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Irvine Smashers - Looking for some fresh new face?


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
i did not understand neighborhood's post except for the last part that you will somehow grow magically better by being surrounded by good people, youtube has the same effects...
it would make sense if you got to play every "pro" person in tournament, but that is not the case since double elimination means you're out after playing 2 "pro" people max

and replicate did not care to back up his astonished PoV so, um, yea

EDIT- Z, I would be happy to see you at the tournament and play a few games with you but I am not driving out to long beach to pick you up and bring you to the tourney, the only reason I don't mind doing that for most these guys is that they all live within like a 3 mile radius of me.

And I have yet to see any compelling reasons to go to this UCLA tourney other than them not occurring very often. There is a huge tourney happening at UCSD in Jan that I am committing myself to, by then I will have more experience and better chances of making it out of pools/doing well.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2005
Find a ride to UCLA then
The only person I can see it making any sense to go to UCLA for is Zhu, everybody else is basically wasting their money, sorry but i think logically about these things not as "omg a lot of people are gunna be there, I should go too."
If the PnT does in fact reschedule or cancel I will go to UCLA instead because I like smash competitions but I would prefer to go to a smash competition where I stand a chance than one where I don't.
be realistic people.

EDIT- apologies for sounding like a jerk throughout most of this post.
at the end of the day its up to you where to go its not that big of a deal.

each tournament is pretty much an investment of getting better, whether you win or lose. i mean, unless you suck horribly and know nothing about the game then it would be a waste of money.

ucla is pretty amazing though. big turnout and efficient tournament running.

your choice tho.

you play more than 2 pros by playing friendlies or even doing 1 dollar money matches. watching vids is not the same as actually playing a person -_- and its not that we are trying to convince you, its just shocking that going to either ucla or a play and trade is even a contest.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
i did not understand neighborhood's post except for the last part that you will somehow grow magically better by being surrounded by good people, youtube has the same effects...
it would make sense if you got to play every "pro" person in tournament, but that is not the case since double elimination means you're out after playing 2 "pro" people max

and replicate did not care to back up his astonished PoV so, um, yea

EDIT- Z, I would be happy to see you at the tournament and play a few games with you but I am not driving out to long beach to pick you up and bring you to the tourney, the only reason I don't mind doing that for most these guys is that they all live within like a 3 mile radius of me.

And I have yet to see any compelling reasons to go to this UCLA tourney other than them not occurring very often. There is a huge tourney happening at UCSD in Jan that I am committing myself to, by then I will have more experience and better chances of making it out of pools/doing well.
HAHAHAHAHA, you have a really warped view of the tournament scene. What makes you think you're so right, to the point of an unnecessarily arrogant and asinine post? Sounds like you're just mad that you disagree and don't really have anything substantial to back it up with.

Don't know about you, but I play more friendlies at the tournament than tournament matches...

Like Brian said, it's not a big deal if you don't go, you just sound like a tool for being so close-minded about it without even knowing what you're so adamant against.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
at the risk of turning this into an argument (which it apparently isn't already, just P bashing me I guess)

Brian I understand watching youtube videos and playing pros is different the comparison i was making was watching pros play in person and watching pros play on youtube, the 2 pros in tournament was a completely different point.
I also looked at the site, and you as well confirmed it is efficiently run, "no friendlies during tournament" perhaps there are set-ups for friendlies, I wouldn't really know about that. A tournament this big is going to have tons of people (thus being a big tourney); time/places for you to even have friendlies would be limited I imagine.

Now then, neighborhood, I will address the only part of your post that said anything: "Don't know about you, but I play more friendlies at the tournament than tournament matches..." (the rest was just using, what I assume you to think to be, big words to insult me, the reason I say this is because I haven't seen you use this kind of vocabulary regularly in your posts)
As I stated earlier I'm sure availability of friendlies will be limited.
also, personally (please understand this is a personal preference that I have that not everybody may have, and I know that, but I'm driving, so yea) I enjoy the competitive part of Smash, don't get me wrong I enjoy playing for fun, but the in-tournament games are by far my favorite, so I would choose playing more games in tournament over friendlies with pros
The above point is also the reason I go to tournaments when I know I won't win, but I would rather play more games in-tournament than less games which is the case for Nov 9th.

