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Iron Chef CT Results


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Someone who had planned on going home early to study for finals but then ended up not doing it. T_T I am so ****ed tomorrow lol.

Falco (MOP)

Smash Journeyman
May 18, 2008
Buckhead, ATL
I loved this tourney. Going to the next one fo sho.

I wish I could go to pound 4.......I really want to go.
Couldn't have said it better myself... although pound 4 is a maybe for me, depends on how willing I am to drop $800 to lose every game ^.^ lol.


PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
when i move out my parents house in march i will be at every tourney possible but yea pound 4 isnt happenin 4 me


Smash Journeyman
Feb 7, 2008
1. Jman -surprise
2. Hax - **** me in friendlies
3. Eggm - good stuff
4. G Money - wow i gotta play you
5. Thorn - go maine
5. Swfitbass - gotta play you again
7. Zoso - nice falcon
7. Mogwai - fun teams
9. Roman - good times, cya next tourney? (no pound 4 u =/)
9. Arnold (mattdotzeb?) - good friendlies, ty for the housing and tour of quincy
9. Hero - gotta play your marth
9. Solar - WhA?
13. Sky - nice job man
13. Arc - good friendlies
13. PoF - i'm impressed
13. Spife - you sell out your link to be competitve =/
17. Bolt - ???
17. Improbable -???
17. Jam Stunna-i'm starting to draw blanks here....
17. MOP - need to go to more tournies, but good job
17. J.V. Smooth - pretty smooth indeed
17. Trademark - you beat me soundly
17. Kyu Puff - good friendlies, nice dorf
17. Banks - yea wtf the only person who did worse was....
25. Hoggle - oh **** me
25. Dark Dragoon - your equal to me ='/ i'm sorry


Smash Apprentice
Nov 6, 2007
Winston Salem, NC
Gonna do this tourny results style and forget some peeps :D

1. Jman: :bee:
2. Hax: :bee:
3. Eggm: :bee:
4. G Money: Nice mm vs that lvl 1 :laugh:
5. Thorn: we haven't played in a while, next tourny sit down and teach me stuff again :D
5. Swfitbass: :bee:
7. Zoso: I need to learn how to grab falcon. Then I need to learn how to tech chase falcon. Then we'll talk. It was nice hanging out witchu <3
7. Mogwai: moral (morale?) support was to pro. We need to play more though :( thanks son! and mad homo <3
9. Roman: I thought we played once but maybe not, oh well still <3, bawls to the wawls sonnn
9. Arnold (mattdotzeb?): how come we never play? wtfhax oh well, I might start calling you arnold >_>
9. Hero: :bee:
9. Solar: haaaate those match ups but thanks for the practice, play me more, had fun :) (like seriously I need a lot of practice in those)
13. Sky: weeeeee definitely needed to play more :( but oh well, always a fun a time :D
13. Arc: I forget how our friendlies were going but I'ma mm you next time :D
13. PoF: lol, grab -> down throw -> GAY ****! sheik's sooooo ****ing stupid I love it.
13. Spife: :bee::bee::bee:
17. Bolt: friendlies were funnn, definitely get at me next time and maybe my space animals wont eat so much **** :bee:
17. Improbable: carpool to pro, mixed blessing on having to play in tourny. On one hand I didn't sand bag (lol) on the other hand you drove down with me :dizzy: oh well. lul at doubles match too, dayum, had good times for suree
17. Jam Stunna: needs more gg in my life, and we didn't play friendlies either :( I need to come down to ct some time.
17. MOP: carpool (still) to pro, friendlies to pro, everything to pro. Basically what I said to Improbable, +/- my fox getting ****ed up haha
17. J.V. Smooth: we. didn't. play. W. T. F. ?. Link dittos next time! **** it, let's just go chill in the temple of time for like 7 years or some **** and play link dittos there.
17. Trademark: :bee:
17. Kyu Puff: doubles was fun, we should work on it some more cause we beat/lost to the people we should have. Singles on the other hand... wellll maybe next time eh? :bee:
17. Banks: sheik dittos (and maybe it's just with you) are so weird. CC beats out everything but grab, spacing beats grab. As soon as i learn when to do which I think I'll take more then 1-2 stocks off you -.- thanks for friendlies though
25. Hoggle: :bee: (but we should have played)
25. Dark Dragoon: we talked a few times but I don't think I formally introduced myself, I was the guy in the ****ING AWESOME LEMUR HAT! :D

Yedi: after I (narrowly) beat your falco, I cooked it and ate it; it didn't taste like chicken. And now you're going like "wtf spife?" and laughing at me, and not with me :bee:
Axel: always fun hanging out with you and sexy but we didn't play :(
Sexy: always fun haning out with you and sexy (wat?) but we DID play and wat at young link >.>
Spawn: shekku doubles are NOT kawaiiii -.- what evasss
Noodles: your fox is funnnn lul, you should enter one of these tournements some time though haha
Twebb: Doubles was fun and yeah yeah yeah we should team team team sometime, we gotta practice though casue I suck at doubles :dizzy:

while writing these I realized I say some things and I just wanted to clarify: I don't think I ever dislike playing friendlies/people so if that wasn't in your shout out it's not personnel, it's just assumed. Same goes for seeing/hanging out.

heheh im surprised you didnt mention bout that combo i did ;) good **** ! keep it up nd we def need to play more

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Names of Players in teams?
1. The Brothers- Jman and Alukard I think
2. XVariable - G$ and Hax
3. Something Good- Zoso and Thorn
4. Daft Punk Still Got It- Swift and Eggm I think
5. Smooth Stunnas- Jam and JV
5. TSA Idaho- Trademark and Mogwai
7. Triforce of ****- Spife and Kyu Puff
7. Turnip and Needle Salad- Banks and Solar
9. Adventures in the Dark Black Forest- DQ'd, never played
9. Team Marlboro- The Vermont Guys
9. Milk Was a Bad Choice- Bolt and Cam


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
wtf Jam change your name back

I was looking for this thread and couldn't find it forever

next time make it on a saturday :( my sundays suck


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
25. Dark Dragoon: we talked a few times but I don't think I formally introduced myself, I was the guy in the ****ING AWESOME LEMUR HAT! :D

Dark Dragoon - I'm the best Mewtwo in CT, SUCK IT! Nice to finally play you Nick, your Mewtwo is legit, but that's like winning the special Olympics.
>:O We'll have to keep redoing the "Best Mewtwo in CT" Sets everytime we're at a tournament together.
>3>; I choke a lot too.

25. Dark Dragoon - your equal to me ='/ i'm sorry
DX I played Mewtwo. No johns.
Also, are you the WPI Hoggle? >_> If so we'll totally get carpooling and **** done to go places.

Also: I got kicked off my school internet, and thanks to my desktop having a secondary ethernet port, I've managed to rig it onto the internet again. However, my laptop is still offline, and will remain that way until Thursday night, when I will start uploading. I'll try to remember as many of the matches as I can, but since I wasn't there the entire time, I wouldn't mind people helping me out with the labels and junk ;P.

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
Well i won my mewtwo set with DarkDragoon so whats that make me lol......i just need to beat Mogwai
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