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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread


Hipster Heavyweight Champ
Jul 3, 2014
I don't know how many here are Football fans but whether you are or aren't this is phenomenal. I myself am a die hard Minnesota Vikings fan (really hoping K. Rool gets a purple and gold skin)

It's cool to see how many people have been influenced by games more specially Nintendo. Travis Kelce is a Tight End of the Chiefs and I was watching redzone at a friends house on Sunday and saw his TD celebration come up. I instantly said that's the giant punch from Smash!!!! Well later the next day lol

Please watch the Vine at the bottom lol DK Rap for the win!!!
That is actually pretty awesome! Nice to see DK getting recognition outside of the video game media.


Smash Cadet
Oct 26, 2014
Hi Kutthroats! :)

Been a while since I've done a Smashboards post but rest assured I'm out there Kampaigning! But now I call every Kutthroat to action today.

On the official Facebook page for Super Smash Bros a photo was posted with the caption "The Weekend. We made it." 1 particular comment has almost 60 likes. And while there is a ton of K.Rool support, the Neverending haters persist. Let's override them! Like positive K. Rool comments and unite with posting great points that these snarky folk are wrong!


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I say we can overcome those haters, Kroconut. I am not scared of the unreasonable haters out there.
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Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2015
Chico Ca
Hey is there any K. Rool Wallpaper with the RARE design of the edited Mii Costume into full size K. Rool? If not, we need one.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 27, 2014
A K. Rool subforum would be interesting to behold. The way I see it, we have such a rich and sizable community here that's interested in the character first and foremost. However, a lot of the character subforums don't seem to really care about their characters as individuals, but as playstyles...it's just competitive players taking over and discussing paint-by-numbers combos, "rate my playing" requests, and match-up talk. I'd hope that, if K. Rool gets in, we can merge that kind of analysis with the community we've always had...goofy videos and rituals, personality discussions, "what if K. Rool did XYZ in a new game," etc. It would be a shame to lose what's unique about our group in lieu of something so commonplace.
Yeah, I'd definitely prefer the best of both worlds, competitive and social K. Rool subforum you described if he gets added as DLC. I have a lot of respect for the competitive players who post in the Olimar subforum (I found Indexxical!'s guide to be really helpful, even for a mediocre Olimar player like me) and I like showing solidarity with my fellow Olimar/Alph mains, but it's not necessarily the best place to talk about the Pikmin series or Olimar and Alph as characters rather than fighters.

Part of the reason why I mainly hang out in the support threads is because they talk about more of that kind of stuff and do so on a pretty frequent basis. I don't have a ton to contribute to those threads because the most likely potential ballot fighters come from series I don't know that well, so I guess I'm a bit envious of what you all have here. I hope that a K. Rool subforum, if it happens, continues in the spirit of this thread.

I don't know how many here are Football fans but whether you are or aren't this is phenomenal. I myself am a die hard Minnesota Vikings fan (really hoping K. Rool gets a purple and gold skin)

It's cool to see how many people have been influenced by games more specially Nintendo. Travis Kelce is a Tight End of the Chiefs and I was watching redzone at a friends house on Sunday and saw his TD celebration come up. I instantly said that's the giant punch from Smash!!!! Well later the next day lol

