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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th

Kit Cal-N

Smash Ace
May 11, 2005
St Louis, MO
I vote for the 15th.

They're different games, man. They're played differently. It's like telling anyone to play a different game instead of what they do. You like Mario Kart? You should play F-Zero. Bomberman? Starcraft.
Melee is, hands down, a deeper game. Brawl is new, though. It's easier to find new people interested, it's easier to teach new people to play, and it's easier to show them it's fun. You can't have lazy, time-killing games of Melee. All my friends stopped playing because I was better* and they couldn't catch up. I am extremely thankful for Brawl because I can have people over and goof around. Sure, I win, but they have fun.
*not saying I was great at Melee, but solid enough to not lose to non-competitive
So, I play Brawl because it's easier to play a game of Brawl.

All this assumes you have friends outside this site, though.


Smash Cadet
May 21, 2008
I vote 15th. I'll punt a baby to make it there if you do it then. At least then I can give people money that I certainly don't need, and get ***** in half by brawl/melee players of considerably superior skill, hopefully making me better in the process.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
I vote for the 15th.

They're different games, man. They're played differently. It's like telling anyone to play a different game instead of what they do. You like Mario Kart? You should play F-Zero. Bomberman? Starcraft.
Melee is, hands down, a deeper game. Brawl is new, though. It's easier to find new people interested, it's easier to teach new people to play, and it's easier to show them it's fun. You can't have lazy, time-killing games of Melee. All my friends stopped playing because I was better* and they couldn't catch up. I am extremely thankful for Brawl because I can have people over and goof around. Sure, I win, but they have fun.
*not saying I was great at Melee, but solid enough to not lose to non-competitive
So, I play Brawl because it's easier to play a game of Brawl.

All this assumes you have friends outside this site, though.
lolwut? I don't think so.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
So, me, Jordan, and Kit were thinking about having a tournament down in Missouri on the 15th or 22nd (whichever day Joker doesn't use). Anyone here interested? I know a couple of Ames guys said they might like to come. Anyway, Kirksville is about 2.5 hours from Des Moines, and gas is pretty cheap right now, so it should cost like $7 or so if you get four people in a car. Nebraska is a bit farther away (3.5 hours maybe?), so that's a little more expensive, but you guys should still come. In the past when we've had tournaments we've gotten 20-30 people from the school to show up, and we'll try to get some scrubs from Columbia to come. Considering that only about four or five of us are actually decent, that's a lot of money for you guys to take if you can win. The problem is I don't know if teh n00bz are willing to pay $10 to enter, so we might set the fee at $5. Anyway, Kit and Jordan both have houses, so you guys can sleep on their floors if you need to. Sound fun?

Oh, and I had a lot of fun at Joker's, even if I still failed to win a round (though it was really close against David).

JLO, thanks for letting me play your Peach a little. You're probably right that I should find a counter for her, but I'm gonna take the fact that I won our last game as a sign that I should just stick with Olimar. Maybe...

DGUS, I don't know if you're on Smashboards, but thanks for being my partner. Even if we did suck, I think we had Joker sweating in our second game with him. I think that you should focus on tilts, grabs, and b-airs (especially b-airs --- DK's b-air is fantastic) and stay away from the smashes and your DK would probably get a lot better. Keep practicing.

David, thanks for the good matches (I was the Olimar). I was sure I was going to win... until things started going boom a lot and you came back big time. Friendlies weren't so close... but they were still fun.

Razor, I need to learn more than one character so that I can Razor challenge properly...

Everyone that went to Hardee's (sp?), you guys were fun; gg at being fun.

Everyone else, good job for being there, I guess. Unless you weren't there. In that case, you suck (Tyser).


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
I think this Tourney might go on a 2 month hiatus. Many holidays are coming up and peeps might want to be with there families. I guess expect bigger turnouts around Jan. - Feb. '09.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 16, 2008
Ames, Iowa
w month? aww that sucks. Why not have the next one early December. That way we avoid the thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. And then another at the end of people's winter breaks


Smash Ace
Feb 11, 2007
Des Moines, IA
I haven't heard joker say anything about taking a 2 month break, news to me.

