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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2015
But look at the "Mr. Bright side" :awesome:(a kirby fan will get that joke) at least there is a chances in the future of all the three bosses to work together in a future DK game I can just picture it now.
"a kirby fan will get that joke"
Well, guess that excludes me :p

But yeah, it'd be nice to see all three DK villains working together. Seeing the Kremlings and the Tikis side by side in Smash Run was harmonious, and there's really a lot of potential in combining the three traits of the three species. Plus they're pretty diverse, we have thieving krokodiles, wooden birds and arctic Viking themed animals.

Deleted member

"a kirby fan will get that joke"
Well, guess that excludes me :p

But yeah, it'd be nice to see all three DK villains working together. Seeing the Kremlings and the Tikis side by side in Smash Run was harmonious, and there's really a lot of potential in combining the three traits of the three species. Plus they're pretty diverse, we have thieving krokodiles, wooden birds and arctic Viking themed animals.
http://kirby.wikia.com/wiki/Mr._Shine_&_Mr._Bright I really hope this team up happen in a 3D donkey kong game.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2015
I know it has NOTHING to do with Nintendo or King K Rool but I laughed 20 minutes straight cause of a specific moment xD
Please start the video at 18:15 x'D


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
My unpopular DK opinions is I think the DK fanbase should be happy they are getting unique and fresh villains in the new Donkey Kong game I mean like I said before do you have any idea how much we mario fans would kill to have new villans in 3D and 2D mario games!?!
I know we have new villain but there in RPG and half the time bowser steal the spotlight from them
(****....DREAMY.....BOWSER) the only time we got new villain without bowser screwing them over was smithy,wart and tantaga and that was a long time a go. I miss K.rool too but I really love the new villains too and I'm happy we are getting some like the evil kong,the tiki tak tribe and the snomads so much I hope they appear in the next DK game I feel like they are to good to be one off villains.......................PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! :(
It would be one thing if we were getting lots of spinoffs with the Kremlings as well. But the Kremlings haven't been in a mainline Donkey Kong game since 1999, a Donkey Kong game period since 2007, and K. Rool hasn't been in any game to speak of since 2008. Since 2007 there have been only two new Donkey Kong games, which only had DK, Diddy, Cranky, Funky, Dixie, Rambi, and Squawks to show for it.

Retro's experimentations have been cute, but it's time to bring the kast back together.

Deleted member

It would be one thing if we were getting lots of spinoffs with the Kremlings as well. But the Kremlings haven't been in a mainline Donkey Kong game since 1999, a Donkey Kong game period since 2007, and K. Rool hasn't been in any game to speak of since 2008. Since 2007 there have been only two new Donkey Kong games, which only had DK, Diddy, Cranky, Funky, Dixie, Rambi, and Squawks to show for it.

Retro's experimentations have been cute, but it's time to bring the kast back together.
I agree the kremling krew should Komeback in the next game but like I said before I believe the new villains shouldn't get so much hate IMO but other then that I agree with you the next game the kremling krew should comeback no excuse.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
My unpopular DK opinions is I think the DK fanbase should be happy they are getting unique and fresh villains in the new Donkey Kong game I mean like I said before do you have any idea how much we mario fans would kill to have new villans in 3D and 2D mario games!?!
I know we have new villain but there in RPG and half the time bowser steal the spotlight from them
(****....DREAMY.....BOWSER) the only time we got new villain without bowser screwing them over was smithy,wart and tantaga and that was a long time a go. I miss K.rool too but I really love the new villains too and I'm happy we are getting some like the evil kong,the tiki tak tribe and the snomads so much I hope they appear in the next DK game I feel like they are to good to be one off villains.......................PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! :(
Mario and Zelda fans are getting sick and tired of Bowser and Ganondorf, DKC fans want nothing but K.Rool. I don't think the franchises can be compared, because Mario and Zelda easily get 2~3 games a year, while DK is lucky to be in anything else but a Mario game ever since Rare left...

I would be 500% down with K.Rool stealing the spotlight of ANY new DKC villain....


Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
Mario and Zelda fans are getting sick and tired of Bowser and Ganondorf, DKC fans want nothing but K.Rool. I don't think the franchises can be compared, because Mario and Zelda easily get 2~3 games a year, while DK is lucky to be in anything else but a Mario game ever since Rare left...