Please watch the Vine at the bottom lol DK Rap for the win!!!
I thought it was neat to hear that his touchdown inspiration came from Smash. It reminds me of the Super Mario Jump TD celebration that Aaron Rodgers does sometimes (I'm a Packer fan living in Vikings territory, if that comment didn't make that obvious already, haha).
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
A K. Rool subforum would be interesting to behold. The way I see it, we have such a rich and sizable community here that's interested in the character first and foremost. However, a lot of the character subforums don't seem to really care about their characters as individuals, but as playstyles...it's just competitive players taking over and discussing paint-by-numbers combos, "rate my playing" requests, and match-up talk. I'd hope that, if K. Rool gets in, we can merge that kind of analysis with the community we've always had...goofy videos and rituals, personality discussions, "what if K. Rool did XYZ in a new game," etc. It would be a shame to lose what's unique about our group in lieu of something so commonplace.
The character boards are specifically for competitive play though. Smashboards is first and foremost a site for competitive Smash. You could talk about non-competitive stuff in the social thread that'd be on the board. But people constantly posting threads like 'What costume will K. Rool wear in his next game?' get in the way of people trying to learn and develop his meta, which is what the character boards are for.
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
The character boards are specifically for competitive play though. Smashboards is first and foremost a site for competitive Smash. You could talk about non-competitive stuff in the social thread that'd be on the board. But people constantly posting threads like 'What costume will K. Rool wear in his next game?' get in the way of people trying to learn and develop his meta, which is what the character boards are for.
Yeah, it shouldn't go to the other extreme of having big topics about mundane stuff, but at the same time, it would be a shame to lose all the personality of the Kutthroat community in favor of a soulless group that only cares about K. Rool as a tool for winning money at competitive tournaments. Like I brought up earlier, we ought to try to merge our current community with a more competitive one without losing what has made us, us over the last three years.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
Yeah, it shouldn't go to the other extreme of having big topics about mundane stuff, but at the same time, it would be a shame to lose all the personality of the Kutthroat community in favor of a soulless group that only cares about K. Rool as a tool for winning money at competitive tournaments. Like I brought up earlier, we ought to try to merge our current community with a more competitive one without losing what has made us, us over the last three years.

I really dislike the hate towards the competitive community in this thread. I never hear competitive players complain about casual play, but I always hear casuals criticising people for playing the game a different way than they do. Casuals act as if their way is the only way to have 'fun'. Competitive players play competitively because they find that more fun, I don't know why people find that hard to understand. The casual community, by and large, is also way more rude and disrespectful when they play. Competitive players will normally shake hands during sets, and won't taunt out of respect. Most players on For Glory will taunt everytime they get a kill, which is basically mocking a stranger when you one-up them.

People only caring about K. Rool as a tool for winning money? Unless K. Rool is a top 5 character (which he most likely won't be if they developers keep him true to his character) the only people playing him will be fans of the character, or people who just find his playstyle really fun. There are competitive players who solo-main mid-low tiers, knowing that they're lowering their chances of winning money, but stick with the character anyway. That takes way more 'soul' than playing a low tier in casual play, when you won't get punished for picking a sub-optimal character, and there's nothing on the line anyway.

Handy Man

Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2013

I really dislike the hate towards the competitive community in this thread. I never hear competitive players complain about casual play, but I always hear casuals criticising people for playing the game a different way than they do. Casuals act as if their way is the only way to have 'fun'. Competitive players play competitively because they find that more fun, I don't know why people find that hard to understand. The casual community, by and large, is also way more rude and disrespectful when they play. Competitive players will normally shake hands during sets, and won't taunt out of respect. Most players on For Glory will taunt everytime they get a kill, which is basically mocking a stranger when you one-up them.

People only caring about K. Rool as a tool for winning money? Unless K. Rool is a top 5 character (which he most likely won't be if they developers keep him true to his character) the only people playing him will be fans of the character, or people who just find his playstyle really fun. There are competitive players who solo-main mid-low tiers, knowing that they're lowering their chances of winning money, but stick with the character anyway. That takes way more 'soul' than playing a low tier in casual play, when you won't get punished for picking a sub-optimal character, and there's nothing on the line anyway.
As a tourney goer myself, I can vouch for this. I solo main Charizard and am currently known as the best Charizard main in Chicago, and I knew from day one that Charizard would never be a high tier character. I use Zard because he has always been one of my favorite characters in gaming, and I love his moveset and it feels right at home for me. Since I main Charizard, I never place too high, but I get pretty decent results with him and have convinced others to pick him up as a secondary. That feels good to me, as one of the main points of me maining Charizard is to develop his metagame and prove that he's somewhat viable. A lot of tier lists put him as bottom 10, but I think he's in the middle of the tier list, so that's what I really want to prove to others.

