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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
Its pretty hawt! Iowa is coming to Nebraska on Wednesday for your B-Day. :chuckle:

Edit: Give me some criticism. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2uh533_Enk
You might have tried to hard, if you know what i mean. I mean, sounded a bit too fake. When you do it as a joke it sounded better, but that could just be youtube i guess. Get at me IRL and i can explain better lol.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Who has even heard my Hentai Voice? I know what you mean Peeks. I was reading a quote which probably made it sound like what it is on Youtube.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD

Razor+Cook - Gayest, campiest team I have ever fought. Nice shutdown, we couldn't catch or put the hurt on either you. God that's infuriating.

Domo+Steeler - Nice matches. I'll second PCity in apologizing for any trash talking. Steeler your Wario is good but you need to do more crazy unpredictable stuff like tire juggling :p

Mr. Doom + Holmes - Wow I had no idea an MK Pit team would shut me down so effectively. Nice job

Moe+Near - It was nice playing you guys. I love seeing toon link played, trying to get mine as good as your, Near. Sorry for any trash talk mid match, we get carried away.

Smeesh - good games. camp more and you'll beat the hell out of Wario

Mduo - stick with Metaknight. jk Luigi did pretty well

Razor and Joker - oh sure of course you guys will beat me and put me out of my last tourney. Jerks.

Debo - Work on your setups for kills and you'll easily get me next time.

Good seeing everyone, I'll let you know the next time I'll be around for one of these. I'll probably be terrible next time. :(

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
I made it back in one piece! Here I was concerned about weather going to the tournament.

Blank your Ai-Chan was so beast. I have to learn how to block in that game. Good stuff. Better team synergy will make you unbeatable. Roll would be awesome. You could probably do some creative stuff with her and be just as annoying with her nonexistent hitbox. Her assist is one of the best.

Oh yeah, I played Smash too. Thanks for hosting Joker.
Yeah, my team's synergy is pretty terrible. I love both those characters but there are definitely better compliments to Ai-chan. Roll is pretty neat and all, but I don't like the sound of TWO glass cannons. I was actually thinking Polimar. Not only can he setup for an unblockable (Ai-chan's charged 2C/5C) but if I call him during that cross-under I've got a safe gimmick and lots of nice frame traps and other funny things I can do. Only thing is I have no idea how to play Polimar really lol, but I guess that didn't stop me with Saki.

Also Roll and Ai-chan would not be the ideal Team Flat-chest, I would feel gimped without Komugi. T_T

Anyways thanks for the games after the tourney. I didn't really play during the day, getting my smash fix and all. Glad you got home safe.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
I'm not going to lie I enjoy playing Melee however it may had cost me ^.^


1: Nappy - Congrats man and yeah we didn't got to play but at least Snake won right XD
2: Domo - I'm sorry man I told you we should have been grand finals but fail blame Zeton J/K
3: Zeton - We need to team more ofter that **** was fun also what happen to Falcon you ran from me >.0
4: Clel - 255% WTF that Marth is scary good.
5: Minnesota Moe - I'm sorry we couldn't do our mm but I was having too much fun playing Melee and TvC.
5: Holms - I never saw you using one char is like what good stuff though.
7: Joker - I know Melee was fun and all but don't play it while still in the tourney.
7: Razor - Dauum man we need to bring back Why So Serious?
9: Nicole - Hey don't feel bad about doubles you did everything you could I ain't mad and I would team with you any time specially out of state since Razor doesn't trouble <(^.^<)
9: Trent - Glad you could make it unlike SOMEONE >.> Silver
9: Mr. Doom - We didn't play but its still nice talking to you
9: Andy - Congrats on the job IA lost a hell of a player but do drop by every once in a while.
13: Shane - Always a pleasure seeing you guys come down more ofter for games ^.^
13: Breezy - I wanted to play my Falcon against your Ganon although I'm pretty sure it will get ***** T.T
13: Cook - Good stuff in doubles I thought you guys where going to take teams but nooooooooo >.<
13: Bolt - Your Falco improves everytime I see it keep it up.
17: Near - GGs man
17: Ngamer - You should come down some time play some TvC I'm pretty sure Kamig and a few others will show if you give us a heads up also some Brawl.
17: Steeler - I finally played you sure it was on crews but still gg man.
17: Greg Dang - And so it begins your voice acting career ^.^
17: Skyzim - Thanks for the drinks.
17: Ptato - Where you at I heard you where sleeping what's up with that but naw man is kool specially if you had to work
17: Mduo - FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF you leaving us too man another good player :cry:
25: Peeks - Peeks Inc. will take off give it time ^.^
25: Blank - Good stuff in TvC my son
25: Mushrooming - Is like the one time you show up weather has to fack it up and make it so we couldn't battle T.T
25: Bone - Hope you had a safe trip back to Texas man go where is warmer cause Iowa is freezing >.<
33: Rising Tide and bros - Hope you guys had fun in your first tourney and hopefully you can make it to future ones.
33: r0ng - I can't thank you enough for helping me with brackets it made it ezier and less stressful >.0

