Sorry I couldn't make it, I know I'll get up there one of these days.
Anyway, is anyone else planning on the Brawl tourney in St. Aug this Saturday?
Also, I was wondering if anyone such as Rockcrock or mkGmoney would be interested in organizing a tourney if I was able to find a rental facility. I just don't have readily accessbile Internet, but I do have a very busy schedule. I could make the arrangements for the facility, I would just need someone to do the online organizing, such as taking names of people who will come, to make sure there will be enough to pay for it, then admission for that and the prize pot, etc. It might sound cheesy to host in St. Aug, but really it's not bad, it's almost right between Jax and DB/PC, making it more accessible, and I know for a fact it's no farther to Jax from Gainesville, I've actually heard it's faster to St. Aug. If anyone who's had experience hosting successful tournies is interested, please PM me, but as I said, I don't have readily accessible Internet, so it might take me a while to respond, and work has been crazy lately, so it will be a while before I'm able to do this. So if this sounds good to anyone who's hosted a tourney before, don't be afraid to PM me.