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Kansas City/Lawrence Discussion Topic


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2007
A-Town, Kansas City
School Days was good while it was airing, and you could go to forums to talk to others to make fun of it and speculate how much more ****ed up the next episode will be compared to the last one. But it's not something you'll get much entertainment value out of otherwise. Some would call it a passing fad.

I actually just received Karas today from a friend and will be watching it tonight.

From what I heard Samurai Champloo is basically is 25 episodes of filler with an unsatisfying ending episode. I didn't watch it myself, but this is what I heard from Cups and Z.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is good, but not for everyone. However, don't judge your opinion off the first episode, it's kind of one of those episodes you're supposed to go back and watch after seeing the rest. I haven't watched it since the Endless Eight started so I have no idea how it is now.

One Piece is ****ing amazing and only gets better every arc.

Naruto is pretty good before the time skip. After the time skip, the series gets pretty inconsistent in quality with arcs that are both amazing and terrible. Watch it if you want, but be warned that once the Time Skip starts some pretty crappy arcs will start slipping in.

Bleach before the end of Soul Society is awesome, stylish, with cool character designs and interesting plot twists.

Bleach after Soul Society is a ***** ****ing train wreck that should crash somewhere in the middle of Philadelphia in a ditch, and be nuked.

Some stuff that hasn't been mentioned yet:

Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Azumanga Daioh
D. Gray Man
Hunter X Hunter
Voices of a Distant Star

The last two are movies.


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
I don't think it's fair to watch FMA:B without suffering FMA first. If you do pick up bleach, it's slow....but it has SOME kind of hypnotic spell over it...somehow. You should also get used to the idea of reading manga, and not just watching anime.

*reads jaces post* YOU AIN'T FINISHED WITH NOTHING, the most masterfully crafted series of alllll the wooooorld still awaits you.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, although that **** makes no sense, but is absolutely fabulous*
Howl's Moving Castle, IMO
Princess Mononoke, beware of fan girls
Ninja Scroll, The movie, not series
Blood, the movie was decent and spawned a series that I never watched.
Gungrave, good story, good gun fightin....no spoilers though.
Guyver, is tight as well

Yu Yu Hakusho
DBZ Kai, The 2 greatest classic Shonen, although ones a remake but whatev.

I agree with Claymore, Azumanga daioh, RK, and Trigun.

Watch Akira, and Ghost in the Shell, if you want to have no idea what's going on but get a good feel of what is possible with good art and good storytelling in anime movies.

I ****ing got it, jace, I'm going to give you 96 episodes of Rurouni Kenshin next time I see you, cups needs to give me mah movie so I can pass it along.

.hack//Sign, little philosophical, amazing soundtrack.
Mai Hime / Otome, for something a little different.
I liked Tenchi Muyo when I was a kid....I don't know if it was even any good.

Outlaw Star omg, I'm not even joking, you should watch this. It's got everything, story, char development, kickass dudes, space, guns n **** shooting dimensional waves at other dudes. Taoist magic, transforming cat girls, oh gawd.

Vampire Hunter D, Old classic. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, New classic.
Anyone mentioned Code Geass yet?
X: the movie, is good....
Casshern Sins is good, thought provoking. But the ending is a little offbeat from what you expect.
Casshern: Robot Hunter, excellent remake of the 1970's series into an 4 part OVA.
Read or Die OVA was good, I bet the series was dumb though.
I'm just gonna throw out Sayonara Zetsubou-Sensai, Maria Holic. Offbeat comedies.

I think I'm out of ideas...sorry my list is all over the place.

Oh yeah, and don't watch Witch Hunter Robin.


Smash Lord
Nov 5, 2005
straight outta Locash
haha, really though...for some reason i can't find anyone else who watches Urusei Yatsura (often called "Those Obnoxious Aliens")...even like 95% of japanophiles and weeabos i've met don't know of it :\ it's more than worth checking out if you've never looked into it. other than that most of my top 10 choices have been mentioned or are otherwise mainstream enough to have probably been not looked over.
also watch the hidan/kakuzu arc of naruto shippuden to see the anime actually doing something right for once (other than getting Toshio Masuda to compose, i mean). blew my mind.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2006
Kansas City, MO
Be careful with Kenshin. It never gets more amazing than the Shishio Arc.
FLCL is also good if you're insane like I am.