Mexi: Always a pleasure seeing you and talking about MKvsDC makes me want to play it

Smeesh: Awesome Melee matches specially cause Dream Land is the BEST STAGE EEEEEEEEEEVER!!!

King Majik *****in: You are a trip is like everytime I talk to you I just laugh of the ridiculous stuff I needz to play you in Melee too.

Echo: You are lucky I'm a n00b and suck at counter picking >.< but naw man some epic matches mainly cause I got combo to **** T.T

JBM: I was coming for you give you back those nightmares you had forgotten of my Link XP
Also sorry guys my heater sucks and it keeps breaking down so I'm really sorry it was cold.

Rest of NE: Hope you guys had a safe trip and I'll probably enter Melee again next time I go to Omaha.

Anyone else I forgot gg.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
tyser been bored lately apparently
that sig however could be the best sig in the world
if yink CAN beat it idk what to say

also my marth is better looking :3


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD
Hahahaha...nice way to put it mildly :)
...yeah there's just something about fighting 4 teams with meatknights on em that makes me wanna talk trash.

I got carried away in singles too. Yelled out "Kobe!" when I hit a waft+doublejump+upair off the top on Smeesh at pretty low percentage. He had to be at 50 before the waft. I forgot to save it.

I made it a point to kill people with my tire juggle combos too (specifically Debo because he wanted to laser camp me)


Smash Champion
Apr 26, 2007
New York, NY
1: Nappy Grats on first! I don't think I've ever played you before..

2: Domo I was watching grand finals the entire time, was pullin' for ya! Grats on second, and thanks for the MK advise.

3: Zeton You're too awesome. Thanks for helping me get my spirit back after losing my first round, Sonic+Fox double friendlies were way too fun and self-hyped. I'M COMING TO KANSAS TO PRACTICE!!!
Not really.. maybe.

4: Clel Got a sick Marth there, I remember when I first played you at NK2 and you obliterated me. I feel better now from our crew battle that I went even footing with you. See ya whenevs!

5: Minnesota Moe Kicking me to losers and kicking me out of the tourney. Wtf mang, naw that's how tourney's go, I'm taking the whole "Play your own style" sentence to heart.

5: Holms Man **** your Wolf. I hate fighting Wolf. You're cool though.

7: Joker It seems we never play each other any more, thanks for hosting and what not. See ya at Sherman's!

7: Razor I'm-a beat your Dedede once I learn not to get grabbed, watch out. Thanks for the friendlies and good seeing you again.

9: Nicole Your matches with Joker were hyped, good seeing you again. We never did our routine Sonic v Peach 8 hour fight.

