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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Emotional Post :(

I wish I could find a girl out there that is nice and whatnot. I try, but not hard enough I guess. I guess nice guys finish last. It's almost been a year since I've done anything with a girl. Guess I won't get my New Year's resoulution of getting into my first relationship ever. Being nice sometimes suck. F-U douchebags in the world that take advantage of a nice girl and make it sound like you mean something to her and all you want is a one night stand. I hate it. Those are my feelings of the night. I figured you guys should know more about me. Also, I wish I could do High School all over again. I feel like I haven't acheived as much as I can. That's the story of my life right now. FML. You thought I was a happy Asian boy. Well, you thought wrong. This is the real me speaking here and not my Internet persona trying to act happy all the time. I'm a human too you know and I express feelings. These are all the feelings I have every time. Thank you for reading if you bothered. My bad for this long forsaken post. Just thought you guys should know me more as I stated earlier. I mean you guys are friend friends, right? We're all here to talk about thing personal and non-personal, right? Again, sorry for big post. You all have a good night and hope to see all tomorrow. You guys are like family to me.

Greg Dang (The last to carry the Dang name of my family)


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
sorry guys, i don't usually do this but im gonna have to ditch the tourney, i really need to practice with the band, we got like tons of songs we have written and really need to get something done. and plus i haven't jammed with them in probably over a month.

see everyone in omaha tho.

and Greg man, it sucks i know, but when you do find someone it'll be alot better than all the D-bags who are out for one night stands and everything. just keep your head up dude, your a kickass guy, you just gotta get out there and look around man!


Smash Ace
Jul 31, 2009
@Greg: I'm not fantastic at comforting people over the internet, but I'd be more than happy to listen if you ever wanna vent or just talk in general. I think you need a big hug.

@JLo: for real? that's lame, it's even a low tier tourney >_< I was lookin' foward to seeing you and maybe actually playing you for once.

@Everyone: I'm at the honors building, s'far as I know, everything'll be fine. There's a girl working on her project in the projector room, but I told her my "club" was coming around 11:30-12 and asked if it'd be ok if we moved in. She sounded ok with it and I'd kinda feel bad, but there's another classroom that's entirely empty besides the empty "kitchenette" area and lab >.>

long story short, I'm playing the waiting game :psycho: I was hoping Connor would actually be here to help me set up/steal the room like he said, but I figured he'd end up being late since he was out with a good friend last night in Indianola. Oh wells.


The Robo-PSIentist
Oct 6, 2009
Osaka, Japan
Greg's emotional post
You're a great guy, so don't worry too much about that, it just takes time to find the person that's just right for you. Screw the d-bags. If you believe you can get a girl, you can. That doesn't have anything to do with you not trying hard enough or anything like that. Just be patient, good things come to those who wait, remember?

Today at the tournament, I'm going to give you a huge hug.

Speaking of which, I should go eat and then start walking over...


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
People who generalize anime based on the appearance of mechs will never appreciate a good anime.

Mechs simply lay foundation for feats beyond cheesy human powers, its not just Japanfad fodder.
this is the most smartest thing that anybody has said about anything \(^o^)/. u cant really appreciate any kind of anime if u frown upon any specific genre. im pretty king nerd when it comes to anime if i do say myself so i know my specifics about anime.

That whole 50+ episodes being bad really only applies to fighting shonen shows and even then most of this bad shows aren't really bad, just very average and mediocre. Either way a lot of classics like Logh and harlock classics are way over 50 episodes into the hundreds and even a lot of modern shows today that are fantastic like Monster and Hajime no Ippo are more then 50 ep.
this is so true as well. judging an anime based on how many episodes it has is just plain ignorant

okay kudou sorry about this but as far as i can see it my friend doesnt have room b/c his family is moving into a smaller house..O_O i mean you could still go its just that we might need to get a hotel...O_O; which is SOOO much MORE..>_< it sucks like this whole plan went from OKAY were doing this...and then...*fart noise*..i still ask him tho cuz he has to talk to his family first since i think they know im coming...he going to ask if i could bring you along...ill let you know in good time since theres still SOoooOoOoo much time...lol
oh u *******, u would try to low blow be here guy :signs:. anyways i still really really want to go, it would be such a great experience to help me figure out myself and situation. nothing better than goin to a difference country and starting off new there and see how things workout. i would prefer probably not getting a hotel for 1-2 months, that would cost a fortune. if anything just try ur best to see if i can come along with u cause it would be awesome if we were to experience the japan effect for the first time together.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
Gregory im in the same boat as you, minus being sad about it. Don't let this shiit keep you down all your life. Just be yourself and life will drop an opportunity for you.

im sad that i couldnt go today ;_;
i have fun smursh folks

or i will watch toradora all day

people going to japan should wait till i graduate so we can all go together :D


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
i was talking to kudou-kunnn and CBK-chan
i really want to go after i graduate. it would be so balllerrrrrrrr


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2008
Pella, Iowa
best picture ever.

btw i figured i would let everyone know i ***** sht at the local tourney.

some random highlights were me playing IC's and getting an ice lock one someone. he didnt know about DI so i ice locked him to 130% because he wouldnt fall off the stage. so then i walked over and usmashed as soon as he stood up for a kill.
also 3stocking just about every person except in the finals (which was a 2 stock).
theres some other funny highlights but ill try and get a video up at somepoint if possible


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
Yeah games tonight and stuff

I totally forgot how ****ing frustrating brawl can be.
50-50 on whether or not I continue playing this game.
50-50 on whether or not I continue with smash period.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches

It gets a lot better after the first one. Annddd I don't think it goes past 50 episodes?
No, it doesn't
But you have to understand.