I would be 500% down with K.Rool stealing the spotlight of ANY new DKC villain....
People are "sick of Ganondorf" because people want Ganon
Ganondorf hasn't been in a game since Twilight Princess

I've heard more issues with the NSMB series not really doing much creatively by itself instead of people complaining about Bowser being the staple boss.


Smash Cadet
May 5, 2015
So you(and many others) would be happy if King K Rool just hijacked this final boss battle?
It's not that people wanted K. Rool to Hijack Fredrik, but Fredrik wasn't different enough to warrant a new villain. KAPTAIN K. Rool had more differences from KING K. Rool in his final boss fight than Fredrik did with the King. His silhouette being almost identical to K. Rool's didn't help one bit either. Bashmaster would have been a better final boss in my opinion as he was different both visually and actually had an original fight.

Tiki Tong however, could have used a good old fashion Ganon styled hijacking.

The reason why people like the Mario RPG villains is because of their range of personalities, something that all these villains in the DKC revivals do not have... well Fredrik has traces of personality...but that personality is still just K. Rool's (big bad villain who is menacing from afar, but when confronted is kind of a goofball). People don't talk about Grodus from the good Paper Mario sequel because he's pretty dull. Same with the boring Shroobs of Partners in Time, they talk about characters who had an interesting personality like Fawful (I personally find him over rated, but can say he has stood out in comparison to someone like Smithy).

When it comes to different villains appearing all the time, look at the Wario Land series, aside from the first two games it has had a different villain every game...but the only villain worth anything is Captain Syrup. She didn't have much of a personality at first and her main attribute was that she was a female villain. (we also got Golden Diva and Terrormisu later...Wario does like beating on the ladies...) Her latest appearance gave her a personality and even made her relationship with Wario different from Mario and Bowser's, or even Donkey and K. Rool's. Wario and Syrup's relationship is somewhat like a Batman/Catwoman-esque one...only both are greedy self serving jerks. Captain Syrup is Wario's Peach and Bowser combined into one package... She was in a similar position to K. Rool when it came to being the only villain worth mentioning in their series.

Ahem...sorry got off topic... having a revolving door of villains doesn't really do much when these new villains don't appear more than once or have any dialogue. Look at Kirby's series, that series has a different villain every game. In fact the only recurring evil the series has had was Dark Matter, and by extension 0. People stop caring about characters like Dark Mind or Necrodeus when the new flavor of the month shows up...in fact I'd almost say Whispy Woods is more memorable since he shows up so much... I will say that other one shots like Marx or Magolor are loved because they actually talked and had a semblance of a personality. That and the Kirby series loves to self reference itself all the time, so characters aren't completely thrown away.

As mentioned before the Kremlings and their leader changed appearance every game. So the "Bowser" argument doesn't work. Especially since a majority of the time you are STILL fighting the same enemies anyway in the Mario games without Bowser as the main villain. To tell you the truth, if anything the Kremlings could actually USE some uniformity. Rather than creating a whole new design for the base Kremling, they could take a page from their leader's book and simply have different duds to fit whatever K. Rool decides to dress up as. So a Kritter remains a Kritter whether wearing his tattered pants or Pteryges (the skirt of the Greek armor). So like K. Rool the design of the enemy remains the same, but their clothing and weapon changes. Like Klump to Kannon.

Why did they not name Bazuka Karbine and just switch the name with the owl enemy ala Ostro and Birdo.

As for my unpopular opinions...

Retro's artstyle is UGLY... most of their bulging eye enemies make the enemies in DKC3 look cute...
I actually like K. Rool's PAON voice and design
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Smash Lord
Jul 11, 2014
New Jersey
I guess I'm an idiot huh? :laugh: I was just wondering what K Rool fanbase opinions on the Tikis and Snowmads is all no harm in asking right?
No no your not an idiot. I apologize if my comment seemed condencending, that wasn't my intention. It just seems like more and more lately I see a lot of people saying "hey be lucky you DK fans get anything at all" mostly it's detractors who say that stuff because they view K. Rool and the DK franchise in general as low tier. Which I find insulting, DK had it rough because Rare left if it wasn't for that K. Rool would probably already be in Smash and would have far more game appearances under his belt. The best answer I can give you as to overall why most of us Kremling fans are bitter towards the Tikis and Snowmads is simply because we feel that they're a poor replacement to something that didn't need to be replaced. If it ain't broke don't fix it hence why Mario still fights Bowser and Link still fights Ganon. It's good stuff that fans enjoy and each iteration keeps it fun. K. Rool and the Kremlings didn't need to be replaced but the fact that did has now created a mindset that they were unoriginal, dull, or poorly designed which is far from the case. There's still plenty to love of them and we want that chance to see them fresh and doing what they do best, wrecking DKs day. I don't personally hate the Snowmads I thought they were fun and being of Scandinavian decent anything with Vikings is awesome to me. They just weren't the bad guys I grew up with so I'm not as into them.