Although I go to tournaments and try to compete and improve, I have fun while doing it and could care less if I win money or not. If people really wanted to win money, as Dre89 said, they would use a high tier character like Sheik, Fox, or Rosalina instead. I just want to push Charizard's metagame to its limit while making a name for myself as a known Charizard main. If I wanted to play to win and make cash, then I would play as a better character, but I just want to improve at the game while having fun. That's what really matters to me as a tournament player.

With that said, I can't imagine King K. Rool would be a top 25 character on the tier list. My headcanon is that he's a zoning and trap based heavyweight, and while that would make him unique compared to most of the heavies, the fact that he's a heavy alone should make him somewhat unviable and put him in mid-tier or lower. Heavies in general, unless you're R.O.B. or Yoshi, lack options against juggling and being combo food, and some of their attacks have too much start or end lag, which can make them easily punishable. King K. Rool would probably struggle the most with fast characters like Sheik, Captain Falcon, and Pikachu, which could escape his traps and outzone or juggle him. Keep in mind that this is just my speculation and King K. Rool could somehow turn out to be way different, but if we take his potential Smash moveset and properties into account, it's very unlikely he'll be able to keep up with the high tiers.

Overall, as a tournament goer, I have a lot of fun playing the game at a high level with a mid tier character. With that said, while there are some people who take the game very seriously and play it for cash, those types of people are few and far between, and most people go to a tournament knowing that they won't win the whole thing, let alone top eight. Maining a low or mid tier takes serious dedication, and competitive King K. Rool mains would certainly be a niché in the tournament scene and King K. Rools probably won't take the gold at tournaments. If people main King K. Rool at tournaments, it would probably be like why I main Zard, they like the character or their moveset and wants to push his metagame to the limit.


Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2002
Jalisco, Mexico
Of all the ballot characters. I would believe K. Rool is the less likely to have supporters that are voting for him because "oh boy I will get a top tier Sheik counter with K. Rool no doubt".

On the other hand, one of the reasons I want K. Rool is that I feel this time the Smash dev team knows enough how the game works to make a solid big heavyweight character for competitive. So far their last 3 DLC characters worked perfectly for the meta with no patching needed.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
For a heavy to be 'good' they need kill confirms before 100% DK and Bowser are the only heavies who currently have this. Wario is good too but he's an unconventional heavy in that he trades range for mobility.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2014
gay baby jail
I'll just say what I've always said: I don't want a competitively viable K. Rool, I want a K. Rool that feels like I'm playing as the villain in the boss fights I loved so much as a kid. I want him to be well represented. Not to say the two are mutually exclusive, they most certainly aren't, but if playing him feels like you're actually playing as K. Rool I won't complain. This is my same logic in maining Donkey Kong -- I love the series and the character, and his Smash incarnation feels to me like the mighty king of the jungle he ought to be. Even though I typically get destroyed by my friend and rival (who mains Mario) while playing DK, I still have a good time. Because he feels right.

I don't even know if this paragraph makes sense, but it's how I feel


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I'll just say what I've always said: I don't want a competitively viable K. Rool, I want a K. Rool that feels like I'm playing as the villain in the boss fights I loved so much as a kid. I want him to be well represented. Not to say the two are mutually exclusive, they most certainly aren't, but if playing him feels like you're actually playing as K. Rool I won't complain. This is my same logic in maining Donkey Kong -- I love the series and the character, and his Smash incarnation feels to me like the mighty king of the jungle he ought to be. Even though I typically get destroyed by my friend and rival (who mains Mario) while playing DK, I still have a good time. Because he feels right.

