- How large of an area will we be able to use for tournaments, and can we have more floor space every once in a while for phoenix events?
- How much will the venue fee be?
- Will the venue be available for drop-in smashfests?
In order of importance though honestly, storing the TVs is by farrrrr #1, because if they can't store TVs then it'll kinda shaft a lot of people, specifically me and kevin since we'd have to bring a bunch of TVs every time, as well as anyone who we would normally drive but couldn't with TVs in our cars.
Floor space is probably #2, conflicting events #3. Drop in smashfests are pretty important too, since that was kinda what made stronghold so cool. Already having the TVs is honestly not a huge deal since they're like free on craig's list. It would be nice if venue was still $5, $10 is okay too, but any more than that and it's not really viable for smashfests since nobody wants to pay 15$ when you could just go to someone's house for free. Wiis is literally no issue at all since everyone SHOULD bring one every tournament. =|
Oh one more moderately important one, but it's not really a question to ask but more of a statement that the owner should know, and will probably inquire about anyways. Let them know what our attendance will be like, fluctuating anywhere between 10 on a really small tourney to 25 on a pretty good sized one, and closer to 35 if we ever get a good phoenix event planned.