Deleted member

No no your not an idiot. I apologize if my comment seemed condencending, that wasn't my intention. It just seems like more and more lately I see a lot of people saying "hey be lucky you DK fans get anything at all" mostly it's detractors who say that stuff because they view K. Rool and the DK franchise in general as low tier. Which I find insulting, DK had it rough because Rare left if it wasn't for that K. Rool would probably already be in Smash and would have far more game appearances under his belt. The best answer I can give you as to overall why most of us Kremling fans are bitter towards the Tikis and Snowmads is simply because we feel that they're a poor replacement to something that didn't need to be replaced. If it ain't broke don't fix it hence why Mario still fights Bowser and Link still fights Ganon. It's good stuff that fans enjoy and each iteration keeps it fun. K. Rool and the Kremlings didn't need to be replaced but the fact that did has now created a mindset that they were unoriginal, dull, or poorly designed which is far from the case. There's still plenty to love of them and we want that chance to see them fresh and doing what they do best, wrecking DKs day. I don't personally hate the Snowmads I thought they were fun and being of Scandinavian decent anything with Vikings is awesome to me. They just weren't the bad guys I grew up with so I'm not as into them.
nonononono you are mistaken my friend I was just joking I know you didn't really think I was an idiot sorry for the misunderstanding :(
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
nonononono you are mistaken my friend I was just joking I know you didn't really think I was an idiot sorry for the misunderstanding :(
You seem awfully friendly, watch yourself around these parts. Take it from the beast himself, it's a jungle out here. :4diddy:


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Alright, some unpopular DK opinions:

-DKC3 is the second best game in the series, almost as good as DKC2 and it mostly comes down to preference.
-I like all of K. Rool's SNES personas about equally. Not a big fan of the Krusha one, though.
-Barrel Blast is decent.
-K. Rool's PAON voice fits the character.
-The first DKC is good-but-not-great, eclipsed by the other four DKCs and other notable platformers in general.
-The Tikis were something different and intriguing, if nowhere near the Kremlings or even the Snowmads.
-Diddy Kong Racing DS is just as good as the original, if not better in some ways.
-I like Ellie The Elephant.
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Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Alright, some unpopular DK opinions:

-DKC3 is the second best game in the series, almost as good as DKC2 and it mostly comes down to preference.
-I like all of K. Rool's SNES personas about equally. Not a big fan of the Krusha one, though.
-Barrel Blast is decent.
-K. Rool's PAON voice fits the character.
-The first DKC is good-but-not-great, eclipsed by the other four DKCs and other notable platformers in general.
-The Tikis were something different and intriguing, if nowhere near the Kremlings or even the Snowmads.
-Diddy Kong Racing DS is just as good as the original, if not better in some ways.
-I like Ellie The Elephant.
Except for the opinions on Barrel Blast and Diddy Kong Racing DS - neither of which I have played - I actually agree with all of these.

You seem awfully friendly, watch yourself around these parts. Take it from the beast himself, it's a jungle out here. :4diddy:
:4dk: Hey hey, hoo hoo~!


Prinsass of Hyrule
Apr 23, 2015
New Brunswick, Canada
Switch FC
The only unpopular opinions I might have is that Jungle Beat is my favorite DK game and Jungle Climber is my 2nd.

Are these even unpopular in the first place?

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
It would be okay to have some new enemies in a few games, if there were so many games like for Mario and no fear of losing K. Rool/the Kremlings for too long.
But K. Rool is now gone since like DK64 for real DKC games. I really hope Retro brings him back for DKCR3. We actually have to worry about the Kremlings/K. Rool getting forgotten and put in a box of dust that's getting locked up and put away by Nintendo...
I'm glad Sakurai put Kremlings in Smash Run, that was awesome, now he just has to take the final step...!
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Smash Master
Sep 12, 2014
Mexico? (reference to Star Man)
Mario and Zelda fans are getting sick and tired of Bowser and Ganondorf, DKC fans want nothing but K.Rool. I don't think the franchises can be compared, because Mario and Zelda easily get 2~3 games a year, while DK is lucky to be in anything else but a Mario game ever since Rare left...

