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Iowa-Joker's Monthly"WHY SO SERIOUS?"#28 Nov 22th


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Ok I did some research about a venue for the Iowa circuit. We could rent out the conference rooms in the Olmstead center on Drake University for the tournament. It would most likely be July before we were able to do it however.

It looks like it would actually be $250 a day.... sounds kind of rough unless we did it just in one day. If we had a $5 venue fee it would take 50 people to pay it off, any extra would go to a bonus?

We actually can have the a residence hall for the night before if we wanted. It would be $18.50 per person but it would be actual dorm rooms. We would all have a bed and a shower the next day, so compared to a hotel that is pretty sweet since a hotel room would run around $40. But people may not be interested in that.

All in all I don't think this is the best option we can find but it is something I guess. I was trying to think of where we could house people if we only did one day and I don't think we have enough options.

Meh, let me know what you think.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2006
omaha, NE
all i have to say is if there isnt enough people to show up for venue fee, be prepared to pay with your own money, dont shit game people by taking money away from the pot!!


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2007
Arkham Asylum
I was excited when I read SC tourneys then I realized its probably Soul Calibur... :O

And I'm wrong, I guess bringing a laptop would imply Star Craft well that's good :) I'll be joining if you guys don't mind :S
Yep just StarCraft I hate those 3D fighters plus don't expect to much of it chances are we may be using my laptop and probably Bolts for SC so yeah T.T

I'm the only KOF player who spams Galactica Phantom. It's like Falcon Punch, IT WILL HIT YOU THERE IS NO HOPE.
That move is just to epic plus when it lands you feel it >.<

slik :3
joker you should get mark of the wolves
i <3 rock
He's also on Capcom Vs. SNK 2 and Love has that already >.0

well all u have to do is change the setting so u dont have to use the umd in the psp to play the games. i dont thing that i changed ur psp setting so thats y u have to use the umd to play games. i can change it so u dont have to use the umd anymore.
Yeah I know you try to updated a while back but couldn't but yeah it be nice if you could change that for me, since CBK change 0 and X around.

Well in that case I may not have to take the van, people are johning out left and right.

Correct me if I am wrong but these are the people still interested.

That should be everyone but I believe Skizm said he may not be able to make it either so yeah, by the way Razor if you take your car can you still bring that thing we used to plug the TV not for the TV but for my laptop since it doesn't last that long.

Ok I did some research about a venue for the Iowa circuit. We could rent out the conference rooms in the Olmstead center on Drake University for the tournament. It would most likely be July before we were able to do it however.

It looks like it would actually be $250 a day.... sounds kind of rough unless we did it just in one day. If we had a $5 venue fee it would take 50 people to pay it off, any extra would go to a bonus?

We actually can have the a residence hall for the night before if we wanted. It would be $18.50 per person but it would be actual dorm rooms. We would all have a bed and a shower the next day, so compared to a hotel that is pretty sweet since a hotel room would run around $40. But people may not be interested in that.

All in all I don't think this is the best option we can find but it is something I guess. I was trying to think of where we could house people if we only did one day and I don't think we have enough options.

Meh, let me know what you think.
First of all thank you Razor for looking into it, I kinda like the one that's $250 a day but since is the championships it will most likely be a 2 day event so $500 dayum there will be no bonus T.T
How many people can the resident hall hold cause we may get a pretty good turnout this option may work, sounds better then getting a hotel plus besides me I don't think anyone else can house.
But yeah Razor I'm pretty sure we can find a better venue maybe T.T


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Yeh that is when that would be available. I have a few more places in mind to go look at. I should get my account changed to a smash director, since I will probably play a large role in getting this thing set up.

Joker I will be over tomorrow, then to Ames? I have had a ridiculous amount of things due this week and next that is why I haven't been up.

People need to learn by my example. My school world is falling into the next week and I'm not johning out of going :)

Smeesh: This weekend in Kahoka, we have a spot for you if you are interested? Otherwise it is looking like the 6th of June.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
I think I'm finally getting to figure out who everyone is that was at joker's monthly that i went to.

Bone was playin SC
JakeBudden (razor?) was the dude that ***** me in brawl and the razor challenges. blech bad memoriessss


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Bolt yeh I am Razor we did indeed do a razor challenge. Yeh tomorrow we go to Ames to play games. I'd play some melee with you if you brought a set-up for it.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2007
Des Moines, Iowa
just for comfirmation purposes, who is all still goin to kahoka and whats gonna go down with like departure time from des moines and meetin place and such. im just pretty lazy and need it all in one post so i dont have to read multiple post to know whats goin on.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Kudou and all who plan on Kahoka.

The plan is to leave around 4ish/5ish on Friday. There will be two cars departing from Des Moines. Razor's and Mduo's. People for sure going now....

Razor, Joker, Jlo, Blank, Zash, Peeks, Mduo, Kudou, Bone, Schism (?)

My vehicle will most likely leave on Sunday morning at some point.

Blank Mauser

Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2008
Kudouuuu, think you can pick me up for Joker's on Friday?

What about you Razor, what time do you plan to be there?


