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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
I don't know if anyone's asked this yet, but have any of the revealed composers composed anything from the GS series?
Good news, Motoi Sakuraba is one of the composers!

He's the guy who made the Golden Sun music.


Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
We need Issac and Shulk in, then we can have 2 v 2's of Issac/Shulk vs Marth/Ike in a battle for best hair color

But for reals, do that Sakurai, then make it an event


Smash Hero
Jul 13, 2011
Where did the hype for Bandana Lee come from anyway? I remember hardly ever seeing anything about him until that Bandana Lee 'leak' (which was false, of course).

I just think that the Kirby series has the characters to best represent it present.
It's been around, I think it mostly comes from the fact that he is the 4th playable Kirby rep in Return to Dreamland. The other four three are already playable in Smash so he would be next up for that franchise.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2014
Roy would be such a combo breaker in that scenario.

A friend of mine just had a Brawl party the other day with the most ridiculous roster. I asked him to put both Isaac and KOS-MOS on it, so he did, and seeing Isaac there made me want him more. >.>"

Do any of you think Sakurai will have any more reveal trailers before the Japanese release of Sm4sh?
I remember reading that they were "reaching the bottom of the barrel" of videos, or something like that, so that makes me wonder if anything is left... or if they'll even show it before the game is released. I'd still really like to see Isaac get a newcomer video. :'U


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
Do any of you think Sakurai will have any more reveal trailers before the Japanese release of Sm4sh?
I remember reading that they were "reaching the bottom of the barrel" of videos, or something like that, so that makes me wonder if anything is left... or if they'll even show it before the game is released. I'd still really like to see Isaac get a newcomer video. :'U
So do I. And I'm sure there will be a last newcomer trailer before the Japanese release to hype things up for the final blow.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
If there is only one more trailer before launch, though, I don't think Isaac will be in it. But I'd love to see it.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
I'd be pissed off if Duck Hunt or Bowser Jr (assuming the leak is true, ugh) get in over Isaac for that trailer.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
I'd be pissed off if Duck Hunt or Bowser Jr (assuming the leak is true, ugh) get in over Isaac for that trailer.
I don't think either one would be announced, frankly. I was really thinking more on the lines of Shulk, a DK trailer, or


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
I'd be pissed off if Duck Hunt or Bowser Jr (assuming the leak is true, ugh) get in over Isaac for that trailer.
No. Please no Bowser Jr. Mario already has more characters than anyone else, and that's if you don't count Yoshi, DK, or Diddy.

And I don't want to even get into Duck Hunt. Seriously, I thought WFT was a stupid idea...


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
@ JaidynReiman JaidynReiman has a point, I think we're going to be seeing stuff like Ganondorf being shown as a returning veteran, and since are the biggest hype characters, Mewtwo's return and Ridley being a Newcomer.
Although who's to say we wont see two Newcomers, maybe Isaac appears and fights Ridley considering after all Ridley would totally be the Doom Dragon and we know Isaac loves to fight dragons.
Or maybe Isaac is in, but he's unlockable, thus not getting a reveal trailer.
Another possibility is we see ALL the remaining characters in one final smash video and Isaac is one of them.


I'm from YouTube
Nov 2, 2013
From YouTube
No. Please no Bowser Jr. Mario already has more characters than anyone else, and that's if you don't count Yoshi, DK, or Diddy.

And I don't want to even get into Duck Hunt. Seriously, I thought WFT was a stupid idea...
I love the Wii Fit Trainer......:4wiifit:


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2014
I honestly like the idea of Duck Hunt, but maybe that's just me, lol. I'm honestly really curious as to how it would play.

I don't think either one would be announced, frankly. I was really thinking more on the lines of Shulk, a DK trailer, or
I would laugh so hard on that third one.
So. Hard.
Maximum troll level.

I still think a trailer with Isaac+Shulk vs Ness+another veteran would be awesome. :< Magic and swords vs...Magic and something else.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
We are going to get a Nintendo Direct next week, between the 24th and the 27th. There will be a character reveal for Impa and Ganondorf.

There will be a Smash Bros. Direct on the third, that will reveal Mewtwo and Ridley.

