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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2014
Link and Sheik aren't RPG characters, The Legend of Zelda is an action-adventure series and the only game in the series that has any RPG elements whatsoever is The Adventure of Link.

That said Judgment NEEDS to be Isaac's Final Smash. I don't see why its being suggested as a regular move, that's a huge demotion...
Zelda is still an RPG. Albeit it's not really the turn based, leveling up gameplay that one usually envisions when thinking of RPGs, but it is an action RPG with relatively simple gameplay which usually keeps it out of RPG conversations.
Zelda aside, I agree judgment should be the final smash. It's just too cool to pass up.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Let's not be sticklers, by a literal definition games of all genres could technically be a "role playing game", but given the gaming connotation of the term, no, Zelda is not an RPG.

This isn't the thread for Zelda anyway though, so let's try and keep things relevant.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
[Clasps hands] So... If Golden Sun 4 did get made, how would you lot prefer to encounter enemies? Would you like it to be random as always, or would you rather it be like the Tales games where monsters walk around the field or dungeon, and when you touch them, you will be forced into a battle?

I personally prefer the latter, as random encounters can get annoying after a while, especially during those times when all you want is to complete the task or puzzle at hand. They could borrow off of Tales of the Abyss, where if an enemy gets you from behind or the side, your character formation will be scrambled up when the battle begins. If you don't want to fight, you could impede or destroy the enemy with a field psynergy like Force or Halt; it would definitely give the Halt psynergy more purpose than it had in previous games, where you only needed to use it a small handful of times. You could even hide from enemies using the Cloak psynergy.

If enemy encounters remain random, then they could make a special item you obtain early in the game that allows you to control how often or likely you will be to encounter an enemy. It could be like the difficulty bar in Kid Icarus: Uprising, where you can slide from 0 to 9. The higher the number, the more enemies you will encounter and the more powerful they will be. The more powerful the enemies, the more EXP and money you win and the more likely you are to get rare items. If the bar slider is at 0, you will encounter no enemies whatsoever; whereas if the bar is at 9, you will constantly encounter super powerful enemies. If a player avoids too many battles and gets owned by a boss due to being under-leveled, it will be their own damn fault. This would definitely provide much more freedom in so many ways, and would be less annoying than having to use a Sacred Feather every minute.

[Shrugs] Maybe not the most creative ideas, but I fancy they would make at least a somewhat interesting addition to the Golden Sun series. But anyhow, what say you lot?


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
[Clasps hands] So... If Golden Sun 4 did get made, how would you lot prefer to encounter enemies? Would you like it to be random as always, or would you rather it be like the Tales games where monsters walk around the field or dungeon, and when you touch them, you will be forced into a battle?

I personally prefer the latter, as random encounters can get annoying after a while, especially during those times when all you want is to complete the task or puzzle at hand. They could borrow off of Tales of the Abyss, where if an enemy gets you from behind or the side, your character formation will be scrambled up when the battle begins. If you don't want to fight, you could impede or destroy the enemy with a field psynergy like Force or Halt; it would definitely give the Halt psynergy more purpose than it had in previous games, where you only needed to use it a small handful of times. You could even hide from enemies using the Cloak psynergy.

If enemy encounters remain random, then they could make a special item you obtain early in the game that allows you to control how often or likely you will be to encounter an enemy. It could be like the difficulty bar in Kid Icarus: Uprising, where you can slide from 0 to 9. The higher the number, the more enemies you will encounter and the more powerful they will be. The more powerful the enemies, the more EXP and money you win and the more likely you are to get rare items. If the bar slider is at 0, you will encounter no enemies whatsoever; whereas if the bar is at 9, you will constantly encounter super powerful enemies. If a player avoids too many battles and gets owned by a boss due to being under-leveled, it will be their own damn fault. This would definitely provide much more freedom in so many ways, and would be less annoying than having to use a Sacred Feather every minute.