TTGL is a way of life. It should be, in fact, a religion. I really don't care for mech anime, but this show is more than just that. Watch up to at least episode 8 or 9 or something before giving it a fair chance, first episode is just introducing the characters.
People who generalize anime based on the appearance of mechs will never appreciate a good anime.

Mechs simply lay foundation for feats beyond cheesy human powers, its not just Japanfad fodder.

I personally am a fan of the steam/cyberpunk genre, and mechs haven't deterred me from a show since I was 10.
cyberpunk genre as in something like Ghost in the Shell: SAC? Cause I found that was pretty interesting (at least the laughing man episodes were).
Mech =/= cyberpunk
Ill admit the series starts off slow. I didnt really like it at first either but if you give it a chance it'll change your life.

The anime isnt even about mechs, it's about believing in yourself and doing the impossible. Seriously, it'll change your life. You'll start playing Melee or something great.

And it's 27 episodes long.
*gives tyser a funny look*
hmm... maybe...
XD joke opinion
i dont even watch mech animes but TTGL is something else. its so FUCCCKING GGOOODDD
moe shiit is amazing idk what you folks are talking about :D
also you dont watch anime thats over 50, YOU READD ITT (and just watch the important parts in the anime :D)
im glad bolt is watching TTGL :D
i NEED to rewatch its during winter break
everyone should have a day we all watch it together and talk about it over aim or on the boards XD

ill give any anime a chance, i got like a 5 ep rule or something...
****, both tyser and uli... and everyone else on this thread @.@
guess I'll try a couple more :p
I know how long it was.... I was just throwing out more generalizations for bad animes :bee:
That whole 50+ episodes being bad really only applies to fighting shonen shows and even then most of this bad shows aren't really bad, just very average and mediocre. Either way a lot of classics like Logh and harlock classics are way over 50 episodes into the hundreds and even a lot of modern shows today that are fantastic like Monster and Hajime no Ippo are more then 50 ep.
I put a 50 episode cap because generally it means that the show either went way off track of why it was good to begin with, or there's too much filler. Also, in lots of shows... you just run out of room to move forward. At some point you just reach some god status... and the writters are like "well ****, what do we do now" and then go some uber-(insert Mephistophelian word/synonym)-mega god status (or any other adjectives that make it seemingly more cool). Like you said though, mostly fighting. but you see it in different ways in other animes like detective conan which is well around 500 (so much filler) with meaningless plot devices. Or you can stray completely away form the original story and re-write it for a mainstream audience and nullify anything that was amazing about it (see Full metal alchemist -Note: haven't watched brotherhood yet... I heard it's supposed to be better).
I agree wholeheartedly with uli, you don't watch animes that go over 50... you read them.
Another anime generalization (while I noticed it in the last wall text): most everything on adult swim / cartoon network is garbage. :bee:
Fino, being redonkulously (yeah, I stole ptato's word) cocky is forgivable... but dissing TTGL without an actual reason? I hate mech anime and rarely watch anime ever, but I sat down and watched a few episodes of TTGL anyway. If you give it a chance, you'll see that it has pretty nice art, interesting characters, comedy, love, action, epic catch phrases, and just plain awesome (the music is fantastic.) There's more plot and win in it's short 27 episodes (pretty sure it's 27, not 26, though I could be wrong)
Tldr; ur gay. :psycho:

nah you're legit I guess, but you're kinda asking for it by posting that here. also F-U about the over exaggerated sexism <_<

Addressing those that actually matter... :chuckle:
damn... you know... no... just... damn. Maybe once finals are done...
Also, I'm not going to the omaha tournament anymore =/ but if you promise sammiches at jokers next month I'll think about going to that ;)


EDIT: Also... re-animating the same episode 9 times doesn't make an anime bad... it just makes those episodes dumb. :bee: //argument for all my loli-themed anime-avis ;D
Watch Kanon, Haruhi, Azumanga, or even lucky star (make it one of the later animes you watch... the references are fantastic) and tell me they weren't good

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
The show fools around a bit at the start, jumps the shark (For a reason I won't spoil) in like 2 episodes, then gets very enjoyable the rest of the way through.

Also, old Adult Swim shows were great. People just realize now that the anime industry is just like any other, filled with generic trite etc. The language barrier was like a filtering process, but now that anime is more popular around here we take the good and the bad.

