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King Dedede yay or nay


Nov 5, 2006
Bottom of the tier list.
As a n00b I would say he is just another ******** animal/mallot swinger, but since I'm not a n00b and I am a HUGE fan of the Kirby series (own all the games), I'm gonna say F*** YEAH!!!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2006
Dayton, Ohio
In all seriousness, for all you people voting “yay”, how many of you would actually use him on a regular basis, over all other characters coming to Brawl?


May 15, 2006
In all seriousness, for all you people voting “yay”, how many of you would actually use him on a regular basis, over all other characters coming to Brawl?
Why should that matter? I love the character of Ness in Melee, but I almost never play with him. I love Dedede. I'll probably still use someone else (He seems like he'd be a bit heavy for my general tastes) but I'd be glad for Dedede to get put in.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
In all seriousness, for all you people voting “yay”, how many of you would actually use him on a regular basis, over all other characters coming to Brawl?
Not me. But there's a reason for that. I support other characters too. Samurai Goroh, Ike, Vaati, Ridley, Lucario. And I wanna try them all. I have no idea what movesets they will have so I can't decide on the moveset. And also, like you say, if I should look at a regular basis, I still don't know who to choose, I like them all. Only time will tell.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
Well, now you mention the hammer thing, I think he should have a shorter range than Link. In the Kirby games, his hammer isn't really that long but just big @$$. It shouldn't slow him down though since he can puff himself just like Kirby.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
Well, now you mention the hammer thing, I think he should have a shorter range than Link. In the Kirby games, his hammer isn't really that long but just big @$$. It shouldn't slow him down though since he can puff himself just like Kirby.
That reminds me, he's usually portayed as HUGE in the Kirby games, perhaps 3-4 times the size of kirby (which, actually might not be that big in reall life).

Size in SSB is out of wack; I mean, Ness and Pichu are almost the same size as Kirby! And Mario's not that much higher, either!


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
The old saying "Size matters" doesnt... well matter in brawl, ridley, dedede and other big guys can be added in brawl, look at bowser, the guy was huge in SM64, look at him now, like twice marios size...


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2007
The old saying "Size matters" doesnt... well matter in brawl, ridley, dedede and other big guys can be added in brawl, look at bowser, the guy was huge in SM64, look at him now, like twice marios size...
Yeah, like I said, size is out of wack in SSB.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
He'd probably use his fists rather than his feet and body for some of the weaker attacks, he does have boxing gloves on.
And as I said before, you can't put Metaknight without putting Dedede first, the Kirby franchise without Dedede is inconceivable and that's why he will be in FOR SURE with his rocking battle theme and his ring stage (alternate stage for Little Mac, do you get the idea?).

I originally got Melee in summer of '03... and that fall, I ended up drifting to the gamefaqs boards, where eventually I found myself on the SSB3 boards (we hijacked some old Commodore 64 game :D). I loved the character creations, and it was basically you called a character and made a moveset for them, and I don't think many others did repeats (there was only one char. creation thread back then.) Dedede was one of the characters i had made a moveset for... it's so dissapointing, that I can't go back there and retrieve those lists any more...

But anyways, why I wanted to thank you two Marshigio and GenG was that because you reminded me of my moveset. I don't recall having seen the anime consistently at that time, and so after doing some "research" for movesets (I remember the one I did for Metaknight most consistently; from what we've seen so far, my predictions have been mostly incorrect :p), my moveset for Dedede had a lot more use of the boxing gloves from the original (I think it was the original... I can't recall; in actuality, SSB was my first intro to Kirby).

...trying to recreate what I had for that time, in contestion to what most people have put, I predict something more along the lines of:

Neutral B: Exhale; pretty much what's already been described for this ability, except he can't actually suck up things like Kirby can, only move them at best; the air he exhales is enough to cause damage. I think I had it where you could charge the ammount of air inhaled at first, to deliver a more powerful blow. (a charge couldn't be held; it'd be like the marth & roy's neutral b.)
Smash B: Charging Punch; doesn't DeDeDe have an attack where he slides after Kirby trying to punch him? It would be like a Skull Bash/Green Missile version of Donkey Kong's punch, without as much force behind it. (And of course not much use in mid-air)
Down B: Butt Stomp; I think I actually recall this move, and it's been said before, so I've nothing more to say.
Up B: Inhale; DeDeDe would inhale and rise, damaging anyone he runs into, then leak air as he floats back down. Similar to Peach's umbrella, actually. I believe this is what he does originally... non? (I'd go re-check it and play through a few Kirby games, if only I had that kind of spare time.)

The names may not be great, for the quick and short, fancy doesn't matter.

IIRC, I think I gave DeDeDe multi-jumps originally... however, I am now going to predict a lack of multi-jumps for our fellow fowl. Giving him the much more plausible inhale-rise up-b move takes care of that - if you look carefully, DeDeDe is mostly seen as floating in the air after being inflated, as opposed to inhaling multiple times to move around or flapping his arms like Kirby (Dreamland 64 background anyone?)

And I TOTALLY call the ring stage, in addition to GenG (If you will, can I say I called it back in fall '03? :D) Not only could be an alternate to Little Mac, but it could serve additionally as an alternate for K.Rool if he makes it in! (From Donkey Kong 64; he fought the Kongs in a series of matches set up in a boxing arena...)

Oh, and on about the ring stage - overhead stadium lights as platforms, anybody? :D

P.S. I've been listening to midis of DeDeDe's battle theme for the past 45 minutes it took me to read both DeDeDe threads and write this post. Go me.

Edit: On the size debate... he'll be larger than Mario, and smaller than Bowser; perhaps the same size as Wario, who knows. That, (his size proportions), I think would be more determined by how DeDeDe's hammer is incorporated into his moveset; it could be that's all he's about, or he could alternate with his boxing gloves. (Haymaker punch for smash a anyone?)

People talking about why DeDeDe should or shouldn't be big as Bowser should realize that it won't matter. Even in the same series, characters are made to be out of proportion and into fighting proportions. Kirby being 6 inches tall is one example. Another is the Pokemon. Think about it - Pikachu sits on Ash's shoulder. Mewtwo towers over Ash. Yet Pikachu is easily more than a third of Mewtwo's height in Melee.

When talking SSB, you gotta talk SSB. Size doesn't matter - except for SSB size. (if that made sense.)
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