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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
to bad no one plays 360 HOMOOOOOOOOO jk
kind of

i think NE will show for the championships for BB and melee :3


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Is anyone even interested in seeing melee grand finals/loser's finals? Or should I just not upload em


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
whats with everyone and the sudden Blazblue like? was it because of Tyser's Tager **** that makes every1 want to play Blazblue?
we've all been interested since it first came out or since i bought it
IA needs to play it moreeeee, only person dat does is blaannkkkk

inferno, will there be melee aswell :DD


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2005
lol yeah I played with David 2nd day BB was out so I mean... Iowa's out of the loop on that one. :/


Smash Apprentice
Mar 10, 2009
Des Moines, Iowa
we've all been interested since it first came out or since i bought it
IA needs to play it moreeeee, only person dat does is blaannkkkk

inferno, will there be melee aswell :DD
I play brawl but not really lately so all i've been playing is BB the past 3-4 or whatever weeks before joker's nonstop so yeah I play it too XD

lol yeah I played with David 2nd day BB was out so I mean... Iowa's out of the loop on that one. :/
I played it the day it came out. :laugh:

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Iowa's totally unfair. I have no one to practice BB with and I still gotta win tourneys against NE who plays it with each other all the time.

Not to mention I gotta keep the game fresh. People are sick of Jin and v13 so I'm probably gunna run Carl.

And I haven't been playing it lately at all because the new SWR expansion is out. I didn't know Melty Blood came out same time, I'm too busy practicing Nuke lady and Tengu **** so whatever. >:


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Iowa's totally unfair. I have no one to practice BB with and I still gotta win tourneys against NE who plays it with each other all the time.

Not to mention I gotta keep the game fresh. People are sick of Jin and v13 so I'm probably gunna run Carl.

And I haven't been playing it lately at all because the new SWR expansion is out. I didn't know Melty Blood came out same time, I'm too busy practicing Nuke lady and Tengu **** so whatever. >:
u should just stick with a char that works for u. ur doin pretty good there with Jin so i would say just stick with him. i would practice Blazblue with u if i had the ability to play it since it looks like ppl wants to play the game now :sighs:. MBAA is pretty epic, i just have to like borrow Love's fighting sticks thats works with the ps2 so i can start practicing with that and u would play SWR. what kind of an expansion can they put on that kind of game? its a dashing shooting fest \(^o^)/

Love u should get the new PS3 slim when it comes out so i can borrow ur old ps3 so i can give Blanky some BB practice \(^o^)/. i think that i might have to start getting use to using fighting sticks with any fighters now since its like the thing to do

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Lol, just move in with each other then you can use his PS3. :p

SWR expansion is pretty cool. New characters, more useless specials, but mainly its faster and has revised spellcards so that system cards are actually useful. It is still a dash and shoot fest so I still play IaMP. Everyone is too good at IaMP now though and I'm enjoying SWR's new shininess. Plus the music is great.

Also been enjoying the tablet Bone sold me. Its kind of slippery and I didn't know how sensitive it was at first so I'm still getting used to it, but its way too fun to use.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2008
Lol, just move in with each other then you can use his PS3. :p

SWR expansion is pretty cool. New characters, more useless specials, but mainly its faster and has revised spellcards so that system cards are actually useful. It is still a dash and shoot fest so I still play IaMP. Everyone is too good at IaMP now though and I'm enjoying SWR's new shininess. Plus the music is great.

Also been enjoying the tablet Bone sold me. Its kind of slippery and I didn't know how sensitive it was at first so I'm still getting used to it, but its way too fun to use.
Did you find the software for it?
Also this tablet is hax.