[Shrugs] Maybe not the most creative ideas, but I fancy they would make at least a somewhat interesting addition to the Golden Sun series. But anyhow, what say you lot?
I still love turn-based RPG's and I don't want that aspect to change, but random encounters need to die in a hole. Random Encounters should be cut from Golden Sun all-together, it'd probably make the gameplay that much more enjoyable. I like the idea of having your party go out of order when an enemy surprises you as well and use psynergy to affect how you get into encounters.

That said, Bravely Default has a decent way of handling it; random encounters in Bravely Default can be changed at any time as I recall, so you either have less, no, or more encounters than the default. I haven't played it myself but my brother-in-law said this was the case, and its a nice touch.

Brilliant idea. Also, can the protagonist of a hypothetical Golden Sun 4 be a cool female character?
Make it Isaac's daughter and Matthew's sister whose gone out on her own journey to find Matthew. Maybe. I dunno, I haven't played Dark Dawn. I'm going to go in and finish Golden Sun soon. (Well, I have to restart because my old data is long gone.)
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Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
I've always thought that if GS4 is made it would be Felix's kid
You know, if Felix ever paired off with Sheba, I have always imagined him to have two children: a boy with long blonde hair tied in a pony tail (similar to his father), and a girl with dark-brown hair in a mushroom cut (similar to her mother). Both could possess an amalgam of Venus and Jupiter psynergy. The son could excel in Jupiter, whilst the daughter could excel in Venus.
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2013
You know, if Felix ever paired off with Sheba, I have always imagined him to have two children: a boy with long blonde hair tied in a pony tail (similar to his father), and a girl with dark-brown hair in a mushroom cut (similar to her mother). Both could possess an amalgam of Venus and Jupiter psynergy. The son could excel in Jupiter, whilst the daugter could excel in Venus.
That would have the venus adept and a jupiter adept from the start.
And then the Mars adept could be a Proxian (I've always wanted to see a playable Proxian) and Rief's sister (Norwiel or something) as the Mercury adept.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
[Clasps hands] So... If Golden Sun 4 did get made, how would you lot prefer to encounter enemies? Would you like it to be random as always, or would you rather it be like the Tales games where monsters walk around the field or dungeon, and when you touch them, you will be forced into a battle?

I personally prefer the latter, as random encounters can get annoying after a while, especially during those times when all you want is to complete the task or puzzle at hand. They could borrow off of Tales of the Abyss, where if an enemy gets you from behind or the side, your character formation will be scrambled up when the battle begins. If you don't want to fight, you could impede or destroy the enemy with a field psynergy like Force or Halt; it would definitely give the Halt psynergy more purpose than it had in previous games, where you only needed to use it a small handful of times. You could even hide from enemies using the Cloak psynergy.

If enemy encounters remain random, then they could make a special item you obtain early in the game that allows you to control how often or likely you will be to encounter an enemy. It could be like the difficulty bar in Kid Icarus: Uprising, where you can slide from 0 to 9. The higher the number, the more enemies you will encounter and the more powerful they will be. The more powerful the enemies, the more EXP and money you win and the more likely you are to get rare items. If the bar slider is at 0, you will encounter no enemies whatsoever; whereas if the bar is at 9, you will constantly encounter super powerful enemies. If a player avoids too many battles and gets owned by a boss due to being under-leveled, it will be their own damn fault. This would definitely provide much more freedom in so many ways, and would be less annoying than having to use a Sacred Feather every minute.

[Shrugs] Maybe not the most creative ideas, but I fancy they would make at least a somewhat interesting addition to the Golden Sun series. But anyhow, what say you lot?
They could make maps such that the overworld has something similar to wild grass from Pokémon (like the scattered forests in the GBA games). Except that they would still be somewhat low chance of encountering enemies outside them, while a considerably high chance when in the forest.

A difficulty meter should be added, but having it as detailed as Uprising isn't really necessary. Some like Fire Emblem's Easy, Normal, Hard and Lunatic would do.

