Time for some real shoutouts:
NES n00b: I wish you were here. The only thing I want for Christmas is for you to come back... but I know you're having a hell of a time up there in Heaven. Rest easy, I love ya.
Moogle: Thanks for driving like always. Your new car was super cozy. And thanks for all the Sheik practice :D
Winnar: Thanks for all you are doing for Mrs. Roberts. We didn't play any friendlies, hopefully I can remedy that next time.
Sariku: We had some good friendlies, looking forward to playing you again.
IHSB: Ever since that DML monthly way back when, you have been my drive to get better. I feel like this time I did great playing you, but I still have a ways to go. I'll get you eventually. Looking forward to our next tournament match <3
G. Vice: No GnW vs. Ganon, meh. We'll do it next time. Good **** trouncing on Sheiks
Jmoan: You looked so distraught after that last stock, I've never felt such satisfaction in my life lol
Kyo: We had some good friendlies, I'm looking forward to playing you again as well.
MookieRah: It was great seeing you again. You do need to start playing again... that would be awesome.
Nite: ****it, I wanna play your Falco now. I need some Falco experience... :3
KO: You sexy beast! We should team sometime soon and come up with a team name that exemplifies our sexiness... or something like that.
Zero_Gamer: Get on that new epic tale now.