I don't even know if this paragraph makes sense, but it's how I feel
K. Rool will most likely be in the bottom half of viability if they make him true to his character. A big, trap-based character with unreliable kill options before high percents scream lower-mid tier to me


Smash Journeyman
Sep 25, 2014
gay baby jail
K. Rool will most likely be in the bottom half of viability if they make him true to his character. A big, trap-based character with unreliable kill options before high percents scream lower-mid tier to me
And like I say, I'd be perfectly okay with that. Being true to a character's roots is top priority for me, no matter how "viable" they may or may not be. This is probably why I love Ryu so much as well.


Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2002
Jalisco, Mexico
This Smash is pretty balanced anyways so if K. Rool ended on the bottom of the tier. He could still be played to an extent in competitive. Unless you are amongst the best players were any little advantage counts.

Overall, I see the conundrum many of us suffer. I want a K. Rool that is fun to play over having a competitive strong K. Rool. But, I also have fun if I win in competitive. Both ways are fun, and Im certain K. Rool will be fun to play. Unless something goes horribly wrong with his design like some dumb hitboxes like the ones Samus or Mewtwo have.

KevN くコ:彡

Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Most of my favorite characters in this game are not competitively viable. Mewtwo from what I've see is garbage. Bowser, oh how the mighty have fallen since 3ds. And don't even get me started on Little Mac.

And IMainKingKRool took the words right out of my mouth. Making him feel as close to the King as possible is more important than being top tier. We can worry about that later when or if he gets in Smash.

Giga Kaiju

Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2015
Valley Of Repose
Switch FC
Yeah, it shouldn't go to the other extreme of having big topics about mundane stuff, but at the same time, it would be a shame to lose all the personality of the Kutthroat community in favor of a soulless group that only cares about K. Rool as a tool for winning money at competitive tournaments. Like I brought up earlier, we ought to try to merge our current community with a more competitive one without losing what has made us, us over the last three years.

I really dislike the hate towards the competitive community in this thread. I never hear competitive players complain about casual play, but I always hear casuals criticising people for playing the game a different way than they do. Casuals act as if their way is the only way to have 'fun'. Competitive players play competitively because they find that more fun, I don't know why people find that hard to understand. The casual community, by and large, is also way more rude and disrespectful when they play. Competitive players will normally shake hands during sets, and won't taunt out of respect. Most players on For Glory will taunt everytime they get a kill, which is basically mocking a stranger when you one-up them.

People only caring about K. Rool as a tool for winning money? Unless K. Rool is a top 5 character (which he most likely won't be if they developers keep him true to his character) the only people playing him will be fans of the character, or people who just find his playstyle really fun. There are competitive players who solo-main mid-low tiers, knowing that they're lowering their chances of winning money, but stick with the character anyway. That takes way more 'soul' than playing a low tier in casual play, when you won't get punished for picking a sub-optimal character, and there's nothing on the line anyway.
Yeah, about that. Let me add something.

Is nice to see at times people talking about mundane things like that, believe it or not. Colors, Alts, Traits, Games, etc. It GIVES life to not only the discussions but the commention people of it. I'm not saying that the talk about tourney-matchups-combos-functions and what not is bad, but it can get stale if you're not in the right mood to talk about it. It depends on what you want to talk, really. Same deal with other topics. You may one time mention moments in a movie, or what message it brings toy you and what leaves after watching it, and others might get a feeling for the revenue, the cast, Box-Office and such. It just depends, that's all.

Is not who's the better of the two, but to actually co-exist, cooperate and don't be a jerk to the other to be a rather, well, FUN, place for discussion. And hopefully, that's what happens when/IF K.Rool makes it into SM4SH.

And same goes with the Tourney-Hardcore players. I don't like that they act HIGH-MIGHTY over the 'CASULS' saying they don't care about the way/things WE DO, as there are actual people that don't and just play the game because it is frantic-the hitboxes-the salt-and the sort. But so, the vice-versa deal goes out too. The 'casual' crowd that plays for fun, ONLY wants to stay for fun. And that's fine; If they want to keep playing for that, then more power to them. But to shut-out any crowd, in both sides, is something that has to be stop.

