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Imperial Era thread "Evolution" Crew is shut down.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
Also for those that are having trouble fighting certain characters TRY to pick up a secondary Character im trying to to play with every character bit by bit


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Good idea doc. I was pickin other characters to help the crew out with mathups and the development of their character. I think i helped dark out against marth and jumpman somewhat. I tried with yoshi but fell short with that one so jash took that one. So if we can learn other characters to help each other out. BTW Venom why are u yellin roy alot?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I just woke up to read all of this. Doc, about time you started acting like a leader, and it took you nearly a year you loser.....-____-' But good. Now things should be better around here

And fine, I'll get a hight tier secondary. This wont be fun for me. And its a Pain for me to use others. really hard. I'll try to use Marth and Shiek this time. Well see how I'll do. And maybe I'll bring back my fox and falcon, those 2 im not sure of. Ether way keep this up, dont slip up now that. Your on your own for a week. Keep this up, all you you. ok no more from me on here. anything you want to direct to me, get me on my aim or yahoo. I'll still be looking over this thread. but if you need me to answer things reach me there. ok back to my vacation. Laterz


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Manhattan, NY
WTF.......my ******... I left smashboards for awhile and come back to find out all this depressing crap and complaining. This is the "funniest" crew ever.....Why are we fighting each other? Why are we mad at each other? Instead of complaining and making people feel sorry for ourselves why don't we actually try to make a difference. I've been gone for awhile, but I have been training and I have become waaay better since the Zenith (even though I didn't enter because of monies.) Instead of all of us whining why don't we all pick a day to fight each other and better our mains. I do want to fight dark and jash especially and have some of my fights finally recorded. As for crew battles I haven't been around to be informed, but I'll gladly help in any crew battle we have (and be as cheap as possible because cheapness = wins). As for ninja happy early bday to you and hope we can all pick a day to meet up.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2006
i always been a leader its just i been doing school work and now college work why am i explaining this to you i told you a billion times u LOSER =)


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
Everybody step up ya games because we haven't won a crew battle since January and its getting ridiculous now. Step it up people, we are losing too much now and its embarrassing.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Well besides Link i can use Fox, Marth, Falcon, and a lil Falco. I can use some low tiers, but that doesn't matter now does it.
some strange reason it does. Notice a DK keeps winning tourneys lol. But u do get the random low tier at times.


Smash Apprentice
May 30, 2006
FarRockaway, NY
Honestly, right now I can't take the game seriously enough, lol. I'm officially a ness/marth/luigi main now. I'll be using ness mostly. It's fun to use him. That's all I care about. eventually I'll start to do well with him hopefully. Dark you can give Jump my crew battle spot if you want, he really wants it. I'll help train him to if you want so he can do some real damage. I usually do poorly in crew battles anyways, so think about replacing me with Jump.


Smash Apprentice
May 30, 2006
FarRockaway, NY
Jesus Christ, man. Post you guys. Well I can't blame you guys. Zenith was the last big event for NY. I'm prolly gonna focus on art and work 'til Brawl.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Manhattan, NY
Jesus Christ, man. Post you guys. Well I can't blame you guys. Zenith was the last big event for NY. I'm prolly gonna focus on art and work 'til Brawl.
Yea.. I'm just waiting for Brawl. For the meantime I gotta keep focus on my college work til then. I'll gladly play you guys if you pick a day.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Serious Buiss

Well, im here to say that Im thinking of dropping Peach. For the reason that I dont feel I can pplay her at all really well or the way I want to. For one, Im bad now against characters with Weapons (Both links) I dont think i can beat Y.Link anymore, so Im not beating Jash anymore.

Also I cant DI no matter how hard I try. I get comboed to easy and it costs me alot. Simple combos I cant DI And I simply cant edge Guard. That is very important to do with. Im sick of letting my opponent back on stage. then I get **** up cause of it. and when I try to edge guard., I screw it up and get K.O. And Im a Peach Player. she NEEDS to do these 2 things well. If not, she is easy azz kill. and I cant maintain that. so I cant really say im all that with Peach and I have been struggleing with her since day one till now and look at me as I use her. So Im starting to think Peach just is not for me. might be a sign as in why i have such a ruff time.