Those are the only newcomer trailers I see coming. Whether or not any others appear alongside them, I'm not sure. I don't see where Isaac would make it into a trailer.

I'm at the point in my Shulk hate that I am seriously considering cancelling my preorder if he gets in. If DHD gets in, that probably assures it.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
He's in a similar situation that Isaac was in before Brawl, basically, a highly requested JRPG protagonist, from a successful series of JRPG games. Whereas Isaac's games sold nearly 3 million copies before Brawl, Shulk's doesn't even scratch 900,000. Even just comparing the first games from each series, it's nowhere near close.
Golden Sun has way more brevity than Xenoblade, and way more popularity. Not to mention Isaac isn't just a one-time character, as he plays a major role in all three of his franchise's games. No one even knows if Shulk is going to appear in the next Xenoblade, and it's unlikely considering that it's said to be a spiritual successor and not a direct continuation. The only thing Shulk has over Isaac is that he's more recent. He has way less potential to be an interesting and unique character, especially in a game that's filled to the brim with swordsmen characters, and overall is a lot more generic than Isaac in general. All he has that makes him "stand out" is a dumb red sword with blue LEDs that looks like a children's toy.
Yes, all of your reasons are completely true. Golden Sun: The Broken Seal was one of the most selling games on GBA that was not a Mario or Zelda title. It sold around 1.3 million much more than Xenoblade Chronicles can say. Plus it was brought over to the West without much hassle as it was fairly popular unlike the latter. Also it doesn't look like Shulk will be in the next game of Xenoblade either and most probably the way the newer game is being shown, it might become much more popular than the original Xenoblade Chronicles.

Isaac at his peak was much more popular than Shulk and even before the leak held around the same popularity. Shulk's popularity rose dramatically after the leak after many people got on the Shulk bandwagon to say that they supported the guy for Smash. Isaac as you said has so much more potential than Shulk, not to belittle the latter but as a ways of explaining to the unreasonable part of the Shulk fanbase who doubt Isaac's potential.

I honestly like the idea of Duck Hunt, but maybe that's just me, lol. I'm honestly really curious as to how it would play.

I still think a trailer with Isaac+Shulk vs Ness+another veteran would be awesome. :< Magic and swords vs...Magic and something else.
I don't know about Duck Hunt, not really a fighting character, but Isaac + Shulk would be the epic Nintendo RPG combo. The legend of Golden Sun along with the hero of Xenoblade fighting together to carve the base of JRPGs published by Nintendo. It would really help out since so many JRPG developers have left the Nintendo boat + Final Fantasy has steadily declined. Two epic RPG series by Nintendo on Nintendo and only for Nintendo would really help us JRPG fans as well the company itself.

We are going to get a Nintendo Direct next week, between the 24th and the 27th. There will be a character reveal for Impa and Ganondorf.

There will be a Smash Bros. Direct on the third, that will reveal Mewtwo and Ridley.

Those are the only newcomer trailers I see coming. Whether or not any others appear alongside them, I'm not sure. I don't see where Isaac would make it into a trailer.

I'm at the point in my Shulk hate that I am seriously considering cancelling my preorder if he gets in. If DHD gets in, that probably assures it.
Don't worry, Isaac will be there somewhere. I see him most likely paired with Ness and/or Shulk in a reveal trailer. Considering he has a similarity with both characters, psychic powers with Ness and swordsmanship with Shulk.

Just think the positive and everything will turn out fine :) We will get Isaac as playable in Sm4sh!


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
I'm at the point in my Shulk hate that I am seriously considering cancelling my preorder if he gets in. If DHD gets in, that probably assures it.
I hated Pac-Man to death but his inclusion didn't make me want to cancel anything. And for some reason, the leak helped me find out that I hate Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt even more. It'd be kinda sad if you cancelled that pre-order just because of one or two characters...


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
I hated Pac-Man to death but his inclusion didn't make me want to cancel anything. And for some reason, the leak helped me find out that I hate Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt even more. It'd be kinda sad if you cancelled that pre-order just because of one or two characters...
It would be. But if I get the game, I'm going to unlock him at some point, which means he'll be on the character select screen. Currently, I cannot see Shulk's face in someone's sig without wanting to slap someone. I don't want to have to put up with that every time I put the game in.