That mentality needs to end. We're playing the same for FUN, in a way, that's WHY we play Smash Bros. To be entertained. And one of the ways to be, is wanting to play as the characters that WE LIKE.

For some, they may just be 'walking-hitboxes' with different 'coding and shape', but to us, they're the icons that we want to see in a game to have fun with. regardless of if they're 'LOW-TIER/NOT VIABLE' or to be 'salty'.

Just my 0.02$. :4miibrawl:


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Yeah, it shouldn't go to the other extreme of having big topics about mundane stuff, but at the same time, it would be a shame to lose all the personality of the Kutthroat community in favor of a soulless group that only cares about K. Rool as a tool for winning money at competitive tournaments. Like I brought up earlier, we ought to try to merge our current community with a more competitive one without losing what has made us, us over the last three years.
To be fair, tournament players are not the only individuals who wish to progress and explore any given character's meta-game. I am not even going to touch the "soulless" part of the post because I feel as though you probably did not mean what it came across as. I am sure that a lot of us here, King K. Rool fans, will be the individuals populating the King K. Rool boards. So, to that degree, I wholeheartedly agree with your last statement.
Dec 20, 2014
the Milky Way galaxy
I'll just say what I've always said: I don't want a competitively viable K. Rool, I want a K. Rool that feels like I'm playing as the villain in the boss fights I loved so much as a kid. I want him to be well represented. Not to say the two are mutually exclusive, they most certainly aren't, but if playing him feels like you're actually playing as K. Rool I won't complain. This is my same logic in maining Donkey Kong -- I love the series and the character, and his Smash incarnation feels to me like the mighty king of the jungle he ought to be. Even though I typically get destroyed by my friend and rival (who mains Mario) while playing DK, I still have a good time. Because he feels right.

I don't even know if this paragraph makes sense, but it's how I feel
So, if he plays like the boss fight King K Rool, should DK and Diddy Kong hard counter him? :troll:

KevN くコ:彡

Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Donkey Kong beats K. Rool in Smash, they go to the results screen. "The Winner is Donkey Kong". You hear his victory jingle, then suddenly, the screen breaks and the fight continues! K. Rool is stronger and faster! Cannonballs start raining down on the stage! And....sorry I'll stop now.


Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2014
I said it before and I'll say it again, low tier can still beat high tier. It's the player that determines the fighters skills. I've seen some near unstoppable Bowser and Charizard mains in competitive play. I even main Bowser in competitive play and pick up a descent amount of wins with him every so often. No matter what tier a character is, the main hint is to keep trying to get good with them. Heck I'm lousy using King Dedede in competitive play but someone here (I forget who it was)posted a video of them using him online and completely mopped the floor with those lightweights.

No matter how K. Rool turns out if he's added, I will still main him and make sure he's one of the best heavy fighters to use against anyone.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2009
I said it before and I'll say it again, low tier can still beat high tier. It's the player that determines the fighters skills. I've seen some near unstoppable Bowser and Charizard mains in competitive play. I even main Bowser in competitive play and pick up a descent amount of wins with him every so often. No matter what tier a character is, the main hint is to keep trying to get good with them. Heck I'm lousy using King Dedede in competitive play but someone here (I forget who it was)posted a video of them using him online and completely mopped the floor with those lightweights.