I would be 500% down with K.Rool stealing the spotlight of ANY new DKC villain....
I'm not sick of Bowser or Ganondorf. I think a game without them is weird. Although I do think it would be nice every now and then to have another villain other than them, like Wart for Mario and Vaati for Zelda's toon styled games.

Deleted member

Say guys what is you're opinion on the new redesign of tiny kong?(someone is going to make an expand dong I can just feel it)

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Okay cool, unpopular DKC opinion time?

-Diddy is the best character in the original triology because of his speed. Cartwheel jumps make up for any distance Helicopter Spin does, and it's far quicker to.
-Dixie is the scrub choice compared to Diddy. She's basically Safe Mode the character.
-DK64 wasn't a bad game at all, it just had frustrating mini games.
-Rambi is my favorite Animal Buddy of all the time and I do not mind as much that others didn't return over him.
-I do not hate Kiddy Kong. Still my least favorite Kong of the SNES triology however.
-I love the PAON games, and am sad I missed out on Barrel Blast.
-I like the PAON games as much as the Retro Games.
-Diddy Kong Racing DS was an amazing game indeed, and definitely a better racer than Mario Kart DS.
-I actually really hate the tagteam system revamp of Retro's DKCR series.
-I don't really have as much of a problem with King K.Rool's PAON design.
-The GBA DKC games where 99% as enjoyable as the SNES games.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Something interesting to consider:

Donkey Kong Land puts K. Rool at just about the size he would be at Bowser's size in Smash:

Say guys what is you're opinion on the new redesign of tiny kong?(someone is going to make an expand dong I can just feel it)
It differentiates her from Dixie so that's good, even if the name is ironic now.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
The Donkey Kong Land K.Rool fight was a lot harder than the Donkey Kong Country 1 K.Rool fight.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Dat belly flop attack tho.

Man, K. Rool has enough tools between all four of his personas to give each of them a unique moveset. Pretty crazy. (Or krazy?)

I don't really have as much of a problem with King K.Rool's PAON design.
I forgot to mention this too, although I feel like it's a fairly common opinion; the split feels about 50/50 to me.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
The Donkey Kong Land K.Rool fight was a lot harder than the Donkey Kong Country 1 K.Rool fight.
The DKC1 fight isn't that hard once you know what you're doing, really. He's difficult because of his trickery; once you know his trickery you won't have many problems beating him (other than timing moving underneath the kannonballs and his annoying jumps at the end).

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
I hate tinys redesign, because it doesn't fit her. she basically took candys role as "hotty kong", instead of being.. tiny.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
Tiny's redesign doesn't put her in nearly the same league as Candy Kong. Honestly I kinda like the change. I think she's more interesting in her new design than she was in DK64 where she was just the poor version of Dixie.

Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
Judging from Candy's Hoo Hahs Tiny's still tiny
yeah but candy doesnt look hot at all anymore... look at her attitute and design in DK64. now that's more like it. now she tries to but looks completely different and much older, and not hot at all, even if she has big coconuts. :p

tinys design looks nice, it just doesn't fit that character I know from DK64. :/ (and her name)
I'm glad they started using more Dixie after DK64, but still, Tiny should still be tiny...

Deleted member

It's not that people wanted K. Rool to Hijack Fredrik, but Fredrik wasn't different enough to warrant a new villain. KAPTAIN K. Rool had more differences from KING K. Rool in his final boss fight than Fredrik did with the King. His silhouette being almost identical to K. Rool's didn't help one bit either. Bashmaster would have been a better final boss in my opinion as he was different both visually and actually had an original fight.

Tiki Tong however, could have used a good old fashion Ganon styled hijacking.

The reason why people like the Mario RPG villains is because of their range of personalities, something that all these villains in the DKC revivals do not have... well Fredrik has traces of personality...but that personality is still just K. Rool's (big bad villain who is menacing from afar, but when confronted is kind of a goofball). People don't talk about Grodus from the good Paper Mario sequel because he's pretty dull. Same with the boring Shroobs of Partners in Time, they talk about characters who had an interesting personality like Fawful (I personally find him over rated, but can say he has stood out in comparison to someone like Smithy).