Either way i wanna bring up an issue about garbage after tournaments. I know its unrealistic to ask for there not to be garbage after this kinda of event but the amount that is being left still is pretty stupid. Especially as there is a garbage can in the corner (next to the computer) and one outside. There shouldn't be so much fastfood bags and pop cans all over the place.

It pissed me of that someone left garbage on top of the gas furnace. This is just plain moronic for obvious reasons.

shoutouts: nice games etc

Also take this brawl vs melee s hit out of this thread, people will play competitively which ever childrens party game they choose to.


Smash Champion
May 18, 2008
OMAHA, Nebraska
Melee > Brawl. Last time Ill say this for a little bit (few hours). Anyways, people who left garbage are assholes.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
I haven't heard joker say anything about taking a 2 month break, news to me.

Either way i wanna bring up an issue about garbage after tournaments. I know its unrealistic to ask for there not to be garbage after this kinda of event but the amount that is being left still is pretty stupid. Especially as there is a garbage can in the corner (next to the computer) and one outside. There shouldn't be so much fastfood bags and pop cans all over the place.

It pissed me of that someone left garbage on top of the gas furnace. This is just plain moronic for obvious reasons.

shoutouts: nice games etc

Also take this brawl vs melee s hit out of this thread, people will play competitively which ever childrens party game they choose to.
No. I'm just assuming.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
I can't be at the 15th until late anyways, so I would say another day. I personally didn't have any garbage to leave but I agree that is ridiculous. Joker and Bone are nice enough to house the tourney so people need to respect them and clean up after themselves.

Thanks to everyone who played me in the Razor Challenge, I expect everyone who played me to play me again next tourney. And a few more as well.

Whats going on this weekend for smash?

JBM falcon08

Smash Master
Jan 24, 2006
glenwood iowa
i honestly didn't bring anything in but my controller, so i don't think NE brought anything in even smeesh. not that it matters at all.

people have some common coutesy.

Proficient (-BC-)

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
Looks to me like the 22nd would be best for most.

Oh and Kudo, u guys arent makin it to state finals sry ;) The 22nd should be ok for u as well!

GGs today Captain Love! Got ***** in Melee... Then u got ***** in Brawl... As in 3 stock LOL WUT

After losing to u in Melee tho i think imma look to get better... We got done playin both and Melee is just too fun... Gotta love fast paced games.



Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Looks to me like the 22nd would be best for most.

Oh and Kudo, u guys arent makin it to state finals sry ;) The 22nd should be ok for u as well!

GGs today Captain Love! Got ***** in Melee... Then u got ***** in Brawl... As in 3 stock LOL WUT

After losing to u in Melee tho i think imma look to get better... We got done playin both and Melee is just too fun... Gotta love fast paced games.

Hey man, I got the Ken Combo on you in Brawl with Ike. That's all that matters to me. Lol. Anyways hope you come over Friday man. We gonna do some serious training.

Proficient (-BC-)

Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2007
Ankeny, Iowa
Hey man, I got the Ken Combo on you in Brawl with Ike. That's all that matters to me. Lol. Anyways hope you come over Friday man. We gonna do some serious training.
Man... CBK works till 10pm friday night and works at 10am saturday morning... WTF...

good shiit BC!
Yea i know... But wow... L Cancelling is pissing the **** out of me... Its so frustrating yet it should be so easy...



Smash Journeyman
Sep 16, 2007
Kirksville, MO
good tournament guys. had a great time playing with everyone so my shoutouts are to everyone. thanks for being fun and stuff.

thanks joker and bone for another great tourny. sorry if it was left messy, i probably left a can or something around, so sorry for that.

ooh and we won doubles so that was cool. it was really freaking intense though, and a lot of fun. so good games everyone.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
shoot, im pretty bad at melee and i dont even kno why i still try, i just sandbag most of the time
you pooped on my dr. mario lol, ever since brawl my reflexes have gone to **** and i don't have any muscle memory left from melee lol, its like relearning it all over again, i was ****ing up WAVEDASHING i mean jesus i suck, im gonna get some practice in beating up on my lil bro tho, so maybe i'll be a little better next time around.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
I think I'm getting some of my Melee skills back, specially with Link and Marth, but I don't know if i should bother relearning or practice some more in Melee, however I think I just may since I do like playing against all the NE ppl.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Joker, you should definitely keep your Melee skills up to date. I was very impressed by your Link. Low tiers ftw...
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