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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
You know. I'm just gonna say this.

I REALLY want King K. to have a "belly flop" d-airthat works like PM :4wario2:'s D-Air. A RISK of a spike move.
Yeah, I've wanted his d-air to be the belly flop from DKL since... ever, pretty much.

Deleted member

OMG I just realized something...tiny kong is sonic boom knuckle of the DK series. XD
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Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
There are two main ones that I see being done.
1) Kannonball Kalamity - Cannonballs from offstage like PK Starstorm in Brawl

2) Kredits Roll - King K plays dead, causing large fake credits to quickly scroll to the top of the screen, sweeping fighters up and killing them off the top like the LandMaster.
I too like the idea of a false crdits roll too. All the names in the Kredits would have to be K.Rool of course.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
How would people feel about K. Rool's appearance in Smash being a mash-up of his personas?

I feel something like this has the potential to be really awesome and make K. Rool stand out, though I admit the charming simplicity of the King design is pleasant too.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
How would people feel about K. Rool's appearance in Smash being a mash-up of his personas?

I feel something like this has the potential to be really awesome and make K. Rool stand out, though I admit the charming simplicity of the King design is pleasant too.
His design should be King K. with maybe an alternate costume for Kaptain and Baron, but his moveset should be a mash-up of all of his encounters.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Fair enough. I do want the blunderbuss to come out of hammerspace a la Snake's items, since K. Rool should have physical moves along with his tools for standard attacks.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Fair enough. I do want the blunderbuss to come out of hammerspace a la Snake's items, since K. Rool should have physical moves along with his tools for standard attacks.
A tool coming out of hammer space? :4bowserjr:Where :4darkpit:Would :4dedede:Someone :4diddy:Ever :4duckhunt:Get :4falco:The :4fox:Idea :4ganondorf:That :4gaw:A :4kirby:Character :4link:In :4lucas:Smash :4mario:Could :4megaman:Perform :4ness:Such :4pacman: A :4peach:Forbidden ,:4pit:Logic- :4rob:-Defying :4robinm:Concept :4sonic:In :4tlink:A :4villager:Fighting :4wario2:Game? :4wiifit:Seriously, :4yoshi:Man.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Actually, speaking of hammerspace, what if for K. Rool's down B, he generated boxing gloves on his hands? Like, maybe he can temporarily summon them to mix them into his physical attacks, or he just has a strong boxing glove punch as a single down B attack.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Actually, speaking of hammerspace, what if for K. Rool's down B, he generated boxing gloves on his hands? Like, maybe he can temporarily summon them to mix them into his physical attacks, or he just has a strong boxing glove punch as a single down B attack.
Honestly anything with simple boxing probably would be done better as his jab, a tilt, or a smash attack.

But... let's look at his actual fight, in the 5 phases of it.

:4dk:: K. Rool butt-stomps, creating shockwaves. Later, he jabs towards your barrel and occasionally gloats to the crows.
:4diddy:: Boomerang Hooks.
Lanky: Ran around blindly based upon where he heard you.
Tiny: Boasted to the ground, more powerful Butt-Stomps at the price of personal pleasure. Clawed at you with his toes.
Chunky: Turned invisible, ran springing himself from rope to rope. Eventually did Bald Bull's Bull Rush with a wind-up punch.

Honestly... the most to convert out of this fight are the Boomerang Boxing Gloves and his butt stomping.


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2015
Just for the record I don't hate the mario rpg villains I love them I just hate bowser stealing there spotlight but other then that I agree with most of the things you are saying.
Outside of Antasma (which honestly I actually felt was well done since everyone and their mom expected that they go the predictable route and have Antasma betray and possess Bowser), who's spotlight was stolen?

As for Tiny, I kind of like her redesign. She was Dixie Kong's Lord Fredrik. An uninspired bargain bin version of an already existing character. There was not ONE thing Tiny did that Dixie couldn't...One thing is I'm not sure that Nintendo of Japan knows the familial bond she shares with Dixie. At this point, I am comfortable with them retconning Tiny into Dixie's older sister, therefore making it so she grew up with Chunky while Dixie grows with Kiddy. (Nintendo should definitely be used to severing family bonds *Looks at Koopalings*)

I'm pretty upset that Klump and Kopter didn't get trophies in either of the Smash games that have come out since Barrel Blast. Another thing I find interesting are the Squitter, Expresso, and Winky models that the Smash games have. They match up with the style of the PAON games but I heard that PAON did not make them. So where did they come from?