I hope you guys don't take this the wrong way, I was just trying to clear up misunderstandings and point out my own point of view (except for the big word part, but neighborhood was flaming me pretty hard so it's justified)
Also thanks for noting that the final decision is mine, I'm sure you guys can find another ride to UCLA, I can't be the only person with a car that plays smash.

EDIT- also neighborhood, if you cared to explain the things that I am being ignorant about that make this tournament so great, rather than just saying I am ignorant, that could possibly change my position, as I am open to changing my opinion.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
don't ever believe "no friendlies during tournament" -- there are ALWAYS friendlies, and even if they were super strict about that, do you realize how quickly the tournament would end? that means there'd be a ton of time for friendlies both before and after the tournament.

that's the thing -- you come off with this know-it-all attitude when people with extensive tournament experience already know better, and you're like, "whatever, dude, i know what i want." people are not exaggerating -- a UCLA tournament is normally equivalent to a national one, and it's something you build upon for months and months.

(the rest was just using, what I assume you to think to be, big words to insult me, the reason I say this is because I haven't seen you use this kind of vocabulary regularly in your posts)
Saying random crap like this is why you get condescending posts mocking you... It's your fault that you don't understand the vast difference between maybe the best tournament series North America has ever seen and a Play n Trade tournament with laggy TVs and exorbitant venue fees -- expect to get mocked, dude.

As I stated earlier I'm sure availability of friendlies will be limited.
That's just it -- you're not sure. Why? Because I'm telling you different. How would I know? Because I've been to three UCLAs and been going to tournaments for over two years.

I wasn't flaming you at all actually -- I never attacked you personally, I attacked your post. And honestly, your post was stupid, so what do you expect? Trust me, I could've (and normally am) been WAAAY harsher.


Apr 19, 2002
Miami Beach, FL
There will alot more PnT tournies in the future I can gurantee that but UCLA is only like once a year and its, what Rei said, "infinitly times better." And I would rather play with some of the best in SoCal than beating up little kids for store credit.
I would rather beat up little kids anyway. The store credit is just the cherry on top.

I'm behind japu on this one. (no homo)


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
perhaps there are set-ups for friendlies, I wouldn't really know about that. A tournament this big is going to have tons of people (thus being a big tourney); time/places for you to even have friendlies would be limited I imagine.

As I stated earlier I'm sure availability of friendlies will be limited.
^bad word usage what I really meant was what I earlier responded to brian with "I wouldn't really know"
also, personally (please understand this is a personal preference that I have that not everybody may have, and I know that, but I'm driving, so yea) I enjoy the competitive part of Smash, don't get me wrong I enjoy playing for fun, but the in-tournament games are by far my favorite, so I would choose playing more games in tournament over friendlies with pros
The above point is also the reason I go to tournaments when I know I won't win, but I would rather play more games in-tournament than less games which is the case for Nov 9th.
you also didn't bother taking this point into account, it is a personal preference that I understand you may not have, yet you don't even consider that I may enjoy different things than you do

(except for the big word part, but neighborhood was flaming me pretty hard so it's justified)
neighborhood was flaming my post**... ....

EDIT- also neighborhood, if you cared to explain the things that I am being ignorant about that make this tournament so great, rather than just saying I am ignorant, that could possibly change my position, as I am open to changing my opinion.
here I am asking for reasons about what it is I am missing about the tourney
don't ever believe "no friendlies during tournament" -- there are ALWAYS friendlies, and even if they were super strict about that, do you realize how quickly the tournament would end? that means there'd be a ton of time for friendlies both before and after the tournament.

that's the thing -- you come off with this know-it-all attitude when people with extensive tournament experience already know better, and you're like, "whatever, dude, i know what i want." people are not exaggerating -- a UCLA tournament is normally equivalent to a national one, and it's something you build upon for months and months.

