So I've been thinking about the possibility of hosting smashfests at my place. Though my house is supposed to be a "study area", my current roommates are often away during the day and the living room goes virtually unused; there's enough space that I could probably work out space for a few set-ups. (certainly more space than we would have at, say, Dawson's place) I have the CRT in my room that and an LCD in the living room, but no Wii. I even have space to store a few extra CRTs, if I can acquire them. I've been looking on Craigslist, and I found a few CRTs for pretty cheap, even one being given away for free. But of course, it all comes back to the same problem...I have no way of going to get these TVs.
I don't want to get anybody's hopes up, because it could very well just not happen for a variety of reasons. I'm not entirely sure why I'm posting this. I'm kinda just thinking out loud right now. I want to keep playing Brawl. =[