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Isaac for DLC - One day. Some day. Golden Sunday.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Yes, the fact that Kingdom Hearts (which as much as I want it to won't be in the game because of stupid Square Enix (or Disney, don't know who they need to ask) and Dark Souls (never been on a Nintendo console) are listed when I doubt they'll be represented says something.

It also shows Final Fantasy XIII. There is no way that will get anything.
I was going to include Final Fantasy XIII in my list of games as well but then I thought I had given enough examples to get my point across.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 16, 2014
I doubt supporters are starting to freak out because Golden Sun isn't represented on that list, but rather because there has been literally ZERO evidence to cling our hopes to.
Instead of being "the fatal deconfirmation strike" this is more like "yet another slight non-evidence jab", which are starting to hurt considering the game will be out in Japan in less than a month.

As for myself, well... at least we're not Baten Kaitos fans, the second one didn't even reach Europe. That's some dedication, Nintendo.
I am still very disappointed at the way the big N handled Golden Sun and will be very disappointed if Sakurai decides to overlook Isaac for the second time. It's not as my life depends on it... but c'mon, it's sad and unfair.
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Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2013
Dallas, Texas
Nah its fine, everyone has their ups and downs plus some people get disappointed quickly. Don't worry.

You know for a while I was wondering why the mood of the thread suddenly dropped after I came back home, and then I saw the pic of the day. And then I went to Smashbros.com and checked out the page for myself. I think we are overreacting here guys. Sure that on Motoi Sakuraba's profile, the Golden Series is not mentioned but the Tales of Series as well Dark Soul series is mentioned. These series have not recently come to any Nintendo console. The latest "Tales" games have been on PS3 whereas Dark Souls has never been on Nintendo. They are just there as they are more recent and they are "in". More than Golden Sun, which did not emerge post Dark Dawn as expected. They just chose more recognizable names to put in his profile.

This does not in any way deconfirm Isaac. For all we know, it means nothing at all. Heck series like Monster Hunter, Phoenix Wright, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts and Devil May Cry are listed under other developers. I love all these games but their listing in example music of developers does not mean they will be included. There is a 0% chance of Phoenix or a hunter, or Sora or Dante as playable. This might be just another example of Nintendo not wanting to reveal a character or them just including recent series to help the new generation cope up with their extremely "SHORT" memory. Heck a very close friend of mine finishes a game and forgets the story a week after, forget the sound composer!

I agree that the leaked roster screams bias as well as laziness at the later end of development. 3 clones would be too much and 3 representatives from KI:U would be overkill.

And as an example of trolling as some people said that Sakurai would want to include the latest game of Golden Sun. Maybe instead of including Matt as playable he makes young Isaac an AT (fully hear me out first!) and then later announces adult Isaac as a playable character. It fulfills the demands of people to get Dark Dawn representation as well as give us Isaac. Plus Sakurai gets to troll.

In the end, cheer up guys, its not the end of race. Isaac still stands a chance!

Keep looking guys, otherwise you will miss the beautiful sunrise :)
Thanks for saying that. I thought the same thing except I couldn't put it down in words.

Also, if this is 3DS composers, would there be a similar list for Wii U?

Inb4 Sakuraba is there too and they mention Golden Sun
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
United Kingdom
I didn't even realize that Golden Sun wasn't even on the music side, wow that's scary as ****! Will he get absolutely no representation in this game...?


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I didn't even realize that Golden Sun wasn't even on the music side, wow that's scary as ****! Will he get absolutely no representation in this game...?
Those are just where the composers for the 3ds are coming from. IT's not what games music is being pulled from.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
Random thought: leak is real, but that is not Shulk, its actually Isaac photoshopped to look like Shulk in order to create hype and destruction in the Smash Committee. Ha! Who knows. I don't believe the leak, but thought that might have been interesting to note.

