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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
I feel like Nintendo is the only huge company that actually has fun. I mean look at Iwata, Reggie, and Miyamoto.
Am I the only one that feel like, while the other huge companies make games because they want to make money, Nintendo makes money because they to make games that everyone can enjoy?


Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
Am I the only one that feel like, while the other huge companies make games because they want to make money, Nintendo makes money because they to make games that everyone can enjoy?
Its more the developers but yes in a way. I mean Iwata was the president and all he really wanted was to share fun games. The bigwigs of other huge companies don't really care about that, they make games that they know will sell.

Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
Am I the only one that feel like, while the other huge companies make games because they want to make money, Nintendo makes money because they to make games that everyone can enjoy?
I think you've hit the nail right on the head. This has always been what differentiates their business, and a similar thing shines through in the few other companies who also operate in this way.
Apr 4, 2015
Rareware Winners Lounge
I can't join in at this very moment, but here are some ideas some could work with:

- Just a sad K. Rool face with a short message in memory/appreciation of Iwata.
- K. Rool comforting Dedede/Kirby/Metaknight (his connection to HAL)
- K. Rool comforting a Mother character (his connection to Mother series)
- The Kremling flag at half mast
I'd like to see someone draw up a photo of K.Rool, DK, Diddy and Dixie, perhaps some kremlings and other Kongs, together with their heads bowed while the Kremling flag is at half mast. It would be very touching and a nice tribute.

I'd like to hope that earlier post meant that K.Rool would get in as some sort of a tribute and that what was written ame out wrong? We all know how highly Iwata throught of the DKC series.

Iwata all the games you've been involved in, a lot of them are my dear favourites and I have had some great times playing them and enjoying them with others, in my childhood and beyond. For that, I, and many, many others will be forever greatful. RIP.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I think ballot speculation is going to be a lot more morbid from now on. Just in general, it's hard to think of Nintendo continuing as a company without Iwata. In a way, I feel like it puts things in perspective.

At the same time, I think Iwata would want us to continue our passion for this character and this series, as no doubt he wanted the ballot to allow the fans a medium to share their passion about characters and Smash. Hopefully one by one we'll come to terms with our grieving in our own way and return to the zest we had one day.

Iwata, you're as Kutthroat as they kome.

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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I think ballot speculation is going to be a lot more morbid from now on. Just in general, it's hard to think of Nintendo continuing as a company without Iwata. In a way, I feel like it puts things in perspective.

At the same time, I think Iwata would want us to continue our passion for this character and this series, as no doubt he wanted the ballot to allow the fans a medium to share their passion about characters and Smash. Hopefully one by one we'll come to terms with our grieving in our own way and return to the zest we had one day.

Iwata, you're as Kutthroat as they kome.

Iwata wouldn't want them to change without him, Sakurai's still working on DLC now as he feels Iwata would want that


Banned via Warnings
Aug 1, 2014
The man proudly boasted that he had the Donkey Kong Country OST on his iPod. He'll be missed dearly.


Dark Phazon

Smash Hero
Dec 13, 2012
London, England
DKC2 probly has the best soundtrack ever i swear

Chrono Trigger/OoT/Metroid prime 1
Are also fantastic.

Expecially Chrono trigger...ow my...what a game.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
God damnit, Iwata.

You were too young. Too brilliant. I can hardly imagine Nintendo without you. You'll be sorely missed, you're the reason we're all here today and campaigning.

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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Damn, news hit like a truck. He was so full of life, passionate in his work, and that made me think he wasn't even as old as 55... Am still not really sure what exactly his cause of death was, but Nintendo can be proud that this man was amongst them as it's finest president. Rest In Power Mr. Iwata. You will be severly missed. :( Thank you for all your hard work, and may your legacy live on forever.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I never thought that his death would actually make me break down and cry, it did. And I'm not alone either. Just goes on to show just how beloved he was among us. Honestly, we never knew how attached we had grown to him, especially after he began presenting the Nintendo directs. He didn't deserve to die so young.

I suggest that we take a day off from our usual speculation and mourn him passing away. This is the least we can do.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
This can't be real, man. It's just way too much to comprehend, like it's an eerily real bad dream. I mean last thing we knew he was the same old Iwata and then, out of the blue, he's gone. Is that why they used the puppets, so we wouldn't see how sick he was? And all that seething hate over the Nintendo Direct, just bombarding his emails.

I was even part of that hate train.

