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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@Off topic/Pound 5

This is a quote of Pierce7d's post in the Pound 5 thread.....

"I fear the effect this will have on the community at large.

On one hand, a man's word is his honor, and Plank should work to pay all he promised. He took the chance, miscalculated, made a poor investment, and now others suffer because they trusted his word. He himself admitted to not telling us about the problem before the event, but we had a right to know. We were invited to Pound on false pretenses and charged to come. Essentially, that is lying and stealing.

I certainly do not blame Plank alone in this, but truth be told, he messed up. Even more dishonorable is him leaving a blanket post saying sorry to all. I do not need apologizing to, my own coffers are unaffected. If Plank was truly sorry for anyone but himself, he would apologize to each winner personally. Instead, he has chosen to flee because he can't bear the shame? I have no respect for such cowardice.

However, one thing I will grant is that Plank repeated his wished that we abide by the rules to have only 4 people to a hotel room MANY TIMES over. For this reason, I cannot truthfully cast curses on Plank for his actions. If people were not willing to acquiesce to his request, then we should be expecting such consequences. Plank's own pocket was hurt because people did not obey his conditions. National tournaments cannot expect to be run smoothly if people aren't willing to pay their share. Based on Plank's explanation, those who were ****ed out of money were because of debts to the hotel. Had people all stuck to 4 in a room, then the room quota would've been fulfilled, and this would not have been an issue. If we as a community (and I say we, because I'm certainly guilty of staying in a room with many people) weren't willing to do this, simply protesting would've been better than sneaking many people into one room. This is also lying and stealing.

While I think Plank's expectation to have hundreds of Smashers break their tradition of cramming many people into few hotel rooms to save money is unrealistic, it is still our fault as well. I hope from this that we ALL (Plank and the entirety of the Smash Community) realize the merits of honesty. Now, many people will have to suffer due to the lack of integrity of us all, and hence we have all harmed each other.

I do feel that we can grow from this and move forwards, and everyone takes their own valuable lesson from Pound V. I certainly had a good time, and my condolences go out to all of those who have lost money, especially those who traveled from far."

I think Pierce7d did a fantastic job of clarifying the situation that went down at Pound 5. His judgment and wisdom is spot on.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
Sent is easy mode lol. People just don't know how to fight him.

1.) Block and don't try and beat him in the air when he is under you.
2.) Instant overheads. He loves being in the corner so you have to abuse the crap out of that.

Blank: I don't think we'll have any room in the hotel room because we are already cramming 8 people in one room lmao. Also, I dunno if anyone will have a set up.

I got 2nd at the Purdue / Indy Rambat yesterday tho :D. Lost to the person I put into losers in grand finals loooool
Thanks for telling us stuff any not ******** person already knows, besides that-- good job not being a total scrub and getting 2nd! - Did you lose to John or what?

It's getting close enough to sentinel to apply serious rushdown is the problem. Obviously, assists are the ideal tools, but if you're one on one, I have no idea what you do outside of praying.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
@Tyser: Hahaha...i was keeping up with it until i found the 42 page thread devoted to it...ummm...i'll take my time reading that :)

Edit: So I asked Mrs. PCity...she had an interesting analysis. She says that the players do in fact have a claim, because there was a contract involved. They can sue under a breach of contract claim. The agreement was contracted into when the players handed over their money. Each player entered into the tourney expecting an opportunity to win a payout, and had they known there would be no pay out they may not have entered. Also, the T.O. implied that there would be payouts. Therefore payouts were explicit parts of the contract. They have grounds to sue based on that. Here is the twist. Plank has a counterclaim against ALL the people who went to Pound V that bunched up in multiple rooms. If Peirce7d was right and Plank did tell them multiple times to not bunch up in rooms, then based on the assumption that players know how tournaments are organized (which most smashers do) he has a right to claim suit. In essence the players know full well that their actions affect the tournament organizer. So since Plank told them that he wanted them 4 to a room, AND players still bunched up in a room knowing that it would affect the T.O.'s expenses, he has a right to counter sue them. They in essence were trying to get higher payouts by lowering their own expenses. Pretty interesting.

TL:DR - Pierce7d was right. Plank broke the contract and the smashers broke their end of the contract. Both sides can be sued. She said she suspects the judge would just throw the case out and everyone would eat the losses they incurred.