Remember when Dark Dawn was first announced? Reggie said: "A legendary RPG name is on it's way back to Nintendo portables. A franchise that's been gone for quite a while." This is where we thought it could be any franchise until he said, "After going dark 6 years ago, 2010 will bring a new dawn, with GoldenSun DS." Camelot was very quiet as well when it was making Dark Dawn, even fake leaks of it after TLA surfaced and thought they looked believable. We were all proven wrong after that announcement and were shocked that GS was finally returning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsLFodVoo6I
Whatever they are planning, they are keeping us in the dark. We still have 2-3 weeks left till we have the true full roster. Sakurai will have to reveal characters now by this time.

If GoldenSun is not represented in Sm4sh, I will be disappointed, but will not give up on the series itself. We all thought we would never get a 3rd game, but we had a stronger voice than we realize and got one after years of waiting. If we could do just that again, maybe, just maybe, we will get one more game. Even if its the last one. If the series is dead, it will never be dead in my heart. It will go on and be the only RPG I ever loved and cherished and will always be in my top 3 game series of all time forever. I'm glad to have found you guys and that you love GoldenSun as much as I do. Don't give up just yet. Keep rooting until it is actually over.
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Deleted member

Guys, some of the composers haven't done any Nintendo games. And it may only be the people doing the arrangements.

I mean, do you see Koji Kondo on the list? No, and I doubt that the games would have any tracks not originally made by him.
Ummm... didn't most of the Namco Bandai composers have "THE IDOLM@STER" to their credits? You know, that game where you sim the progression of an idol-to-be to stardom that was one of the few XBox 360 titles anyone in Japan gave a damn about? I am not going to be seeing any of those girls running around Smash Bros..

Motoi Sakuraba didn't have Golden Sun to his belt because they wanted to mention the most notable works to the casual gamer. Yoko Shimomura worked on the Mario & Luigi RPGs, but he also has Kingdom Hearts mentioned, and you ain't seeing Sora in this at all, if not ever.

Look, this is one of those issues where they simply refer to the guy's most iconic works not from a talent standpoint, but from what they worked on. This isn't a knock on Golden Sun, especially since that maybe not having Golden Sun mentioned is for the best.

As for Felix, I do feel very bad for the guy because he gets a bad reputation, but from where I got out of his encyclopedia entry, he basically suffered from pangs of guilt due to the events that happened prior to and after the rise of the Golden Sun and decided to disappear to either face his demons or because he was too ashamed to show himself. We may villify him from time to time, but the series itself alluded that Felix wasn't a bad person at all... he had a more dire destiny to deal with, and that was living with the burden of seeing actions that never should've happened take place without doing anything about it. The reason he wasn't mentioned in Dark Dawn was due to the fact that nobody had heard from him in years, and while they knew he was most certainly alive, they lost contact with him a long time ago and decided it was for the best to leave him alone.

If we ever get Golden Sun 4, I am hoping we start out from his perspective as he wanders around Gondowon with his daughter. Yes, I said DAUGHTER.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
Random thought: leak is real, but that is not Shulk, its actually Isaac photoshopped to look like Shulk in order to create hype and destruction in the Smash Committee. Ha! Who knows. I don't believe the leak, but thought that might have been interesting to note.

Remember when Dark Dawn was first announced? Reggie said: "A legendary RPG name is on it's way back to Nintendo portables. A franchise that's been gone for quite a while." This is where we thought it could be any franchise until he said, "After going dark 6 years ago, 2010 will bring a new dawn, with GoldenSun DS." Camelot was very quiet as well when it was making Dark Dawn, even fake leaks of it after TLA surfaced and thought they looked believable. We were all proven wrong after that announcement and were shocked that GS was finally returning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsLFodVoo6I
Whatever they are planning, they are keeping us in the dark. We still have 2-3 weeks left till we have the true full roster. Sakurai will have to reveal characters now by this time.