I take it ALL back, Iwata. Every last bit. Animal Crossing Amiibo or Federation Force I don't give a **** anymore. I even sold my ****ing Wii U because I was sure the NX was coming out soon, and I won't even be able to buy Mario Maker, not even out of respect. I feel so horrible right now. All I have is the (New) 3DS now.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2010
I am spreading this image around majority of popular networks on behalf of the Kutthroats and Smashboards as a whole. What a tragic loss that Nintendo and all gamers everywhere have to endure.
RIP Iwata.jpg
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Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
I can't sleep. I need to make something. Deciding to drag my samsung galaxy note out of my closet and see what I can do.

Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
This can't be real, man. It's just way too much to comprehend, like it's an eerily real bad dream. I mean last thing we knew he was the same old Iwata and then, out of the blue, he's gone. Is that why they used the puppets, so we wouldn't see how sick he was? And all that seething hate over the Nintendo Direct, just bombarding his emails.

I was even part of that hate train.

I take it ALL back, Iwata. Every last bit. Animal Crossing Amiibo or Federation Force I don't give a **** anymore. I even sold my ****ing Wii U because I was sure the NX was coming out soon, and I won't even be able to buy Mario Maker, not even out of respect. I feel so horrible right now. All I have is the (New) 3DS now.
Hey, we all make mistakes, if we can forgive Iwata when he made dumb decisions, he'd be able to forgive you


Smash Hero
Apr 2, 2014
While i never really stayed here, i still was supporting K.Rool even before SSB4's release. So, i decided to do something. I wish i could use better model for K.Rool, but this will work as well.

We will always remember you, Satoru Iwata. For all what you have done for us, from small things like his performance in Nintendo Directs to directing Nintendo to pursue development of Nintendo DS and Wii. May you rest in peace...​


Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2015
I was shocked this morning I heard on t.v. Also I cried and I got over it.
R.I.P Iwata. Thanks for everything from the directs, the games and your sense of humor. Goodbye.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
I didn't get any sleep last night. -At all-. I probably won't sleep at all. You know what? I'm going to take the day off work today. I'm going to go to the old game store and see if they have a copy of Mario Strikers, since I borrowed my mother's Wii earlier yesterday for some Mario Party 5 trips. What better way to celebrate Iwata's legacy...

...than to just play games and have fun?

And I think I'll pass out at work from lack of sleep, so there's that.

Desert Croc

Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2014
Switch FC
I didn't get any sleep last night. -At all-. I probably won't sleep at all. You know what? I'm going to take the day off work today. I'm going to go to the old game store and see if they have a copy of Mario Strikers, since I borrowed my mother's Wii earlier yesterday for some Mario Party 5 trips. What better way to celebrate Iwata's legacy...

...than to just play games and have fun?

And I think I'll pass out at work from lack of sleep, so there's that.
That's actually a good idea! I'm going to spend this week playing DKC. Once I've beaten that, I'll move onto all the other clasic Nintendo games.


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
Iwata's death struck hard. I didn't think it was really true at first. But once I saw it in the news, it slowly processed, and I realized one of the most recognizable figures in my life is gone :(
I remember every direct I watched, and he'd always be there to welcome it's audience with his signature gesture. I remember the fight scene between him and Reggie.
He is responsible for a lot of games, if I'm correct, including Kirby. Kirby has always been a fun series of games, and I've always been glad when I could get one of them, as they were always so relaxing to go through.
Mario Maker is his last game. I will make sure to purchase it as soon as possible. Rest in peace you wonderful man. Nintendo won't be the same without you.
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Smash Champion
Feb 12, 2015
Pepperoni Secret
Switch FC
I still can't believe he's gone.
I woke up this morning, hoping to see that it was all some mean-spirited prank. No such luck...

Went to a computer in my house today that I hadn't used to vote for anyone yet in the ballot. Instead of throwing in yet another vote for K. Rool, I sent one in for Balloon Fighter. Seems like it'd be a nice tribute to his lost creator.


Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2015

All my characters from my mii fighters crying for Iwata and thanking him for the trailer of the awesome Mii Fighters.
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
I still can't believe he's gone.
I woke up this morning, hoping to see that it was all some mean-spirited prank. No such luck...

Went to a computer in my house today that I hadn't used to vote for anyone yet in the ballot. Instead of throwing in yet another vote for K. Rool, I sent one in for Balloon Fighter. Seems like it'd be a nice tribute to his lost creator.
Ballon fighter would be a great choice for iwata history I started to think his chances are getting better because Nintendo doesn't want to forget about iwata history and what he have done to them


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I spent some time last night replaying Spring Breeze in Kirby Super Star to honor him. Seeing his name in the credits...

