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King Dedede yay or nay


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Santa Cruz, CA
I know I know I apologize for going off.

At least I threw a couple reasons in why dedede could be in brawl.

I dont know if I fully support him, but I wouldnt mind.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
The ratio of characters in brawl to the character in the game means NOTHING. How many characters are in the "Ice Climbers" game? 1, maybe two that are worthy. And there are 1 (or 2) of them in Brawl. So if 3/3 Kirby characters is too much, why isn't 1/1 (2/2) Ice Climbers characters too much??

You're logic phails.
Dantedemonslayr said:
God you suck


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2006
Definitely. I was steamed when he wasn't in Melee.

Yeah, bringing this thread back when I made another one, ALL BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE LIVE ON THESE FORUMS.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Definitely. I was steamed when he wasn't in Melee.

Yeah, bringing this thread back when I made another one, ALL BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE LIVE ON THESE FORUMS.
Don't be mad because you didn't search and your topic got closed. It's not our fault.

Anyways, I think Dedede will be unlockable. Any ideas on how to unlock him O.o?


Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
OK, so who here thinks Triple D's as good as confirmed? I mean, Sakurai said he loves the character, he also MADE the character, and plus, Triple D was number 1 in the Melee poll, number 1 in the Brawl poll, and was supposed to be in the original along with Pit and Wario! I think he's in! Of course, I don't want to make any assumptions, but I believe there's a 98%, if not higher, chance of him getting in.


Smash Lord
May 26, 2006
I'm thinking completing one of the Survival modes or Stadium games, but I need to know all the 1-player modes before I can say for sure.


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
I figured something Kirby-themed, like on a Kirby adventure mode level you finish at a certain time, and instead of fighting Meta-Knight or Kirby, you fight Dedede (ala how to unlock Luigi)


Smash Rookie
Sep 11, 2006
Southampton, NJ
I say yay to King De De De. Some ideas for his move sets could be like b up is he jumps in the air and falls to the ground like in superstar. I don't get how people call De De De and Meta-Kight villans either. De De De is just selvish, and Meta-Knight was only a villain in Revenge of the Meta-Knight. MK wanted to end dreamlands lazy life style in that game. Mk is more of a mentor to Kirby anyway. Plus he basicly is Kirby except he's blue, has yellow eyes, and weilds the Galaxia. Boy did I get of the subject. Also King De De De has been an ally in most of the games. Like in crystal shards for the 64.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2006
Ending your game.
Kirby lacked support from his series like a couple other characters, so having Meta Knight and Dedede will definitely support him. Wierd...those 2 shift between villan and ally...I wonder what we should think of them as when Brawl comes out.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 3, 2006
Baltimore, MD
Edit: check it out, more than one page to this, anyway, DeDeDe is highly likely to get in this, since he's also Sakurai's character in the first place, if I'm not mistaken. I say yay, I want some good hammer action.


Smash Champion
Oct 19, 2006
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
yay I say! DeDeDe is #1 on my list of wanted character in Brawl. in fact, I would bet money on him being in. taking into consideration his popularity and potentail. but most importantly, his contrabution to one of Nintendos biggest francises. and even if he's not in (which no one has to worry about), they would still most likely put in his boxing ring as a stage. and 1,000,000,000% they would put him in SSB4. he'll be in Brawl, any one who disagrees dosn't deserve to buy the game.



Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
In your kitchen, drinking your kool-aid
The Kirby franchise could use another character representin' them, and he has fighting potential, so it would be good for King DeDeDe to be in Brawl.

Plus, Brawl could use more villians, even if King DeDeDe isn't really all that great at being evil.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 5, 2006
I certainly agree that DeDeDe is perhaps the most fitting character to add and a great nod to Sakurai's own franchise. But the issues about his moveset that keep coming up are certainly warranted. The geniuses on Sakurai's team could certainly come up with an awesome set of moves based solely on the hammer and inhalation, but is there another, more game-fitting way?

What if they combined DeDeDe with DarkMatter, as he appears in Dreamland 2 and Crystal Shards, possessed? DarkMatter could come out of him for certain attacks, making DeDeDe more unique than he could be as a simple penguin with a hammer.

Regardless, I'm sure the team will do well with him. Honor is at stake.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 15, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
I say yay. I would've much rather had King DeDeDe instead of Meta Knight, but why not just have both? I think King DeDeDe would fit in nicely, and would be very unique as well. Hope he makes it in :).


Smash Cadet
Feb 4, 2007
I say YAY he is just so perfect for Brawl and what's not original about a penguin with a hammer. The only problem is that Kirby stole his moves but they could replace Kirby's side B with his cutter throwy thing and give his hammer back to Dedede. Anyways he's probably my 4th or 5th wanted guy. Behind Captain Olimar,dragonite, and Ridley.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2007
If any series needs more representation it's the D.K. series, but I still give Dedede a...nod.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2007
Germantown MD
if they put mario's bowser and links ganondorf, they should put kirbys king dedede

*random post*

they should add diddy kong from the dk series


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Somewhere, sometime
Seriously, nobody has posted a moveset yet?