Yes, all of your reasons are completely true. Golden Sun: The Broken Seal was one of the most selling games on GBA that was not a Mario or Zelda title. It sold around 1.3 million much more than Xenoblade Chronicles can say. Plus it was brought over to the West without much hassle as it was fairly popular unlike the latter. Also it doesn't look like Shulk will be in the next game of Xenoblade either and most probably the way the newer game is being shown, it might become much more popular than the original Xenoblade Chronicles.

Isaac at his peak was much more popular than Shulk and even before the leak held around the same popularity. Shulk's popularity rose dramatically after the leak after many people got on the Shulk bandwagon to say that they supported the guy for Smash. Isaac as you said has so much more potential than Shulk, not to belittle the latter but as a ways of explaining to the unreasonable part of the Shulk fanbase who doubt Isaac's potential.
I hear a lot of people saying that Shulk has a ton of unique potential besides basic swordsman. But I haven't played the game so I don't know any of it personally. I can't imagine him having anything close to the potential Isaac holds though. I can literally create a new, unique, and fitting moveset for Isaac in five minutes. I can keep doing that for an hour and a half. I don't care what Shulk can do, I can't see it topping that sort of potential.

I don't know about Duck Hunt, not really a fighting character, but Isaac + Shulk would be the epic Nintendo RPG combo. The legend of Golden Sun along with the hero of Xenoblade fighting together to carve the base of JRPGs published by Nintendo. It would really help out since so many JRPG developers have left the Nintendo boat + Final Fantasy has steadily declined. Two epic RPG series by Nintendo on Nintendo and only for Nintendo would really help us JRPG fans as well the company itself.
Duck Hunt Dog isn't even a character.

I am at the point where I really, really don't want Shulk in, and I don't know that I'd be happy with him getting in even if Isaac does. He can be an AT, that's it.

Don't worry, Isaac will be there somewhere. I see him most likely paired with Ness and/or Shulk in a reveal trailer. Considering he has a similarity with both characters, psychic powers with Ness and swordsmanship with Shulk.
Do you think I'm off on my reveal predictions though?

Just think the positive and everything will turn out fine :) We will get Isaac as playable in Sm4sh!
I am not good at positive thinking.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2014
It would be. But if I get the game, I'm going to unlock him at some point, which means he'll be on the character select screen. Currently, I cannot see Shulk's face in someone's sig without wanting to slap someone. I don't want to have to put up with that every time I put the game in.

I hear a lot of people saying that Shulk has a ton of unique potential besides basic swordsman. But I haven't played the game so I don't know any of it personally. I can't imagine him having anything close to the potential Isaac holds though. I can literally create a new, unique, and fitting moveset for Isaac in five minutes. I can keep doing that for an hour and a half. I don't care what Shulk can do, I can't see it topping that sort of potential.

Duck Hunt Dog isn't even a character.

I am at the point where I really, really don't want Shulk in, and I don't know that I'd be happy with him getting in even if Isaac does. He can be an AT, that's it.

Do you think I'm off on my reveal predictions though?

I am not good at positive thinking.
Shulk getting in only really bothers me if Isaac doesn't. Its the attitude of Shulk fans that bothers me, not really Shulk himself.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
The 27th will be a reveal trailer and it will show Ness and Lucas and then Isaac comes along to fight along side them. Why 27th? 20th Anniversary of Earthbound (Mother) and what better way to introduce the veterans than to include Isaac along with them. Plus, the 27th is on a Wednesday. There is some significance to it. If this actually happens....

Remember, Ness and Lucas are never mentioned either (plus other characters too. Not just Isaac). No one can figure out who is in or out. Many say its Lucas that is cut or Ness is cut, or both or neither. Honestly, this just reminds me of the Brawl hype. Almost everyone thought Ness was being replaced by Lucas, but lo and behold, Sakurai comes in and proves them wrong. And I'm sure he will do it again. I bet that Sakurai knows about the leaks and is actually taking advantage of these to create more hype and surprise us completely with something we never expect like always.