9: Trent I'm so cool I left myself a shout out. Blue streak, speeds by.. :sonic:

9: Mr. Doom I really wanted to fight you in crews, **** you guys and sending you out first.

9: Andy Good luck with your new job, you better keep in touch with the tourneys and come by every now and then. I shoulda played you before you left.

13: Breezy Your Ganon scares the crap out of me. WHY DON'T YOU EVER APPROACH?!?! :( GGs though, were REALLY close.

13: Cook Quit playing MK **** it. Oli's where it's at. Nice seeing you again and hope to see you at NK3!

13: Bolt Didn't get to play you. Nice seeing you again, and I WILL BUY THAT SHIRT some day..

17: Steeler Our matches were SO ****ing close. Just because of that first match that could have been anyone's game. It was cool to play your PT. GGs and what not!

17: Greg Dang Thanks for housing me and the other Nebraskans, Mario Party and Power Rangers were the ****.

17: Skyzim Mario Party was EPIC. Good seeing ya again!

17: Ptato I think I talked to you, like once? Not even? Wtf you at?

17: Mduo Have fun in China talking china-ese and what not. Hope it all goes well for you.

25: Peeks Good seeing you again.

25: Blank Doubles were epic. How did we almost beat Zeton/Clel? Sorry my fanboy rage was pretty high, but BELIEVE IN SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 4!!!! Too fast, for the naked eye... :sonic:

25: Mushrooming Man you slept the entire trip, screw your school stuff and whatever it is, you should continue to come to tournaments mang! You and Blank are my boiz. :( :sonic:, he can really move, :sonic:, he's got an attitude, :sonic:, HE'S THE FASTEST THING ALLIIIII-EEE-IIIIVVE...

25: Bone Good seeing you again.

33: r0ng **** Connor's work, you shoulda stayed all night. I only come up like once a month! Good seeing you again regardless, don't let Brawl bum you down, all right?

Tyser You're such a troll. We should hang more. HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY.
Yulai Always a pleasure to hang with you, you're a pretty c001 guyz.
Dekline ****ING CARNIVAL LEVEL IN ****ING SONIC THE HEDGEHOG 3 ****ING ****!!!!! Thanks for driving me up!

Crew Battles Sorry I had to bail and be sent after a Wolf, I heard we didn't do so hot and I feel bad about it. It was still really fun to actually do one regardless!

Was a fun tournament as always! See whoever goes to Sherman's at Sherman's! And see whoever goes to NKv3 at NKv3!!



Smash Ace
Dec 27, 2008
Minneapolis, MN
13: Breezy Your Ganon scares the crap out of me. WHY DON'T YOU EVER APPROACH?!?! GGs though, were REALLY close.
You answered your own question there, sparky. Ganon be broken if he had an approach... and a recovery... and a projectile... and a a grab... or even any OoS options.

Terrible character is terrible.


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Gold Mountain
Might as well:

Gregory Anh Hao Quan-Dang: Thanks for housing us, its freaking awesome every time. Mario Party 4, Power Rangers, and Melee pools matches were tight. Could've used more Lagaan-hen. Might not be seeing you until the HGSS era. o.O

Joker: Thanks for hosting and GGs in Melee. Might not see you until the HGSS era o.O

Blank: You shouldve taken his damn coins. Fuck you and your Carnival zone bullshit.

Bone/Kudou: GGs in pools

Bolt: So much hype in that second match for some reason. Good luck in school.

Smeesh: Eh got *****, about what I expected

Tyser: Sorry sorry sorry sorry I let you down so much. It happens way too often. Happy Bday in a day.

Yulai: GIGA DRILL BREAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dekline: Thanks for driving, even though that gas money was half of my preorder money for HGSS. FUCK CARNIVAL ZONE!!!

Nappy: ***** me so hard you didnt even remember playing me. Grats on 1st.

Zeton: One of the coolest Brawlers Ive met. Friendlies were too good.

Holms: GGs in friendlies.

