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Katalina- Guardian Knight of the Blue Sky for DLC (Granblue Fantasy ) 'work in progress' 'Researchers welcomed'


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Well gang, I know very little about her at this moment in time but Verg is behind her so I'm going take the first step in making a support thread on here for her.

She's from a mobile game yes but she has a game being developed by Platinum.

It looks amazing,

As far as I know, she can make blades of water and performs a lot of muti-hit attacks.

So she's not an FE, not really.

So, gonna need some crowd research guys to help me dig up more.

Thanks in advance if you choose to take up that task.

Now for my findings

Granblue Basics

Katalina- Guardian Knight of the Blue Sky

Straight from the Wiki here's some background info


Height:169 cm

Race: Human

Hobbies: Sword collecting

Likes: Cute things, small animals

Dislikes: Bugs, cooking

Her full name is Katalina Aryze.

A running gag with Katalina is that she is terrible at cooking, but is oblivious to it.

"Once a devoted knight of the Erste Empire in charge of guarding Lyria, Katalina turns on her former home and vows to travel with you to protect Lyria from the Empire's schemes. Her skilled and calculated displays of swordplay with her trusted sword Rukalsa are in stark contrast to her profoundly lacking sense of direction and poor cooking skills. These things, among others, are regularly pointed out by her fellow party members."

Katalina is the first character in the game the player obtains, and acts as a pure support character. Despite having low offensive presence, the amount of support she provides is invaluable for newer players and will be a staple on many of early teams.

In Smash?
Well, the game doesn't seem to yield too many ideas but maybe that's just me, so to see her in motion let's look at some anime clips.

Here's what I'm thinking, she described as a 'balanced character with a sword that uses water elements.

So using the platinum games proof of concept and like the one anime clip I have her fighting this is what I'm thinking.
She'd be a fencing swordsmen not unlike :ultmarth::ultlucina: but her hitboxes could be bigger and range could be a little longer not along as say :ultcorrin: but let's say about half

Neutral B: Water Trident: A powerful thrust that acts like Marth's charging Neutral B but with a larger hit box as when the move is charged a twinkle of light indicating the spawn of a water spear manifesting. the longer the button is held the more that are spawned for a maximum of three.

Side B: Water Saber: Imagine the :ultlittlemac: hay-maker Side B with less super armor and more range as Katalina swipes with her sword followed by a water spear extending from the swipe. with no starting lag but a ton of ending lag.

Down B: Freeze Circle Katalina place her sword in the ground and kneels causing a circle of effect to appear around her, this causing the opponent to freeze when they enter the circle of effect. I imagine the starting lag on this to be immense.

Up B: Rising Ice Wind: Katalina spins extending her herself upward while ice crystals dance around her, when in contact with this move the opponent will freeze. Recovery wise this I imagine would be basically :ultyounglink::ultlink::ulttoonlink: but with the chance to freeze someone.

Neutrals and Aerials : Generic sword attacks, her in-game attacks are really just swings, so perhaps they could take a few motions from the anime, but honestly she doesn't get to do much because she's not the main character.

Smash Attacks: Various blades of ice, possibly even slight projectiles, giving her smash attacks a decent amount of range. They are her Charge Attacks, so it makes sense to turn them into her smashes. If she could freeze by sweet spotting them that'd be pretty cool I suppose.

Grabs and Throws: Generic again, she really doesn't do much to differentiate herself in normals, though that is true of anyone in Granblue, barr possible Gran in the anime.


Neutral: Dispel Mount: it's pretty much the Crux of her spell set in Granblue so it makes sense as a neutral, certainly more so than heal. Veil normally makes you immune to the next status effect you would recieve, but that doesn't really work in smash where only a handful of characters inflict status effects, so I guess it'd be one hit of super armour?

Down: Enchanted Lands: taken from her Grand version because she doesn't have enough moves to make a move set on her own. Enchanted lands has two effects, it does large damage and causes guarenteed triple attacks... I suppose the way you could do this is some sort of area of effect that does a bit of damage to anyone who steps into it, and also makes Katalina a bit faster when she's within it. Think Palutena's Heavenly Light, but lasts a little bit after you let go.

