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K. Rool's Kremling Kutthroats: PM BKupa666 for an Invite to the New K. Rool Thread


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2015
Right. It's frowned upon to make subsequent double or triple posts. Best to use the edit button if you want to add on to a previous post and let someone else post after you before making another.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2015
Right. It's frowned upon to make subsequent double or triple posts. Best to use the edit button if you want to add on to a previous post and let someone else post after you before making another.
Wow lol didn't know that lol


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Y'know Dixie should call in Rambi or something for a side B, anything to avoid making her a clone. However Sakurai loves his clones so... poop.

Also no King K. Rool news or news at all for that matter, :(.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2015
Y'know Dixie should call in Rambi or something for a side B, anything to avoid making her a clone. However Sakurai loves his clones so... poop.

Also no King K. Rool news or news at all for that matter, :(.
Smash 4 is basically Super Clone Brothers lol


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Y'know Dixie should call in Rambi or something for a side B, anything to avoid making her a clone. However Sakurai loves his clones so... poop.

Also no King K. Rool news or news at all for that matter, :(.
Having Dixie use an animal buddy that is much more associated with Donkey Kong would be awkward. Having a play style of fighting with hair will be unique enough for her.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Having Dixie use an animal buddy that is much more associated with Donkey Kong would be awkward. Having a play style of fighting with hair will be unique enough for her.
Then again, Ness doesn't use PK fire in earthbound, nor PK Star Storm. Rest doesn't harms things in Pokemon, there is only one kind of Mewtwo that a learn teleport, and Balloon Fighter has very little, if anything to do with Animal Crossing. In Smash, being true to the source material, as I understand it, is relative. This means that Sakurai does what he wants, if it's in the same series, y'know, slap it on in there. That came off as pretty negative, however that seems to be the state of affairs with some characters on the roster. Ness,Lucas, and a few others double as individuals and amalgamations of various things from their games. Seeing as how the animal buddies haven't had any...(Jeez really, that's sad) sort of active role in smash, why not mix one into her set, along with the hair moves? Also hair based moves would most likely be normals rather than specials.

Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
and Balloon Fighter has very little, if anything to do with Animal Crossing.
Balloon Fight was one of the NES games included in the first Animal Crossing. The move is actually a really good reference to a popular feature that was later removed from the series once the Wii's Virtual Console service came along. ;) (I'm only disappointed that Balloon Fight was the game chosen to represent this, as I'd love to see the Balloon Fighter as a fighter in his own right, and wonder if this has an effect on his chances. It may very well not, though!)

Seeing as how the animal buddies haven't had any...(Jeez really, that's sad) sort of active role in smash, why not mix one into her set, along with the hair moves? Also hair based moves would most likely be normals rather than specials.
In my view, it would be better to allow the Animal Buddy crates to become an item in their own right, rather than tie them to one fighter. So iconic of DKC are these, that I was always really surprised that they didn't appear alongside DK in the very first Smash. :laugh:
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Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
There's a difference sometimes between creativity and forced creativity. People have said that trying to cram every single move K. Rool has ever performed into one moveset for him comes off this way, and I agree to some extent. He has a lot of potential, but doesn't need to whip out the mines from Jungle Climber for an obscure aerial instead of a simpler generic move, for example. I think Dixie (and Toad) is a character commonly on the receiving end of this. If I had to guess, it's a product of people overcompensating too far in the opposite direction in response to people calling the character boring.


Smash Master
Jun 3, 2013
Then again, Ness doesn't use PK fire in earthbound, nor PK Star Storm. Rest doesn't harms things in Pokemon, there is only one kind of Mewtwo that a learn teleport, and Balloon Fighter has very little, if anything to do with Animal Crossing. In Smash, being true to the source material, as I understand it, is relative. This means that Sakurai does what he wants, if it's in the same series, y'know, slap it on in there. That came off as pretty negative, however that seems to be the state of affairs with some characters on the roster. Ness,Lucas, and a few others double as individuals and amalgamations of various things from their games. Seeing as how the animal buddies haven't had any...(Jeez really, that's sad) sort of active role in smash, why not mix one into her set, along with the hair moves? Also hair based moves would most likely be normals rather than specials.
None of those things you listed are examples of one playable character using an ability that another playable character is much more known for using, yet doesn't use.


Keyblade Master
Sep 10, 2015
There's a difference sometimes between creativity and forced creativity. People have said that trying to cram every single move K. Rool has ever performed into one moveset for him comes off this way, and I agree to some extent. He has a lot of potential, but doesn't need to whip out the mines from Jungle Climber for an obscure aerial instead of a simpler generic move, for example. I think Dixie (and Toad) is a character commonly on the receiving end of this. If I had to guess, it's a product of people overcompensating too far in the opposite direction in response to people calling the character boring.
Well said

Also you can also of customized moves aswell, so some of those abilities can transfer over
Jul 22, 2015
Home... where else would I be?
What's up with King K. Rool and his hatred for the Kongs? Either...

A. A bunch of Kongs killed his family with their bikes.
B. His parents taught him how the Kongs can be disgusting and that the Kremlings are superior in every way.
C. For the Evulz/ Just because.
D. I'm thinking way too deep about this topic.
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Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
What's up with King K. Rool and his hatred for the Kongs? Either...

