZ: Namine is controlling memories that link Sora to Sora (?????)
DiZ: Namine had a special birth.
Unknown: how many people's minds did Namine read?
DiZ: I don't mind thinking about it but tell me one thing: what is your real name?
In the snow mountains, the unknown was holding a Souleater (*cough*Riku*cough*)
Dialogue between DiZ and BHK in Castle Oblivion:
DiZ: Welcome, one chosen by the keyblade.
BHK: Are you saying that to me or to Sora?
DiZ: I need someone who can defeat the Thirteenth Order.
DiZ's voice is believed to be that of Ansem.
In a valley, the AC Cloud and Leon are back to back, surrounded by Nobodies:
Leon: Think we can do it? against that?
Cloud: If I take just one blow I'm done for.
Leon: Then I'll defeat just one more.
Riku: So this is the true world. Well, if that's the case, we should let it be engulfed by the darkness.
Sora: Riku!
(end of trialer dialogue)