Razor: GGs in friendlies. You were pretty damn tough even after playing Tyser's Dedede so much. Didnt know you can grab spin dashes.

Trent: Grats on repping the hedgehog and getting so far. I expect you to **** faces in Texas. Say hi to Bone for us XD FUCK CARNIVAL ZONE!!!

Steeler: GGs in friendlies. You should teach me some Pokemon Trainer tricksies if I ever see you again.

Ptato: Bitch, took me outta the tourney jk. Would've gotten ***** by Domo anyway. GGs

Mduo: GGs in that one friendly we had.

Mushrooming: You really have to get better at both games. Idk how you're gonna do it, especially in Brawl, but do it somehow. Getsuga Tenshou.


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Imma spend my two week break doing the following:
- Beating Melee 100% (All trophies) / Difficulty: Easy but time consuming.
- Beating SA2B 100% (180 Emblems) / Difficulty: Very easy; 2-3 days.
- Beating Metroid Prime 100% / Difficulty: Hard because I've never beaten it before.


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
Gold Mountain
Playing the Kingdom Hearts games. Almost beat KH1, just gotta beat up Sephiroth, Phantom, and Kurt and maybe making the Ulitima. Looking for someone that has KH Chain of Memories, either PS2 or GBA preferably PS2. I dont wanna play KH2 until I've beaten chain of memories. I heard 358/2 Days was bad and I dont think I'll ever be able to play BBS.


Smash Lord
Oct 8, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa


Smash Champion
Jan 1, 2010
BILL, Wyoming
Random Dream I had during my nap from 2PM-6PM (It kinda freaked me out):

Well, it began with me in my room on my computer. I don't know what I was looking at or doing really, I just know I started off here. I blanked out and when came back and I was taking care of Max in the garage. Max is my dog. The garage door was creaked open slightly like we always have it. All of the sudden, I hear like four guys and some dogs outside. They ring the door bell and I stay in the garage and don't get the door. The guys are pissed that nobody is opening the door and talk about something. Aizen's name was mentioned. I think they might have been working for him or something gay, but his name doesn't pop up again in the dream. Aizen is the main antagonist in the Bleach series. They ring the doorbell again. This is when I close the garage, run upstairs with Max and take him to the backyard. It's still snowy out.

I stay outside with Max and I leave the sliding door open for some reason. The front door slams open and I can hear dogs running up the steps. Max runs into the house and starts fighting the dogs and gets killed. I'm still outside but I'm not scared or anything for some reason. I peak inside and grab a knife real quick and go back outside. I'm hanging out around where my grill outside is. I blank out for a while after this.

When I get back, I'm still outside but I am wearing different attire. I'm wearing shorts and a black t-shirt. Anyways, one of the guys who broke in goes into the kitchen and is talking about something that I cant understand. He has a gun. I sit there thinking about whether to do something or not. I go and back stab the guy and then I take him outside and cut his head off (just like in that Neo Nazi Beheading Video). I don't know the details but I know that he died and his head was off at the end. Shortly afterward, two dogs come outside from my house and I black out.

When I come back, they disappeared. I'm still in the backyard. I go inside the house and one of the dudes is downstairs watchin TV. He has blood all over his boots. I go to Flame's room and shes dead games. Flame is my only sister. I don't actually know if it was her because I didn't approach the corpse in the center of the bed, but I just assumed it was her because that's her room. I'm assuming she got ***** or something and then killed. I'm not even sad or scared though for some reason. Anyways, I randomly have a gun now. It's just some pistol or something and I start going on a rampage on these dudes. I black out.

When I come to, they are all dead and I'm unscathed. At the end of the dream, I go upstairs and I'm about to open my parents' bedroom door. When my hand touches the door knob, I wake up.

Yeah, it was really random, but I've had randomer dreams XD.
The funniest one is the one that involved Mindy, whose Rebecca's friend, Dekline and Majik.
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