Forward: Light Wall: her third spell, in the game it's used to reduce incoming damage, but it's animation is creating a wall of light infront of the party... so I think it should do that. A big wall appears in front of Katalina, going both up and down, you have to do a certain amount of damage to the wall to break it, and you can't pass through it

Up: I got nothing, for a game about flying between floating islands the characters spend a lot of time on the ground. I guess she could just do another generic sword swing, but it kinda sucks.

Final Smash: Blades of Diamond: just re-use that ice blade animation from Katalina Grand, put it a set distance away from her, and have it do loads of damage. If it was the main character they'd be able to use any of the summons, but ya know, that'd make way too much sense.

Stage: Grandcypher - the airship that acts as the game's logo, it could potentially travel between a couple islands, and even have one of the raid bosses turn up in the background. Maybe Io or Rackam could be watching too.

Pakky Pakky
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Parallel_Falchion Parallel_Falchion
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SnakeFighter64 SnakeFighter64
NukeA6 NukeA6
7982Brick 7982Brick
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kool2419 kool2419
Russell_SSB Russell_SSB
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Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
You probably want to make these a bit more detailed, about the source, so some more of her moves and stuff. But yeah, I wouldn't mind her, and she would be different from the FE characters, having more water and magic in her attacks,


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
You probably want to make these a bit more detailed, about the source, so some more of her moves and stuff. But yeah, I wouldn't mind her, and she would be different from the FE characters, having more water and magic in her attacks,
I intend to as I've made a few back in the day.

Just wanted to get this out here for the time being.

I'll add a 'work in progress' sticker up top.


Smash Hero
Aug 26, 2010
Dayton, OH
It's really funny to see different support groups and how they feel about her. The rumor in most groups have been "no because I don't like Gacha", "yes because I like GranBlue", "no because she's not Nintendo", "yes because she looks fun".

The Elma thread, for example, didn't know who she was but one look at that video sold everyone because she has a cool design and move pool. A lot of people in the General thread are against it because GranBlue isn't big in the West unlike Japan. It's really interesting, especially considering the runor came from a source that has zero track record with Smash and Verge himself has said "I have heard nothing, even if Hitagi is reliable on other games".

My stance is simple: If the GranBlue console game is released on Switch, I'm very much cool with her. My friend who loves GranBlue told me about her and she sounds like she is brimming with personality, the music for the game is by Nobuo Uematsu (possibly a point AGAINST the rumor?), and there was some kind of story event where she was transformed into a tank named Katapillar and that's hilarious.

Plus the ice magic sounds like a lot of fun, and she's cute. No Nintendo connection, no support, but I think she looks cool as heck so the rumor doesn't chafe me like it does others.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
now what do you mean by that? Because a mobile gatcha game character got in it means smash is ruined?
I think it could possibly symbolize a more.... corporate style of handling the roster. Emphasizing the hot and new over the long beloved character that have amassed sizable fanbases. I'm not even Anti Bayo or Corrin; but even this seems a little far to me and could represent a turning point in Nintendo's priorities.


Smash Hero
Jul 2, 2013
It's really funny to see different support groups and how they feel about her. The rumor in most groups have been "no because I don't like Gacha", "yes because I like GranBlue", "no because she's not Nintendo", "yes because she looks fun".

The Elma thread, for example, didn't know who she was but one look at that video sold everyone because she has a cool design and move pool. A lot of people in the General thread are against it because GranBlue isn't big in the West unlike Japan. It's really interesting, especially considering the runor came from a source that has zero track record with Smash and Verge himself has said "I have heard nothing, even if Hitagi is reliable on other games".

My stance is simple: If the GranBlue console game is released on Switch, I'm very much cool with her. My friend who loves GranBlue told me about her and she sounds like she is brimming with personality, the music for the game is by Nobuo Uematsu (possibly a point AGAINST the rumor?), and there was some kind of story event where she was transformed into a tank named Katapillar and that's hilarious.

Plus the ice magic sounds like a lot of fun, and she's cute. No Nintendo connection, no support, but I think she looks cool as heck so the rumor doesn't chafe me like it does others.
Yeah the Shantae thread seems pretty ok with her once they saw her in action. People i think see Gatcha and assume money hunry corpterate overlords.