But question is if I go along and quit Peach, who the heck can I use for serious fights? for I cant really play with anyone. Only character I say I have a chance with is Zelda since she is my secondary but she wont really get me no where. So i dont know what to do. quit peach and Main Zelda, but of I do, i will drop from top elite to mid or low. I might be low cause my zelda is not that great to be honest. or stay as Peach and......I dont even know anymore what I am going to do as in improveing her. cause I had this typ of problem for a long time and it seems to get worst. I'll need some out side help on this one. But the problems I have with peach, i wont get anywhere To be honest and I have not felt like this since I first ever started useing peach.......this might be the end of the line.

thats why i came here see if you guys can help me out here. cause I dont know what to do anymore. Im out of ideas and the beatings will keep getting worst.

Im talking to my sensi right now (Peach teacher from findland) She taught me most of what I know now and the way I use Peach today. Maybe she has an idea and I can finally play like a true player.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
Get a life ppl. It was mad obvious. Next thing u all are gonna scream that tails, knuckles and shadow are gonna be in it and eggman is a boss.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Im free to play today for those that want to come here. I would go out to play but something stupid happen that pissed me off. and in not im the mood to lose more money. So i'll be here if anything.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I quit smash, I dont wanna play anymore. Doc this is yours, sorry for wasting peoples time but just cant do it with the type of attitude I have.Kbai Im taking myself off the list of eeverything in here.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
Bronx, New York City
OMG......Sonic....oh man. I mean it was kinda obvious, but still man, i didn't want Nintendo to go through with this. Sonic is gonna be the new Fox of Brawl....not even. Fox is Fox in brawl, Sonic is gonna be superior....jesus christ, everyone beg for mercy lol

Aiyyo Dark are you serious? Your just gonna quit because what? Your losing a couple of games? Dude, everyone loses, this **** is getting played out, just stop.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Im waiting till my Brother gets home. He is gonna give Dark.Pch a talk. He is 21. I think he can do something as in snap some sense into him. He is a powerful speaker. it be a waste to see a good player like him go to waste. Does he have some personal problem? I need my brother to know everything.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Manhattan, NY
I don't mind playing you again 4 eyez....we did only have one fight since we met and you are so far the best Link I have ever fought. Props for that.

As for you Dark....El Diablo..Just because you do bad against projectiles and long range attacks (swords) doesn't mean you have to quit Peach.....I do bad against projectiles and swords too (like Marths) but I'm not gonna stop moving a Fox. What I do to counter is camp like crazy....what you should do is throw turnips like crazy (SPAM).

And Jash....I agree with you.....I'm definitely not playing Brawl because of Sonic's appearance. lol.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2006
Tal Tal Heights, New York
So yea the other day i was playing some Kokiri kids from the Kokiri Forest and one of them said they could beat my Young Link, so i said Rupees Match me. Surprisingly he did and went Fox on me, we bet 50 rupees and I 3 stocked him twice. Now he didn't wanna lose that way....so we played again and he went Peach on me, the Kokiri kids who were with said "Dude...what are you doing? Why are you using Peach on Jash?" And the kid said "hush you, i know what im doing!" so we bet another 50 rupees and i 4 stocked him. After that match the kid said "Man...what the heck was i thinking?" and so he switched to Marth, we played and i 4 stocked him again. That was definitely a very good day to be Young Link. Young Link for brawl.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Guys, i think you should all read this. This is what My brother said and its the honest truth! Zane is too good with words. Now only if Dark would learn from this, then finally he can be the player that he needs to be. Good advice. Best I have ever seen.

This is Hikaru's brother Zane. This is a post for Dark.Pch if he ever comes to see this and to Make him see reality.

