Okay, we've established that you care about every child who starves as much as you care about this idiot. (We did establish that right?) So, why aren't you somber like 24/7? Do you not care enough to let it affect your state of emotion?
Oh come on, stop being ridiculous. You're not being incisive or insightful. We, as humans, could not function if we constantly thought about the number and nature of deaths in the world, if we constantly mourned every single one. Humans, by nature, respond better to individuals than to statistics. Of course I don't let it affect me, what would that accomplish? Does it mean that I "don't care"?
What does any of that have to do with this discussion? I said that one kid's death does not trivialize everyone else's deaths, and everyone else's deaths do not trivialize one kid's. That is from an objective perspective, and has nothing to do with how humans subjectively think about or prioritize deaths and tragedies.
More importantly, none of that is related to this topic. 104, I've seen you bring this up several times in the past. Why do you feel the need to press your view on death and significance like this, time and time again? There's nothing wrong with talking about one or a few specific incidents without mentioning the world.
It's sort of like this:
"My car broke down the other day, so I had to get it towed. It's gonna be at least a week before I can drive it again."
"What about the thousands of other people whose cars broke down? Are their problems less important?"
"I have 2 big exams this week. I've been studying non-stop."
"What about the millions of other people around the world who have exams? Are their tests worth less than yours?"
"I just found out an old teacher of mine has cancer."
"What about the millions of others with cancer? What makes your teacher so much better than them?"
Bringing up the second point, in each case, is just unnecessary and unrelated.