If K. Rool were to get into Mario Kart, what would his insignia be? His crown, or that fanged skull that the Kremlings seem to be wearing?


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
My unpopular opinions on Donkey Kong are...

*I think Donkey Kong Country 3 is the best of the original trilogy.
*While it was a good game, I thought Donkey Kong Country 2 was overrated.
*I did not like how Diddy was the star of DKC2 instead of Donkey Kong, and that Donkey Kong had to be rescued.
*I like Ellie the Elephant.
*I do like K. Rool's PAON design.
*From what I played, I liked the GBA DKC games as much as the SNES ones.


Smash Ace
Sep 25, 2014
The void
Switch FC
What is everyone opinion on retro studio and sakurai? also if King K Rool get into smash 4 for DLC what other DK character do you all want to see in future smash games?
Honestly i'd be satisfied with the DK characters in smash after K.Rool got in and just move on back to Metroid.But just for fun i'd like to see cranky so i can play as a old man that yells at people.
Mario and Zelda fans are getting sick and tired of Bowser and Ganondorf, DKC fans want nothing but K.Rool. I don't think the franchises can be compared, because Mario and Zelda easily get 2~3 games a year, while DK is lucky to be in anything else but a Mario game ever since Rare left...

I would be 500% down with K.Rool stealing the spotlight of ANY new DKC villain....
Not to mention that ganon is clearly a "safe" last second decision that ruins another villain in some games.*cough*twilightprincess*cough*
Unpopular DK oppinions:
- i didn't like DKC3 that much
-I dislike the king krusha k.rool fight
- I liked jungle beat just as much as DKC(though it honestly wouldn't have been nearly as fun without the bongos)
-I liked the tikis as enemies(though i hate their boss)
After seeing tiny's new design i like it much better than the old one. IMO Tiny felt like a cheap knockoff of dixie in DK64 to be honest..


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Can we just take a moment and relish something about Returns 1?

The entire reason that the game can actually happen is because DK is too stupid to be brain washed..

:4mario: does it because he sees an evil and puts it upon himself to become the hero.

:4link: is destined to thwart those who threaten Hyrule.

:4kirby: is a Star Warrior bound to keeping Dreamland a peaceful and happy place.... often because he's hungry or sees someone who needs help and things escalate.

:4dk: is just a simple minded brute stealing his stuff back.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Oh yeah, wanted to respond to this a few pages back.

What is everyone opinion on retro studio and sakurai? also if King K Rool get into smash 4 for DLC what other DK character do you all want to see in future smash games?
Dixie most definitely. In a perfect world, K. Rool and Dixie would be a DLC combo. If there's ANY franchise that warrants two DLC characters, it's Donkey Kong.

A lot of people want Cranky, but I'm not sure Donkey Kong really warrants five characters. While Fire Emblem is going to have five, two of those are clones anyway. Cranky is a character I'd love to see join the battle, but preferably in 5mash after K. Rool and Dixie get their dues. After that... there aren't really currently any characters that would make sense to add. Maybe Funky, if he continues to get more roles, but that's more "let's just have a DK character for the sake of it" than "what can this character add to Smash?"


Count of Trickery
Mar 6, 2013
Can we just take a moment and relish something about Returns 1?

The entire reason that the game can actually happen is because DK is too stupid to be brain washed..

:4mario: does it because he sees an evil and puts it upon himself to become the hero.

:4link: is destined to thwart those who threaten Hyrule.

:4kirby: is a Star Warrior bound to keeping Dreamland a peaceful and happy place.... often because he's hungry or sees someone who needs help. Also he does it by eating all of his inhabitants.

:4dk: is just a simple minded brute stealing his stuff back.
FIx it for you.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2015
A clover field
"She can shrink in size to suit her mood"

Maybe Tiny was just really depressed up until DKRDS, and she always looked like she does now.
That's the best explanation I ever heard
Now we just need a game where that actually happens
It's just so good to not use it :drflip:

And my unpopular opinions:
- We need to see more of Wrinkly and Tiny Kong
- I prefer K. Rool's PAON design, his old one looked kinda off to me
- Swanky Kong is best Kong

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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Can we just take a moment and relish something about Returns 1?

The entire reason that the game can actually happen is because DK is too stupid to be brain washed..

:4mario: does it because he sees an evil and puts it upon himself to become the hero.

:4link: is destined to thwart those who threaten Hyrule.

:4kirby: is a Star Warrior bound to keeping Dreamland a peaceful and happy place.... often because he's hungry or sees someone who needs help and things escalate.