Edit: I forgot to add her disclaimer (LOL): "This does not constitute legal advise. Please consult a lawyer before taking any legal action."

@Joker: I might show up today, might not. I'm not coming Thursday, though. Date night with the missus. Um also Joker congratulations. Apparently you are the 150th ranked Smasher in America :-D


Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Sent is easy mode lol. People just don't know how to fight him.

1.) Block and don't try and beat him in the air when he is under you.
2.) Instant overheads. He loves being in the corner so you have to abuse the crap out of that.

Blank: I don't think we'll have any room in the hotel room because we are already cramming 8 people in one room lmao. Also, I dunno if anyone will have a set up.

I got 2nd at the Purdue / Indy Rambat yesterday tho :D. Lost to the person I put into losers in grand finals loooool
Alright sounds fine lol. Hopefully there are some setups though. Preferably PS3.

Sentinel has a lot more dumb stuff to him, with invul supers up the butt that lead into massive damage from anywhere. Hes generally not played to his gayest yet, but im sure he will be. Hes probably not broken, just easy to play.

The better advice would be that most of his moves are punishable via 1-frame throw, and the way the game's throw protection, pushblock and whiff cancels work, you can really abuse this to punish his slow normals or take him out of the air.

We are re-living the melee players feel "obligated" to trash the new game of brawl episode of smashboards.

I will ask the same question I asked then. Why? If you don't like or play it ok, that is fine for you. Now leave it alone for everyone else. It makes no difference to anyone else if someone else plays or enjoys a new game.

Done and Done.
That video was just being real, and its kinda true. Sanford and most people would be mad at the game, because they aren't good at it yet. People who are newer, play newer fighters, the way information travels easier and things that get discovered are spread, having no life gets you ahead of the comp. In all fairness, mvc2 isn't as hard as a lot of people like to say, its just like any other hardcore old game where the experience and competition have been playing so long with each other it daunts newcomers.

A lot of it is also the 09'er hate, and the true fact that mainstream games appeals more to casuals. Even if Sanford decided to get good at the game, there would probably be a point where he likes it too, because as he said "You only like this game because you're good at it."

All fighting games are *** in some way, but you can immerse yourself in Marvel information for days, probably find competition wherever, its just easier to get salty playing people who know how to make you bleed off random hits even if they don't really know how or what they're doing. The transparent information hidden within fighters becomes....transparent.

As far as I've seen though, I don't think anyone is really stepping up for the game to much of its fullest. Even some of the best are still going for cheese wins, thats just how it will be for now.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2010
Thanks for telling us stuff any not ******** person already knows, besides that-- good job not being a total scrub and getting 2nd! - Did you lose to John or what?

It's getting close enough to sentinel to apply serious rushdown is the problem. Obviously, assists are the ideal tools, but if you're one on one, I have no idea what you do outside of praying.
Play Ammy.

Triple R

Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2009
Hopkins, MN
So this is the closest I could get to an Iowa social thread, hope it's a good place.

Hey guys, I know you've all been having the urge to finally go to a MN tourney, and now's your chance!

April 2nd-3rd Combo Breaker will be taking place up in the Twin Cities. If you've ever been to a Raging Storm Tourney, it's a very similar feel: smash plus tons of other games.

If you're interested here's the thread link: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=297898
Also there is an official page up with great information already on it: http://gngchampionships.com/

If that's not enough, there's already a $100 pot bonus for both Melee and Brawl singles.

I never get to see Iowa enough, so I hope you guys can make it.


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
wholey Blaz, I love this game. I think I'm going to focus more on BlazBlue than Marvel.
I feel like people complain about Marvel too much. I think people just need to get use to it. But combos ARE easy as nut. If I can make up my own combos (after seeing samples of bnb) I think it's a little too easy. Some things take hardcore execution though, I won't lie. *watches more desk*

unless you've been watching more videos from blazblueconr, here is another awesome match, ngamer


Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
You're a scrub if you think the execution of combos makes a game. People are still going for cheese in marvel because its NEW, people will just go for whats easy first until they find out how much more potential doing otherwise brings.