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2007
Ames, Iowa
Bolt yeh I am Razor we did indeed do a razor challenge. Yeh tomorrow we go to Ames to play games. I'd play some melee with you if you brought a set-up for it.
Haha ****it I knew taking all my smash stuff home 2 weeks before the semester ended would bite me in the @$$!

Hmm well if you guys are in Ames tomorrow feel free to hit me up on my cell if you find some melee. 712-520-1699 If I had Victor's number I'd see if he was interested, but I lost it a while ago. :(


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
I think I'm finally getting to figure out who everyone is that was at joker's monthly that i went to.

Bone was playin SC
JakeBudden (razor?) was the dude that ***** me in brawl and the razor challenges. blech bad memoriessss
I was the guy who wasn't there but who you would have loved because I'm awesome!


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD
Not sure Se'kou or I will be available for games today. I have to finish a project report and I'm not sure I'll be done at a decent time.

Also, sorry for backing out of Kahoka. I gotta stick around here and tie up some loose ends for this semester. I'll be much more available this summer.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
ANDY! dubs for kahoka yes? no? sorry i haven't been on the boards much because of work, but i quit that place and now have no girlfriend, you will all now know the true gaming nerdiness powers of Jlo, prepare yourselves.


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
Well, I have a final in about 7 hours and then I'll be done with my first final. My next one is Next Thursday, so I'm still up to play today. Tell me by 2 pm if ya'll want to come so I can get prepared. Also, if you guys come, bring me a partner to play on my team. Also, they cancelled my usual 2 pm meeting, so I'll be at home early. If ya'll want to show up earlier tomorrow that is definitely possible. TXT me tomorrow after 12 with details on ya'll status. The ole' lady might be here, but I don't think she will be kicking people out this time :-D

ANDY! dubs for kahoka yes? no? sorry i haven't been on the boards much because of work, but i quit that place and now have no girlfriend, you will all now know the true gaming nerdiness powers of Jlo, prepare yourselves.
Mr. JLo feel free to show up and be my dubs partner for tomorrow. I don't think we have ever played on the same team.

Proficient (CBK)

Smash Journeyman
Jun 18, 2008
Zash the list of johners....is that a word? did I just make that up?..... is as follows....

Captain Love

That may be it, but I realized I forgot bone on my original list. So 10 people are showing up.
yea sorry for backing out school is a ***** so i have to work on that since i only have 10 days left and i need to graduate or else im gunna be pissed..

Well....obviously johners is a word, because you just spelled it, and it has a definition.

Johner- One who johns.

Submit that to Webster.

Anyway, wtf is with everyone droppin? Love, you're gonna leave me to rep Sheik by myself?
Andy, we aren't gonna have our Brinstar matches?
CBK, we aren't gonna have more epic matches?

SORRY..O_O zash maybe will have epic battles at jokers next monthly...^_^v


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2008
Sekou we will be showing up today. At least me Joker and Jlo, and later schism. I get done with class at 3:15 and I'm not opposed to going there then. I need to get Joker and Jlo but that could still get us there by like 5ish?

Zash why do you have a luigi next to your name?


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2008
Sekou we will be showing up today. At least me Joker and Jlo, and later schism. I get done with class at 3:15 and I'm not opposed to going there then. I need to get Joker and Jlo but that could still get us there by like 5ish?
That's cool with me. If you have swine flu or have been near any pigs, PLEASE don't show up :-D


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2008
United States of Japan
I just started building my all female team and my first Pokemon is Froslass, does Vaporeon seems like a female pkmn o.0
Yes, vaporeon makes is very good at maintaining a certain level of badassness while holding on to those important feminine features.

Zash why do you have a luigi next to your name?
Because earlier in the week his sheik was getting dominated and he got all sorts of pissed and has quit her forever.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 10, 2008
Pella, Iowa
one notice for whomever rides in my car should prolly bring some music c.d.s and such, i dont really have any good music in my car. how much trunk space will i need for stuff? i need to know if i should be prepared to remove my speakers tomorrow or not ><


Smash Journeyman
Jan 24, 2007
Pierre, SD
ANDY! dubs for kahoka yes? no? sorry i haven't been on the boards much because of work, but i quit that place and now have no girlfriend, you will all now know the true gaming nerdiness powers of Jlo, prepare yourselves.
Sorry man, My weekend is going to be too busy preparing for finals next week. We'll play plenty after next week.

Well, I have a final in about 7 hours and then I'll be done with my first final. My next one is Next Thursday, so I'm still up to play today. Tell me by 2 pm if ya'll want to come so I can get prepared. Also, if you guys come, bring me a partner to play on my team. Also, they cancelled my usual 2 pm meeting, so I'll be at home early. If ya'll want to show up earlier tomorrow that is definitely possible. TXT me tomorrow after 12 with details on ya'll status. The ole' lady might be here, but I don't think she will be kicking people out this time :-D

Mr. JLo feel free to show up and be my dubs partner for tomorrow. I don't think we have ever played on the same team.
Se'kou I'll probably get ahold of you on AIM sometime this afternoon.. I'm working this afternoon so I should be done between 7 and 8 tonight if you want to move the games to my apartment (and your "ole' lady" might be a bit happier with that). Otherwise I'll try to make it to your place when I can.
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