Saying random crap like this is why you get condescending posts mocking you...
so you were mocking me?
It's your fault that you don't understand the vast difference between maybe the best tournament series North America has ever seen and a Play n Trade tournament with laggy TVs and exorbitant venue fees -- expect to get mocked, dude.
as I said in my post you could explain what it is that I am missing here, what makes these tourneys so great, and even then if you want to understand my decision you still have to take into account my personal preferences

That's just it -- you're not sure. Why? Because I'm telling you different. How would I know? Because I've been to three UCLAs and been going to tournaments for over two years.
this is correct I'm not sure, that was bad word usage, and you could explain rather than just saying I don't know

I wasn't flaming you at all actually -- I never attacked you personally, I attacked your post. And honestly, your post was stupid, so what do you expect? Trust me, I could've (and normally am) been WAAAY harsher.
you said differently earlier in this very post, it is quite difficult to attack a post without attacking the writer of said post, and I'm sure you know that. <--- woops there I go using "I'm sure" again; I assume**
10 red responses

I am also curious if you don't mind explaining: how will this UCLA tourney be different than the large one coming up at UCSD, Winterfest


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
^bad word usage what I really meant was what I earlier responded to brian with "I wouldn't really know"
you contradicted your "i really don't know about it" statement with an emphatic
As I stated earlier I'm sure availability of friendlies will be limited.
later on so you only have yourself to blame for that. the bolded part just sounded like a "i'm covering my ***" bit, especially when considering the overall tone your posts display.
it is a personal preference that I understand you may not have, yet you don't even consider that I may enjoy different things than you do
the personal preference never came into play because your reasoning for having that opinion was so obviousl y incorrect that once you disprove that, the personal preference becomes irrelevant since it was based on a misguided mindset.

neighborhood was flaming my post**... ....
you're not special, we are calling your opinion in an isolated incident noob-like, essentially. it just adds to your noob lore to take it as personally as you're taking it to call it "flaming"; it helps prove the original point.

here I am asking for reasons about what it is I am missing about the tourney
also, i'm not trying to convince you to go to UCLA or anything. i'm just letting you know why your post looked so stupid to most of us. (even those who aren't posting in this thread would definitely, and obviously, agree. it's one of those type of noob things that make noobs such a cliche.)

the reasons you asked for the tournament were dismissed because you didn't yet merit a serious, thoughtful response. sue me. like i said, i'm not trying to convince you, i'm just letting you know you're ridiculously wrong and look funny.

so you were mocking me?
uh, no i wasn't? replicate's post kinda was? or maybe where you come from, when someone says your name in astonishment, and busts out a "****ing wow," that's a friendly gesture. a familiar one, at least. (oops, look what i did thar)

as I said in my post you could explain what it is that I am missing here, what makes these tourneys so great
why would a tournament in the middle of SoCal, with a ton of attendees and tournaments, and all of the best players in the area be good? gee, i really don't know. wtf? this is too obvious to mention. there is no "but it's a tarp!" or sounds-too-good-to-be-true thing going on. it is that good. not going is kinda like, dude, why are you even playing the game?

you said differently earlier in this very post, it is quite difficult to attack a post without attacking the writer of said post, and I'm sure you know that. <--- woops there I go using "I'm sure" again; I assume**
yeah, you have a problem being condescending when you're obviously wrong. work on that.


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
I will say that my first 2 posts on this topic were terribly ignorant and assumed my mindset for tournaments was the general mindset. However, you cannot say my opinion is wrong, you can only say you (and possibly the large majority) disagrees with it. That's the beautiful thing about opinions.

The "bad word usage" part of my last post was meant to take the blame for contradicting myself.