Another idea would be have the towns and overworld continuous, like in Pokémon and Earthbound (I don't know if it was done in Dark Dawn.) The technology is there.

Adding a catalogue of enemies which fills itself up as more enemies are encountered (it's in Paper Mario: TTYD) would be cool too.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
The theoretical GS4 would almost definitely have Matthew as the protagonist.
It could have a short playable segment of Isaac as an adult and then switch to Matthew. Though I don't think Matthew being the present protagonist of the Golden Sun Series makes the automatic go to representative for the series in Smash Bros.


Smash Cadet
Feb 25, 2014
Meriden CT
I would love it if somehow Isaac was the main protagonist and reverted to his younger self. I mean, he cant age or something because of the power of the golden sun right? Maybe something could go wrong and Isaac would continue to get younger. Then, Isaac and his son Mathew would have to team up to figure out how to stop Isaac from reverting in age ultimately ending in Isaac being young again, about the same age as Mathew.

EDIT: ...wait, maybe I'm thinking Kraden. been a while.
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I would love it if somehow Isaac was the main protagonist and reverted to his younger self. I mean, he cant age or something because of the power of the golden sun right? Maybe something could go wrong and Isaac would continue to get younger. Then, Isaac and his son Mathew would have to team up to figure out how to stop Isaac from reverting in age ultimately ending in Isaac being young again, about the same age as Mathew.

EDIT: ...wait, maybe I'm thinking Kraden. been a while.
I think the original cast age more slowly due to the events of the original games. I don't see why he'd "revert" to his younger self, though. If anything Isaac would still be an adult.
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Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
I would love it if somehow Isaac was the main protagonist and reverted to his younger self. I mean, he cant age or something because of the power of the golden sun right? Maybe something could go wrong and Isaac would continue to get younger. Then, Isaac and his son Mathew would have to team up to figure out how to stop Isaac from reverting in age ultimately ending in Isaac being young again, about the same age as Mathew.

EDIT: ...wait, maybe I'm thinking Kraden. been a while.
Ever since I played Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, I always thought they could make a Golden Sun sequel or spinoff in which Matthew and company are thrown back in time, where they meet their parents when they themselves were just young adults. It could take place during the three-year gap between the prologue of the first Golden Sun (with the boulder incident) and the beginning of the story (when Isaac, Garet, Jenna, and Kraden set off to explore Sol Sanctum). The main villain could be a misguided idealist whose life was ruined by the restoration of alchemy, and thus decides to travel back in time to either kill Isaac and his friends and/or arrange things so that alchemy will never be restored.

Also, it would be cool to have at least a flashback scene of Kraden's days as a lad. I really want to know more about his past.

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
(Dark Dawn spoilers)

After just rewatching the ending to Dark Dawn (it's been a long time since I played it), I don't think they have to (or should) make a direct sequel to Dark Dawn like they did with TLA. The cliffhanger is a bit strange... it's a dilemma that's been a part of the DD story, but does it really need it's own game to explain? Could they not introduce a new story and keep elements of dark psynergy and psynergy vortexes in tact?

The characters have all returned home, expect for Matthew, Tyrell and Karis who are stopped on the way home by the sight of the psynergy vortex. What if the kids are kidnapped at this point by Arcanus and we set off on a new story with Isaac and Garrett saving their kids? Psynergy vortexes suck away psynergy and it's quite easy to write in that Isaac, Garrett and Ivan's psynergy has been taken away and they need to relearn everything. The twist could be that Alex kidnapped them to save them because he knew that the psynergy vortexes are still a big threat.

This way Dark Dawn becomes it's own isolated story, and you can make Isaac and co playable again.

I would also accept a game where you play as Alex :-)
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Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
(Dark Dawn spoilers)

After just rewatching the ending to Dark Dawn (it's been a long time since I played it), I don't think they have to (or should) make a direct sequel to Dark Dawn like they did with TLA. The cliffhanger is a bit strange... it's a dilemma that's been a part of the DD story, but does it really need it's own game to explain? Could they not introduce a new story and keep elements of dark psynergy and psynergy vortexes in tact?