I can't wait for that day when we can say, "Remember that [certain leak] that made everyone crazy? Hahaha! Fun times."

Here's a cool thought, you know how the Mii Fighters and Palutena will have customizable moves? Well, Isaac would be the PERFECT candidate for that section. Think about it. How cool would that be. He wouldn't have to be just Venus based. You could have him be anything. Even an assassin class. Hehehe. That would be the smartest move for Isaac, Ever.

Also, imagine if Djinn were an item or AT that grant you certain element abilities when they are attached to you. Like if you have a Venus Djinn, your attacks will be earth based, Mars Djinn would be fire based, etc. That there would be awesome!


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Shulk getting in only really bothers me if Isaac doesn't. Its the attitude of Shulk fans that bothers me, not really Shulk himself.
Yea with a lot of Shulk fans questioning Isaac's potential.

I hear a lot of people saying that Shulk has a ton of unique potential besides basic swordsman. But I haven't played the game so I don't know any of it personally. I can't imagine him having anything close to the potential Isaac holds though. I can literally create a new, unique, and fitting moveset for Isaac in five minutes. I can keep doing that for an hour and a half. I don't care what Shulk can do, I can't see it topping that sort of potential.
Sure Shulk might be able to do a lot buy Isaac literally has 100s of moves at his disposal if we include his various classes with different psynergies, attack psynergy that upgrades at a higher class (like cutting edge to plume edge), summons, djinns and weapon unleashes. Plus even more if we include utility psynergy.

Ninja, Samurai, Swordsman (Venus), Paladin, Dark Mage, Pierrot, Tamer, Chaos Lord, Illusionist and his base class Slayer add for tons and tons of variety!

Do you think I'm off on my reveal predictions though?
Definitely cause your reveal predictions don't have Isaac :p

I am not good at positive thinking.
Don't worry! We all are here to help you with that! Isaac IS IN Smash 4 so don't worry about all the reveal details and everything! :)


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2014
Don't worry! We all are here to help you with that! Isaac IS IN Smash 4 so don't worry about all the reveal details and everything! :)
No offense, but dude, you're definitely getting annoying by repeating the same things over and over again. Plus, there IS a chance he isn't in, and when you discover that he isn't, you'll become just like those who believed Ghirahim would be playable or the people who trust the 'leak' blindly - heartbroken.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
The 27th will be a reveal trailer and it will show Ness and Lucas and then Isaac comes along to fight along side them. Why 27th? 20th Anniversary of Earthbound (Mother) and what better way to introduce the veterans than to include Isaac along with them. Plus, the 27th is on a Wednesday. There is some significance to it. If this actually happens....

Remember, Ness and Lucas are never mentioned either (plus other characters too. Not just Isaac). No one can figure out who is in or out. Many say its Lucas that is cut or Ness is cut, or both or neither. Honestly, this just reminds me of the Brawl hype. Almost everyone thought Ness was being replaced by Lucas, but lo and behold, Sakurai comes in and proves them wrong. And I'm sure he will do it again. I bet that Sakurai knows about the leaks and is actually taking advantage of these to create more hype and surprise us completely with something we never expect like always.
I do like this idea. I still think the trophy tease is solid, so I'm expecting Impa, but the reveal of Ness and Lucas on the 20th Anniversary of Mother 2 makes a lot of sense, and Isaac would fit in there.

Maybe Impa will get in as the opening trailer for the Smash Bros. Direct, with Ridley and Mewtwo as the closing trailer. I could see that.

I can't wait for that day when we can say, "Remember that [certain leak] that made everyone crazy? Hahaha! Fun times."
That day would be awesome.

Here's a cool thought, you know how the Mii Fighters and Palutena will have customizable moves? Well, Isaac would be the PERFECT candidate for that section. Think about it. How cool would that be. He wouldn't have to be just Venus based. You could have him be anything. Even an assassin class. Hehehe. That would be the smartest move for Isaac, Ever.
Except that you still couldn't capture even a tenth of Isaac's potential with just twelve moves.