A. A bunch of Kongs killed his family with their bikes.
B. His parents taught him how the Kongs can be disgusting and that the kremlings are superior in every way.
C. For the Evulz/ Just because.
D. I'm thinking way too deep about this topic.
E: He somehow learned that, at some point in the future, he would lose his tail, and he assumed that it was the Kongs' fault. :p

Llort A. Ton

Smash Lord
Aug 12, 2015
The Other Side Of The Computer Screen
Switch FC
SW 1185 9411 4529
What's up with King K. Rool and his hatred for the Kongs? Either...

A. A bunch of Kongs killed his family with their bikes.
B. His parents taught him how the Kongs can be disgusting and that the Kremlings are superior in every way.
C. For the Evulz/ Just because.
D. I'm thinking way too deep about this topic.
If we take the show into consideration, he and Cranky used to be best friends, so maybe while they were friends and Cranky was the ruler of the island (As he passed the title of ruler to DK later), maybe Cranky was going to give the title of ruler to K. Rool, but something between them happened that led to the Kongs and Kremlings becoming enemies? Maybe K. Rool or Cranky did something terrible to each other that ended their friendship, or K. Rool went mad and craved power once DK became titled future ruler of the island after years of Cranky promising K. Rool would be the next ruler.

Or we could hopefully get a real answer in the next DK game by Retro, featuring the log-awaited return of the Kremlings! It will happen eventually, trust me. My pet goldfish that ran away in the second grade works at Nintendo and can Kongfirm this!
Jul 22, 2015
Home... where else would I be?
If we take the show into consideration, he and Cranky used to be best friends, so maybe while they were friends and Cranky was the ruler of the island (As he passed the title of ruler to DK later), maybe Cranky was going to give the title of ruler to K. Rool, but something between them happened that led to the Kongs and Kremlings becoming enemies? Maybe K. Rool or Cranky did something terrible to each other that ended their friendship, or K. Rool went mad and craved power once DK became titled future ruler of the island after years of Cranky promising K. Rool would be the next ruler.

Or we could hopefully get a real answer in the next DK game by Retro, featuring the log-awaited return of the Kremlings! It will happen eventually, trust me. My pet goldfish that ran away in the second grade works at Nintendo and can Kongfirm this!
It would be epic at the end of the new DK game, King K. Rool and the Kremlings come out of the blue. Then the game ends on a cliffhanger with The Kongs and The Kremlings flying at each other.
That was a great theory by the way.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I'm rewatching Wreck-It Ralph, and man, when Ralph gets shunned for being a villain, it makes me think of Smash, specifically this game. K. Rool, Ridley and the others sure could use a Bad Anon group to help cope with their treatment too.

Tortilla Noggin

Smash Obsessed
May 13, 2015
I'm rewatching Wreck-It Ralph, and man, when Ralph gets shunned for being a villain, it makes me think of Smash, specifically this game. K. Rool, Ridley and the others sure could use a Bad Anon group to help cope with their treatment too.
Oh no, don't say that! Before you know it, we'll be getting some weirdy popping up in here talking about crushing man's skull between thighs like sparrow egg. :p


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2014
All the other antagonists who keep getting skipped over for Smash. Which, even though they don't have as big a case to make as K. Roodley, you could have Kamek, Black Shadow, Porky, the Punch Out opponents, and maybe Captain Syrup too.
Don't forget Pico(who I rate over Black Shadow), the original villain of the F-zero series who has been in all but 1 handheld entry


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Question coming to mind

If the king is one of the winners of the ballot (which is likely.)

What music/video should we play for a symbol of victory.
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2015
Wily Castle
Is it sad that I'd actually really love seeing Godzilla in Smash? The idea of pitting one of cinema's most famous monsters against gaming's greatest sounds like an amazing goddamn idea.
It does. It will never happen, but it is fun to think about.

Welcome to the K.Rool support thread, where we will explain you why K.Rool Godzilla in Smash would be great.:troll:
Support Godzilla because we NEED more atomic breath users in smash.:troll:



Smash Ace
Jan 9, 2002
Jalisco, Mexico
All the other antagonists who keep getting skipped over for Smash. Which, even though they don't have as big a case to make as K. Roodley, you could have Kamek, Black Shadow, Porky, the Punch Out opponents, and maybe Captain Syrup too.
I really can't say skipped since it only has been one Smash since his appearance. But Hades from Kid Icarus was a good option for villain content. He is a villain with an insane mind and very fun to watch his dialogues, like K. Rool in his games.
There is also Medusa but she lacked a bit in personality compared to the rest of the KIU cast and that snake hair would have been probably hell to animate in game.
As long no one counts "Pit of ze Edges" as the Kid Icarus villain rep.


Smash Champion
Feb 20, 2014
*cough cough Samurai Goroh's been in every single game lol*
And yet he's an AT, Pico would be the next closest best thing if not Black Shadow.

I wonder how King K. Rool's design will defer from the mii costume if he makes it in, my guess is:

1. Tail will be longer so it's more noticeable
2. the teeth will be more bigger
3. face more expressive(especially with the bulging red eye)
4. fingers will have claws
5. the design pattern on the cape will be more pointed and triangular instead of spaghetti like.

And obviously he'll be nice and fat with his golden belly showing.
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