The characters have all returned home, expect for Matthew, Tyrell and Karis who are stopped on the way home by the sight of the psynergy vortex. What if the kids are kidnapped at this point by Arcanus and we set off on a new story with Isaac and Garrett saving their kids? Psynergy vortexes suck away psynergy and it's quite easy to write in that Isaac, Garrett and Ivan's psynergy has been taken away and they need to relearn everything. The twist could be that Alex kidnapped them to save them because he knew that the psynergy vortexes are still a big threat.

This way Dark Dawn becomes it's own isolated story, and you can make Isaac and co playable again.

I would also accept a game where you play as Alex :-)
That could be an interesting way to handle it. I like that idea actually. That said Alex is basically the main antagonist of the series, I doubt he'd ever team up with the party. Or if he did, he'd quickly betray you.

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Alex always seemed more like someone with his own agenda. He worked with Felix and co because they did what he needed. I forgot what his motivations were in Dark Dawn though so I can't really comment on his villain status as of recently.

For the "relearning" psynergy bit I also realized they could learn mutated versions of their classic attacks, especially now with the introduction of dark psynergy. Maybe thanks to psynergy vortexes we end up with slight fusions in psynergy (at least visually)? For example Garret ends up learning magma spire (clay spire) thanks to psynergy vortexes messing things up? It allows for some more creativity with secondary characters that are introduced along the way (storm spire for jupiter adepts, ice spire for mercury adepts).


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
Just make Isaac the main protagonist in Golden Sun 4, they tried the descendant gimmick it doesn't seem to be working, we need a few iconic characters that made the series, example, Isaac, Garet, Ivan, Mia, the originals, and the second half could be Takaru, whom would be Himi's older brother who set out to find Isaac, Agatio, just throwing it out there would love to play as a Proxian, and would be pretty cool if say maybe either Karst or Agatio somehow survived, their status actually could pass as unknown seeing that we didn't actually see them die in the end kind like how Walking Dead logic works, second Jupiter Adept could be Ivan's sister, and of course the second Mercury Adept I think Amiti could return, his storyline suggesting Alex is his father is rather interesting.

However first we need to see Isaac in Super Smash Bros 4, otherwise it doesn't seem Golden Sun 4 is likely.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2014
It feels kind of strange...
I've never played Golden Sun, and I've never actually seen videos of it, but from what you guys say and your ideas for Isaac's moveset, i really want him in^^


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
It feels kind of strange...
I've never played Golden Sun, and I've never actually seen videos of it, but from what you guys say and your ideas for Isaac's moveset, i really want him in^^
I only played the first one after people kept bringing it up around the time of Brawl. Unfortunately I messed up, lost my data and have to start all over. But I got over halfway through the game at least and I thought it was pretty good.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I only played Golden Sun after joining here. I actually have this thread to thank for introducing me to the series.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
I was very young when I first played Golden Sun. A childhood friend got me into it. It was the very first RPG I ever played, and ever since, I have been absolutely obsessed with the genre. This is precisely why Isaac is mine absolute most wanted character for Smash; due to the heavy impact it had on me, Golden Sun is very important to me.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 16, 2013
[Clasps hands] So... If Golden Sun 4 did get made, how would you lot prefer to encounter enemies? Would you like it to be random as always, or would you rather it be like the Tales games where monsters walk around the field or dungeon, and when you touch them, you will be forced into a battle?

I personally prefer the latter, as random encounters can get annoying after a while, especially during those times when all you want is to complete the task or puzzle at hand. They could borrow off of Tales of the Abyss, where if an enemy gets you from behind or the side, your character formation will be scrambled up when the battle begins. If you don't want to fight, you could impede or destroy the enemy with a field psynergy like Force or Halt; it would definitely give the Halt psynergy more purpose than it had in previous games, where you only needed to use it a small handful of times. You could even hide from enemies using the Cloak psynergy.