Also, I second the manga reading sentiment. You can read 2 weeks worth of round-the-clock anime watching in a single day in manga form, and not miss anything important.

Incidentally, I think I still have crazy chinese knockoff DVDs of Trigun, Eva, and Cowboy Bebop if Jace wants to borrow them, I had Chobits but it got stealified by one of the 7 girls in Rolla.


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
I would never send someone into RK unprepared. I have full series of chobits, trigun, and azumanga on cd-r.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
protip: don't listen to arkive.

Code Geass is just death note except not as good.

I only watched the first arc of bleach and was content not watching the rest. I made up a good ending in my head. The series is over.

Outlaw Star is hella good.

FLCL is legit.

Naruto is really fun to watch, just beware of fillers and trolls. Dunno about shippuuden I haven't even tried it yet.

Akira is ****ing awesome.

DBZ Kai is going to be the greatest thing of all time once it gets finished. It's already one of my favorite animes and it's only a third done.

Tenchi Muyo is entertaining.

Evangelion goes from bad to good back to bad again, but remains in your mind forever as epic. Nobody knows the logic behind this.

Jojo's bizarre adventure is an awesome manga, I don't know about the anime though. And if you only watched the Berserk anime then you still have to read the manga. The anime is only a tiny fraction of the story. I also thought Tsukihime made a reallllly good manga. Deadman Wonderland, 20th Century Boys, and Pokemon Special are all wonderful manga as well.

Darker than Black and Umineko no naku koro ni are really good right now too.



Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
Lawrence, KS
Woah, that's a lotta stuff. Thanks for all the suggestions guys now I won't have to wade through any crap to find the good stuff.

And now I'm really glad I have a long break ahead of me to actually dive into a bunch of this stuff. Oh yeah Z you're right about Berserk's manga; I'll look into that

Oh yeah and generally should I watch dubbed or subbed, or does it matter on how good the dub is for each anime?


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
Sub is usually prime cause you don't understand it, but it still conveys the emotion without sounding incredibly corny, and keeps your reading skills up. Not to say there aren't any good ones....it's just rare.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Out of the millions of anime I've watched I've only seen a few good dub. Stick with subs.

Deleted member

Oh yeah and generally should I watch dubbed or subbed, or does it matter on how good the dub is for each anime?
as everyone has already said, subs.

the first reason why is because during japanese to english translation a lot of meaning is lost (which is why i didnt know what the **** was going on in evangelion the first time i watched it lol.)

the second reason is this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3tQ0_lSPYk

moral of the story? don't watch death note.


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
Come now, read deathnote and for 50% of it you get the greatest cat and mouse game to come out of japan.

The real moral is that Jonny Yong Bosch is the worst voice actor to ever grace so many lead roles.


Smash Lord
Mar 11, 2008
Arkive I hate you.

Death Note one of greatest anime to ever grace my eyes. The first half of it was sooooo **** good. So good that after I watched it I was wanting to take over the world for like 6 months.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
the mark of a true masterpiece. the compelling desire for world domination.


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz
I hate 3/4 of the voice actors int he english version.....Or was it just 3/4 of the characters....who knows.


Smash Champion
Jun 9, 2003
St, Joseph, MO
pc's list
great teacher onizuka 9/10 - life lessons from a perverted dude that can beat anyone up
tengen toppa gurren lagann 10/10 - super fighting shonen with mechas, you probably wont enjoy it as much since you haven't sat through lots of terrible mechas before
death note 7/10 - amazing first half, considerably weaker second half
hajime no ippo 10/10 - action shonen with training arcs and powerups and amazing music, personal favorite
cowboy bebop 10/10 - music, animation, characters, humor. has it all.
yuyu hakusho 9/10 - one of the most popular fightan shonens ever, inspired crew battles in smash bros
trigun 9/10 - the showdowns with the gung ho guns and the final battle with knives make this so amazing. traveller with guns(3 of them!)
rurouni kenshin 8/10 - 60 episodes of awesome then trash, dont bother after the shishio arc with the tv series, move to the movies. period sword action/drama

