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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Yeah these major tournies coming up are the reason I'll be playing this game so much. I'll be saving money for both, if I have to pay for all the gas myself I might just do that.

While I am salty, people really are no slouch in this game. There was talent everywhere enough to make anyone scared, what you see on stream is only the end of the gauntlet. Hearts are broken way before when you consider a massive 320 man bracket.

Evo is not out of the question.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
blank i saw you on the streammm. you should have dressed up like a girl!!! i suck at marvel but play it yo! someone teach me zero ammy and tron stuff!


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
I got a lot of compliments like "Best Ammy I've seen," "Fanciest Dante combos"and "You're the best I've seen in this pool, you should make it through losers easy." But of course, after you lose one match you should've won its already a bad omen.
Yeah I like your Ammy it's more fancy you do all this crazy stuff and I'm all like WHAT all the other ones I see they just spam forward C I think it is that disk thing point being I guess it gets the job done since JWong uses that combo it's simple so yeah which is also the way I think about Dante a lot of people do this fancy combo but really you can do a short version and do just about the same damage I'm still learning some fancy ones that Blank thought me cause why not he's taking the time to teach so I'll try learning them ^.^

You guys in Des Moines are very privileged-- don't waste this resource (Joker).
Luckily for Blank he happen to be up there when that tourney was happening otherwise I don't think he could have made it. And just like Brawl we like to attend big tourneys but no one ever wants to drive to them >.<

Also sad thing is that when Blank comes back we can't play Marvel for like 2 months or so IF that maybe when Greg comes over or we go to his place but right now my PS3 is pretty much dead so yeah had a good 5 year run T.T

blank i saw you on the streammm.
Wait what man I was watching it pretty much all day but when I stop he shows up WTF.
Tomorrow I'm calling you Blank to get you on stream even if not to play just to wave your hands in the air FACK IT call me if you're going to play someone on the stream >.0

Which speaking of the stream someone mention this and I lol XD


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Thanks for the B-Day wishes guys! I got destroyed last night. 2 Boots will do that to you. Lol. Probably will stop over later.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Just think Christian, when i get back i will have a vehicle and i love driving to tournies. Imagine the possibilities.
This is true ^.^

So my computer is so awesome it decided to double post on its own.
How awesome SO AWESOME >.<

I don't know what you're talking about, Joker :D
Just saying that Jwong uses that combo along with other top players so then you know you're doing it right. I'm pretty sure that once people saw Blanks Ammy they where like "She can do that? 0.0"


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD
i was in Omaha this weekend and the drive wasn't too bad so I'll come see you guys if you play there in the future

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Ryan hunter also runs Ammy but also uses only reflector and cold star, I'm the only Ammy I saw who pretty much primarily ran Glaive for both approaching and the instant overhead setups. Pretty much everyone who played me was like "I like your dog I had no idea how to deal with it no one plays her that way."

I didn't make it on stream because JAYFORD came way too late and I didn't have two people to enter teams with. Otherwise I would've been on that for sure. Other then that my pool started early so none of its matches were on stream either. I did get to MM jwong (read: get bodied) today, I'm the only one he used his main team on if that means anything. I was just like "Yo all I got is 20s just take it LOL" but he was nice and gave me 10 bucks back and told me he liked my team. I tried to say "Can I use this 10 dollars for another MM?" but I don't think he heard me and I was his last atm and I had to go so I'll have to run it back with him some other time.

330+ people entered, it was easily the biggest FR they've had. I hope this isn't the last major thats this hype.

Theres a lot I need to implement when I get home. My only regret is being down here in GA on vacation meant I didn't get as much play leading up to FR as I wanted.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
blank i saw you on the streammm. you should have dressed up like a girl!!! i suck at marvel but play it yo! someone teach me zero ammy and tron stuff!
Yo everyone laughed at me when we drove in. The valet came up to us and was like "Do you need to park the car? Or are you just dropping off the young lady?"

Your team is good, just run Cold star assist and Tron Gustaff Fire and your Zero should keep people down easy. Shippuga assist with clones is also gdlk.

Jayford drove like 10 hours down here to take a nap. Bro you left me hanging so bad and I even told you "I wanna go out to eat after our pools is done." Shoulda gave me your phone number.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
MvC3 is the best game to watch when Jwong plays. X-Factor is still fucking ******** though.
Quit complaining scrub. ^_^

Jwong needs to steal some of my Ammy tech.

The person I had the most fun watching was actually FlashMetroid's Viewtiful Joe. Marn's Zero is also cool but he got random'd out really hard in casuals. (Even Jay beat him lol)


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
^This logic confounds me.
^o^ oh, silly.
Let's do more games, Cedar Rapids. I wanna brush up on my BB and Marvel... and Brawl and Melee

ngamer is totally better than me at everything including life ^o^
melee buddy : D
the only reason I was able to beat you at all was because I got lucky supers on your Chun-Li which is probably your best character. Have you learned any Storm combos yet?


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
My logic is fuckin sexy. And serious, if it ain't Justin it's not even enjoyable. Although, Marn was pretty epic to watch. He got bodied to the extreme and it was funny. Those gay X-Factor comebacks were somewhat entertaining despite how fucking stupid they were. Combofiend is a beast too, but yeah, if it's not Justin it's done :D

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
My logic is fuckin sexy. And serious, if it ain't Justin it's not even enjoyable. Although, Marn was pretty epic to watch. He got bodied to the extreme and it was funny. Those gay X-Factor comebacks were somewhat entertaining despite how fucking stupid they were. Combofiend is a beast too, but yeah, if it's not Justin it's done :D
You don't even know whats going on, get buck over something else Soran.

I won't be back for a while unfortunately, so I won't make the Cedar Rapids tourney. It sucks to hear Joker's PS3 broke but I'll be buying multi-console sticks so hopefully everyone else can make some adjustments and we can play on 360.


Smash Lord
Aug 2, 2010
Des Moines, IA
So.. I think I'm going to set aside 20 bucks for money matches at WHOBO. I want to get some good MU exp.

Now who to challenge....... Any suggestions :D?


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
So if its kool with everyone i would like to have the next monthly over here at my place. Already talked it over with Joker and he seems ok. Its only like an 18 hour flight, and you may want to bring a gun and some ballistic armor. See you all soon!!!

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I'll fight you both at Peek's monthly. Trench warfare only, Vets Roast Warzone LETS GO-

After we done we MIGHT play marvel considering you guys still have your fingers.

People can like watching things where they don't know whats going on, you just call that ignorance. :D

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Is that why you failed to stop playing smash so many times now? How can you know jack **** when you keep playing a kids game? :3

Yo Jay was talking to Marn about how good smash is, you know what he said?

"Oh my niece plays smash, that game is ***."

Get at a real game kid, and stop "Being 30 playing smash in your mom's basement" LOL where you at mjg!?

Also Jay's arcade stick was hilarious.

EDIT: http://vimeo.com/21020148 This is proly how me and Tyser would go, i'd be the one with the brooklyn accent.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
I'll fight you both at Peek's monthly. Trench warfare only, Vets Roast Warzone LETS GO-

After we done we MIGHT play marvel considering you guys still have your fingers.

People can like watching things where they don't know whats going on, you just call that ignorance. :D
I think I have more of an idea of what kind of person you are...

stop it.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
so you're not saying you hate on people for enjoying things they don't understand?

I'm saying you're hating on them because you're calling someone ignorant. Show me a situation in which someone calls someone ignorant in which they are not trying to insult.

but we're buddies so it's all good <3

p.s. Gundam is so much better than all these games >; D
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