Also, imagine if Djinn were an item or AT that grant you certain element abilities when they are attached to you. Like if you have a Venus Djinn, your attacks will be earth based, Mars Djinn would be fire based, etc. That there would be awesome!
Elements aren't huge in Smash, but I would like each of them adding a different property. I think Djinn make more sense as thrown items like Mr. Saturn, though, that then unleash Psynergy matching their element when they hit something (just like when they get mad and attack you).

No offense, but dude, you're definitely getting annoying by repeating the same things over and over again. Plus, there IS a chance he isn't in, and when you discover that he isn't, you'll become just like those who believed Ghirahim would be playable or the people who trust the 'leak' blindly - heartbroken.
Not nearly as annoying as the Shulk fans, though.
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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
No offense, but dude, you're definitely getting annoying by repeating the same things over and over again. Plus, there IS a chance he isn't in, and when you discover that he isn't, you'll become just like those who believed Ghirahim would be playable or the people who trust the 'leak' blindly - heartbroken.
Yea I know I do kind of sound like some broken record :p Thanks for pointing it out, no offense taken.

Don't worry, I am not heartbroken by such stuff, I will just not buy Smash 4 till like a year after it comes out. I will still have Golden Sun: TBS to play over and over again. Also TWEWY!

Just trying to spread some positivity since some people get disappointed quickly by Sakurai's teasers like the Pictures of the Day or the recent most leak.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Yea I know I do kind of sound like some broken record :p Thanks for pointing it out, no offense taken.

Don't worry, I am not heartbroken by such stuff, I will just not buy Smash 4 till like a year after it comes out. I will still have Golden Sun: TBS to play over and over again. Also TWEWY!
I still always have to adjust to seeing the Japanese name for it. I'll get there at some point. I did with Rekka no Ken, after all.

TWEWY was grand, but I really wish you didn't have to use the touch screen for it.

Just trying to spread some positivity since some people get disappointed quickly by Sakurai's teasers like the Pictures of the Day or the recent most leak.
Well, at least I know the leak is false. It's everything else that's getting to me.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
I still always have to adjust to seeing the Japanese name for it. I'll get there at some point. I did with Rekka no Ken, after all.

TWEWY was grand, but I really wish you didn't have to use the touch screen for it.
It is the dual screen gameplay which really hit home for me though! Touch screen and d-pad, perfect combo and best usage of the DS screen I have seen. Currently playing the Solo Remix which is pure touch screen and its devilishly fun, just not as awesome as the original in my opinion. Too easy but fun nonetheless. Obviously other games with maps and everything on the 2nd screen were also great!

Well, at least I know the leak is false. It's everything else that's getting to me.
Well hang in there! No need to get yourself down in the dumps.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
hey guys just wanted to drop off from the shulk thread wanted to say we never thought we could take Isaac's spot or fight for it like some people think we are alot of us shulk supporters including myself not only like the idea of Isaac in smash ut think having both would be awesome and I'm not trying to be mean just wanted to drop by and say we don't hate you, we are not trying to take him away like some of you think we are, and if you give shulk a chance and look more into him you can learn he has good potential as well and we think both could be great for smash to show off the JRPG of nintendo


Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2014
No reason to hate a character so much because some of the fans! The same could be said about any character, not just Shulk.
Shulk is a cool character and I think he would be a nice addition to the roster.
I think Isaac would make a better addition, but I think I've already established that opinion of mine before. Having both would be grand.

It does seem like the mood here dips pretty low whenever PoTD's or things like that are shown, though... As far as I'm concerned, if it isn't a deconfirmation, I'm still going to stay positive. There's always the chance that he's there, but just as a hidden character.

hey guys just wanted to drop off from the shulk thread wanted to say we never thought we could take Isaac's spot or fight for it like some people think we are alot of us shulk supporters including myself not only like the idea of Isaac in smash ut think having both would be awesome and I'm not trying to be mean just wanted to drop by and say we don't hate you, we are not trying to take him away like some of you think we are, and if you give shulk a chance and look more into him you can learn he has good potential as well and we think both could be great for smash to show off the JRPG of nintendo
Thanks for dropping by! C:
I agree with your thoughts! It would be great to see two Nintendo jRPG's represented!
Sorry if it seems as though anyone is slamming on you guys.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
Speaking of being positive, you know how we welcome new users to this form. What if we all had our own phrase when we enter in this or other forms like, Charzard Fires it Up, Robin Brings the Thunder, etc.