I think it could possibly symbolize a more.... corporate style of handling the roster. Emphasizing the hot and new over the long beloved character that have amassed sizable fanbases. I'm not even Anti Bayo or Corrin; but even this seems a little far to me and could represent a turning point in Nintendo's priorities.
Granblue is like nearly 5 years old, and an absolute powerhouse in japan. I would say that game gotcha gatcha games going again in japan(Fate, FE, and others all started due to the succsess of this one)


Banned via Warnings
Apr 25, 2015
The moon
If this is in fact a game by platinum, than it’s pretty much promised to be good. At the very least.


Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
I'd take Katalina over Minecraft Steve TBH. I'm not exactly crazy about the context behind her inclusion, but the character herself looks cool, atleast...

IF Katalina in Smash end sup being true (AFAIK it hasn't actually been confirmed by anything yet, including Verge), I wonder if it means Granblue will be getting some kind of content on the Switch like a new game or something.


Smash Cadet
Jun 11, 2013
Not a character I'd expect tbh. But is only a rumor for now.
Plus Granblue is apparently huge in Asia, has done crossovers before, Nintendo owns 5% stock in Cygames, and getting a console game that's being localized.
Guess we'll see

Deleted member

Sure, I support, she is neat. I love water powers, multi-hitting attacks, and cool graceful warrior women. What's a 9th gacha game character at this point? :troll:

But yeah, she'd bring a new kind of representation for mobile games. That Platinum game looks super pretty! Really cool to see that a mobile-based IP can have that kind of prestige. And in a way, she could kinda be interpreted as a second PG rep if that game helps build her moveset. (Better luck next time, Wonderful 101!)
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Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2014
I’d be perfectly fine with her. She looks like a lot of fun to me, and I completely trust Sakurai to sell me on this fighter, assuming what’s his face and Verge are correct. I was meh on Ken before, now I’m never using Ryu again. Piranha Plant was a guy I never would’ve seriously considered, and I love it after seeing it in action. Plus, having Ridley, K.Rool, the Belmonts, Incineroar, Inklings, and hopefully Robin, Dedede and Mac got improved, I have no shortage of characters to play as anyways. Katalina’s just a bonus to me. Maybe she’ll be more and I’ll check out her games, but otherwise, she’s just more content.

I just wish we had more information on her; despite allegedly being in talks for DLC, it seems like the majority of the community knows absolutely nothing about her or her games, and the wikia articles aren’t telling me a whole lot either (maybe because I just don’t play mobile games?)
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Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2018
The PG gameplay definitely helped convince me a bit, mainly because we need more elemental fighters that aren't fire-based and it'd put her on console, so I think she'd be cool in that way. Though I will say that if there's only one group of DLC and she makes it in over someone way more requested, I completely agree that it shows that priorities for putting characters into Smash shifted in a bad way.

But I'm over here supporting Doom Slayer and Henry Fleming so hey, out of a lot of character suggestions this isn't the worst.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I am not exactly a fan of hers, or happy to have her as one of hte 5 DLC spots. But that game can surely reach Nintendo. That'd be nice. Maybe this would be a sort of bridge to make that happen? Seems very plausible. Although I wanted Hyrule Warriors Impa to create blades out of water and all... Guess I'll have to deal with that sort of **** again. Yay.

Deleted member

I'll sign in because Katalina looks like she would be a ton of fun and, even though I'm more of a Fate guy, Granblue seems really good too. I mean, god, that consistent beautiful art makes one wonder how it is just a mobile game. Well, not anymore, seeing by that Platinum game and I really hope it comes to the Switch.


Oct 27, 2013
Switch FC
What the hell, I'll support Katalina. I'm not interested in the kind of game she comes from, but she looks like she would be an immensely fun character to play as with her ice-based powers. Not to mention she has a really good design IMO, and I'd be all for more strong and independent female RPG protagonists in Smash besides Elma, Terra, and Edelgard.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2018
Not to mention she has a really good design IMO, and I'd be all for more strong and independent female RPG protagonists in Smash besides Elma, Terra, and Edelgard.
I do agree overall. Though I'd say they could tone down the belly button armor curvature a bit :laugh:

Deleted member

I would also like to be added to the anti-supporter list.
Here it is

Now get out, this is a support thread so you have no business coming here if all you wanna do is say "I don't want this character"


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
Here it is

Now get out, this is a support thread so you have no business coming here if all you wanna do is say "I don't want this character"
Hey; I'm not here to **** on people. I just kinda wanna have a discussion about her; since she seems to be on the table now.