If GoldenSun is not represented in Sm4sh, I will be disappointed, but will not give up on the series itself. We all thought we would never get a 3rd game, but we had a stronger voice than we realize and got one after years of waiting. If we could do just that again, maybe, just maybe, we will get one more game. Even if its the last one. If the series is dead, it will never be dead in my heart. It will go on and be the only RPG I ever loved and cherished and will always be in my top 3 game series of all time forever. I'm glad to have found you guys and that you love GoldenSun as much as I do. Don't give up just yet. Keep rooting until it is actually over.
I still wouldn't like the leak even if someone photoshopped it . There's too much wrong with it.

Yeah. I agree. I'm not going to stop playing if no one gets in. The games are too good for that.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
United Kingdom
Those are just where the composers for the 3ds are coming from. IT's not what games music is being pulled from.
That still makes me worried, the composer for Dark Souls clearly made some Golden Sun themes, so why did they not at least put Golden Sun there...
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Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
That still makes me worried, the composer for Dark Souls clearly made some Golden Sun themes, so why did they not at least put Golden Sun there...
They just put the most famous games, not what Nintendo games they helped compose. The fact that the person who composed Golden Sun could be a good sign.

You know, at this rate, I just want Sakurai to reveal what's going to happen one way or another. The suspense is killing me.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
That still makes me worried, the composer for Dark Souls clearly made some Golden Sun themes, so why did they not at least put Golden Sun there...
As @JDogindy said, the list does not include Golden Sun but 2 other series i.e. "Tales of" and "Dark Souls" so that the average gamer can recognize or recall the music. Golden Sun is popular but right now, these two games are more popular with the release of Dark Souls 2 as well as new games of Tales of coming out regularly.

Random thought: leak is real, but that is not Shulk, its actually Isaac photoshopped to look like Shulk in order to create hype and destruction in the Smash Committee. Ha! Who knows. I don't believe the leak, but thought that might have been interesting to note.

Remember when Dark Dawn was first announced? Reggie said: "A legendary RPG name is on it's way back to Nintendo portables. A franchise that's been gone for quite a while." This is where we thought it could be any franchise until he said, "After going dark 6 years ago, 2010 will bring a new dawn, with GoldenSun DS." Camelot was very quiet as well when it was making Dark Dawn, even fake leaks of it after TLA surfaced and thought they looked believable. We were all proven wrong after that announcement and were shocked that GS was finally returning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsLFodVoo6I
Whatever they are planning, they are keeping us in the dark.
That would actually be funny if Isaac was photoshopped to Shulk. As JRPG protagonists they do have some similarities in looks and a skilled photoshopper can change one to another :p Obviously unlikely though and someone just put Shulk in there as he is in every leak anyway.

Don't give up just yet. Keep rooting until it is actually over.
Exactly! Sakuraba's inclusion might actually be good news for Isaac and non-listing of Golden Sun might just be a way to hide Golden Sun inclusion.

Don't give up guys and keep cheering! We will get Isaac for sure, just maintain a positive attitude :)


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
United Kingdom
They just put the most famous games, not what Nintendo games they helped compose. The fact that the person who composed Golden Sun could be a good sign.

You know, at this rate, I just want Sakurai to reveal what's going to happen one way or another. The suspense is killing me.
Yeah it's getting pretty annoying, and after watching that video that SonicLink125 posted, the more I want a GS rep, so much for a "revived franchise"...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2014
I'm going to post my own personal thoughts on the composer problem, you may ignore if you wish.