Blazblue is a bad game. Fish for random hits all day, make people bleed for hours, turtle for long periods of time because theres almost no reason not to specially if your character is bad, subsequently end up picking a better and more frustrating character. Also you could at least watch better videos that show how much more dumb litchi and bang really are.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
When I have a PS2 and can actually play the game again.

Otherwise you'll have to bring yours lol. Or I have to go over there.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 26, 2010
You're a scrub if you think the execution of combos makes a game. People are still going for cheese in marvel because its NEW, people will just go for whats easy first until they find out how much more potential doing otherwise brings.

Blazblue is a bad game. Fish for random hits all day, make people bleed for hours, turtle for long periods of time because theres almost no reason not to specially if your character is bad, subsequently end up picking a better and more frustrating character. Also you could at least watch better videos that show how much more dumb litchi and bang really are.

Pretty sure JWong showed everyone up by rocking them with random teams twice now.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Pretty sure JWong showed everyone up by rocking them with random teams twice now.
I believe he has 3 now

Wolverine, Storm and Akuma
She Hulk, Ammy and Tron
Zero, Felicia and Dr.Doom

Hello Iowa/Nebraska, i finally got my new compy. Im sure less than 1 person cares anyway. So those very few people who care i can now communicat more often.
I care <3

@Blank: If I known you where going to that tourney I will have had you take my shirt to have people sign it >.<


Smash Ace
Aug 2, 2010
Side 7, IA
You're a scrub if you think the execution of combos makes a game. People are still going for cheese in marvel because its NEW, people will just go for whats easy first until they find out how much more potential doing otherwise brings.

Blazblue is a bad game. Fish for random hits all day, make people bleed for hours, turtle for long periods of time because theres almost no reason not to specially if your character is bad, subsequently end up picking a better and more frustrating character. Also you could at least watch better videos that show how much more dumb litchi and bang really are.

you fonny~!

if this counts as Bang being gay. *sigh* if only he did B fubuki -.-


@ngamer, good Tsubaki match: http://youtube.com/watch?v=8z3BxmV_U5U

and since that Jin is the same Jin getting handed, here's a video showing that he isn't some scrub Jin.

(Zakiyama is/was one of the top Haz users. I think Buppa is top)

Somemore Jin combos you may have/have not seen. I'm just going through my playlist for awesome Hiroshi videos.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=5WSqe2vfdow freaking Hiroshi, man!!!! gdlk


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
Happy Birfday Greg
Your one year older, one year wiser.
Rock n' Roll star king czar and a kaiser.
A room full of friends, a mouth full of cake.
Every present is for you and it feels pretty great.
Youre the man of the hour, the V.I.P.
You get the first slice of the p.i.e.
But first blow out the candles and make a wish.
Put a smile on cus it's your birthday *****!

So is MvC3 the side tourney game now?

Also I don't think Blank made it out of the 1st set of pools for Marvel o.0

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Yeah only top 2 make it out of each pool, I think I got...top 8 or so in my pool. There were about 300 attendants, and half as many entered tekken lol. Each pool had I think...a 32 or 64 man bracket? Not totally sure but the guy said 320 entrants and the room really felt that way. I could barely move from the marvel setup to the melty setup, so I gave up on doing anything with melty.

I played a lot of good players, and the pools were really stacked. I felt bad because I lost to two people I really shouldn't have. I choked pretty hard for my first major. I got a lot of compliments like "Best Ammy I've seen," "Fanciest Dante combos"and "You're the best I've seen in this pool, you should make it through losers easy." But of course, after you lose one match you should've won its already a bad omen.

I'm not quite the tourney player yet, I kinda got random'd out pretty hard, which is pretty bad if you want to play a game like marvel. Oh well, there really was a lot of starshock here. I really can't list all the big name players I saw and played, there were just too many. I got a ton of exp, and it kinda showed me how the future of this game may be rolling out at tourneys later. When I get home I have a lot to show you guys. There was a lot of random **** that I learned that will proly help the chars you play.

EDIT: This won't be my last major. I could get used to this.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Des Moines, IA
Hey man, you came, you saw, you played!

Still, good stuff dude-- I admire your drive. Although, I kind of expected this result. Man, I really want to play you again. You guys in Des Moines are very privileged-- don't waste this resource (Joker).

Jay, wtf.

We got to go to Raging Storm and UFGT together dude, EVO?
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