No, and anyone who says yes probably isn't a real Smash player.
I love Smash and will gladly play any iteration with any person, but even I have preferences and criticisms.
The argument of whether someone is a "real Smash player" or a "real man" or a "real *whatever*" is solely up to what the accuser idealizes.
It's nice that you enjoy this game so far, though.
I like the changes they made to DeDeDe and Meta Knight. Kirby... That hammer. Not a fan of at all. I guess the short super armor is nice when he swings it but other than that it is a step back from his previous hammer. I see myself comfortably playing all three Kirby characters in this iteration where in Brawl I found Meta Knight to be unmanageable and obviously broken. Dedede was too weird for me but I still used him here and there in Brawl.
I kinda like Brawl Dedede better because of his bair (quick and powerful, also lingers) and his dair (I can live without a spike; I need shield pressure), and Metaknight...I heavily prefer his old moveset, and I think they could've come up with better ways to rework him.
I would never say he wasn't a problem in Brawl, but I feel they kind of missed the point when they aimed to make every character "feel good"; he's small, weak, and can't reach very far.
He's also pretty punishable (but then again, most everyone is).
I still play him from time to time, but I think PM balanced him way better.
I recently got to play with a GC controller.
Haven't gotten to fight anyone near my level without wading through a pool of lag, but the game improved a little.
The same projectile spammers dominated 2v2 FG as I spent most of the match getting back to the stage while my team mate died.
When there's mostly melee combat, it's enjoyable to me, but the projectile-to-evasive option ratio doesn't seem to be in my favor; normally, I'd be fine with picking another character, but I'd have thought that they wouldn't just not give a character tools with which to combat this.
Melee and Brawl weren't too bad about it (Melee had projectile reflecting powershields -- bring those back), but I thought they would've figured out what makes a character solid by now.
It's winnable, but I always feel like fighting is a waste of time because I'm not having any fun.