No matter how K. Rool turns out if he's added, I will still main him and make sure he's one of the best heavy fighters to use against anyone.
There aren't really any high level Bowsers or Charizards that have notable results, as in placed well at major tourneys or beaten notable players. Tiers don't matter on For Glory. FG is just casual-level play in a competitive mode.
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Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
http://smashboards.com/threads/ssb4-dlc-candidate-elimination-game-v2.417863/page-4 So do you guys think we should just have a 3 way battle between Wolf, Bandanna Dee, and Krool, and then vote on the rest of the characters, I'm actually quite shocked that more than half of the remaining characters are ones I picked and added to the game.:eek:
Captain Toad (4)
Dixie Kong (5)
King K. Rool (21)
Tetra (3)
Ivysaur (4)
Squirtle (4)
Chibi-Robo (4)
Excitebiker (5)
Lip (5)
Mach Rider (3)
Ray (5)
Pious (5)
Sami (5)
John Raimi (5)
Bandanna Dee (25)
Mr. Stevenson (5)
BB bandit trio (4)
Sturm (5)
Waluigi (500)
Goku (Yuyuki) (9)
Olaf (wars) (6)
Dr. Eggman (6)
Butch and Cassidy (3)
Also someone purple cheated...
This Smash is pretty balanced anyways so if K. Rool ended on the bottom of the tier. He could still be played to an extent in competitive. Unless you are amongst the best players were any little advantage counts.

Overall, I see the conundrum many of us suffer. I want a K. Rool that is fun to play over having a competitive strong K. Rool. But, I also have fun if I win in competitive. Both ways are fun, and Im certain K. Rool will be fun to play. Unless something goes horribly wrong with his design like some dumb hitboxes like the ones Samus or Mewtwo have.
I'd take a low tier Krool over no Krool, if you truly like a character, you will learn to main them and make them look like a top tier character. One of my mains was :ganondorf:

Ganon K. Roolenstein

Smash Cadet
Aug 30, 2015
I recently thought of a pretty big theory, and I figured I'd share it here for everyone to see. Please let me know what you think of it, I would very much appreciate it if you did!



This is why (in my opinion) King K. Rool is 100% coming to Smash. Hold on to your seats, because this is going to go deep. And I mean deep.

First, let's take a look at what Sakurai said regarded why he added Sonic to Brawl.

"At the time we announced Snake, we actually put together a survey for our users, asking which characters they would like to see in the game. And a huge amount of people said Sonic, especially in the United States. So in order to satisfy our fans, I thought it was a good idea to try to include Sonic. But that was the thing that put the whole process in motion."

King K. Rool is without a doubt one of the most requested Smash characters in the ballot. Period. Let's not deny this. In fact, it's possible that he could be the number 1 most requested 1st party character in the ballot. Not only that, he is requested worldwide, especially in the Americas. But he is still a popular choice in other regions too, such as Europe and Japan.

Hmm... doesn't this sound a bit familiar at all? King K. Rool is starting to sound a lot like our friend Sonic here. This definitely greatly boosts the king's chances of becoming playable.

Now let's discuss how I think the ballot works. This a pretty interesting theory, so buckle up.

I think that Sakurai and co. have a an inbox like system on a server only they can see that tells them when a character is voted in the ballot. Sounds crazy, right? But it honestly doesn't sound that far fetched. Like, how else are they keeping track of the ballot votes? I think it's possible that Sakurai, NoA, and NoE have staff that looks at the ballot votes from time to time, and take down notes. If they are taking notes (which I'm 95% sure they are), then this could be HUGE for King K. Rool's chances. I'm pretty sure Sakurai is going to choose the characters with the most votes who also have the best suggestions in his eyes. I'm sure a lot of the King K. Rool votes went along the lines of "We want more DK characters, villains, and heavyweights. Plus he has a ton of moveset potential!" Everything said about K. Rool in this paragraph and the one above seems to fit Sakurai's criteria it seems. Again, if the staff are taking down notes on ballot votes, then this is potentially big news for our king.

