Deleted member
the point is the first video is lame, while the second video is hype as ****. whatchu know about raging on *****es.i'm unclear what your point is arkive. wakamoto cell is the coolest bad guy ever, dont forget it (also luffy krillian is too good, and captain falcon vegeta is the best ever)
elfen lied is amazing, even if its psychologically ****ed up and overly brutal. the music box version of lilium is fcking insaaaaane, makes me remember when lucy ****ed up all those people.Thoughts on Elfen Lied? I really liked it even though it ended abruptly and the opening theme song is beautiful.
http://www.watchanimeon.com/Also, any good sites? I recently got a virus and after rebooting my links all got erased. I could only remember veoh.com. Thx.
i use this site to keep track of my anime/manga and find new **** to watch/read lol http://myanimelist.net/panel.php