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
whats with everyone and the sudden Blazblue like? was it because of Tyser's Tager **** that makes every1 want to play Blazblue?
I do enjoy watching Tyser's Tager but that's just about it, be a leader and not a follower Kudou stick to your Melty Blood and I'll stick to my KOF >.0

We're gonna run some BlazBlue on the side for NO KOAST. I warn you, we're all pretty pro :p
You should run KOF12 there also XP

we've all been interested since it first came out or since i bought it
IA needs to play it moreeeee, only person dat does is blaannkkkk
That's cause Blank will jump over the bridge if everyone else did >.<
Also I was interested on it until I found out that KOF was coming out like 3 weeks after it had it been months a part I may have actually play the game, thank you SNK ^.^

Well...since a new semester is starting, I would love to know which night of the week will be best for everyone to come to Ames for smash. We will probably do the same ole weekly thing we had going last semester. Of course no Friday night, but any other night of the week seems good for me. Post your preferences.
I'm up for any day, however my opinion doesn't matter since I don't drive it really is up to either Skyzim or maybe Kudou if he wants to drive to Ames since is only like a 15min drive right ^.^


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
It is still a dash and shoot fest so I still play IaMP.
well thats all i needed to hear \(^o^)/

Yoona is mad cute. Just now discovered this.

Random post of the month.
if its the Yoona that im thinking about the yes, she is pretty cute

I do enjoy watching Tyser's Tager but that's just about it, be a leader and not a follower Kudou stick to your Melty Blood and I'll stick to my KOF >.0

I'm up for any day, however my opinion doesn't matter since I don't drive it really is up to either Skyzim or maybe Kudou if he wants to drive to Ames since is only like a 15min drive right ^.^
i would just stick to Melty Blood but the scene in america is pretty limited. the only hope i have is to get great at the game then go to japan where the game is actually played :sighs:. i wouldnt mind drivin to ames for games but im really limited on where i can go since i dont have a job for gas. too poor games ;_;

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Did you find the software for it?
Also this tablet is hax.
Yeah I found the latest drivers. I've also messed around with a program similar to whats shown there called shapeshop. Its pretty much the same thing except the visuals aren't on the tablet and the sketching makes 3D so the poly count can be extremely high. Other then that, I can do everything shown there on Blender.

That's cause Blank will jump over the bridge if everyone else did >.<
Obviously I play the game to be with the in-crowd. My shallow teenage mind can not fathom playing a game that I actually enjoy. If everyone else is doing it I must follow. Not like my taste in games goes fairly obscure or anything.

Which reminds me. Me and Jlo need to win doubles so Jlo can buy a dreamcast. I'll burn games for him and we're going to play Powerstone 2 and Project Justice ftw.

i would just stick to Melty Blood but the scene in america is pretty limited. the only hope i have is to get great at the game then go to japan where the game is actually played :sighs:. i wouldnt mind drivin to ames for games but im really limited on where i can go since i dont have a job for gas. too poor games ;_;
Melty Blood too mashy for me. Mash jabs on wakeup, mash jabs to cancel your moves, mash jabs to combo more, mash buttons to reduce damage. Mash mash mash and a bit of spacing. You can't even legitly cross-up in that game.

I'll play the new one with you though. Heard Kohaku solo has been buffed up some.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
Mash jabs on wakeup, mash jabs to cancel your moves, mash jabs to combo more, mash buttons to reduce damage. Mash mash mash and a bit of spacing.
^this pretty much sums up every fighting game that was ever made in the history of gaming \(^o^)/. but yeah kohaku did get buffed up a bit.

anyways, is there anythings goin on tomorrow or what? i was readin things about goin to NE and such, whats the situation on that and such?

SNSD Yoona, yes. Never really noticed her til I payed attention to her in this live performance vidjo.
yep it was Im Yoona from Girls' Generation. she is pretty cute all in all \(^o^)/

EDIT: personally i like Taeyeon since i have a thing for the leader of the group. just like how i have a thing for Ai Takahashi from morning musume


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
0_o OH MY GOD!!!?!?!....Are ya'll seriously about to play POWERSTONE 2? I am the best person on the planet earth at that game........When are ya'll supposed to be playing cause I want in!!!! I have a Dreamcast and 4 controllers so anytime ya'll ready to play that game I am SOOOooo up to it. To tell you the truth, I'm better at Powerstone 2 than I am at brawl :-\


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2008
Pella, Iowa
i effing hate getting speeding tickets, especially at 1:45 in the freakin morning. cops should take a break from speeding tickets and bust down on all the other *******s that actually do things that really hurt people.... not someone going 10 over the speed limit

i had to rant....

in other news, school starts monday for me, which means almost zero brawl time
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