A - Punch
A, A - Double punch
A, A, A - Double punch and roundhouse kick
Dash - DeDeDe runs and then slides facedown over the floor, like he does in the game.

Ftilt - Hammer sweeps horizontally
Utilt - Sweeps his hamer overhead
Dtilt - Hammer sweep over the floor

Fsmash - Vertical hammer slam. The slam will create stars on his left and right side that damage you if you hit them, just like it does in the game
Usmash - The Utilt of Ice Climbers. The longer you charge, the longer the hammer spins
Dsmash - He slams the ground on both sides with a hammer in each hand. This will also cause stars to appear like with the Fsmash.

Jump - Like Kirby, DeDeDe will be able to jump 5 times, 6 if you also count the ground jump. He will inflate himself with air more and more, everytime that he jumps after the ground jump.
Nair - Split kick
Fair - Sweeps his hammer diagonally.
Uair - Claps his hand hard in each other above his head, like DK's Utilt but with less lag and less power.
Dair - A facedown dive to the ground, like Bowser's and Yoshi's Dair. It has as much lag as Yoshi's Dair.

B - Suck (yeah, weird name). Like Kirby, DeDeDe can suck people in. However, he will not be able to swallow them like Kirby. He can only spit them out again. However, this will give enemies more damage than Kirby does and he will be able to fire them further than Kirby can. You can also fire people up in stead of just left and right.
Forward B - I really have no idea...
Up B groundbound - Crash Jump. Like he does in the game, DeDeDe will jump up and slam facedown on the ground, creating stars on both sides. You can steer the jump by pressing left or right during the jump.
Up B aerial - Puffy. While DeDeDe is inflated in the air, he will be able to fire all the air in him out. This air will have the same range as Luigi's Fireballs and has a little more damage. If he puffs this air out, he will fall down, just like when Kirby does it in the game. However, he will not be vulnerable like all the other characters are after a Up B. So you will be able to L-Cancel or platform dash when you hit the ground.
Down B - Earthquake. DeDeDe slams his hammer on the ground which will cause a shockwave on both sides. It will have a small range, but it has almost no lag and people that are in range will get stuck in the ground like with DK's Down B. The earthquake will take 1 second.

Grab - Grabs you with both hands
A - Hits you with his knee
Fthrow - DeDeDe holds you in front of him with one hand, then slams you in the face with the other, giving a fair knockback.
Bthrow - DeDeDe rollsover his back and throws you over him. Has less knockback than the Fthrow.
Uthrow - DeDeDe holds you up with one hand, than slams you with the hammer, launching you up fairly high.
Dthrow - DeDeDe throws you on the ground, then slams you with his hammer. It will shove over the floor to the side that DeDeDe is not looking at (so if he Dthrows you when he looks to the right, he will slam you to the left). Has not so much knockback but damages the most.


Smash Ace
Aug 24, 2006
Actually I thiught I made a moveset here but was in the other King Dedede thread.

Well here it is.

Ok I got a few A moves for him.

A: Right swing
AA: Left swing
AAA: Rapid Hammer Combo (he closes his eyes and swings fast)

A dash- He trips (still does damage no lag)
A up- Swing hammer up
A down- Thrust hammer forward
A side- Diangnally swing

A Smash- Holds hammer like a baseball bat and swings
A Smash up- Squats then does a short hop
A Smash down- Holds then spins on the ground

Nair- bloats up
Fair- puts behind back then swipes downspin with hammer
Uair- swipes up
Dair- Hits down with head
Bair-swings back whileturing his head back

B SUCK- sucks in enemy chews then spits out
  • The more you press B the more he does damage
  • Damage 5%-15%

B> HAMMER THROW- Dedede throws his hammer forward and hits enemy it comes back.
  • High knock back
  • Damage 10%-25%

B down MEGA JUMP- Jumps high then smashs back down.
  • When hits ground makes two stars on the both sides hits one one target
  • Med-knock back
  • More damage if hit by him
  • Damage 10%-20%
  • Can't do in air. (it's a jump not a ground bound)

B^ BOUNCE- Dedede inflates and bounces across the stage
  • Control direction
  • Fall is quick
  • Damage 13%-18%

I'll take a whack at it.

SUPER SMASHS WHELLIE- Dedede calls in his Wheelie and gets on and swings his hammer around while riding the wheelie.
Can jump but, not double or triple jump
Damage 35%-50%

If you don't know what a Wheelie is here's a pic:


A: hits with hammer
Throw Foward: under handed swing
Throw Up: inhales and spits upward
Throw Backward: Toss backward
Throw down: body slam

Taunt: Takes an apple and eats it or turns toward the screen and holds a out peace sign.

  1. Dances in circles then trips
  2. the Waddle Dees suround him and bow
  3. He swings his hammer really cool like
  4. Same thing as three except he hits his head and knocks himself out.:chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:

Oh Kujirudo i think your Up B is kinda unfair. It mkae King Dedede like a thing with Kirbys multiple jumps combined with a Yoshi sized jump but it's up B.
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