I think a big reason why Golden Sun was not on the composer list was due to the series being pretty weak in Japan. (It's popular overseas, definitely, but it has nearly lost it's fanbase in Japan) On the other hand, the Tales series still remain to be very popular and attract lots of attention, and Dark Souls is pretty famous do to the Internet spreading it's reputation of being a good hardcore game.Both of them have recent games that sold very well, too. Which do you think would be more appealing, the guy who makes song for two very popular and fresh franchises, or the guy that made songs for a not-so-new-or-fresh franchise on the DS. I know of some younguns that would get their heads hooked by the first, but not by the latter. And besides, most Golden Sun fans know that the songs are made by Sakuraba. No need to for him to appeal in this direction.
I mean, look at the other games in this list.Idolmaster(!?). El Shaddai(What!?) Puzzles&Dragons. Drum Master. Darius. Nora. Nora! That game wasn't even released overseas! Thus, that list was made to appeal to a recent(and fairly young) Japanese audience, and for some unknown reason, left it unchanged when translating it into English.(Not that I'm suprised, some of the English translations regarding Smash Bros. did a little suck, so it wouldn't be different if it sucked this time too.)
Of course, no one should get their hopes up, but no need to lower it down too much. I think Golden Sun still has a decent chance, at least decent when compared to Custom Robo, anyway...:glare:


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2013
I doubt supporters are starting to freak out because Golden Sun isn't represented on that list, but rather because there has been literally ZERO evidence to cling our hopes to.
Instead of being "the fatal deconfirmation strike" this is more like "yet another slight non-evidence jab", which are starting to hurt considering the game will be out in Japan in less than a month.
My thoughts, exactly. Like everyone said, they only put the more notable and recent series, but a Golden Sun hint would have not hurt anyone if a Golden Sun character was playable. Like @ BSTCloud BSTCloud said, we literally have zero evidence, hint and hope for Isaac's inclusion.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
My thoughts, exactly. Like everyone said, they only put the more notable and recent series, but a Golden Sun hint would have not hurt anyone if a Golden Sun character was playable. Like @ BSTCloud BSTCloud said, we literally have zero evidence, hint and hope for Isaac's inclusion.
But the fact is that Golden Sun is such a different game series, I mean Nintendo has nothing similar to it, that any hint or evidence would immediately point out to Golden Sun rep. They were caught on for Little Mac whereas a boxing ring should not be much of a spoiler for a fighting game series.

One hint, and we know that Isaac is in. Maybe that is why Sakurai is being extra careful and not hinting anyone. Or maybe like someone said, he is giving prominence to popular games and leaving Isaac for later. Leaving series to be revived for later (or stagnated series) .

Deleted member

But the fact is that Golden Sun is such a different game series, I mean Nintendo has nothing similar to it, that any hint or evidence would immediately point out to Golden Sun rep. They were caught on for Little Mac whereas a boxing ring should not be much of a spoiler for a fighting game series.

One hint, and we know that Isaac is in. Maybe that is why Sakurai is being extra careful and not hinting anyone. Or maybe like someone said, he is giving prominence to popular games and leaving Isaac for later. Leaving series to be revived for later (or stagnated series) .
Absolutely. Plus, I've always said that it would be silly to just have only one Assist Trophy in Brawl to graduate to playable in 3DS/Wii U. Sakurai would like to showcase the concept of Assist Trophies that can be future playables, as he joked with Waluigi.


Smash Ace
Oct 22, 2013
Yeah, people need to stop freaking out over that list.

It means what it means. That is, that those people will be working on the music for Smash 3DS, and that they had previously worked on music for other games.

If anything, we should be happy there's a slight connection to Golden Sun. At the very least, some music from GS might be included.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
Absolutely. Plus, I've always said that it would be silly to just have only one Assist Trophy in Brawl to graduate to playable in 3DS/Wii U. Sakurai would like to showcase the concept of Assist Trophies that can be future playables, as he joked with Waluigi.
Ironically Waluigi is also a character by Camelot. But his non playable status is still somewhat reasonable as like Daisy, he yet has to star in a game of his own or play a major part in a game.

Isaac on the other hand is the BOSS of Golden Sun. Ok maybe not in the first 2 but definitely in the 3rd. Protagonist of first, established hero and deuteragonist of 2nd and the Legendary hero in the 3rd. And his moveset is so diverse, he definitely needs a slot!

