Marth: Ken and Azen. They both invented such effective but diverse Marths that it's hard to give the lead to just one of them. Though Ken certainly put the fear into you about facing marth lol.
Captain Falcon: Isai all the way.
Samus: Wes all the way.
Puff: AOB and Anden invented it. I re-invented it. Mango took my Jiggs and just did it better than I ever could (except combos lol), then Hbox went back and re-invented 2003-Jigglypuff by just doing more Bairs rofl.
IC's: Chu Dat is to IC's as Edison was to the light bulb.
Mewtwo: Taj
G&W: direvulcan
Falco: Samitude & Rob Money, with DA Dave not too far behind. Then PC & Bombsoldier came in and rewrote the book on Falco for us all.
Fox: I'd put my vote to Chillin for inventing it, and Zelgadis for sensationalizing what Fox was really capable of to the world
sheik: recipherous started us all off, then Isai showed us what normal sheiks would look like in 5 years.
Peach: Sastopher & Mike G
Luigi: Ka-master
Pikachu: Anter ,Roarie
Yoshi: Fumi
Roy- Neo
Link- The Germ
Doc-Bob$ all the way; though Captain Jack & Caveman also helped show us that Doc could be mad legit.