If making extra money is priority at the most,then adding brawl would increase your cash flow imo reserving as much money as possible to keep the venue going and saving for the big tourneys.The memphis brawlers would surely be more than happy to contribute and with a cash prize nonetheless they'll have a purpose in traveling to much an event as there are a lot of them who play melee as well.A win/win?
Yo after I'm done settling bills and what not,I'm sure within january's time period I can donate. $50 isn't much but a start.
Cash flow won't be a problem at all.
Really the only cash issue is this ******** power company 220 dollar deposit.
The electric bill really shouldn't be that expensive since we're only using it twice a month.
....and again, as far as brawl is concerned i really don't have any problem with it as long as it doesn't interfere with melee. Me and austin are coming to the vue tomorrow. We'll talk about it then.
We can't start anything up though untill we can pay the 220 dollar deposit.
No electricity means no smash.