I feel the need to apologize for my earlier statements since I just read this book called "The Light of Love" by Patricia Devlin, a blind lady who for four years had conversations with her Guardian Angel and Jesus and Mary. This lady is either a lying betch or Jesus and Angels really do exist, and that scares the crap out of me. She's not crazy, shes got her PHD in family relations, so I am not so willing to dismiss her accounts as hogwash. I only read the book because my grandparents who gave me the book were coming into town to visit. I have to admit that I went to church the past couple days and started praying the rosary again I am so scared (The Heavenly Host is not too happy about the state of the world currently and are imploring our help in prayers). No this is not a troll and neither were my earlier statements, I am still at heart an atheist. This is also very inconvenient because if this book is real I can't continue to live my life the way that I do which really irks me. This is quite embarrassing! Sorry Dre, for being a douche and sorry gw, for currently straying from the path of reason.
Nicholas from these supposed first hand accounts of talking to Jesus and angels, I have to agree that God exists outside of time, which is exactly what the angel said. Also it was very clear that Jesus does everything in his power to help us get into heaven. He also knows everything and is all powerful, however he limits his power in order to preserve our free will, which is SO important to him. Above all else, he says that free will must be maintained. Even the angels had free will, and 1/3 of them chose to side with Lucifer, however once the battle was over, God asked all the remaining angels give up their ability to rebel because he didn't want them to harm us- he loves us that much! Also, it was made clear that God could destroy Lucifer at any time, however he still loves Lucifer dearly, he who used to be God's favorite angel, and still believes that Lucifer will change his ways. This is a constant struggle for God.
There is one instance where the author is asked to pray for a woman who suffered all of her life, was dealt all the worst hands, and who experienced no emotion. Jesus was not able to save her because she had absolutely no love in her life. When the author and her family pray for her, the woman is dying, and she is permitted as she dies to see them praying for her. At this realization, she exhibits surprise, not gratitude or love. But because of that one emotion, Jesus is able to place her in purgatory and spare her from Hell.
To answer your question about innocents dying at birth or an early age, Nicholas, the Guardian Angel says these are the most treasured souls in heaven, because they are totally pure and given special Guardian angels among the cherubims and seraphims.
This book emphasized for me how LOVING God is, but at the same time how constrained he is because he respects our decisions. Even if you don't believe in God or Jesus I recommend reading this book because the accounts are really cool and the angels are amazingly complex and human like. Plus when she asks them their names they reply that they are intranscribable, however the rough translation is "GENTLE WISDOM OF GOD" for one of them, or Pope John Paul II's G.A.'s name was "FORTRESS OF THE LORD." LoL if anything that is pretty badarse.
I plan to contact this author and ask her to ask some questions to her angel to verify her story because if she's lying I will kill her! This is mad inconvenient for me.