If enemy encounters remain random, then they could make a special item you obtain early in the game that allows you to control how often or likely you will be to encounter an enemy. It could be like the difficulty bar in Kid Icarus: Uprising, where you can slide from 0 to 9. The higher the number, the more enemies you will encounter and the more powerful they will be. The more powerful the enemies, the more EXP and money you win and the more likely you are to get rare items. If the bar slider is at 0, you will encounter no enemies whatsoever; whereas if the bar is at 9, you will constantly encounter super powerful enemies. If a player avoids too many battles and gets owned by a boss due to being under-leveled, it will be their own damn fault. This would definitely provide much more freedom in so many ways, and would be less annoying than having to use a Sacred Feather every minute.

[Shrugs] Maybe not the most creative ideas, but I fancy they would make at least a somewhat interesting addition to the Golden Sun series. But anyhow, what say you lot?
Usually i defend that Golden Sun must stay as it is from most of its elements, but i think that a combination between Golden Sun and Chrono Trigger could work perfectly. The other idea is adding alternative weapon choices, Golden Sun does not have that at all, there are weapons clearly superior than others, so you will basically go to use the stronger weapon, Golden Sun needs weapons of similar quality with differents attributes.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
Usually i defend that Golden Sun must stay as it is from most of its elements, but i think that a combination between Golden Sun and Chrono Trigger could work perfectly. The other idea is adding alternative weapon choices, Golden Sun does not have that at all, there are weapons clearly superior than others, so you will basically go to use the stronger weapon, Golden Sun needs weapons of similar quality with differents attributes.
I was just about to mention this. I would definitely like all the artifact weapons to be equal in quality, with maybe only minor differences. There could be a special forgery in the game where you could strengthen the weapon's various attributes. There were many weapons in the past Golden Sun games whose unleash abilities I absolutely loved (namely Dream Tide), but in the end I had to ditch them for a stronger weapon.

Also, now that artifact weapons have multiple unleashes, I really think they should take steps to remove randomisation. They could create a "Howl Gauge" that slowly fills up with each passing turn, when you use a regular melee attack, or when you take damage. Which unleash you can use depends on how full your Howl Gauge is. You can either repeatedly use weaker unleashes, or hold off until you can use the weapon's most powerful unleash. Not only would this make weapon unleashing dependable, it would also further encourage strategy, as it prevents players from constantly spamming Megiddo or Vengeance.


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
Mia introduced me to the series, I saw her picture in the Nintendo Power and thought hey I want to play as her, so I bought Golden Sun played it and fell in love with the series the minute I picked up the game.

If you guys noticed, the Agatio part of my name is named after a Golden Sun character, he's that big guy from The Lost Age.

Isaac Moveset, hmm, Rolling Flame, Stun Muscle, Rising Dragon and Meteor Blow for his psynergy attacks! :awesome:

Of course I'm kidding, but Agatio did have a pretty awesome moves set, admit it.

Seriously though I'd just be happy to see Isaac playable, I think Psynergy Attacks should basically be his movest, he could maybe have one move that summons a summoning creature, like Little Mac as time goes on his Djinn go on standby, then as soon as all 4 are on Standby he can unleash something, I'd like to see maybe Iris, but maybe they could pick a few and make it random.

Ragnorok, Earthquake and Gaia would be nice moves to give him, and I guess Move could work.

Final Smash: Team Golden Sun, all the original 4 Golden Sun characters, Ivan, Garet and Mia appear at Isaac's side, kind of like Megaman's Final Smash, but seeing they're having trouble doing this, I don't expect to see this.

Sol Blade: Isaac's sword turns into the mighty Sol Blade, then unleashes Megiddo.