:4dk: is just a simple minded brute stealing his stuff back.
:4mario:: Is an egoistical older brother who takes all the glory, all the fame, and all the girls. Probably has huge ego issues to.

:4link:: Goes around running chores for everyone while his kingdom is awaiting disaster. Evil is awaiting my challenge in the next dungeon? I need to get there in time, or the people suffer. OH LOOK! I CAN SMASH POTS IN OTHER PEOPLES HOUSES, TAKE THEIR MONEY, PRACTISE MY ARCHERY, AND PLAY HIDE AND SEEK WITH CHILDREN / DO OTHER SILLY UNHEROIC STUFF! LET'S DO ALL THAT INSTEAD! **** THE PRINCESS!

:4kirby:: Gluttony the character.

:4dk:: Peaceful ruler of his island, not following the tyranic ways of his father / grandfather only moved into action when the Kremling invading force took advantage of the shaky situation of DK letting Diddy proof himself by putting him on guard duty. Ultimately, he's fixing his own mistakes always.

See I can do this stuff to.
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Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
:4mario:: Is an egoistical older brother who takes all the glory, all the fame, and all the girls. Probably has huge ego issues to.

:4link:: Goes around running chores for everyone while his kingdom is awaiting disaster. Evil is awaiting my challenge in the next dungeon? I need to get there in time, or the people suffer. OH LOOK! I CAN SMASH POTS IN OTHER PEOPLES HOUSES, TAKE THEIR MONEY, PRACTISE MY ARCHERY, AND PLAY HIDE AND SEEK WITH CHILDREN / DO OTHER SILLY UNHEROIC STUFF! LET'S DO ALL THAT INSTEAD! **** THE PRINCESS!

:4kirby:: Gluttony the character.

:4dk:: Peaceful ruler of his island, not following the tyranic ways of his father / grandfather only moved into action when the Kremling invading force took advantage of the shaky situation of DK letting Diddy proof himself by putting him on guard duty. Ultimately, he's fixing his own mistakes always.

See I can do this stuff to.
:4dk:: He is the expanded one (?)
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Deleted member

Outside of Antasma (which honestly I actually felt was well done since everyone and their mom expected that they go the predictable route and have Antasma betray and possess Bowser), who's spotlight was stolen?

As for Tiny, I kind of like her redesign. She was Dixie Kong's Lord Fredrik. An uninspired bargain bin version of an already existing character. There was not ONE thing Tiny did that Dixie couldn't...One thing is I'm not sure that Nintendo of Japan knows the familial bond she shares with Dixie. At this point, I am comfortable with them retconning Tiny into Dixie's older sister, therefore making it so she grew up with Chunky while Dixie grows with Kiddy. (Nintendo should definitely be used to severing family bonds *Looks at Koopalings*)

I'm pretty upset that Klump and Kopter didn't get trophies in either of the Smash games that have come out since Barrel Blast. Another thing I find interesting are the Squitter, Expresso, and Winky models that the Smash games have. They match up with the style of the PAON games but I heard that PAON did not make them. So where did they come from?

If K. Rool were to get into Mario Kart, what would his insignia be? His crown, or that fanged skull that the Kremlings seem to be wearing?
Ok then were do I begin oh yeah fawful was the main villains in bowser inside story it was so awesome having fan favourite like fawful as the main villain in the game but no instead fawful was screwover by dark bowser...there are three things wrong with that
1 having fawful spotlight taking away not only by bowser(again!) is bad enough but also having the dark star that transformers
into dark bowser and having him the final boss and turning fawful into nothing more then an energy source is a slap in the face to fawful fans like me 2 dark bower should have never been the final boss I feel like he should be more of a secret boss or something having a dark character of yourself is so anticlimactic for a final boss and 3 why does bowser need a dark version of himself he is already evil!?! it like if ganadorf got a more evil doppelganger of himself it just doesn't make sense! I can go on and on about this but I'm too tried and I really need to sleep and just to let you know I don't hate bowser I just don't like him doing this to other villain next time a new mario villain shows up he should just have the same role as he did in paper mario the thousand year door.
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Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2015
Oh yeah, wanted to respond to this a few pages back.

Dixie most definitely. In a perfect world, K. Rool and Dixie would be a DLC combo. If there's ANY franchise that warrants two DLC characters, it's Donkey Kong.

