Ok, i'm sure i'm not the only person who has the high hopes with pie, for Ness to return. I don't use him, ever, but its still one little Computer player that i have become accostumed to and to see that 'Pk Fire' vanish, it'll be a glorious day but also sad because he was a ******. Its illegal to annex a ******.
99% of the forums, you asked EVERY SINGLE PERSON, did the figures and came with that number.. nice. Theres people who sign up and don't do anything afterwards, but we still got them to be on your side, conspiracy? Probably.
All i'm saying is with the comment made about Ness being here until now, it just meant to THAT DAY since he wasn't announced, but the tone of it could seem like its holding suspense 'AND VOILA! PK FIRE!'