Stop being biased Nintendo and bring Isaac to the fray. After all two JRPGs are better than one. Let the series established by Monolith Soft and the Golden Sun series by Camelot help in forging a new path for Nintendo!

Plus Golden Sun: TBS is still my favourite game of all time. Isaac for Sm4sh!


Smash Lord
Jul 30, 2014
Laugh Tale
I feel that this leak is something similar to happened prior to the Lucina, Robin, and Falcon trailer. Remember when Sal got that e-mail saying "Enjoy my good friend Shulk tomorrow", look what happened next. Everybody was on the Shulk hype train that night prior to the July trailer. Now everybody thinks Shulk is guaranteed. Hopefully this leak will crash and burn. I rather see Isaac than Shulk any day. The leak isn't going to affect my support for Isaac, but only grow from here on out.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2007
I dunno.

Yeah, we can explain away the lack of Golden Sun as a credit by saying that Dark Souls was a bigger game, or that Kingdom Hearts is being credited or whatever.

But the fact of the matter is that Golden Sun not being considered notable enough to list it as some of Sakuraba's work can only be bad or neutral. At the very best it's a non-issue, and at the worst it means that Golden Sun has been forgotten about. I mean I know that if I was going to include an actual Nintendo game in any form in Smash, I'd list it over two game series that probably won't appear in the game at all.

At this point, I'd rather Isaac just be deconfirmed instead of this slow death of complete non-acknowledgement.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
I feel that this leak is something similar to happened prior to the Lucina, Robin, and Falcon trailer. Remember when Sal got that e-mail saying "Enjoy my good friend Shulk tomorrow", look what happened next. Everybody was on the Shulk hype train that night prior to the July trailer. Now everybody thinks Shulk is guaranteed. Hopefully this leak will crash and burn. I rather see Isaac than Shulk any day. The leak isn't going to affect my support for Isaac, but only grow from here on out.
I am with you! Rooting for Isaac in Sm4sh without losing confidence!

I dunno.

Yeah, we can explain away the lack of Golden Sun as a credit by saying that Dark Souls was a bigger game, or that Kingdom Hearts is being credited or whatever.

But the fact of the matter is that Golden Sun not being considered notable enough to list it as some of Sakuraba's work can only be bad or neutral. At the very best it's a non-issue, and at the worst it means that Golden Sun has been forgotten about. I mean I know that if I was going to include an actual Nintendo game in any form in Smash, I'd list it over two game series that probably won't appear in the game at all.

At this point, I'd rather Isaac just be deconfirmed instead of this slow death of complete non-acknowledgement.
I see that is bad but don't think about him being deconfirmed. Cause if he is, eventually the 2nd fate will also come to fruition. Like how almost Weyard did!

That is what is happening to the world of Golden Sun and the only way of preventing that is sending Isaac out on another quest. A quest to prove his mettle in Smash and shut up all naysayers!
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Deleted member

Ironically Waluigi is also a character by Camelot. But his non playable status is still somewhat reasonable as like Daisy, he yet has to star in a game of his own or play a major part in a game.

Isaac on the other hand is the BOSS of Golden Sun. Ok maybe not in the first 2 but definitely in the 3rd. Protagonist of first, established hero and deuteragonist of 2nd and the Legendary hero in the 3rd. And his moveset is so diverse, he definitely needs a slot!

Stop being biased Nintendo and bring Isaac to the fray. After all two JRPGs are better than one. Let the series established by Monolith Soft and the Golden Sun series by Camelot help in forging a new path for Nintendo!

Plus Golden Sun: TBS is still my favourite game of all time. Isaac for Sm4sh!
That'd be pretty sweet! And, of course Isaac would be having one of the most diverse movesets in Brawl. Sure, he won't be breaking the rules like Palutena (who has 12 original moves), but his Smash moves can still be varied drastically so that they aren't merely like Mario's Fireball, where you have the standard, the defensive, and the powerful-yet-slow variant.