When it comes to different villains appearing all the time, look at the Wario Land series, aside from the first two games it has had a different villain every game...but the only villain worth anything is Captain Syrup. She didn't have much of a personality at first and her main attribute was that she was a female villain. (we also got Golden Diva and Terrormisu later...Wario does like beating on the ladies...) Her latest appearance gave her a personality and even made her relationship with Wario different from Mario and Bowser's, or even Donkey and K. Rool's. Wario and Syrup's relationship is somewhat like a Batman/Catwoman-esque one...only both are greedy self serving jerks. Captain Syrup is Wario's Peach and Bowser combined into one package... She was in a similar position to K. Rool when it came to being the only villain worth mentioning in their series.

Ahem...sorry got off topic... having a revolving door of villains doesn't really do much when these new villains don't appear more than once or have any dialogue. Look at Kirby's series, that series has a different villain every game. In fact the only recurring evil the series has had was Dark Matter, and by extension 0. People stop caring about characters like Dark Mind or Necrodeus when the new flavor of the month shows up...in fact I'd almost say Whispy Woods is more memorable since he shows up so much... I will say that other one shots like Marx or Magolor are loved because they actually talked and had a semblance of a personality. That and the Kirby series loves to self reference itself all the time, so characters aren't completely thrown away.

As mentioned before the Kremlings and their leader changed appearance every game. So the "Bowser" argument doesn't work. Especially since a majority of the time you are STILL fighting the same enemies anyway in the Mario games without Bowser as the main villain. To tell you the truth, if anything the Kremlings could actually USE some uniformity. Rather than creating a whole new design for the base Kremling, they could take a page from their leader's book and simply have different duds to fit whatever K. Rool decides to dress up as. So a Kritter remains a Kritter whether wearing his tattered pants or Pteryges (the skirt of the Greek armor). So like K. Rool the design of the enemy remains the same, but their clothing and weapon changes. Like Klump to Kannon.

Why did they not name Bazuka Karbine and just switch the name with the owl enemy ala Ostro and Birdo.

As for my unpopular opinions...

Retro's artstyle is UGLY... most of their bulging eye enemies make the enemies in DKC3 look cute...
I actually like K. Rool's PAON voice and design
Just for the record I don't hate the mario rpg villains I love them I just hate bowser stealing there spotlight but other then that I agree with most of the things you are saying.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2015
A clover field
Just for some comparison purposes
I'm totally ok with Tiny's design because Irony :p
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Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2014
If there's one thing I gotta say about DKC TF that it actually does better than the classics, EXCEPT for Lord Frederik, the bosses are the best in the series. All of them are creatively unique in their own ways and are a real challenge. The only thing I dislike about them is how they're so damn big. Yeah, big is intimidating, but they don't have to be SO MASSIVELY HUGE.

Another thing I like about them: not a SINGLE recolor boss in the entire game. The only other game to actually pull this off prior was DKC3. (I don't count the second K. Rool fights in DKC3 and DKL3 because both were fully unique compared to the first battle against him in each game and were basically bonus bosses.)
Idk, I think DK64 had the best bosses. Armydillo and Dogadon were my favorites. Mad Jack too.
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Deleted member

I prefer Tiny's new design, might be because I love irony and how she and I are female teenagers. Besides, Conker's Berry proves Rare can perv up redesigns badly
I heard tiny was dixie little sister is that true?
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Smash Hero
Jul 8, 2014
Some Netherworld
You know. I'm just gonna say this.

I REALLY want King K. to have a "belly flop" d-airthat works like PM :4wario2:'s D-Air. A RISK of a spike move.

I heard tiny was dixie little sister is that true?

And she hit puberty first.

Don't think about it too hard.
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Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I heard tiny was dixie little sister is that true?
It makes even less sense now because Tiny doesn't look like a chimpanzee any more, while Dixie still does. Then again, Diddy is/was supposed to be DK's nephew, so who knows.



Smash Apprentice
Aug 29, 2014
I'm actually not sure which design of Tiny Kong I like more. But I most say I prefer the new one a tiny (get it) bit more. Probably because she feels a bit more like her own character now. Let's be honest back in DK64 she was more of a Dixie Clone instead to be her own unique herself. Not that Tiny was bad back than. She was a cute, little chimpanzee girl, but we already had a cute, little chimpanzee girl with blonde hair with Dixie. Now as a teenager styled Kong Tiny Kong feels a bit more like her own character. Similar to Lanky Kong or Funky Kong.

But like I said the old design is nice and the new one is also good.

I actually would like to play with the new styled Tiny Kong in a new DK64 styled game. Wonder how she would feel in such a game.
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