There was still decent-good stuff like Ghost in the Shell, Read Or Die, Fullmetal, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Escaflowne, Outlaw Star, Case Closed, Lupin, Champloo, Hakusho, FLCL, Code Geass...the list goes on.

Apparently if America gets an anime its bad though. Also, I don't classify "Mechs" as a genre in itself, simply a plot device people like to discriminate against due to general distaste of their appearance or more likely disinterest with previous mech-based shows.

Edit: Lucky Star made me bored and hungry at the same time. References can honestly only be so funny. PaniPoni Dash does the whole parody thing better imo.

Edit2: Urusei Yatsura makes a bunch of stuff look unfunny in comparison anyways. :3


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
but you see it in different ways in other animes like detective conan which is well around 500 (so much filler) with meaningless plot devices. Or you can stray completely away form the original story and re-write it for a mainstream audience and nullify anything that was amazing about it (see Full metal alchemist).
well u get ur facts straights before making post about anime with "meaningless plot" and "re-write original story line". first is about dectective conan, im a huge fan so im just trying to get things straight. when u say "so much filler" because it has 500+ eps, u should actually watch the anime to know if there is filler in there or not. only about 50-80 of that 550 episodes right now is fillers, the rest is all storyline right from the manga. i would know cause i've watched up to 510 right now and i kno which is fillers and which is storyline. just because the show has a lot of episodes doesnt mean that there is a massive amount fillers like bleach or something. did u know that the manga has almost 60 volumes and the anime follows that exact storyline? probably not.

now about FMA, if ur talking about the newer season brotherhood, then how did u come upon "stray completely away from the original story"? since Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood is based more on the manga storyline than the first season. the first season of FMA actually is the one that actually strays from the original manga storyline.

im not trying to say that i know everything and such, but u have such a narrow view on anime

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Ed goes emo.

Also I don't like how everyones face got turned into an oval. They lost all their definition and whenever Ed expresses anything its either done in chibi or he has a simple frown/lip bite.

Still a good show, but the first FMA was executed real well until the horrible ending. Also it wasn't made like that to mainstream the show. The creator wanted the anime to have a different ending, and for good reason considering what you said. "Most good shows don't go past 50 episodes." Extending the show would've worsened the pace of the story, and overall dampened the animation quality to reduce the budget costs.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Also, old Adult Swim shows were great.
I can partly agree with this ;)
it's a lot more that 50-80 ._. it's so annoying too. I love detective conan, I really do.... just a lot of \\wrist that happened when going through it. Compared to a lot of other animes, which are only 1/20th the length, I can really can't say it was good, but decent. People get mad at me only because the word "good" is so over used it's lost it's meaning (i.e. excellent, high quality, honorable/worthy). I've read several volumes of detective conan... can't say I've even begun to read all of them though.

Also, if you looked at the edit I made about FMA (before you made your post) you would get my response to brother hood ;)



Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE

Also... re-animating the same episode 9 times doesn't make an anime bad... it just makes those episodes dumb. :bee: //argument for all my loli-themed anime-avis ;D
Watch Kanon, Haruhi, Azumanga, or even lucky star (make it one of the later animes you watch... the references are fantastic) and tell me they weren't good
i dropped fuucking haruhi after watching all of the endless 8, i was like ohh new ep that isnt endless 8! then completely lost interest and dropped it like it was HOT
Fino Kanon is pretty awesome but Clannad is the FUCCCKING BESSSSTTTTTTT...EVERRRRR (tomoyo>kyou kudou <3)
slice o life animes are the best, could be my fav genre
i still need to watch brotherhood -_-

Shame that KC isnt coming anymore!!



Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2008
I have only seen the Detective Conan episodes that ran on AS then some online and got the feeling I wasn't supposed to watch it for the plot. Always figure the appeal behind conan was to tune in every week and see the crime get solved. From that perspective I never understood the complain about filler.

Another anime generalization (while I noticed it in the last wall text): most everything on adult swim / cartoon network is garbage. :bee:
Even those shows I wouldn't consider bad, guessing you are referring to shows like bleach which aren't bad just average. They are overrated and thus the hate but if they weren't popular they would just be yet another cookie cutter show that no one praises highly.

Edit: Lucky Star made me bored and hungry at the same time. References can honestly only be so funny. PaniPoni Dash does the whole parody thing better imo.

Edit2: Urusei Yatsura makes a bunch of stuff look unfunny in comparison anyways. :3
Agree with lucky star being boring. Even after the episodes where the orignal director got fired. And Urusei Yatsura is only good thanks to Oshii not that floozy takahashi.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Agree with lucky star being boring. Even after the episodes where the orignal director got fired. And Urusei Yatsura is only good thanks to Oshii not that floozy takahashi.
Yeah I never bothered to read the manga. All I remember is I watched Urusei Yatsura dvd's yonder ago and they made me lol, but its been forever since I seen it. I probably understood more jokes then I should have at that age. Show is dirty.

And yeah generally how I view Urusei and Conan is that I wasn't supposed to pay much attention to the plot. Like the Japanese equivalent to any other sitcom/televised crime series over here.
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