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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
This thread is dying. We need a troll war RIGHT NOW!
Um, Tyser you don't know wtf your talking about... Starting a troll war in a thread to get things going is stupid, therefore so are you. You need to just throw your ego out the door and start thinking about other ways to get a thread going.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Um, Tyser you don't know wtf your talking about... Starting a troll war in a thread to get things going is stupid, therefore so are you. You need to just throw your ego out the door and start thinking about other ways to get a thread going.
Meh, I tried


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
Um, Tyser you don't know wtf your talking about... Starting a troll war in a thread to get things going is stupid, therefore so are you. You need to just throw your ego out the door and start thinking about other ways to get a thread going.
Troll wars are the ONLY way to get things going. Who wants to discuss serious issues on the internet?!?! This aint serious business.

EDIT: That video is JBM posing as Wobbles.


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2009
Des Moines, IA
Hey, your friendly Aramosu here! ^_^ I have been hearing a lot of trash about how my Noel sucks and something about "That fat kid with the guitar playing the same three notes" and frankly, I find it funny. I understand some jokes, but ****, consider growing up maybe? I've gone and tried my best to be as civil and nice to everyone at Joker's as I possibly can, then when I have a little fun and seem to be doin' fine, everyone just downs my ****. I know that every gaming community has it's trash talkers, hell, I cam from playing Halo2 and 3 tourneys to playing fighters, but honestly, specially the notes about my weight and guitar playin' are really immature and everyone seems to just find it dandy.

Well, I have been taking lessons and working my fingers down for three and a half years, and I would be glad to be shown up on the guitar if any of you such as Schism and I think one other that think it's so bad. I mean, come on, I didn't say anything about how someone looked like he needed to take a tooth-pick rig to straighten his eye out and stick extra spine in his back so he doesn't look like some alien from Men In Black.

And for the statements as to my weight? Let's see.. We have Uli I believe was his name, the chubby Asian kid, then there's even Joker himself? Both over-weight, both thill good looking men in their own way. I mean, jeez, I can talk **** too, I just keep it to a bar minimum because I was showing some respect to everyone even if they gave me odd looks.

Hope you all can learn that weight and having all day to play brawl isn't everything. I actually have **** I do durring the day other than masterbate to Sailor Moon and play video games all day. And I may be husky, but I have won more fight's than Joker's won tournaments, and I am a trained mixed martial arts fighter as well.

And Joker, please keep them in line if you can, cause I know they're your revenue, but seriously, a good number of the people that you've got are just bein' straight up *****. I normally don't care, but it's just getting rediculous. Half them only have the balls to talk and play games, doubt they'd do anything, but I'm not gonna just sit back and take more **** talk than a professional CS player.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
Dont come anymore then. Problem solved son.

Also, youre going to fight people for hurting your feelings? I thought people who train in MMA are supposed to have control over their emotions and shit and not be all willy nilly "You said Im fat so Im gonna fuck you up."

Was there even a reason you were playing your guitar randomly anyways? Nobody wanted to be the dick to tell you "Hey, quit playing your guitar" because that wasnt very polite. I thought it might have been implied after the three or so hours of the same thing being played. Do you normally play the guitar at random tournies or some jack? Sorry bud, just extremely curious.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
I lol'd at that statement too because it has no relevance to anything. Just a random sentence to attempt to add some intimidation into his big long essay.


Smash Rookie
Aug 15, 2009
Des Moines, IA
Soon as you can prove better than me at something that can actually be worth something, by all means. Come on and try it, and I'm not like that UFC Bull**** anyway, lol, they're panzies and I'll take anyone anyway. I'm not saying I wanna fight anyone, just proving a point, you're just a panzy. You can talk, but can't dish anything, lol.
Last thing I have to say is "Loser's complain about their best, winners go home and **** the prom queen."


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
Hey, your friendly Aramosu here! ^_^ I have been hearing a lot of trash about how my Noel sucks and something about "That fat kid with the guitar playing the same three notes" and frankly, I find it funny. I understand some jokes, but ****, consider growing up maybe? I've gone and tried my best to be as civil and nice to everyone at Joker's as I possibly can, then when I have a little fun and seem to be doin' fine, everyone just downs my ****. I know that every gaming community has it's trash talkers, hell, I cam from playing Halo2 and 3 tourneys to playing fighters, but honestly, specially the notes about my weight and guitar playin' are really immature and everyone seems to just find it dandy.

Well, I have been taking lessons and working my fingers down for three and a half years, and I would be glad to be shown up on the guitar if any of you such as Schism and I think one other that think it's so bad. I mean, come on, I didn't say anything about how someone looked like he needed to take a tooth-pick rig to straighten his eye out and stick extra spine in his back so he doesn't look like some alien from Men In Black.

And for the statements as to my weight? Let's see.. We have Uli I believe was his name, the chubby Asian kid, then there's even Joker himself? Both over-weight, both thill good looking men in their own way. I mean, jeez, I can talk **** too, I just keep it to a bar minimum because I was showing some respect to everyone even if they gave me odd looks.

Hope you all can learn that weight and having all day to play brawl isn't everything. I actually have **** I do durring the day other than masterbate to Sailor Moon and play video games all day. And I may be husky, but I have won more fight's than Joker's won tournaments, and I am a trained mixed martial arts fighter as well.

And Joker, please keep them in line if you can, cause I know they're your revenue, but seriously, a good number of the people that you've got are just bein' straight up *****. I normally don't care, but it's just getting rediculous. Half them only have the balls to talk and play games, doubt they'd do anything, but I'm not gonna just sit back and take more **** talk than a professional CS player.
Why are you attacking Skyzim? We were just being polite and not saying anything about your guitar. This is the Internet too, so don't take things so seriously.


Smash Lord
Jul 4, 2009
Were you that big bully in high school who picked on everyone because he thought he was so cool when he wasnt? Its definitely coming off that way.

And youre making yourself out to be some kind of big shot or something. You really arent. Ive seen you before son. Proving anything to you would be a waste of time and effort.


Smash Master
Jul 18, 2007
Ames, IA
You shouldn't be tattling to Joker either about us trash talking. If any one needs to grow up, its you since you can't deal with your problems with us person to person. I admit that I'm bad at Blazblue, so I don't know why you can't too. As for including our friends in your post, you don't even know them, so why you talking about them. As for fighting, not cool at all. Like I said, its the Internet. If you can't handle it, then don't be online.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Soon as you can prove better than me at something that can actually be worth something, by all means.
Is this a sentence? And if it is does it mean anything? I don't think so.

Either way, yes your Noel sucks, yes you annoyed everyone there by playing the same guitar riff over and over for 3 hours, and yes you're random as hell.

Come on and try it, and I'm not like that UFC Bull**** anyway, lol, they're panzies and I'll take anyone anyway.
I'm sure you could definitely take on national competitors with your "magical fighting skills". You should ask one of em sometime. :laugh:


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Dude, where is he at???!!!!! I wanted to see more of his posts. =(
He ranz... HE RANZ FOR HIS LIFES....

Na, he just had no comeback prob

If he does come back he'll be like, "Na, I just didn't wanna waste my time with you guys....that I'm posting to... which is wasting my time.... -.^"
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