I think Isaac's regular sword should be the Gaia Blade and it unleashes Titan Blade, that should be in Isaac's moveset.

How about some color swaps for Isaac, I'd like to see one of Felix, Alex and Saturos.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
I expect Isaac's gameplay to be based around anti-air zoning, heavily relying on his magical hand and his other techniques to bring the opponent down to earth. Whilst he'll be more of a grounded character, I don't expect that he will be heavily relying on mobility as it would be below-average. Rather, he stands his ground and uses techniques such as Quake, Rockfall, Spires and Growth to control and dominate on his own terms.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
It feels kind of strange...
I've never played Golden Sun, and I've never actually seen videos of it, but from what you guys say and your ideas for Isaac's moveset, i really want him in^^
If you're able to (especially if you have a Wii U), you should definitely give the games a try! While it might take a bit to get into them (there's lotsa text at the beginning) once you get going you'll probably end up having a great time with it. :D

I only played Golden Sun after joining here. I actually have this thread to thank for introducing me to the series.
Wow, well I'm glad we were able to turn you on to a great and under-appreciated series like GS! ^_^


Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I've yet to play a Golden Sun game myself, but here I am (and have been) supporting Isaac the best I can haha. Even without playing the games I have a feeling that he would be a great addition to Smash. I do plan on getting Golden Sun on the Wii U VC once I get the chance (as in have money & time for it, not that it costs that much though).
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 20, 2014
If you're able to (especially if you have a Wii U), you should definitely give the games a try! While it might take a bit to get into them (there's lotsa text at the beginning) once you get going you'll probably end up having a great time with it. :D
Arrghhhh I know I know... Its just... I have so many games to play. I need to finish The Wind Waker HD, then I'm going on to Twilight Princess, which slipped my grasp when it came out. On 3ds I need to play Bravely Default, Triple Deluxe.... Arrghhhhhh.
It's so hard to chose the games to play....
And I'm trying to play all the long games before Smash 4 comes out... It's like the abyss of video game productivity.....


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2013
Arrghhhh I know I know... Its just... I have so many games to play. I need to finish The Wind Waker HD, then I'm going on to Twilight Princess, which slipped my grasp when it came out. On 3ds I need to play Bravely Default, Triple Deluxe.... Arrghhhhhh.
It's so hard to chose the games to play....
And I'm trying to play all the long games before Smash 4 comes out... It's like the abyss of video game productivity.....
I'm so bad for starting multiple games and finishing none of them. I'm working on the L&L of Tales of Graces F, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fire Emblem Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 2, Star Ocean, Mario Kart 8, NSMBU, and I'm sure a couple others. I downloaded Golden Sun, but I've decided not to even start it until Lost Age comes out.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I'm so bad for starting multiple games and finishing none of them. I'm working on the L&L of Tales of Graces F, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fire Emblem Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 2, Star Ocean, Mario Kart 8, NSMBU, and I'm sure a couple others. I downloaded Golden Sun, but I've decided not to even start it until Lost Age comes out.
Admittedly... I do wonder why Lost Age hasn't been announced yet. Kinda interesting. :D


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
To be fair there really haven't been that many GBA games announced from Nintendo past the initial bunch.

I'm guessing we won't get it until 2015.

Your Hero

Smash Champion
Oct 27, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I'm so bad for starting multiple games and finishing none of them. I'm working on the L&L of Tales of Graces F, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Xenoblade Chronicles, Fire Emblem Awakening, Luigi's Mansion 2, Star Ocean, Mario Kart 8, NSMBU, and I'm sure a couple others. I downloaded Golden Sun, but I've decided not to even start it until Lost Age comes out.
I'm exactly the same right now. I have Golden Sun on my Wii U but I'm waiting until I either fully complete my backlog of games or until Lost Age comes out before I play it. I actually binge played Golden Suns 1&2 on the GBA while I was waiting for Animal Crossing New Leaf to release, so it's pretty fresh in my mind compared to other games I own.
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