Smash Champion
Nov 7, 2015
Realm 75731
eh Sakurai gave me a lot of the characters I wanted / characters I liked :ultkrool::ultdaisy::ultridley::ultisabelle: Incineroar and Piranha Plant, so I'm down for whatever.

put me on the support list.


Smash Legend
Oct 29, 2007
The Western side of Pop Star.
The only thing that baffled me about her is Sakurai deciding to pick the next JP-only character from a somewhat different market, but since said market has Super Mario Run, I could understand the factoring behind this move.

That being said, a mix of water and ice abilities seems neat (another buddy for the :ulticeclimbers:), and she does have some nice outfits that could be used as alts.

So, you can count me in for support.
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Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2018
I would not mind Katalina she so pretty I want more newcomer females in Smash Ultimate. I support her in smash.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2018
Finally, she has a support thread...
Count me in

Begone! You don't belong in this world, monsters!!
Hey; there's no reason to be hostile.. I'm just here for discussion. If I could get on board with her; that'd be nice. If she's in; I'd certainly want to not be disappointed with her. I'm currently in a situation though where it's not worth bringing the mobile market into Smash purely for a kinda cool character.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2014
Finally, she has a support thread...
Count me in

Begone! You don't belong in this world, monsters!!
“Hmm... all these anti-supporters.... what if I said something like “Begone, Detractors! You don’t belong in this thread!”

*Scrolls down, sees Smashing Ramen’s post*

*sigh* Every time....

Yangfly Leone

Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2015
She looks cool, I actually never heard of her, but I've heard about her game a lot, and I really mean it. She seems pretty cool as a character and those elemental water moves would be cool


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
Came here to educate myself on this character after hearing it's rumoured an inevitability.

First impression honestly isn't great; her design is kind of just a generic female knight in an anime with a jewelled naval. That's pretty much the one interesting thing about her design right now that doesn't immedietly make me think of Fire Emblem on an admittedly superficial level or maybe Final Fantasy due to the abundance of belts.

The gameplay seems more like that of Xenoblade? Doesn't look like an awful game in all fairness, but Katalina hopefully has more to offer than water elemental swords.
An ironic statement coming from an Impa fan, perhaps, but Zelda is a big name worldwide, whilst Granblue is clearly going to need Smash to make their brand an international success and as a result seems a weird choice for DLC rather than the base game to get her name out. Just odd. Most Smash fans will buy whatever they're given I guess, but I'm not sure everyone will.

These are just first impressions, I'll try and keep a more open mind as Piranha Plant was a fun pick after all, but nothing about Katalina at current seems particular unique or special from any other JRPG protagonist to me. Hopefully I can be proved wrong.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2014
At least we got a glimpse at what her possible Final Smash would be near the end of this.

Cereal Bawks

Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2012
I was thinking of making a thread for Katalina, but looks like I don't have to.

I support. She'd have a cool moveset. If Sakurai could make Piranha Plant look fun to play as, he could do something cool with Katalina.

also i love swordies


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2018
Las Piedras
So, I can't say that I support her because I basically don't know anything about her (but I'm planning to learn).

However, I want to say something:
Character from mobile games shouldn't be underestimated. Like it or not, at the end of the day, mobile games gave even more visibility to the gaming industry and that's something that we should respect. Mobile games are a huge part of the gaming market now and we're going to have to count even more and more on it.

I'll learn about Katalina and Granblue Fantasy, then I'll say if I support her or not. Good luck to you guys !


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
You have my support put me on he list. Katalina looks like a fun character plus her water/ice looks amazing, also I'm interested in playing the new Granule Fantasy game when it comes out so yeah Katalina for Smash.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Her final smash could be draining the wallets of the other characters. It would be pretty on point since that's all gacha trash is for anyway.
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