Here is a MU layout for sheik, hope its to your standards ^_^
Arguably samus’s worst MU, and for good reason, needles cancel every projectile samus has, including a fully charged neural B, and she can hit both samus and the bombs while samus is off stage for very safe and easy gimps. Grabs lead into down throw fair, up air, or Bair at almost every percent, and your DI needs to be impeccable. Overall, samus needs to write a book on what sheik is going to do, in order to win a match, and sheik just need to be the best sheik she can be.
The Neutral Game:
Unfortunately there is not much samus can do that is effective against sheik. You do outspace and out prioritize sheik when it comes to tilts, but most sheiks are just looking for a grab anyway, which samus can keep a sheik from doing with a jab, tilt or throwing out a grab hoping for the best. You should start off this match spacing with missiles, dash dancing and wave dashing into forward tilts, and just shielding all standing needles sheik throws at you. The number of ways sheik can approach you are limited, so knowing what options you have to combat sheik are very essential in this MU. Listing the most common options are: run up dash attack, run up grab, run up short hop fair, run up short hop needle à fair or grab, run up shield.
Counter to each of these options:
Sheik Dash Attack: our dash attack will hit sheik first because the hit box of their dash attack is on the back part of their body, a tilt, simply a jab, jc grab.
Run up grab: Same options as Dash attack, as well as spot dodge à any move of your choice.
Run up short hop fair: Wavedash back into fsmash/uptilt, take the hit of the fair to CC downsmash, stand in place up tilt, get underneath sheik à rising upair or nair, run past the short hopping sheik into a bair.
Short hop needle: This is a rather tricky approach because you can never really know if its going to be a needle into fair or just a fair. Rule of thumb in which I use, the sheik never really used this option if she doesn’t have any needles charged, so be sure to know if she has none or some stored up. But as soon as you see a sheik jump in front of you, just get underneath her, because her options are very limited at that point, especially if you opt for a rising up air.
Run up shield: This is the most annoying option higher level sheiks do, where you just need to be patient, and NOT THROW OUT ANY BIG MOVES, they will let it hit their shield, and then get a free grab, you must space tilts or jab pressure their shield, should this be done to you, or just retreat slightly. Sheik can never really pressure your shield, but you can pressure theirs, they want you to attack, and they want as many free grabs as possible to get you out of CC percent.
Remember all of these are just most common options, and should your playstyle against the sheik get too stale, they will adapt to what you notice about their game and punish you for not adapting accordingly.
Edge guarding:
Sorry, but once again this is going to be the vital point of the match for you, can you avoid her needles and get back to the stage? What makes samus able to fight with the rest of the cast is her ability to live forever, but if you die at 70-100 because sheik can hit a few of your bombs and kill you off early, you are going to have a rough time with this match up. You need to see where sheik is standing when throwing the needles, and the angle the needles will go from the point of release while in the air, (it’s a 45 degree angle downward when she throws them from the air, and should they be thrown from the apex of the jump downward, you need to either have passed that point of the last needle, or be just outside of the 45 degree angle mark to avoid). Fast falling after sheik just positions herself for the onslaught of needles into a zair to grapple the stage, or use of your second jump after the fast fall are your best bet to avoiding the needles, but be sure to still be aware of what the sheik on stage is doing, because she may come after you with a nair, bair or fair.
As for edgeguarding sheik, this is a very simple process, once sheik is off the stage, just grab the ledge, make her up B onto the stage, and punish accordingly with a nair, fsmash, bair, or whatever you deem to be most appropriate. If she does try to clip you with the hitbox of her up b, you can nair the sheik right before the hitbox appears, because she is actually vulnerable for a few frames there during her up b.
Personally my favorite stages for this MU are battlefield, FoD, then Dreamland. Just having the platforms to missile spam help force sheik approach you, but depending on how platform needle campy the sheik is, this may work against you.
Fountain of Dreams: You can recover pretty low on FoD, but what I like about this stage is the changing platform heights make it difficult for sheik to needle camp without getting naired by the samus, and the smaller the stage, the less she can move around.
Yoshi’s Story: can be a good option if you are confident about teching sheik’s downthrows to get away from the follow ups, but you will die on this stage much earlier than any other, however because of the low hanging platforms, it makes needle sniping for sheik much more difficult.
Final Destination: I personally hate FD as a stage for samus because of her limited mobility without platforms around, but for this match up, it takes away a platform for sheik to hop on to get more angles for hitting our bombs, and she can’t camp platforms, making it a much more up front match up.
Pokemon Stadium: The missile spam makes Sheik approach you in this MU, however you need to get the lower missiles nearly at ground level or sheik will crouch right under them and get to you, as you are firing the next missile.
Battlefield/Dream Land: These two stages are relatively the same in the MU, except sheik is better able to up b onto the platforms of battlefield, and should you DI up and towards the corners of the stage, on dreamland, it will make it harder for sheik to get the earlier kills. However most of sheik’s attacks to get the kill will be her fair, which sends you at a downward angle.