I read though this whole thread. Dark.Pch, as harsh as the others may seem, they are right. and we each have our own way of expressing the truth no matter how much of a ******* we come off. nothing is easy and it will never be easy. You think Navy and army men care about going into war and cry cause they might get killed? No, they know what will happen, what they must to. The pain they will go through and risking thier lives. Anything big that you want will not be easy. The bigger the goal, the harder and more time it takes to be good enough to achive it.

You Play as princess Peach like my brother right? He tells me she is not one easy character to use. Most female characters in games are not easy to use. Though if you want to master them you best to believe it will take you some time. You cant read, watch, practice, then wake up the next moring and think your gonna play like a god. You know how long it takes to be a doctor? A nurse? years. and its not even that simple to be a doctor. when you want something big or to master a game, you gotta be ready to fall to the floor 100 times before you get it. Same as a baby learning how to walk. Im sure we bust our ***** 100 times before we learned how to walk. same as riding a bike. anything you want to be great in you gotta learn there WIll be mistakes. There WILL be loses. There WIIL be ownage.

I dont know to much about this game but I do hear that some characters dominate over others. From what my brother tells me. So dont think you can avoid combos, cause you cant. Dont think you wont get comboed bad. Cause you will. ALWAYS. It happens to everyone. its something that will happen. Now Im not saying you cant avoid it. you can. but dont expect to all the time. or else video games would be to easy and not many will play them. games have challenges. And ones that will hit you hard. The more you get beat the more you learn. cause your gonna get use to it. to a point where it wont happen so much, and you'll be force to think and strike back where your foe has to switch up. If you realize, your a lucky person to get beat the way you do. thing is you dont learn from it, or too stubborn and crying about it to learn upon it. Stop *****ing about it and do something about it. If a guy at school keeps messing with you, your gonna let it slide? go and complain to a teacher about it? The heck she gonna do, tell him to stop or suspend him? ok so what? that wont stop him from getting you after school, he is still gonna be there. So best way to deal with it is to kick his ***.

I got beat alot in school cause I was a wimp. But it made me stronger, Now anytime I was to have a problem with some *******, I beat the **** out of him. he never mess with me again. and if he wished to get his boys, I kick their ***** too, While getting jumped. I fight for what I want, and I take as many beatings as it comes to get it. so if you get beat, dont you dare get mad. think why you lost, why you got comboed. once you got that, think of a way to fix that. then go at him again. If done right, he cant do the same thing twice. cause you saw what you did wrong, and you changed it, now he has to think of a way to deal with you now cause all that he was doing he cant do again. Now you have the upper hand. but dont think you got it down. cause he can then do what you just did. and you can then lose the fight. And when you do, dont get mad or cry about it. Cause you did the right thing, you did NOTHING wrong. Now go at him twice as hard. And now your improving. cause your always switiching up. thinking. On your toes. ahead of the game. and if you still lose, dont worry. **** happens mistakes come into play. No one is perfect. not even the best in the world. even the best make mistakes. they may not be able to get punished for it that easy but they do screw up.

You say you wanna be like Cort and XIF? Man listen, I wont even have to tell you. Im sure they can for me. XIF already said his part on how he got where he is. 2 years. You think that is crazy but it's not. thats tuff work and dedication. Even after a year if he tought he had it down, he still went working hard at it. His loses learned, and went back strong to own these people who thought he was light work. im sure cort can say the same thing on how he got the way he is. dont worry about what others think when you lose. so what, you cant win them all. or this be easy. and it would make a video game a crappy one. easy games have no challenge and lil fun. A bad player cant get ANY wins off or come close to it. And your not one of them. even the best lose matches. does that mean they gotta ***** and think something is wrong with them? No, they are still the man and will still own. Loseing is a part of learning. getting ****ed up is a part of learning.

I took my time to post this cause my brother looks up to you cause your not a quittier and after all the **** people say to you wether you suck, make fun of you cause of your *****ing, they beat you and you feel lke **** or think that your easy. And you still play wanting to get better. and your his Melee hero/Idol. You just keep going. and that what true players do. they eat anything losers may say about them. An they just sit back and work on it. cause once they get to that level, they can go and beat the **** out of them. that is always fun. then they can never talk like that again. and if they do, beat their *****. and if they make an excuse cause you won, don't care about it. you won right? thats what matters so screw them and move on.