Dictionary.com said:
Flame: 9. Computer Slang. an angry, critical, or disparaging electronic message, as an e-mail or newsgroup post.
I believe (large portions of) your responses fall under this category

Can somebody also answer my question about how this UCLA tourney will be any different than the huge tourney coming up at UCSD in Jan.? Because the only reason I am currently considering this one over the PnT one (whether anybody else agrees with me or not is irrelevant) is because these UCLA tournies are rare.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Can somebody also answer my question about how this UCLA tourney will be any different than the huge tourney coming up at UCSD in Jan.? Because the only reason I am currently considering this one over the PnT one (whether anybody else agrees with me or not is irrelevant) is because these UCLA tournies are rare.
Two amazing tournaments are better than one.


Smash Hero
Jul 24, 2006
parents > rent/buyYourOwnFood
or just do whatever you want? it's not like your parents are gonna be like, "alright, well we came to the conclusion that since you don't ask for permission to leave the house anymore, no more electricity for you."


Smash Journeyman
Jul 29, 2008
Lake Forest, CA (949)
I live at home with my parents for now and basically do whatever I want. The only thing that sucks is that my parents turn off my internet at midnight on weekdays. That's for my own good anyways; I don't mind it much anymore.

And umm, hi stabbedbyahippie . -_-


Smash Cadet
Jan 18, 2008
Yah, i didn't actually notice there was a thread for Irvine smashers.

I am pretty much free on sundays and usually saturdays so if you guys are ever gather for some friendlies or something I can be there. ^_^


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Torrance/Irvine, CA, USA
Melee or brawl? or 64
the irvine smash community is kinda split (with the majority probably preferring melee). Some people go between but most stick to one or the other.


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
Can somebody also answer my question about how this UCLA tourney will be any different than the huge tourney coming up at UCSD in Jan.? Because the only reason I am currently considering this one over the PnT one (whether anybody else agrees with me or not is irrelevant) is because these UCLA tournies are rare.
UCLA is different because it is going to have melee running at the same time. UCSD is not at the moment and will only have a friendly setup. UCLA are rare and always worth it. usually every 3 months while UCSD winter gamefest is once a year. but UCSD will have other things running like DotA and CS.

are you going?

if not i am probably going to have to train it up there and stay at my sisters. and search for a ride back or leave really early to train it back down.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
I won't be able to leave for UCLA until 9:45 AM (possibly earlier). I'm sorry if this is a problem, I'll try to do everything to accommodate you guys. I'll still take Zhu/Rei because I said I would. If you guys want to find another ride that's fine too.

I'm sure Aesis won't mind if Zhu comes a bit late. Plus it's Melee - we won't start until the whole community is there =)

Tournaments never start on time anyway, shouldn't be a big deal. I didn't realize the tournament was Sunday lol


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
i'm fine with that. i'm taking a setup then.

why the new account?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
No reason. I like my old one better still, I'll go back to it eventually.

ZHU I need training


Smash Master
Nov 1, 2005
San Bernardino/pomona
i want to play this week
and eat at sonics
let me know when we can arrange this

and from personal experience
living at home is cool and all cuz like you get cooked meals in contrary to fast food
but you can't be like "hey mom ima go **** this *****" or "ima smoke with some peeps in my room" and be awake at random hours without being harrassed. can't wait till i move out again lol


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008

remember i'm gonna be a bit late (i'll pick the first people up at 10)


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
i'm not sure yet. i have only one setup now that my roommate took his in his room. if there is a psychomidget one i can bring a setup if i find a ride.

btw jays0nnn: i like ur avatar. gundam is too good.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2008
Derrick (sp?) what's your number? We gotta play more than once every 5 matches.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 21, 2007
Irvine, California
i'm not sure yet. i have only one setup now that my roommate took his in his room. if there is a psychomidget one i can bring a setup if i find a ride.

btw jays0nnn: i like ur avatar. gundam is too good.
I donno what i'm going to do before work so i need to know what happening tomorrow! I would like to play brawl or melee *Melee i suck but i need the training to get better =(*

I can play from 1pm to 4pm cuz i have work after 4 so call me or text me at this number 408-507-2931 and let me know who you are so i can make sure *no one like to get a random call from a total stranger*


Saviour of PacWest
Oct 21, 2007
i'm down to play some melee. i am free at 2:30. so if there is something going on let me know. i can take a setup if given a ride.
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