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KGD - The Kewkky Thread! - Kirby's Wasteland: Dead Social


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
Yeah, but it somehow gets colder.

EDIT: That pic really is fantastic. MK is lookin' hella sisnister (as usual) tho. =X

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community

But hey, it's where my name came from! ;D

Although to be fair, there have been anime references in Kirby games since. Kirby saying "Poyo!" in Epic Yarn and Mass Attack, Kirby getting exhausted after Inhaling for too long in Amazing Mirror, Galaxia becoming MK's official sword in future games, King Dedede's anime castle being a background in Squeak Squad, and there are probably more I'm forgetting. While the anime may not be canon, it has definitely influenced the games and MK's eye color changing could be in a future Kirby game, we never know.


Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
I know Masahiro Sakurai helped directly with the Kirby anime series, so maybe the things from the cartoon that showed up in games actually came from him anyway. :o

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
I doubt it, the last Kirby game Sakurai worked on was Kirby Air Ride and the anime references didn't start until Kirby and the Amazing Mirror with the exhausted after inhaling for too long and Amazing Mirror came out one year after Air Ride.

Then again, they may have had these ideas sketched out years before Sakurai left HAL... No one know for certain, but it does seem unrealistic. XD

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
Gah! I gotta re-study the Meta Knight match-up if I wanna survive in NJ! Uploads of my crappy performance should be up withen the next day or so!


That was the livestream channel! Videos should show up there too. Soon.

Hey MikeKirby, just wondering since you live in NJ/NY... Looked at your profile on AiB for the best player of each character and I see Jtails for MK. You haven't played M2K or Nairo but you live in NJ/NY? Wut? XD


OTL Winrar
Jun 6, 2006
Brooklyn, New York
Against Nairo?? Nuuuuu! You don't wanna do that! I don't think I've ever seen him lose the ditto. You might be able to give him more of a challenge if you know the MK match-up and go Kirby. I think he doesn't know that match-up at all (I think, I mean does he have too? He's Meta Knight!) M2K on the other hand...

Edit: By the way, since I doubt those results will be posted, at that smashfest tourny I got 3rd place in doubles along with Raptor :yoshi2:. We beat sandbaggers, Nairo and ADHD in Winner's semis :laugh:. I got 5th in singles. Although, I really need to step it up on a ton of things! I've begun to auto-pilot too much. >__<


Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
Well if I remember correctly, Chu did 2-0 Nairo at Apex 2010, but that's two years ago... Last Apex, Nairo is the highest placing American and Chu doesn't make it out of pools. Times change. ;_;

5th in singles? Good stuff, who did you beat? :D

Also... I don't think going Kirby vs M2K is a smart idea. I remember when Chu played M2K at HERB 2, he got double 2-stocked, when they played at Xanadu he got double 2-stocked again, when they played at Chu's bi-weekly, game 1 was a 3-stock, then a 2-stock, then a 1-stock (Winner's Finals, so best of five) so to my knowledge... M2K has only been taken to last stock by Kirby once in tourney, with how frame safe he is, I honestly can't imagine a Kirby beating M2K unless they're TAS-level.

Although... Going a pocket MK vs M2K and Nairo is definitely worse than using your main, just stick with Kirby if you don't actually play MK, you'll have a better chance. XD

But yeah... I think a Kirby COULD beat Nairo, but it'd have to be if Chu somehow got back into his prime and was on a PERFECT day when playing Nairo, Nairo's definitely gotten better since Apex 2010. M2K's spacing and safe play though... I can't imagine a Kirby beating him.

Also Nairo has definitely lost the ditto (including this year after his Apex breakout). He's 2-3 with M2K this year and 1-3 with Anti this year. He's also played Ally this year and in their GFs set, Ally won the first two with MK and game 3 was really close, but Nairo did an unsafe Shuttle Loop or Nado (can't remember which) at like 170% and Ally could've just d-smashed him to end the set for a 3-0, but grabbed instead. Then Nairo came back and did beat Ally game 4 legit in MK dittos, although game 5 he got 2-stocked by Ally in MK vs Snake (although Nairo SD'd at almost 0% last stock). So yeah, Nairo's definitely not unbeatable in the MK ditto and honestly, I don't think he's the best US MK in the ditto either. The big tourney he's won this year were CoT6 which he beat ADHD, Vinnie and Dabuz twice (Dabuz double eliminated M2K the round before M2K would get to Nairo both times) and he won SKTAR which he beat Leon, Vinnie, Trela and ESAM twice to win. Nairo definitely is solid at the MK ditto considering he has beaten M2K twice this year, but considering he's negative with both M2K and Anti this year, I don't think he's the best US MK at the ditto.


Smash Legend
Jun 4, 2009
Arcata, CA
How was it?
Nairo 2 stocked me on the first and 3 stocked me game on the second game the one time we played. I've gotten 2 stocks off M2K but I've never beaten him in a tourney match. I did beat his Ganondorf at Genesis in a friendly tho, lmaoo.

I played Pikachu against them tho.
Did ya get frustrated?
I would have to take the game seriously to get frustrated; so nah.

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
...I talk too much about MK here don't I? XD

Well on the note of MK...

You ready east coast? I'm not. ;_;

If I die, you guys better change the Kirby vs MK ratio in the thread to 100-0 MK.



Smash Hero
Dec 22, 2005
...just stick with Kirby if you don't actually play MK, you'll have a better chance.
Actually... just use MK and you'll have a better chance in the long run. If you can learn to use MK as much or better than the top MK players, you'll have a much greater chance of beating everybody and winning national tournaments. XD

Kawaii Poyo

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2008
PokeHacker Community
Obviously, but what I'm saying is that if you randomly run into a top MK in bracket, go your main instead of a pocket MK, you'll probably get bodied either way, but your chances are higher with your main instead of a pocket MK. You'll have a 0% chance of beating M2K with a pocket MK, he's literally beaten every single MK he's played except Otori and even then, they only met once at SRT, I look forward to M2K winning a re-match at Apex 2013. :D

But yeah, I agree with maining MK being better in the long run than Kirby, no questions. But actually practice him before using him in tourney, don't just give up hope if you meet a top MK in bracket and say "I'm gonna use my pocket no experience MK instead of my main I've been using for years." If your MK has been practiced, sure. Pocket MK? No. I myself main MK so I can go MK and Kirby, meaning I do have MK for every match-up. XD

Except ICs on FD if it's a Japanese ruleset where I can't ban FD. My ICs are meh at the ditto and since I'll probably use them if I have to play an ICs on FD instead of MK, so they don't have a game to learn more reads on my MK since I'll probably lose anyway and I can learn some reads their ICs in the ditto.
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