Now, we move on to the segment to why I think King K. Rool is 100% is going to be a playable character. After the King K. Rool Mii Brawler costume was announced, what did a lot of you do? Revote for King K. Rool saying that you don't want him in as a Mii costume, but you wanted him actually playable. If Sakurai's/Nintendo's staff are indeed taking notes on ballot votes, then they've obviously wrote down that the fans want King K. Rool as a playable character, and not just as a Mii costume. I am confident that Sakurai is looking at the ballot votes and the notes the staff have taken. If he does, then he's definitely seen the King K. Rool suggestions and the Mii costume out cry. Honestly, what do you think Sakurai's reaction to this be? "People really want him as a playable character, and not just as a Mii costume? Meh, still not going to make him playable." I highly doubt Sakurai would do this. It would be very unprofessional for him to do that, and he'd be betraying a TON of fans. In before you say "Sakurai has had that attitude before towards Ridley and Chrom, and they were highly requested too." The difference here is that Sakurai has out spoken out against Ridley and Chrom giving reasons why he didn't want them playable. So these situations are uncomparable pretty much. Also, since the ballot is purely "fan-service", it's not the Sakurai show anymore. It's ours. The fans.

With all of this, I am 100% confident that King K. Rool is indeed going to be a playable DLC character in Super Smash Bros.

What do you all think of my theory? Do you think it's plausible, or am I just completely insane for thinking of all this? Please let me know.
Apr 19, 2015
http://smashboards.com/threads/ssb4-dlc-candidate-elimination-game-v2.417863/page-4 So do you guys think we should just have a 3 way battle between Wolf, Bandanna Dee, and Krool, and then vote on the rest of the characters, I'm actually quite shocked that more than half of the remaining characters are ones I picked and added to the game.:eek:
Captain Toad (4)
Dixie Kong (5)
King K. Rool (21)
Tetra (3)
Ivysaur (4)
Squirtle (4)
Chibi-Robo (4)
Excitebiker (5)
Lip (5)
Mach Rider (3)
Ray (5)
Pious (5)
Sami (5)
John Raimi (5)
Bandanna Dee (25)
Mr. Stevenson (5)
BB bandit trio (4)
Sturm (5)
Waluigi (500)
Goku (Yuyuki) (9)
Olaf (wars) (6)
Dr. Eggman (6)
Butch and Cassidy (3)
Also someone purple cheated...

I'd take a low tier Krool over no Krool, if you truly like a character, you will learn to main them and make them look like a top tier character. One of my mains was :ganondorf:
Wolf, Dee, Isaac, Inkling and Snake are gone... I think someone has been eliminating K. Rool's kompetitors there on purpose. I wonder who.... :smirk:


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
Wolf, Dee, Isaac, Inkling and Snake are gone... I think someone has been eliminating K. Rool's kompetitors there on purpose. I wonder who.... :smirk:
Well its not Krool supporters, people were bringing him down too. However since I'm pulling the strings I've put the big 3, Wolf, Krool, and Bandanna Dee up to the top. The winner will be one of those 3, also I found the purple cheater.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015

I really dislike the hate towards the competitive community in this thread. .
That's kind of blowing it out of proportion don't you think?


I really haven't seen any tangents on the competitive community beyond retaliation against people mocking K. Rool as a "poor choice" due to him "obviously being trash tier" by detractors, rather than the competitive community as a whole. BKupa here has lead this little community of ours for a while now and I can tell he's a bit worried that special "spark" we have will be lost eventually after K. Rool is confirmed, and mostly have a few people talking back and forth about mechanics, match ups, and frame data.



Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
The Robin and Zelda sub-fourms are shining examples of the competitive and casual people living in harmony.

At least for Robin, they talk about all kinds of stuff in the Robin Social (which was the Robin Support Thread before his confirmation) - new Fire Emblem games, speculation, cartoons, animes, leaks, tournaments, everything - while the rest of the sub-forum is there for competitive discussion.

I'm sure we can strike a balance just like them.

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KevN くコ:彡

Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2015
Ahoy, ye landlubbers! It be talk like a pirate day! Why not start the day with some discussion o'our glorious Kaptain? Or ye be walkin' the plank! Arrr!

Kaptain K. Rool.PNG
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