Also, sorta dumb observation, but since today is Friday, we saw the last update for the week. There are 15 business days before Super Smash Bros. 3DS is released in Japan on September 13th, after which point it would behoove Sakurai to focus all the daily updates on the Wii U version since the game would officially be available and thus details would be online anyway.

That's... not a lot of time for updates, which means that we won't be getting just "Here's a shot of the game" type of images anymore. We'll be getting concrete details, and even if the Wii U still gets at least 5 mentions, at least 2 or 3 will be Assist Trophy-related, which'll work for the 3DS.

I still think Isaac is in this game, but since he's not a big name, he might be part of the final character debut trailer, which'll be a conglomerate of other characters, which'll probably include Shulk, Medusa, and/or King K. Rool, that'll roll through some of their moves before moving on to the next newcomer before ending with a final series of footage to help sell the 3DS version. Granted, it won't be as exciting to see a "Here's The Other Guys..." kind of trailer which'll just feature standard 3D shots of them followed by brief gameplay as opposed to a devoted Isaac trailer, but at least it's better than nothing.

'Course, when this happens, I expect a certain portion of the fanbase to ignite in a heated uproar that'll get hotter than the sun. But, they should've done their homework. :(


Smash Journeyman
Jul 27, 2014
The United States of America
No news can mean good news. Especially if you consider Isaac could've already been shown as an assist tropihie again

Honestly, as long as the final roster isn't as bad as the leak, I'm good .


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
I didn't even realize that Golden Sun wasn't even on the music side, wow that's scary as ****! Will he get absolutely no representation in this game...?
Yes, because there is going to be Tekken, Kingdom Hearts, One Piece and Devil May Cry music in Smash. Please welcome the newcomers, Yoshimitsu, Sora, Luffy and Dante.


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
That'd be pretty sweet! And, of course Isaac would be having one of the most diverse movesets in Brawl. Sure, he won't be breaking the rules like Palutena (who has 12 original moves), but his Smash moves can still be varied drastically so that they aren't merely like Mario's Fireball, where you have the standard, the defensive, and the powerful-yet-slow variant.

Also, sorta dumb observation, but since today is Friday, we saw the last update for the week. There are 15 business days before Super Smash Bros. 3DS is released in Japan on September 13th, after which point it would behoove Sakurai to focus all the daily updates on the Wii U version since the game would officially be available and thus details would be online anyway.

That's... not a lot of time for updates, which means that we won't be getting just "Here's a shot of the game" type of images anymore. We'll be getting concrete details, and even if the Wii U still gets at least 5 mentions, at least 2 or 3 will be Assist Trophy-related, which'll work for the 3DS.

I still think Isaac is in this game, but since he's not a big name, he might be part of the final character debut trailer, which'll be a conglomerate of other characters, which'll probably include Shulk, Medusa, and/or King K. Rool, that'll roll through some of their moves before moving on to the next newcomer before ending with a final series of footage to help sell the 3DS version. Granted, it won't be as exciting to see a "Here's The Other Guys..." kind of trailer which'll just feature standard 3D shots of them followed by brief gameplay as opposed to a devoted Isaac trailer, but at least it's better than nothing.

'Course, when this happens, I expect a certain portion of the fanbase to ignite in a heated uproar that'll get hotter than the sun. But, they should've done their homework. :(
Seriously I think so too. Isaac is in there, just cloaking, He is back! With the Sol Blade!

Yes, because there is going to be Tekken, Kingdom Hearts, One Piece and Devil May Cry music in Smash. Please welcome the newcomers, Yoshimitsu, Sora, Luffy and Dante.
Yup so true :p Along with Idolmaster girls, Lightning, Phoenix and Crono (although I wouldn't mind the last one along with Isaac and Robin the three would be magic/sword trio!)!

