I was saying it doesn't matter to me if his up+B is Ragnarok or the little Vine things. It'll obviously be from the game, and I doubt Sakurai would mess up his moveset, because he hasn't disappointed so far.
I just meant I was more concerned with haing him in the game, because right now he's not a shoe-in like Ridley, Lucario or Geno.
I'm not entirely sure about Lucario or Geno being shoe-ins at this point, least of all Geno. Although I'm perfectly aware of how popular they are, and I'm sure Sora is as well.
Ridley, is also worrying me lately, not because of any of the foolish arguments that people come up with, but because of another thing. In all honesty, it seems like he will be
the hardest character for the team to implement, based on skeletal design, animation, movement and attacks. Although, he
will surely show up in some form, and by doing that, they already had to implement him, so why not just make him playable - Aha, I provided an argument for my own argument - cool.
Think not of chances, for they have no meaning, nothing will let you rest easy, except cold, hard, factual, confirmation. Isaac, Ridley, Geno, Lucario... who knows? No one. Well excluding developers, testers, etc.