A lot of people want Cranky, but I'm not sure Donkey Kong really warrants five characters. While Fire Emblem is going to have five, two of those are clones anyway. Cranky is a character I'd love to see join the battle, but preferably in 5mash after K. Rool and Dixie get their dues. After that... there aren't really currently any characters that would make sense to add. Maybe Funky, if he continues to get more roles, but that's more "let's just have a DK character for the sake of it" than "what can this character add to Smash?"
Cranky was already in the map on 3ds & Melee. So technically Cranky has already been in smash :181:
Right there sitting in his wheel chair in the window.


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
:4mario:: Is an egoistical older brother who takes all the glory, all the fame, and all the girls. Probably has huge ego issues to.

:4link:: Goes around running chores for everyone while his kingdom is awaiting disaster. Evil is awaiting my challenge in the next dungeon? I need to get there in time, or the people suffer. OH LOOK! I CAN SMASH POTS IN OTHER PEOPLES HOUSES, TAKE THEIR MONEY, PRACTISE MY ARCHERY, AND PLAY HIDE AND SEEK WITH CHILDREN / DO OTHER SILLY UNHEROIC STUFF! LET'S DO ALL THAT INSTEAD! **** THE PRINCESS!

:4kirby:: Gluttony the character.

:4dk:: Peaceful ruler of his island, not following the tyranic ways of his father / grandfather only moved into action when the Kremling invading force took advantage of the shaky situation of DK letting Diddy proof himself by putting him on guard duty. Ultimately, he's fixing his own mistakes always.

See I can do this stuff to.
:4dk:: Hoards more bananas, a fruits that spoil in a few weeks at best, than he could eat in at LEAST a year's time.

DK is a **** to the flora of his own island. *Cinema Sins ding*


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014

I'm considering writing a script for, capturing footage of, and editing together a video to explain why K. Rool is the best choice to add as DLC for Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS And Wii U.

I've never done any of these things before.

Any tips?

Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
His design should be King K. with maybe an alternate costume for Kaptain and Baron, but his moveset should be a mash-up of all of his encounters.
Don't forget his boxing Alter Ego Krusha as well. His colors should be five variants of his King form, including the classic default, with the other 3 colors being his Kaptain, Baron and Boxer outfits.

Deleted member

Hey guys is it me or does Skowl the startling theme sound like one winged angel?

also I think his stage would be great for smash 4.
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Hey guys is it me or does Skowl the startling theme sound like one winged angel?

also I think his stage would be great for smash 4.
I can never unhear this now.

I hate this and love this.

"You will never be.

Even half as cool as me.

You're so lame. I rule you.

What's my name? Birdthulu.



Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Unpopular DKC opinions...hmm...

--DKC2 remains the best DKC to date. Tropical Freeze and even Returns are more impressive in a vacuum due to modern graphics/funding, but I judge the games in terms of when they were developed, not straight-up SNES vs. Wii (U) games. However, I think a third DKC that fixes Tropical Freeze's few gameplay flaws and brings back Kremlings/Animal Buddies could top it.

--I don't mind DK taking a backseat in 2 and 3, and at least in 2, it's for the better, as we get not only Dixie introduced as a character, but an original interplay between two Kongs of the same size vs. one big one, one small one. New gameplay possibilities and characters introduced to keep the series bigger than any one Kong? Fine by me, although DK is still my favorite playable Kong in the classic games.

--In terms of enemies, however, when you have a group as charming/versatile as the Kremlings, throwing in episodic groups intended only as one-offs who go out of their way to channel Kremlings instead of doing much new is just disappointing. If you're going to use new enemies, at least make them memorable (Tikis failed, Snowmads did much better with the clear exception of their leader), and consider keeping K. Rool in the game still, even if he's not the final boss.
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2015
Hey guys is it me or does Skowl the startling theme sound like one winged angel?

also I think his stage would be great for smash 4.
A better Tropical Freeze option for Smash 4 would be Frozen Donkey Kong Island. This game really needs a dedicated ice level. Seriously, just because there are no ice climbers does not give them the reason to have no ice stage. To bad DKC is limited to jungle and Metroid limited to lava.


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2015

I'm wondering why K. Rool's Keep has never been thought of as a stage locale. People beg for Bowser's Castle all the time, but never K. Rool's? Then again it was only seen in DKC2...

I was hoping that the 3DS would have gotten a K. Kruiser stage... Forget the Great Fox, let's fight on this bad boy!