arkives list
full metal panic 8/10 - decent war anime with mechas
black lagoon 8/10 - good action and story
samurai champloo 9/10 - great action, great music, period sword fighterers, dont listen to z or cups, give it a shot
sengoku basara 7/10 - considerably weaker after the initial episodes, period piece with power levels of manliness

dont even bother with arkives second list, you aren't ready for any of those lololololo

evangelion 9/10 - would be 10/10 if not for the brutal mind**** ending that no one can say they honestly liked without getting laughed at
flcl 9/10 - good music and confusing story, great animation (<3 gainax)

markis list
one piece if you could give 100/10 - hands down the most enjoyable thing in my life right now. starts off slow though
naruto - decent enough to warrant your time, its got some great great moments. i woudln't bother with the time jump series (shippuden). its so up and down its not even worth it as of right now
bleach - great setup, and is actually really good for a while. falls completely flat on its face and currently is the joke of the anime/manga world ( in a bad way)
full metal alchemist brotherhood - i'm behind in it but dont bother with the first series, good story.
hunter x hunter 10/10 - same guy that did yuyu hakusho TOGASHI YOU SON OF A *****
Claymore 9/10 - so many good parts but the anime ending is terrible, read the comic
akira 8/10 - early 90s anime that helped bring japanese animation to america in a big way, mainly because of its incredible violence and serious story. classic that you should watch
voices of a distant star - impressive because one guy made it all, cute/sad love story

z stuff
chobits - arkives 2nd list, you're not ready for it
jojos 9/10- anime is pretty hard to get but its got incredibly amazing fights
outlaw star 9/10 - really awesome, space and guns and naked chicks
dragon ball kai 10/10 - pretty dated quailty but a classic that shouldn't be missed, still airing though
azumanga daioh 10/10 - arkives second list, i dont think slice of life stuff is right for you right now....
mai hime - 1/10 - would be 8/10 if the ending wasn't the worst ending in the history of endings. it isn't even ambigious and open ended, its just simply the worst ever.

read or die tv series was stupid as crap z, you are correct

code geass series 1, 10/10 - probably one of the best series i've ever seen. like death note kinda, but with a main character that you can actually root for... but then it leads to...
code geass series 2, 5/10 - takes what you remember of code geass and strips most of the good parts and replaces it with TONS AND TONS OF DELICIOUS FANSERVICE. not very good though :(

i just the ones that i was pretty familiar with, i didn't rate everyones
some other notables to check out or if people taked about it i missed it
hikaru no go - amazing and fun, makes the board game Go the most exciting thing you've ever imagined
monster - cliffhangers every episode? complicated murder mystery? yes plz
hellsing ultimate - great action and music, it might offend your christian sensibilities in the best way possible ( dont bother with the hellsing tv series)

i'm really glad jfro wasn't online to recommend mother****ing inuyasha. i mainly listed/rated action series, but if you're interested in more high school slice of life stuff, feel free to check out the things in arkives second list. if only dyc were alive to chime in about gundams

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
detective conan and one piece are like the only anime i watch :/
and well er i watched elfen lied.... <_<
LOL @ YYHS inspiring crew battles, too good.

Deleted member

Arkive I hate you.

Death Note one of greatest anime to ever grace my eyes. The first half of it was sooooo **** good. So good that after I watched it I was wanting to take over the world for like 6 months.
why do you make it so easy for me to troll you

dmac is a walking archive of anime info. Grave of the Fireflies......make it happen.
doesnt that movie make you want to /wrist like none before you?


Smash Champion
Jun 9, 2003
St, Joseph, MO
grave of the fireflies is probably one of the most depressing things to come out of japanese animation. that and saikano :(

also, these giant lists have got to be pretty intimidating to jacez0rs. everyone should list 2 series that you would recommend him to start with, something that would be perfect as a MY FIRST ANIME LOL

cowboy bebop or hajime no ippo (BIG SUPRISE EH)

also, subs poop on dubs. the only reason anyone likes dubs is because that was their first experience with the show, which is why many people like the bebop or dbz dub better. they grew up with those voices and its hard to turn them off in their head. the only japanese show which theres almost a unanimous consensus where the dub is equal to or even greater than the sub, is Cromatie High School (i've only seen the sub heh)

i started watchin anime as an excuse to see cartoon boobies when i was like 10... started out with like devil hunter yohko and various ecchi things that i dont really remember. i think legend of the overfiend scarred me as a child. then when sci fi channel would do their anime festivals i got into vampire hunter D hells yea. my first realy subbed anime that i downloaded and the start of me really getting back into anime after not watching any for like 6 years was... love hina. <_<;;

what if we're all wrong and all jace wants to watch is some shoujo. NANA lololo


Smash Champion
Mar 26, 2006
You guys should come to the Melee portion (and Brawl too if you're into that sort of thing) of this tournament:


Don't watch anime, read manga. It's free, easy to find (www.onemanga.com, www.mangavolume.com), and you can pretty much go at your own pace instead of sitting through hours of slow pans across static images and characters staring into space. Seriously I used to like Naruto but when they have to stretch a 15-page chapter into 30 minutes it can be absolute torture.

Speaking of anime, what are your LEAST favorite series?

My vote:

Most frustrating - I's
Most boring - Boogiepop Phantom
Most overrated - Scrapped Princess/Haibane Renmei
Most cliched - Samurai Deeper Kyo
Most openly gay - Record of Lodoss Wars
Worst absolutely everything - Betterman

Deleted member

also, subs poop on dubs. the only reason anyone likes dubs is because that was their first experience with the show, which is why many people like the bebop or dbz dub better.
are you really trying to compare this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPDgfigCPzg#t=3m43s

with this? - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP14O1si-NU#t=4m10s

blasphemy of the highest caliber my good sir

Lixivium said:
Speaking of anime, what are your LEAST favorite series?
anything in shonen jump, except for yu yu hakusho, rurouni kenshin and maybe one other old school series that i'm forgetting.

my two anime for jace - Full Metal Panic, Black Lagoon

i personally like the dubs in both of these anime more than the subs which is the main reason why i tell anime nubs to watch them. Revy sounds so bad *** in english and tessa is the only one in FMP with a japanese voice actor that is better than their english counter part.


Smash Champion
Jun 9, 2003
St, Joseph, MO
oh my god revy subbed version speaking in engrish to the kids in that park is so hilariously bad(sounds confusing but if you've seen the series you know what i'm talking about)

i'm unclear what your point is arkive. wakamoto cell is the coolest bad guy ever, dont forget it (also luffy krillian is too good, and captain falcon vegeta is the best ever)


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
Lawrence, KS
Yeah, I probably could have been more specific on what kind of anime I was interested in. But I did want to see what you all liked regardless of how it might appeal to me or not

I basically care about 2 things the most. Good writing, good fighting lol. Anyway, I'm definitely gonna check out as many shows that you guys listed as I can. As of right now I'm only like 10 episodes into 1 Piece

Thanks mangs


Smash Champion
Oct 16, 2004
Land of Oz


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2007
St. Louis, MO
Yesh, please come to the StL tournament! (Btw, hi)

Rurouni kenshin....I wouldn't have started him with Berserk, but it's too late.
*gasp* least favorite?? yeah, granted that the Meiji era was bad but the Kyoto arc was awesome. The fight scenes! The story between Shishio and Kenshin! Etc. etc. It's also one of the few I like with English dubs other than Trigun (which I can watch in Japanese too but I hate the girl voice Kenshin has in the Japanese version).

Berserk needs to finish in the anime....I don't know if I want to read the manga for the continuation PLUS I'll have to reread from the beginning too....

I just looked back and dmac's list of anime is pretty legit. I agree with most of the things said. Only ones I didn't agree were the ones I hadn't seen, which were only a few of them.

Thoughts on Elfen Leid? I really liked it even though it ended abruptly and the opening theme song is beautiful.

I might have to check out some of the stuff you guys mentioned. In the middle of Vampire Guilty and Samurai 7 atm though...and other anime sadly.

Also, any good sites? I recently got a virus and after rebooting my links all got erased. I could only remember veoh.com. Thx.

(Sorry I just came into your thread but dmac was in the StL one and wanted to see what you guys were talking about.....and it was about anime, I couldn't resist)

@Lixi: Anime is good.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
all i do is read manga now
i havent found any anime to watch lately

also JACEEE should watch TTGL and cowboy bebop
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