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Canada [Jul 26, 2014] B.C. Brawl Monthlies - Back in business, now featuring Smash 64! (Burnaby, BC)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2010
Victoria, BC
unless more people confirm soon i dont think im going to bother making the trip over there
BYosh prob wont either
10 including us? not worth it -_-


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2010

Alright, everyone has to show up.

Also does this start at 9 AM or 10 AM?

And Deap, I'll have one $1 Mario ditto MM with you. How's that sound?


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
It starts at 10:00, like always.

This tournament is still a good three weeks away; there are several people that don't check the boards too often that normally show up regardless. That said, attendance won't likely be any larger than most of the previous monthlies, but judging the actual attendance based solely on the confirmed list 3 weeks before the tournament is not the way to go.

Looking forward to playing you again, MM Deap. =]


Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
This tournament is still a good three weeks away; there are several people that don't check the boards too often that normally show up regardless. That said, attendance won't likely be any larger than most of the previous monthlies, but judging the actual attendance based solely on the confirmed list 3 weeks before the tournament is not the way to go.
phoenix 5 had 41 people end up on the confirmed list, but only 20 showed up.

We now have 11, and "attendance won't likely be any larger than most of the previous monthlies", so if Phoenix was the major tournament, and we only had 20 people and we're guaranteed to have less than that... then... well, you see our point.

It costs us $100 each to go to a tournament (between travel, food, etc.). If we were millionaires, then it wouldn't be a problem. But unfortunately, we're not, and money is an issue. So... it's not worth spending $100 if only 10 people show up.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2010
What if we gave them like part of the venue fee or something

or we all chipped in $3 for them



Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Fair enough, but assuming 10 people on the attendance list this early on means there will only be 10 people at the tournament is not right. If you don't want to come, that's your decision. But the fact is, there are still a bunch of people who will probably come who aren't on the list yet because they haven't gotten around to posting yet/can't confirm until closer to the date.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2010
Victoria, BC
Fair enough, but assuming 10 people on the attendance list this early on means there will only be 10 people at the tournament is not right. If you don't want to come, that's your decision. But the fact is, there are still a bunch of people who will probably come who aren't on the list yet because they haven't gotten around to posting yet/can't confirm until closer to the date.

unfortunatly for me i have to book the weekend off work ahead of time, like early next week or else i wont get it off
so...sorry but im judging based off the attendence list now : P
as i dont want to book the time off than stil realize its a small tourney, than lose out on the money the 3 days of work could give me :p

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
I know it's too early to know what the count is. All I'm saying is that if the count does not improve alot by then, than we won't go. All depends on the count.

Speaking of the count:


What if we gave them like part of the venue fee or something

or we all chipped in $3 for them

I've actually been asking for this since like October, and got a no every time, mainly because people would apparently not like the idea. I find it quite ironic that other people are actually suggesting this... so maybe it will happen? ;)

unfortunatly for me i have to book the weekend off work ahead of time, like early next week or else i wont get it off
so...sorry but im judging based off the attendence list now : P
as i dont want to book the time off than stil realize its a small tourney, than lose out on the money the 3 days of work could give me :p
Me and Trevor both have jobs, and both work weekends, so we have to book well in advance. So... yeah.

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
Whether we make it into the money or not doesn't matter. There is no point spending $100 if there are only 10 people. We travel for about 6 hours each way (depending on where we go), so 12 hours total travelling. Unless the time we spend there is worth $100 and 12 hours of us doing nothing, then I might as well go to Trevor's place for an entire weekend or something (or try to host something on the island). And since we arrive late Friday evening and leave early Sunday afternoon, the only time we really get to do anything is at the venue itself.

If people are mad at us questioning our attendance, would you go to a tournament which costed you $100, where you had to travel for 12 hours doing nothing, and only 10 people were confirmed to show up? I think the answer was very clear. When I suggested hosting a brawl tournament on the island, only 2-3 people had told me they would be interested in coming down, when almost everyone else said they wouldn't go because it was too far (or some other excuse). So don't get mad at us for not going if you're not going to do the same.

No islanders show up to the mainland tournaments (aside from me and Trevor) because it costs way too much money, and they don't think it's worth it. So... yeah.

Hopefully I made my point.

We are not saying we are not going for sure. We are simply saying that if the attendance doesn't improve, we will just decide not to go. There is still plenty of time before the tournament, so plenty of time for the attendance to rise. However, that said, we also have to book time off work... so there isn't too much time left for us to decide.

Attendance shouldn't matter especially to the people who are not gonna win money anyways...
For the record, not that it matters, but in Phoenix 5, we both made the money in doubles, and I made the money in singles.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2004
Burnaby BC Canada
Well personally if I lived in Victoria I would only come to the Phoenix tournaments myself and to see if I have improved and such.. You guys come here a lot and I respect how long it can take to travel.. If you guys come great.. If you don't there's always next time.. I will understand anyways.. I don't know about the rest :p

Just don't complain about money when your playing a game like brawl which you don't get much money off of... If you want money try playing Halo 3... lol

Karupin: yea man let me know when there is a tournament in Victoria! I haven't been to Victoria in a while! ;)

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
for clarification, we don't care about winning money in brawl. We just don't want to spend $100 and do nothing, or play against the same 2 people over and over again. If there are 50 people that show up, and I come dead last, I'll still go, because there are so many people, and I'll have a good time. If there are 8 people, and I come first and get the entire entry fee, it still wasn't worth the cost of the trip and the travel time to play only 7 people.

I don't care about winning a large amount of money in a brawl tournament... I just want to place as high as I can. However, if not many people show up, then it's not worth paying $100 to see only 5 people. Basically, what causes the problem is having to pay $100 every trip, and spend 12 hours of travel and doing nothing.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2010
Victoria, BC
I'm getting back into wifi - 2150 2153 7120
wifi players add me and gimme your codes/msn ;D

Edit: lol rob ninja'd


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2010
0946 4003 8655

skidd16 @ hotmail . com


Also Jake have you ever kissed a girl/dated one
... or even been near one

Blue Yoshi

Smash Master
Mar 3, 2008
Jake is definitely dropping Yoshi
It was somewhere... I think in one of the previous tourney threads. They didn't use the word "selfish" specifically, but that word sums what they said up pretty good. I forget who it was, so that doesn't help :p


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2010
Why is Jake so ****ing cute man

Possibly cuter than even me


... Nah, that's impossible.
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