Isaac will be in Sm4sh :)
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Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
United Kingdom
Yes, because there is going to be Tekken, Kingdom Hearts, One Piece and Devil May Cry music in Smash. Please welcome the newcomers, Yoshimitsu, Sora, Luffy and Dante.
Id like you to say where in any comment I mentioned any of those games will be represented?
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Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
Anyone realize the Brawl list of composers mentions Golden Sun?

I think this is pretty much the nail in the coffin. :/

Deleted member

Anyone realize the Brawl list of composers mentions Golden Sun?

I think this is pretty much the nail in the coffin. :/
To be fair, that was back in 2007, and Brawl didn't have a bunch of freelance or Namco-Bandai composers then.

Look, I know everybody is getting down in the dumps, and I get that, but we can't let this deny us.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
You know for a while I was wondering why the mood of the thread suddenly dropped after I came back home, and then I saw the pic of the day. And then I went to Smashbros.com and checked out the page for myself. I think we are overreacting here guys. Sure that on Motoi Sakuraba's profile, the Golden Series is not mentioned but the Tales of Series as well Dark Soul series is mentioned. These series have not recently come to any Nintendo console. The latest "Tales" games have been on PS3 whereas Dark Souls has never been on Nintendo. They are just there as they are more recent and they are "in". More than Golden Sun, which did not emerge post Dark Dawn as expected. They just chose more recognizable names to put in his profile.
This is the problem. This, right here.

Go back and look at that list again. How many older titles are included? Now compare that to the list of newer titles.

Everything in this game is focusing on the new. Even the "old" characters, like Little Mac, Palutena, and Villager, have had popular recent releases that have been at the core of their design. Palutena may technically be an "old" character, but no one thinks of her that way. She's a character from Uprising. Villager is not the one from the N64, he's from New Leaf.

Now the music. All the composers were chosen for current titles. There are a few old classics (though some of those, including Chrono Trigger, have had recent ports to Nintendo's systems), but many of them are from the most recent, most popular new games.

Isaac has no chance based on current popularity. His chance is entirely based on the classic Smash inclusion: Past Nintendo glory. If Nintendo has forgotten their history, Isaac is doomed.


Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
Anyone realize the Brawl list of composers mentions Golden Sun?

I think this is pretty much the nail in the coffin. :/
No it isn't. Dark Souls didn't even exist at the time of Brawl's release and Tales of has gained a LOT of popularity since then. They are both better known than Golden Sun at this point. And there are only ever 2 series listed per artist.

Don't give up so easily fellas. The fact that we haven't seen Isaac as an Assist Trophy is a good sign so far.
Until we know the full list of characters including secret ones, I'll still have hope for Isaac. There's just so much great moveset potential in him and a lack of recent popularity never stopped Sakurai before.


Smash Cadet
Aug 18, 2014
Denver, CO
i am still towards the beginning of dark dawn and just throwing this out their i would most want to see issac in his dark dawn representation. he looks way more raw in dark dawn than the others. would anyone oppose?


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
This is the problem. This, right here.

Go back and look at that list again. How many older titles are included? Now compare that to the list of newer titles.

Everything in this game is focusing on the new. Even the "old" characters, like Little Mac, Palutena, and Villager, have had popular recent releases that have been at the core of their design. Palutena may technically be an "old" character, but no one thinks of her that way. She's a character from Uprising. Villager is not the one from the N64, he's from New Leaf.

Now the music. All the composers were chosen for current titles. There are a few old classics (though some of those, including Chrono Trigger, have had recent ports to Nintendo's systems), but many of them are from the most recent, most popular new games.

Isaac has no chance based on current popularity. His chance is entirely based on the classic Smash inclusion: Past Nintendo glory. If Nintendo has forgotten their history, Isaac is doomed.
That is just the music list! Don't worry so much.