Mine would probably be, SonicLink125 Joins the Forms...yeah, I got nothing, yet. But I'm pretty sure you guys have some good ones you can think of. I'll have to come back to it sometime.

Here's where the idea really grew on me.
Some hilarious ones on there too.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
No reason to hate a character so much because some of the fans! The same could be said about any character, not just Shulk.
Shulk is a cool character and I think he would be a nice addition to the roster.
I think Isaac would make a better addition, but I think I've already established that opinion of mine before. Having both would be grand.

It does seem like the mood here dips pretty low whenever PoTD's or things like that are shown, though... As far as I'm concerned, if it isn't a deconfirmation, I'm still going to stay positive. There's always the chance that he's there, but just as a hidden character.

Thanks for dropping by! C:
I agree with your thoughts! It would be great to see two Nintendo jRPG's represented!
Sorry if it seems as though anyone is slamming on you guys.
It's cool mate us shulk support just noticed some people have been real natgitive about shulk and we want to show we have no bad feeling about it and wanted to hopefully clear the tensen with some threads we noticed been giving heat on us we like to get along with everyone after all ^_^


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
hey guys just wanted to drop off from the shulk thread wanted to say we never thought we could take Isaac's spot or fight for it like some people think we are alot of us shulk supporters including myself not only like the idea of Isaac in smash ut think having both would be awesome and I'm not trying to be mean just wanted to drop by and say we don't hate you, we are not trying to take him away like some of you think we are, and if you give shulk a chance and look more into him you can learn he has good potential as well and we think both could be great for smash to show off the JRPG of nintendo
None of has have anything against Shulk or the majority of Shulk fans, just the minority that doesn't understand Isaac. I truly agree with you that Shulk + Isaac could be the killer combo that Nintendo needs to establish its own flagship JRPG franchises! It will truly be an epic day when that happens since no Final Fantasy would be able to stop the wheels once this train gets going.

Just waiting for it to reach the station though. Their tag team should be emphasised in a reveal trailer as well! A day to rejoice for JRPG fans everywhere!

Here's to Isaac AND Shulk together in Smash 4! :estatic:
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Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
None of has have anything against Shulk or the majority of Shulk fans, just the minority that doesn't understand Isaac. I truly agree with you that Shulk + Isaac could be the killer combo that Nintendo needs to establish its own flagship JRPG franchises! It will truly be an epic day when that happens since no Final Fantasy would be able to stop the wheels once this train gets going.

Just waiting for it to reach the station though. Their tag team should be emphasised in a reveal trailer as well! A day to rejoice for JRPG fans everywhere!

Here's to Isaac AND Shulk together in Smash 4!
DUDE YES YES I would love a reveal with them both in it the ultament JRPG combo


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
I find it hard to visit most other threads as they're either too happy or too mad. This new leak business has consumed their minds completely. This thread is still rather tame, fortunately.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
I find it hard to visit most other threads as they're either too happy or too mad. This new leak business has consumed their minds completely. This thread is still rather tame, fortunately.
yeah us too I stay away from most because of that Shulk threads pretty chill too compare to others but this thread looks nice from what I see minus a few bad apples I see that bash shulk but then again all threads have those even us shulk thread sometimes gets them so I never hold it against the overall fans

Edit: btw love you sag <3
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 20, 2014
I find it hard to visit most other threads as they're either too happy or too mad. This new leak business has consumed their minds completely. This thread is still rather tame, fortunately.
I think that might be because we have virtually nothing to go on whatsoever for either confirmation or deconfirmation (other than the leak that may not even be real), lol.


Smash Ace
Jun 11, 2014
I think that might be because we have virtually nothing to go on whatsoever for either confirmation or deconfirmation (other than the leak that may not even be real), lol.
their are so many I don't pay attention to them anymore sal broke my heart lol
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