I think a lot of us were just in sheer shock when the news struck, which is why we were so affected. At least for myself, I most definitely took Iwata for granted, so it was easy to make jokes about "please understand" and his not perfect English because I just assumed he'd always be around, at least until he retired and had a legacy to remember. To find out that he's not only left the company, but our world, is just heartbreaking.

I feel like it's easy to be disconnected when a famous person dies, shrug our shoulders, and say "well, that sucks," but Iwata was one-third of the Nintendo Mt. Rushmore along with Reggie and Miyamoto. I'm sure most if not all of us grew up with Nintendo games and played so many things he had a part in.

Let's all cherish the people in our lives while they're here.
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Deleted member

I hope we all learned something about this, is to not let our anger control us when dissapointment happens,i feel like a spoiled brat for complaining about this year's Digital Event (Iwata even apologized for it) and at the end of the day we must remember that King K. Rool is nothing but a fictional character, that he's just one of the many memories that Nintendo has bought us over the years, let's not wish anything bad to Sakurai if he doesn't make it, because if Sakurai ever dies, we wil feel like complete jerks.

I once had a horrible,HORRIBLE nightmare about Sakurai dying and his last words were this:
"I'm sorry that i could not put all the characters that people wanted in Smash,i've reached my limits."

I apologize if i seem so dramatic, but whenever i heard news about the death of people i care about, it always hits me like a truck.
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Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2014
That has nothing to do with anything. Don't be like that.
Despicable display.
Be respectful, this really isn't the time.
I was'nt trying to be disrespectful, all I was trying to say is that if it weren't for Iwata helping Sakurai with Smash then we wouldn't have such good installments. They were good friends it seems and being how Iwata was a DK fan too, having a DK character put in would be like a nice honor and tribute to him. Iwata DID encourage Sakurai to do dlc for the fans afterall and for that I have even more respect for him as well as all the other things he's done in the past.

Bless this man and may he rest in peace.

Sorry many of you took that comment the wrong way.
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We're going top speed!
May 17, 2014
Canada, MB
So I posted this in the Fox social after learning that you Kutthroats were doing some images in the name of Iwata.

I was really impressed by Miiverse last night. Even at late hours into the night, there was still a remarkable amount of posts honouring him and wishing his rest to be peaceful.

Iwata truly touched many of us, and many of us didn't even realize the extent of it until yesterday. Thanks for everything, Iwata. <3


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2015
So I posted this in the Fox social after learning that you Kutthroats were doing some images in the name of Iwata.

I was really impressed by Miiverse last night. Even at late hours into the night, there was still a remarkable amount of posts honouring him and wishing his rest to be peaceful.

Iwata truly touched many of us, and many of us didn't even realize the extent of it until yesterday. Thanks for everything, Iwata. <3
I loved iwata and all the work he's done throughout nintendo's history even before I was born. But I was not particularly SAD about his passing, I'm just glad we got to experience the great, fun man that he was. He was a role model and his legacy will be remembered by me I can guarantee that. As biggie smalls stated "I don't want no one crying at my funeral."

And this is NOT to say It's bad or not OK to be sad, I just saw his passing as something more honorable than sad. I totally understand why many are shocked about this. Grieve away by all means. :ness:
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
It's probably been posted elsewhere, but Xander Mobus posted this on Tumblr:

Earthbound is one of my favorite games ever. In fact I was literally playing it when I found out I was going to be the Smash announcer. Satoru Iwata was a brilliant man who worked on so many amazing projects. He leaves behind an incredible legacy and he will be missed.


Smash Cadet
Apr 11, 2015
I hope we all learned something about this, is to not let our anger control us when dissapointment happens,i feel like a spoiled brat for complaining about this year's Digital Event (Iwata even apologize for it) and at the end of the day we must remember that King K. Rool is nothing but a fictional character, that he's just many memories that Nintendo has bought us over the years, let's not wish anything bad to Sakurai if he doesn't make it, because if Sakurai ever dies, we wil feel like complete jerks.

I once had a horrible,HORRIBLE nightmare about Sakurai dying and his last words were this:
"I'm sorry that i could not put all the characters that people wanted in Smash,i've reached my limits."

I apologize if i seem so dramatic, but whenever i heard news about the death of people i care about, it always hits me like a truck.
I've learned about this. Your post and your sad Polnareff avatar says it all.
Whenever i heard news about the death of people, it hits me like a truck too.
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