K. Rool approves, do you?
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Deleted member

Hey guys let talk about our favourite bosses in the DK series? :D

I will start of first my favourite boss is Bashmaster the Unbreakable just the name "Bashmaster the Unbreakable" is such an awesome name for an even more of an awesome boss. bashmaster boss battle start of with bashmaster licking his popsicle until the kong family came down and made bashmaster drop his popsicle in a water full of piranha and look at the kongs and all donkey kong and the others can do is give him a **** eating grin and bashmaster was angry (rightful so mind you) and went kirby squeak squad on there asses
(a Kirby fan will get that joke) and the battle begins it was a hard and challenging fight nothing I every felt fighting a nintendo boss and his music OMG his music is so beautiful one of my top one favourite soundtrack in this game Bashmaster the Unbreakable is a fan favourite for good reason too hell if the DK series was mainstream series like mario and has his own sports games then bashmaster would be the petey piranha of DK series what else is there to say but I love Bashmaster the Unbreakable!
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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Hey guys want to talk about unpopular DK opinions?
Donkey Kong Country 1 repeats the Cave/Mine thematic a bit too much.

Donkey Kong 64 is really boring, filled with uninspired level design and repetitive actions to progress. The Banjo games blow it out of the park when it comes to 3D Platforming.

I do not like Tiny or Chunky Kong. Thematically, they are redundant when you have Dixie and Kiddy.

Tropical Freeze was a great game but also a bit of a let down for me. None of the problems I had with Returns was fixed in Tropical Freeze. Bonus Stages are still uninspired, only 1 Animal Buddy, the Kongs are really unbalanced, there's less stages then Returns, underwater segments are a bore, and overall I felt the game played it too safe.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Donkey Kong Country 1 repeats the Cave/Mine thematic a bit too much.
I agree with this one so much. Chimp Caverns is pretty disappointing for not introducing any new archetypes. A friend of mine once said that DKC1 is a rare game where you could cut the last world of the game out of it and it would actually improve.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 1, 2014
Tropical Freeze was a great game but also a bit of a let down for me. None of the problems I had with Returns was fixed in Tropical Freeze. Bonus Stages are still uninspired, only 1 Animal Buddy, the Kongs are really unbalanced, there's less stages then Returns, underwater segments are a bore, and overall I felt the game played it too safe.
I agree. Tropical Freeze is a fantastic game and is far better than Returns ever was. But as far as sequels go, it was a bit disappointing. Retro Studios did a phenomenal job designing the levels, but in order to best Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, there are some major issues that need addressing. The bonus rooms are still bad, the puzzle pieces aren't rewarding to collect, the Kremlings are nowhere to be found, and there aren't enough Kongs or Animal Buddies. Character design is obviously not their forte.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2015
Hey guys let talk about our favourite bosses in the DK series? :D

I will start of first my favourite boss is Bashmaster the Unbreakable just the name "Bashmaster the Unbreakable" is such an awesome name for an even more of an awesome boss. bashmaster boss battle start of with bashmaster licking his popsicle until the kong family came down and made bashmaster drop his popsicle in a water full of piranha and look at the kongs and all donkey kong and the others can do is give him a **** eating grin and bashmaster was angry (rightful so mind you) and went kirby squeak squad on there *****
(a Kirby fan will get that joke) and the battle begins it was a hard and challenging fight nothing I every felt fighting a nintendo boss and his music OMG his music is so beautiful one of my top one favourite soundtrack in this game Bashmaster the Unbreakable is a fan favourite for good reason too hell if the DK series was mainstream series like mario and has his own sports games then bashmaster would be the petey piranha of DK series what else is there to say but I love Bashmaster the Unbreakable!
Bashmaster and Pompy were the most memorable bosses of Tropical freeze with Skowl and Fredrick being a close to them. Fugu is the least memorable because it wasn't very epic like the others (At least Ba-Boom had an interesting battle). Fugu should have been an Orca, would have made much more sense for an Orca to join the Snowmads. Plus that would be more epic.

My personal non-final boss in the DK series is Kleever from DKC2. The boss was awesome despite just being a sword. The way it pursued you made the fight intense.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I'm fond of Bleak. He was just so different and abstract compared to the other bosses.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2014
Rhythm Heaven
only 1 Animal Buddy
That reminds me of an interview with Retro. One of the employees of Retro said, that he would have liked to bring more animal buddies to the game.

Ever since I wondered why they didn't just make them then...

...Maybe they saved them for DKCR 3?
They could make a come-back alongside the Kremlings and new unique worlds like the moon world.

DuckTales? What's a DuckTales?

I actually would love to see some of the concept art in-game. Some like these:
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