Now to you other players out there that are just working your way up. you can learn from this as well. Keep fighting. eat your loses, learn from them and get back in the fight and **** up your enemy. Never go out a loser. You have not lose the match when you lose. You lose the match when you quit or give up in the fight. your always gonna run into tough compitetion. And you will always lose matches. But you will always win them too. Loseing does not make you a bad player or give one the right to think so. If they do, screw them. Like they dont lose. they can play it off all they want lets seem them never lose a fight. think of it that way. A lose is a lesson learned. a win is a lesson completed. so ether way your all good to go. Im sure its not easy to play a princess in a pink dress and **** up others with her. so I assume you guys work your butts off. and which is good. If your loseing, dont go out without a fight. Dont give up cause your not in the lead. you never know you might just come back. So I rep you guys. Real men go at it with style and never stop fighting thier best. winning or loseing. and real men play Peach. Lol. Good luck to you players. No go and start ****ing **** up, princess Peach style.

~ Zane~


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
Bronx, New York City
I don't mind playing you again 4 eyez....we did only have one fight since we met and you are so far the best Link I have ever fought. Props for that.

As for you Dark....El Diablo..Just because you do bad against projectiles and long range attacks (swords) doesn't mean you have to quit Peach.....I do bad against projectiles and swords too (like Marths) but I'm not gonna stop moving a Fox. What I do to counter is camp like crazy....what you should do is throw turnips like crazy (SPAM).

And Jash....I agree with you.....I'm definitely not playing Brawl because of Sonic's appearance. lol.

When did we play? Sorry for asking, but I don't remember playing you. Why the hell didn't anybody tell me I was playing Shinigami?


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2004
North NJ
Uh if its not too much could u put up the rest of the zenith matches....and stop being melodramatic, just keep playing...brawl is out in a few months anyway. And zelda is garbs may as well stay with peach.

And gender has nothing to do with easiness to use...stop making stuff up. Sheik is pretty **** easy..freaking Jam is beastly in guilty gear....etc.

I skimmed through that lost at the last paragraph looked pretty hot blooded like some corny speech the protaganist from some mecha anime would say before unlocking a new power up transformation.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Uh if its not too much could u put up the rest of the zenith matches....and stop being melodramatic, just keep playing...brawl is out in a few months anyway. And zelda is garbs may as well stay with peach.

And gender has nothing to do with easiness to use...stop making stuff up. Sheik is pretty **** easy..freaking Jam is beastly in guilty gear....etc.

I skimmed through that lost at the last paragraph looked pretty hot blooded like some corny speech the protaganist from some mecha anime would say before unlocking a new power up transformation.

Are you talking about my brothers post? you cant be. cause if so, i see nothing wrong with what he said.....You must be confused.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Jash no, Dont you dare pull that off again cause Dark left. One less player is not to destroy the whole thing. Your friends are still here anyway. Ether way Now your the best in the crew, its not a tie anymore. So its up to you

Also I asked Dark a question. And he gave me the answered I feared. That dumbazz. He has not be talking his depression meds. He is also bi-polar. Im tired of catching him slip off of what the doctor tells him. i guess now I need to call his house everyday to make sure he takes them. He has been off them for nearly a month from what he says. and once in a blue he takes them.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2007
Thank god then. so this is not really his doing on free well. Seems it happens alot on simple matters. which explains alot. he really needs to keep up with. I heard its very unheathly and bad for the mind. emotions run wild. But why would he not take them. Those can help him out. maybe he forgets?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Maybe but it does not matter anymore. Cause now Jash and 4eyz left the crew. First Dark now these 2. And watch more just give up. Does not seem this crew is gonna get anywhere. It's ashame though. I like to see you all make it to the top as a team. does not seem that way. But I say you guys not to quit like those three. Stay in the crew, work together and have fun. Sad day this is. Thats about it from me. if there is a God maybe something might.....come to I.E. Love Ya all. Bye
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