Nintendo has not forgotten their past. Recently they just announced Star Fox for Wii U which also clearly needed a new game. Plus Captain Falcon and Fox are in this game so Nintendo hasn't forgotten such characters. Obviously they have been past reps so that might weaken my point but still. Nintendo sticks to its history and its one of the few companies who is slow to adopt the new. Trust me, Isaac will be there.

No it isn't. Dark Souls didn't even exist at the time of Brawl's release and Tales of has gained a LOT of popularity since then. They are both better known than Golden Sun at this point. And there are only ever 2 series listed per artist.

Don't give up so easily fellas. The fact that we haven't seen Isaac as an Assist Trophy is a good sign so far.
Until we know the full list of characters including secret ones, I'll still have hope for Isaac. There's just so much great moveset potential in him and a lack of recent popularity never stopped Sakurai before.
Yea! Who wanted Wii Fit Trainer anyway? Popularity won't stop Sakurai but bias will. He just needs to look past all this, look at the GS fans demands as well as his moveset. His demand is not outlandish as he is owned by Nintendo, has had an AT and was his game one of the most popular and acclaimed game of the GBA generation.

All points match. I still stick to my point that Isaac was not in Brawl due to their time constraints or something. He will be in here. Definitely :) Have faith!

i am still towards the beginning of dark dawn and just throwing this out their i would most want to see issac in his dark dawn representation. he looks way more raw in dark dawn than the others. would anyone oppose?
Nah we don't mind. He is still epic in his bearded avatar. As well as epic! By the way welcome to the discussion :)
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Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
Don't give up so easily fellas. The fact that we haven't seen Isaac as an Assist Trophy is a good sign so far.
See, here's the thing. He could be being held back for a reveal.

Or he could just be being held back because it's just a PotD. They could reveal him at any point. It's just one post. No other Golden Sun content is required. One post that could come anywhere in the years of Pics of the Day.

It doesn't really mean anything.


Smash Champion
Jul 15, 2013
Id like you to say where in any comment I mentioned any of those games will be represented?
Your post implied that because Golden Sun isn't listed on the music side it would get no representation, which means those on the music side would.
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Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
See, here's the thing. He could be being held back for a reveal.

Or he could just be being held back because it's just a PotD. They could reveal him at any point. It's just one post. No other Golden Sun content is required. One post that could come anywhere in the years of Pics of the Day.

It doesn't really mean anything.
You sound very dead set about him NOT being in the game, which there also isn't any solid evidence for.
Well, I can't force you to be a little optimistic.
Meanwhile I'll be over here having a good time and advising everybody never to give up hope.
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Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2014
You sound very dead set about him NOT being in the game, which there also isn't any solid evidence for.
Well, I can't force you to be a little optimistic.
Meanwhile I'll be over here having a good time and advising everybody never to give up hope.
Nah man he is just really pessimistic after all these happenings.

Don't worry! I am a bundle of optimism here as well. Isaac is going to be playable in Smash Bros. 4! Definitely :)

No one give up hope yet. It is not over till it's over!


Banned via Warnings
Jul 17, 2014
You sound very dead set about him NOT being in the game, which there also isn't any solid evidence for.
Well, I can't force you to be a little optimistic.
Meanwhile I'll be over here having a good time and advise everybody never to give up hope.
I'm not dead set on it, I'm just paranoid. And nervous. And extremely overstressed. I mean, Isaac is more than just another newcomer, at this point. His inclusion in Smash Bros. could decide whether we ever see another Golden Sun game.

I need to relax. We need people to post more fun/relaxed pictures of the Golden Sun crew. And happy music.

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Shining Tactician
Feb 27, 2014
I need to relax. We need people to post more fun/relaxed pictures of the Golden Sun crew. And happy music.

Now THAT'S an idea I can get behind :3

It's kind of a shame you don't get to hear this track a lot in Lost Age.
Not that Felix' battle theme is bad or anything, Jenna's theme is just awesome as well :3
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